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チャグラが生む奇蹟  クンダリーニヨガ The miracle of chagra Kundalini yoga

2023-01-10 18:56:11 | 瞑想


















 英国、およびアメリカ、インドに本拠を持つ神智学協会発行のThe Chakras9の中で、リードビーターは、それを6Force Centefと訳している。〃力の中心”である。そうして、つぎのように解説している。
























































この章について、佐保田鶴治博士は、(自在力 第29節)





















































Profile of President Yasuo Kiriyama

The miracle of chagra

The source of Kundalini Yoga's paranormal ability is the "chakra".

Kundalini Yoga has a history of 3,000 years.

In such an old age, Kundalini Yoga discovered seven "springs of power" in the human body and created a technology to freely control these springs to generate superhuman abilities. .. Then, this "spring of power" is called "chakra".



What does chakra mean?


In The Chakras 9 published by Theosophical Society, which is based in the United Kingdom, the United States, and India, Reedbeater translates it as 6Force Centeref. It is the "center of power". Then, he explains as follows.


The word Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning a ring, and in literary terms, it is "rotation of the ring of law".

Another European yoga leader is said to be "width".


My idea is closer to this.

It was

However, it would be a mistake to call this a cap, which is similar to the pillars that radiate from the center of the wheel in all directions, that is, the width.

They are not the width itself, nor the ring, but the state of the width. That is, radial waves seem to be the most appropriate.

It shows the state of things, not things themselves, and represents power. It is a state in which a force is generated by a certain stimulus.

To. That state is in the form of being radiated like a width.


It looks faintly shining with various colors when the power is fulfilled. Similar to Reiko, but the off does not emit as many colors as the chakras.


Why does the chakra generate a special force that can be called superhuman?

It was

For a long time it was a mysterious mystery, but with the advent of modern physiology, the mystery was solved.


All chakra lifts coincide with the endocrine glands.


A kundalini yoga expert stimulates the place with the power gained through special training, and generates power that ordinary humans do not have. The endocrine glands are the source of that force.

If this is compared with the endocrine glands by modern medicine, it will be as shown in Table 1 (page 73).




However, this anatomical contrast between chakra and modern medicine was classified by me according to my training experience, and it is quite different from the contrast classification of Western yoga leaders (and people of that lineage). There are differences. I believe this is more correct, depending on my training experience, or this

May be due to differences in physique and constitution by race and ethnicity, as Mr. Leadbeater said. In his book, he has quite different differences in chakra size, color, position, shape, etc., depending on the color, white, oriental, western race, race, and even the same race and race. , Some individual differences can be seen

It is. I think that's true.



Chagra function




It was mentioned that the chakra is located in the same place as the endocrine gland that secretes hormones, and is the place where the amazing power of hormones is expressed.

It was

Then, what kind of power does each chakra exert?


Let's write down what is told as the secret of Kundalini Yoga.


Mueller Darra Chatara

The gonad of the endocrine gland, the site of the kidney.

When you awaken this Jakura, your physical strength will increase abnormally, and you will have three to five times as much energy as a normal person. I feel fine all night on the 3rd and 4th. Any illness

It does not accept and becomes a healthy body itself. Those who were sick will recover from their bad points. Concentrate the old 苫 ∃Q of the control system on this chakra and its energy

When activated, even a dead prisoner will kick the floor and stand up. Both men and women are ten years or older younger than their true age.


Instead, it will have strong libido and fertility, so we also use a method of converting that energy into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.


2. Svadisterner chakra

It is the part of the adrenal gland where the fighting hormone and hero hormone are released.

When this chakra was awakened and Yu Furugi was activated, he became more energetic and brave.

As a result, you will be able to actively and boldly act. Don't be afraid of anything

Don't be fooled, fearless, unwavering belief and willing to face any difficulties. Super life and death

Demonstrate superhuman skill

3. Manipula chakra (nerby chakra)

The mystery of yoga, "Yoger Sutra," says:


By applying a control to the umbilicus, it is possible to know the tissues in the body.

Regarding this chapter, Dr. Tsuruji Sahoda (Section 29 of Freedom)


The navel ring is not an actual navel hole, but a mysterious wheel-shaped part that can be imagined around it, and is said to have a width of sixteen. According to one theory, it is the third from the bottom of the six chakras described in later Hatter Yoga. In any case, it belongs to the ghost body, not the part visible to the naked eye. The umbilical ring is in the center of the gas (the body consisting of life energy), so if you control it, the tissues inside the body will

It is explained that this is a little different.


The doctor is said to be "a mystery that can be imagined around that area", but this part is by no means a fantasy place. Demonstrate great power that seems to be mysterious

However, it is clearly medically confirmed.


It is the "solar plexus" medically named Sofu Plexus. Also called the celiac plexus or visceral artery plexus, the superior mesenteric artery that emerges from the celiac artery.

It is a large sympathetic plexus at the origin of the artery (because it is on the back of the stomach and sends nerves to each organ like the rays of the sun.

It was named.


That is, the nerves coming out of this area are distributed in the esophagus, stomach, abdominal blood vessels, liver, bile duct, pig, adrenal gland, intestine, etc. In addition, this plexus is the large and small visceral nerves, the vagus nerve, and the first.

The twelve thoracic ganglion and the first lumbar ganglion are gathered together, and it is the most important plexus as a visceral nerve.

Until now, chakras have been considered only as fantasy and mysterious places. These parts are by no means like that, as I mentioned earlier.

In addition, it is deeply related to endocrine glands, nerve groups, enzymes, etc., and in fact, it is a very important place from a medical point of view, and it is a place that plays an important role.

It says, "By applying a system, you can know the tissues inside the body", but this system means a special concentration that has undergone special training. To know this organization

This means that you can freely control the organization, not just know it. If you really concentrate on this umbilical ring, this sun god

The internal organs belonging to the light transport --- it can control everything from the esophagus to the stomach, liver, protozoa, glands, adrenal glands, and intestines as you wish. Of these

It is immediately known what kind of condition the organ bamboo is in, and if there is any abnormality, it will be returned to normal immediately. That kind of power training is this umbilical ring training.

It is the site of the thyroid gland and salivary glands.




4th chakra (Anahata)


Amplification of sensory organs is done toward a higher dimension.

It was

You will be able to interact with the Holy Spirit and hear the voice of the Holy Spirit.

It was

In addition, you can assimilate things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to you into the heavenly and earthly, excellent heart, and wisdom. In other words, of a person

Even if the body is loose, the energy of the heart that the person had has a trace in this space.


So, if this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of the mind, everything that the mind has, consciousness and intelligence, will be assimilated with oneself and become one's own.

That is.


In other words, it means that the way of transportation with the spirit world (four-dimensional world) will be opened.

5th chakra (Vishudda)

The fifth chakra is below the Adam's apple and is called the Adam's apple. It is related to the throat, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, and bronchi, and it is said that activation of this area enhances the ability to learn, teach, negotiate, and discuss.

6. Ajunya Chakra

It is the site of the pituitary gland.

Has extremely developed intelligence.


The memory that I never forgot what I saw and heard once

Power. The power of induction and induction that instantly analyzes, infers, understands, and grasps the essence of any complex structure or organization.

Super dramatic creativity emanating from pure thinking that does not go through indirect thinking called Kotoba.

Ultimately, the four virtues of "Joraku Gajo" in Buddhism will be completed and the sensibility of the Buddha will be reached.


7, Hustler Racha Tara

It is the part of the pineal gland, pineal gland, and hypothalamus.

When this is embodied, the awakening of the Buddha is reached. That is, the completion of spirituality.

This chakra is called "light in the head"). It is said that the moment when this chakra awakens, the light appears in this part and it shines brightly. (There is a top secret story)


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四種の呼吸法  four breathing techniques

2023-01-07 09:23:25 | 瞑想







二、長 出息呼吸法




四、強短息呼吸法 (火の呼吸法)




簡単に説明すると、一の長出入息呼吸法は、出る息、入る息、どちらも、で きるだけ細く長く深く呼吸する。一呼吸に二十秒から三十秒、一分くらい、時 間をかける。

二の長出息呼吸法は、出る息のみをできるかぎり細く長く吐いて、吸う息は ふつうに吸う。



四の強短息呼吸法は、「火の呼吸法」 とよび、片方の鼻孔を指で押さえて閉 片方の鼻孔で強く短く呼吸する。



趺坐、あるいは椅子、いずれにしても、頭部、頸部をごく自然に、まっす ぐ、きちんとした姿勢をとる。ただし、あまり緊張しすぎて力んだり、硬直し たりしてはいけない。ゆったりと、リラックスすることが大切である。

そのためには、頭部、頸部の緊張を解くために、前頭部を心もち前に出し、 下顎を少し中へ引くようにして、頭部をやや下げるようにするとよい。 同時 に、前胸部も少しひっこめるようにし、腹部は少し前に出し、両肩は力を入れ ず、自然な姿勢をとる。 背中は心もち前に曲げ、腹部の容積を大きくするよう


る程度にひとすじの隙間を残す。 すなわち半眼にして、視線は、鼻の先、鼻頭 に持っていく。


まず、最初、軽く息を吸い、ついで口をすぼめ開き、力いっぱい吐き出す。 下腹部に力をこめ、上体を少し前に折りかがめるようにしながら、吐いて吐い 吐き尽くす。このとき、前に書いたように、体中の悪気、不浄の気をことご

吐き出してしまう気持ちで、鳩尾が背骨にくっついてしまうくらいに、吐 くのである。 吐き尽くしたら、また大きく吸い、二、三回、これをくり返す。 大事なことは、呼吸法をはじめるときには、かならず、まず最初に息を吐く ことである。 まず吐いて、つぎに吸うときから第一回の呼吸がはじまるのであ る。

歯は軽くかみ合わせて、かみ合わせた歯の間を通して、ゆっくりと息を吐 く。歯は上下が軽くふれるかふれない程度で、決して強くかみ合わせてはいけ



歯の間を通してゆっくりと息を吐き終わったら、今度は唇を閉じ、歯をきち んと合わせて、鼻からゆっくりと吸うのである。


少しずつ、時間をかけて、鼻から空気を吸う。このとき、鼻から入ってくる 空気の量をできるだけ少なくするために、鼻をすぼめて鼻腔をせまくする。こ うすると、入ってくる空気の量が少なくなるだけではなく、せまくなった鼻腔 の壁が空気でマサツされて、その刺激が脳に伝わり、脳の興奮を静める効果も あるのである。


また、息を吸い込むとき、舌の先を、上顎部(上の正面の歯ぐきのやや上部、 つまり、督脈ルートの交のところである)につける。 なぜつけるのかというと、わ

たくしは、さきに、任脈と督脈のニルートは、元来一本の線であるとのべた。 しかし、じつは、口のところでとぎれているのである。これを、舌の先で接続




このとき、息を吸い込む鼻の奥から、(任脈ルートの) 鳩尾中

を通って、男性は気臍の下約四センチ)、女性は関元(臍の下約八センチ)のと ころまで、一本の気管(プラーナ管)が通じていると観想せよ。 太さは細めのス



らいの特殊な細胞の場のあることを意識せよ。 胞嚢という、うすいオレンジ色 を帯びた透明の袋と考えてもよい。鍛錬によって収縮・拡大するから、と考 えたほうが把握しやすい。




をかけ、少し力を入れる。 息が吸い込まれるにしたがって、鳩尾はふくらみ、

収縮していた胞嚢もふくらんでいく。 (注意。あとでのべる「反式呼吸法」のとき は、この逆になる)息を吸い終わったら、もう一度、軽く息をのみ、鳩尾は十分に落とし、肛門 をぐっと閉じ、胞宮にウムと力を入れる。この力を入れるとき、同時にかなら ず鼻からちょっと息を漏らす。これが非常に大切で、これをやらないと、胸か ら頭部にかけて圧がかかり、体を痛めるおそれが出てくる。 腹式呼吸をやっ 頭痛を起こしたり、内臓下垂で苦しんだりするのは、これを知らないから である。 禅宗の原田祖岳老師が、原田山和尚の極端な下腹入力禅をやったとこ ろ、頭が鳴って苦しくなった。また腸の位置が変則的になって難病をしたと本 書いておられる。注意が必要である。



宮に一段と力をこめ、下腹部を収縮させながら、どこまでも腹の力をもっ 静かに息を吐き出していく。ふくらんでいた胞嚢がしだいにしぼられ、収縮

このとき、息を吐き出しながら、それまで、上顎部につけていた舌を離し、 吐き出す息に乗せるような気持ちで、低い声で真言を誦する。


真言を誦しながら息を吐き出していく。静かに、ゆっくりと、できるだけ細 長く吐き出していく。息がすっかり出てしまうと、下腹はくぼみ、腹壁が背 骨にくっつくような気持ちになる。つまり、そうなるような気持ちで吐き出し ていくのである。

吐き出し終わったら、また、静かに鼻で吸う。吸うときは、舌を上顎につけ ること。前とおなじである。

吸い込んだら、前と同じ動作で吐き出していく。 前とおなじように、吐き出







「オン、 シンタマニ、ダト、ウン」


この真言は、守護仏、仏舎利尊(輪廻転生瞑想法の本尊、準尊の本体)の真言 である。深く念ずることにより、守護仏の加護を得て、魔境に陥ることなく、 無事、修行を成就するのである。

この長出入息呼吸法は、一呼吸についての時間は問わない。 できるだけ細く 長く、長出入息させるのである。


four breathing techniques


The meditation breathing techniques taught in this book consist of four types of breathing techniques.


1. Long in-breath breathing method

2. Long exhalation breathing method

3. Reverse breathing method

4. Strong Short Breathing (Fire Breathing)




Briefly, one long in-breath breathing technique, both out-breath and in-breath, he takes as long and deep a breath as possible. Take 20 to 30 seconds, about 1 minute, for each breath.

In the second long exhalation breathing method, he exhales only the exhalation as long as possible, and he inhales normally.

The third anti-breathing method is different from normal breathing.

Hold and expand your belly as you exhale. It is just the opposite.

The fourth strong short breath method is called “Fire Breathing Method” and closes one nostril with a finger and takes a strong short breath through the other nostril.

Now, let me explain the four types of breathing exercises.

Long in-breath breathing training

Cross-legged or chair, either way, the head and neck should be in a very natural, upright, neat position. However, don't get too tense and strain or stiffen. It is important to take it easy and relax.

To do this, it is advisable to bring the forehead slightly forward, pull the lower jaw slightly in, and lower the head slightly in order to release tension in the head and neck. At the same time, the front chest should be slightly retracted, the abdomen should be slightly forward, and the shoulders should be in a natural posture. Bend your back slightly forward to increase the volume of your abdomen.

The lips are lightly closed quite naturally. Both eyes are lightly closed, but the outside light is faintly felt.

Leave as much space as possible. In other words, the eyes are half closed and the line of sight is brought to the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose.

Tighten the anus and pull it up.

First, take a deep breath in, then open your mouth and exhale forcefully. Tighten your lower abdomen and bend your upper body slightly forward while exhaling and exhaling. At this time, as I wrote before, remove all the bad and unclean energy from your body.

With the feeling of throwing up, I threw up until the pigeon tail stuck to my spine. After exhaling, take another big breath and repeat two or three times. The important thing is that he always exhales first when he starts the breathing method. The first breath begins when you exhale first and then inhale.

Gently squeeze your teeth together and exhale slowly through the gap between your teeth. The top and bottom of the teeth may or may not touch lightly, and should never be tightly clenched.

Naturally, move to long in-breath breathing.

First, take a deep breath.

When you have finished exhaling slowly through your teeth, close your lips and put your teeth together, then inhale slowly through your nose.


Take your time and breathe in air through your nose. At this time, in order to reduce the amount of air entering through the nose as much as possible, the nose is pursed to narrow the nasal cavity. This not only reduces the amount of air coming in, but also has the effect of squeezing the walls of the narrowed nasal passages with the air and transmitting the stimulation to the brain, which has the effect of calming the excitement of the brain.


Also, when inhaling, touch the tip of the tongue to the upper jaw (slightly above the gums in the upper front, that is, at the intersection of the gynecological route). As for why I wear it, I

Takushi said earlier that the niroot of the line of ren and the line of command was originally a single line. However, in fact, it is interrupted at the mouth. Connect this with the tip of the tongue

Let it be. By this, in fact, the Niroot

It becomes the route of (Here we enter joint training with intention.)

Then, breathe in naturally.

At this time, from the back of the nose that breathes in,

Visualize that a single trachea (prana tube) runs through the man's neck (about 4 cm below the navel) and the woman's neck (about 8 cm below the navel). Thin thickness

It is about the size of a straw and is red.

At the base of this trachea, that is, the root canal (kikai, sekimoto), there is a three-centimeter

Be aware of the special cell field of leprosy. You can think of it as a cyst, a transparent bag with a light orange tint. It's easier to understand if you think of it as shrinking and expanding through training.


Take a deep breath in quietly. Breath is drawn straight through the trachea into the cyst

I'm getting lost. At the beginning of inhalation, the pigeon tail is slightly withdrawn, and at this time, the uterus is strongly conscious.

and apply a little force. As the breath is drawn in, the dovetail expands,

The constricted cyst also swells. (Caution: In the case of the “anti-breathing method”, which will be discussed later, this is reversed.) After you have finished inhaling, breathe in again lightly, let the dovetail drop fully, close the anus tightly, and exhale into the uterus. force. When applying this force, be sure to exhale a little through your nose at the same time. This is very important because if you don't do it, you could put pressure on her chest or her head and risk hurting her body. It is not knowing this that causes headaches and suffers from ptosis. When Sogaku Harada Roshi of Zen Buddhism did the extreme abdominal input Zen of Osho Haradayama, his head pounded and became painful. In addition, it is written in the book that the position of the intestines became irregular and caused an intractable disease. Caution must be taken.

Tighten the anus and apply pressure to the uterus two or three times.

Next, move on to long breath breathing.

Put more force into the temple, contract the lower abdomen, and exhale quietly with the strength of the abdomen as far as possible. The swollen aneurysm is gradually squeezed and shrinks

At this time, while exhaling, release the tongue that has been attached to the upper jaw until then, and recite the mantra in a low voice with the feeling of putting it on the exhaled breath.


Breathe out while reciting the mantra. Exhale quietly, slowly, and as long as you can. When the breath is completely exhaled, the lower belly is depressed and the abdominal wall feels like it is pressing against the spine. In other words, I spit it out with such a feeling.

After exhaling, gently inhale again through your nose. When you inhale, keep your tongue on your upper jaw. Same as before.

After inhaling, exhale using the same motion as before. exhale as before

while reciting the mantra.

The mantra continues,




Then recite one verse with each exhaled breath.

"On Shintamani Dato Un"


This mantra is the mantra of the guardian buddha, Bussharison (principal deity of reincarnation meditation method, main body of secondary deity). By contemplating deeply, you will receive the protection of the guardian Buddha, and you will be able to complete your training safely without falling into a demonic realm.

This long in-breath breathing technique does not matter how long one breath lasts. Breathe in and out as thinly and long as possible.


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四種の呼吸法  four breathing techniques

2023-01-06 16:47:16 | 瞑想







二、長 出息呼吸法




四、強短息呼吸法 (火の呼吸法)




簡単に説明すると、一の長出入息呼吸法は、出る息、入る息、どちらも、で きるだけ細く長く深く呼吸する。一呼吸に二十秒から三十秒、一分くらい、時 間をかける。

二の長出息呼吸法は、出る息のみをできるかぎり細く長く吐いて、吸う息は ふつうに吸う。



四の強短息呼吸法は、「火の呼吸法」 とよび、片方の鼻孔を指で押さえて閉 片方の鼻孔で強く短く呼吸する。



趺坐、あるいは椅子、いずれにしても、頭部、頸部をごく自然に、まっす ぐ、きちんとした姿勢をとる。ただし、あまり緊張しすぎて力んだり、硬直し たりしてはいけない。ゆったりと、リラックスすることが大切である。

そのためには、頭部、頸部の緊張を解くために、前頭部を心もち前に出し、 下顎を少し中へ引くようにして、頭部をやや下げるようにするとよい。 同時 に、前胸部も少しひっこめるようにし、腹部は少し前に出し、両肩は力を入れ ず、自然な姿勢をとる。 背中は心もち前に曲げ、腹部の容積を大きくするよう


る程度にひとすじの隙間を残す。 すなわち半眼にして、視線は、鼻の先、鼻頭 に持っていく。


まず、最初、軽く息を吸い、ついで口をすぼめ開き、力いっぱい吐き出す。 下腹部に力をこめ、上体を少し前に折りかがめるようにしながら、吐いて吐い 吐き尽くす。このとき、前に書いたように、体中の悪気、不浄の気をことご

吐き出してしまう気持ちで、鳩尾が背骨にくっついてしまうくらいに、吐 くのである。 吐き尽くしたら、また大きく吸い、二、三回、これをくり返す。 大事なことは、呼吸法をはじめるときには、かならず、まず最初に息を吐く ことである。 まず吐いて、つぎに吸うときから第一回の呼吸がはじまるのであ る。

歯は軽くかみ合わせて、かみ合わせた歯の間を通して、ゆっくりと息を吐 く。歯は上下が軽くふれるかふれない程度で、決して強くかみ合わせてはいけ



歯の間を通してゆっくりと息を吐き終わったら、今度は唇を閉じ、歯をきち んと合わせて、鼻からゆっくりと吸うのである。


少しずつ、時間をかけて、鼻から空気を吸う。このとき、鼻から入ってくる 空気の量をできるだけ少なくするために、鼻をすぼめて鼻腔をせまくする。こ うすると、入ってくる空気の量が少なくなるだけではなく、せまくなった鼻腔 の壁が空気でマサツされて、その刺激が脳に伝わり、脳の興奮を静める効果も あるのである。


また、息を吸い込むとき、舌の先を、上顎部(上の正面の歯ぐきのやや上部、 つまり、督脈ルートの交のところである)につける。 なぜつけるのかというと、わ

たくしは、さきに、任脈と督脈のニルートは、元来一本の線であるとのべた。 しかし、じつは、口のところでとぎれているのである。これを、舌の先で接続




このとき、息を吸い込む鼻の奥から、(任脈ルートの) 鳩尾中

を通って、男性は気臍の下約四センチ)、女性は関元(臍の下約八センチ)のと ころまで、一本の気管(プラーナ管)が通じていると観想せよ。 太さは細めのス



らいの特殊な細胞の場のあることを意識せよ。 胞嚢という、うすいオレンジ色 を帯びた透明の袋と考えてもよい。鍛錬によって収縮・拡大するから、と考 えたほうが把握しやすい。




をかけ、少し力を入れる。 息が吸い込まれるにしたがって、鳩尾はふくらみ、

収縮していた胞嚢もふくらんでいく。 (注意。あとでのべる「反式呼吸法」のとき は、この逆になる)息を吸い終わったら、もう一度、軽く息をのみ、鳩尾は十分に落とし、肛門 をぐっと閉じ、胞宮にウムと力を入れる。この力を入れるとき、同時にかなら ず鼻からちょっと息を漏らす。これが非常に大切で、これをやらないと、胸か ら頭部にかけて圧がかかり、体を痛めるおそれが出てくる。 腹式呼吸をやっ 頭痛を起こしたり、内臓下垂で苦しんだりするのは、これを知らないから である。 禅宗の原田祖岳老師が、原田山和尚の極端な下腹入力禅をやったとこ ろ、頭が鳴って苦しくなった。また腸の位置が変則的になって難病をしたと本 書いておられる。注意が必要である。



宮に一段と力をこめ、下腹部を収縮させながら、どこまでも腹の力をもっ 静かに息を吐き出していく。ふくらんでいた胞嚢がしだいにしぼられ、収縮

このとき、息を吐き出しながら、それまで、上顎部につけていた舌を離し、 吐き出す息に乗せるような気持ちで、低い声で真言を誦する。


真言を誦しながら息を吐き出していく。静かに、ゆっくりと、できるだけ細 長く吐き出していく。息がすっかり出てしまうと、下腹はくぼみ、腹壁が背 骨にくっつくような気持ちになる。つまり、そうなるような気持ちで吐き出し ていくのである。

吐き出し終わったら、また、静かに鼻で吸う。吸うときは、舌を上顎につけ ること。前とおなじである。

吸い込んだら、前と同じ動作で吐き出していく。 前とおなじように、吐き出







「オン、 シンタマニ、ダト、ウン」


この真言は、守護仏、仏舎利尊(輪廻転生瞑想法の本尊、準尊の本体)の真言 である。深く念ずることにより、守護仏の加護を得て、魔境に陥ることなく、 無事、修行を成就するのである。

この長出入息呼吸法は、一呼吸についての時間は問わない。 できるだけ細く 長く、長出入息させるのである。


four breathing techniques


The meditation breathing techniques taught in this book consist of four types of breathing techniques.


1. Long in-breath breathing method

2. Long exhalation breathing method

3. Reverse breathing method

4. Strong Short Breathing (Fire Breathing)




Briefly, one long in-breath breathing technique, both out-breath and in-breath, he takes as long and deep a breath as possible. Take 20 to 30 seconds, about 1 minute, for each breath.

In the second long exhalation breathing method, he exhales only the exhalation as long as possible, and he inhales normally.

The third anti-breathing method is different from normal breathing.

Hold and expand your belly as you exhale. It is just the opposite.

The fourth strong short breath method is called “Fire Breathing Method” and closes one nostril with a finger and takes a strong short breath through the other nostril.

Now, let me explain the four types of breathing exercises.

Long in-breath breathing training

Cross-legged or chair, either way, the head and neck should be in a very natural, upright, neat position. However, don't get too tense and strain or stiffen. It is important to take it easy and relax.

To do this, it is advisable to bring the forehead slightly forward, pull the lower jaw slightly in, and lower the head slightly in order to release tension in the head and neck. At the same time, the front chest should be slightly retracted, the abdomen should be slightly forward, and the shoulders should be in a natural posture. Bend your back slightly forward to increase the volume of your abdomen.

The lips are lightly closed quite naturally. Both eyes are lightly closed, but the outside light is faintly felt.

Leave as much space as possible. In other words, the eyes are half closed and the line of sight is brought to the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose.

Tighten the anus and pull it up.

First, take a deep breath in, then open your mouth and exhale forcefully. Tighten your lower abdomen and bend your upper body slightly forward while exhaling and exhaling. At this time, as I wrote before, remove all the bad and unclean energy from your body.

With the feeling of throwing up, I threw up until the pigeon tail stuck to my spine. After exhaling, take another big breath and repeat two or three times. The important thing is that he always exhales first when he starts the breathing method. The first breath begins when you exhale first and then inhale.

Gently squeeze your teeth together and exhale slowly through the gap between your teeth. The top and bottom of the teeth may or may not touch lightly, and should never be tightly clenched.

Naturally, move to long in-breath breathing.

First, take a deep breath.

When you have finished exhaling slowly through your teeth, close your lips and put your teeth together, then inhale slowly through your nose.


Take your time and breathe in air through your nose. At this time, in order to reduce the amount of air entering through the nose as much as possible, the nose is pursed to narrow the nasal cavity. This not only reduces the amount of air coming in, but also has the effect of squeezing the walls of the narrowed nasal passages with the air and transmitting the stimulation to the brain, which has the effect of calming the excitement of the brain.


Also, when inhaling, touch the tip of the tongue to the upper jaw (slightly above the gums in the upper front, that is, at the intersection of the gynecological route). As for why I wear it, I

Takushi said earlier that the niroot of the line of ren and the line of command was originally a single line. However, in fact, it is interrupted at the mouth. Connect this with the tip of the tongue

Let it be. By this, in fact, the Niroot

It becomes the route of (Here we enter joint training with intention.)

Then, breathe in naturally.

At this time, from the back of the nose that breathes in,

Visualize that a single trachea (prana tube) runs through the man's neck (about 4 cm below the navel) and the woman's neck (about 8 cm below the navel). Thin thickness

It is about the size of a straw and is red.

At the base of this trachea, that is, the root canal (kikai, sekimoto), there is a three-centimeter

Be aware of the special cell field of leprosy. You can think of it as a cyst, a transparent bag with a light orange tint. It's easier to understand if you think of it as shrinking and expanding through training.


Take a deep breath in quietly. Breath is drawn straight through the trachea into the cyst

I'm getting lost. At the beginning of inhalation, the pigeon tail is slightly withdrawn, and at this time, the uterus is strongly conscious.

and apply a little force. As the breath is drawn in, the dovetail expands,

The constricted cyst also swells. (Caution: In the case of the “anti-breathing method”, which will be discussed later, this is reversed.) After you have finished inhaling, breathe in again lightly, let the dovetail drop fully, close the anus tightly, and exhale into the uterus. force. When applying this force, be sure to exhale a little through your nose at the same time. This is very important because if you don't do it, you could put pressure on her chest or her head and risk hurting her body. It is not knowing this that causes headaches and suffers from ptosis. When Sogaku Harada Roshi of Zen Buddhism did the extreme abdominal input Zen of Osho Haradayama, his head pounded and became painful. In addition, it is written in the book that the position of the intestines became irregular and caused an intractable disease. Caution must be taken.

Tighten the anus and apply pressure to the uterus two or three times.

Next, move on to long breath breathing.

Put more force into the temple, contract the lower abdomen, and exhale quietly with the strength of the abdomen as far as possible. The swollen aneurysm is gradually squeezed and shrinks

At this time, while exhaling, release the tongue that has been attached to the upper jaw until then, and recite the mantra in a low voice with the feeling of putting it on the exhaled breath.


Breathe out while reciting the mantra. Exhale quietly, slowly, and as long as you can. When the breath is completely exhaled, the lower belly is depressed and the abdominal wall feels like it is pressing against the spine. In other words, I spit it out with such a feeling.

After exhaling, gently inhale again through your nose. When you inhale, keep your tongue on your upper jaw. Same as before.

After inhaling, exhale using the same motion as before. exhale as before

while reciting the mantra.

The mantra continues,




Then recite one verse with each exhaled breath.

"On Shintamani Dato Un"


This mantra is the mantra of the guardian buddha, Bussharison (principal deity of reincarnation meditation method, main body of secondary deity). By contemplating deeply, you will receive the protection of the guardian Buddha, and you will be able to complete your training safely without falling into a demonic realm.

This long in-breath breathing technique does not matter how long one breath lasts. Breathe in and out as thinly and long as possible.


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 仏陀の超能力開発のシステム  Buddha's supernatural power development system

2023-01-06 10:42:07 | 瞑想



2 スヴァジスターナーチャクラ



3 マニピューラーチャクラ




4 アナハターチャクラ





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5 ヴィシュダー・チャクラ







6 アジナー・チャクラ



 このチヤクラは、また、命令のチヤクラ、願望成就のチヤクラ、自在力のチヤクラともいわれ、熟達すると、自然に命令してこれを自在に動かし、自由に支配ナることができるようになる。すなわち、八種の自在力をそなえるようになる。八種の自在力とは、前にも述べたように、山身体を極限まで小さくして、岩などを自由に通り抜ける力 即からだを大空にいっぱいになるほど大きくする力 即蓮の糸や綿くずよりも軽くなる力 ㈲望みのままに、月にでも指をふれることができる力 即自分の意志するままに、どんなことがらでも実現できる力 ㈲世界を創造し、支配する力 閉万物を自分の意のままに従わせる力 ㈲大地のように身を重くすることのできる力、あるいは、自分の意欲の対象を必ず手に入れることのできる力、の八種である。

7 サハスララーチャクラ

 頭のなかの光明Murdhajyotioといわれるチヤクラである。Brahma randhra梵の座、梵の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。






ESP development system

Chakra function

I looked at the chakra from the aspect of modern medicine and physiology called the endocrine gland. So how does Buddhism think and explain the chakra?

1 Muradara Chakra

Physical strength is constantly improving, is it the third of ordinary people? You will have five times as much energy. On the third day, I feel fine about the fourth night. It does not accept any illness and becomes a healthy body. Those who are sick will heal all their bad things. Even a dying sick person will kick the floor and stand up when concentrating on this chakra. Both men and women are 10 years or older younger than their actual age. Instead, it will have strong properties and fertility, so I will also teach you how to change that dryness into an intelligent dryness called Ojas.

2 Svaj Starner Chakra

If you concentrate your energy on this chakra, you will be more energetic, brave, and aggressively act in the position of the chakra.

It will be demonstrated. Don't be afraid of anything, don't be confused by anything, and with an unwavering belief, don't be afraid of any difficulties. Demonstrate superhuman skill that transcends life and death.

3 Manipuler chakra

This chakra is what Yoger Sutra says, "By applying a sutra to the navel ring, you can know the tissues inside the body." Being able to know the tissues in the body is not just about knowing, but also being able to freely control the tissues of the body. Because it has the power to freely control not only one's own body but also the body of another person, it can heal a person's illness immediately.

Since this chakra belongs to the "Samana Ki" of the Five Kis, it controls this chakra as it says, "If you overcome the Samana Ki, you can emit a flame from your body." By doing so, you will be able to generate the energy of fire. The fire of psychokinesis is made using this chakura and Vishda chiyakura. The mystery of the Kundalini Esoteric Buddhism says, "When I enter and close my eyes, I see a yellowish incandescent flame rising like steam from this chakra, and when I go down the road, it is the same. You can see the colored flames wrapping around the abdomen from the waist. It may look like light smoke or fog. " This chakra transforms the reproductive dryness enhanced by the Muradara chakra into another substance. In the same way, the toxins and toxins that have entered the body are decomposed by this chakra and converted into other substances. Therefore, even poisonous substances such as PCB and DDT can be made harmless by the power of this chakra.

When it became possible to produce a clear flame, it began to have the power to change the substance element and change it into a different substance.

4 Anahata chakra

The power of other minds appeared, and at the same time as the minds of others came to be grasped, the power to move the minds of others freely came out. Next, you will be able to interact with the high heart of the invisible (expressed as the Holy Spirit, the Spirit, and the Leading Spirit). An excellent heart that sees things that are incomprehensible and incomprehensible to me

It can be heard from there assimilated into the dryness of wisdom. In other words, even if a person's body is unraveled, the energy of the person's mind remains in this space, so if the vibration of this chakra becomes the same as the vibration of that mind, that mind would have. All things, consciousness, and intelligence are assimilated with me

It means that it will be yours. In that sense, if you become fully proficient in this chakra, you will be able to open the way to interact with the world of the spirit world (four dimensions).

5 Vishda chakra

It has superhuman hearing. In fact, when this chakra becomes available, you will be able to hear certain sounds that you have never heard before.

That is, human hearing is 40,000? You can only hear vibration waves of 500,000 kilocycles, but if you master this chakura, your hearing will be more than doubled. It means that you can hear the heartbeat of a person at a distance of 100 meters. By the way, the hearing of dogs is 80,000? It is said to be 90,000 kilocycles.

Also, listen to various voices. You will hear the voice of the leading spirit clearly.

The ability of Yoga Sutra to "understand the meaning of the screams of all creatures" is acquired.

It's wrong. It is a Buddhist heavenly ear connoisseur.

In addition, this chakura has a deep relationship with the muscle movements of the head, upper limbs (both arms) and chest.

6 Ajina chakra

It will have abnormal clairvoyance. The ability of Yoga Sutra to "see the light that is associated with the manifestation of the mind, so that we can know even the finest things, hidden things that are hidden from the public, and things that are far away." Is.

Telepathic ability is generated. It is this chakra that makes the "big skin" of the Yoger Sutra possible.

This chakura is also called a command chakura, a wish fulfillment chakura, and a free power chakura, and when you become proficient, you will be able to command and move it freely and control it freely. That is, it will have eight kinds of free power. As mentioned earlier, the eight types of free power are the power to make the mountain body as small as possible and freely pass through rocks, etc. The power to make the body so large that it fills the sky immediately. The power to be lighter than the power to be able to touch the moon as desired ㈲ The power to realize anything immediately as you wish ㈲ The power to create and control the world The power to obey at will ㈲ There are eight types of power: the power to be heavy like the earth, or the power to be sure to obtain the object of one's motivation.

7 Sahasla Rachakra

It is a chakura called Mourdhajyotio in the head. It is located just below the joint of the skull, which is the seat of Brahma andrra 梵, and the rift of the 梵. The seat of the 梵, the rift of the 梵, means the place to be one with the 梵, that is, the sacred thing.

When this chakura was awakened, a light appeared in this part and it brilliantly shined. The light in my head.

This chakra integrates all chakras and controls it freely. He gradually transforms when he is free to control all the chakras. He transforms from a human to a strange creature, as insects gradually melt the hard epidermis that covers their entire body, naturally wearing supple but strong wings and transforming into flying butterflies. He transforms from the three-dimensional creature Homo sapiens to the four-dimensional creature super-human, Homo Excellence. In yoga, this was described as one with the sacred.

This chakra is said to be the place where the Holy Spirit dwells and interacts with the Holy Spirit. The practitioner who completed this chakra is called a superhuman, a master, and a savior. Superhumans transcend the physical world and are not restricted by time and space. As in Yoga Sutra, he is free to lose his body, fly from the hinterland of the Himalayas to Tokyo in an instant, and leave for Europe in a moment. He has mastered the secrets of time and space in the four-dimensional world. Just as the behavior of the creatures in the three-dimensional (three-dimensional) world seems to be nothing but the behavior of the creatures in the two-dimensional (planar) world, for us of the three-dimensional creatures, the movement of superhumans living in the four-dimensional world is

I can't understand at all. In India, the Buddha is a superhuman, showing in form that he is the perfector of this chakra. You're probably sure to see that shape.







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  瞑想   花になる Meditation becomes a flower

2023-01-05 09:16:03 | 瞑想

  瞑想   花になる




Meditation, becoming a flower, becoming a flower

Insert a wide flower into a vase and place it in front of you.
Breath breathing method.
Gaze at the flower with half an eye.
At first, stare at the entire vase, and gradually focus on the flowers. Petal Hi
Stare at each one. The flowers will grow bigger and bigger. Flowers approaching
Come on.
Move your heart into the flower. It becomes a flower. With the exhaled breath, I am in the flower
Go in. When you smoke, the flowers come into you.
When it became a flower, close your eyes. Become a flower and see yourself outside the flower. Become a flower
Observe yourself for a while.
Next, leave the flower and return to yourself. Open your eyes, stare at the flower, and return.
(For the flower meditation method, refer to "Reincarnation Meditation Method I" for details.
I want you)


(2020/12/4 14:17時点)

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思念の相承と四神足法 Inheritance of Thoughts and the Four God Foot Method

2022-12-17 08:12:13 | 瞑想



























だが、そういうと、一 (「思念による王者の相承」)は最高理想のものなのであるから、他のなにものも必要ないのではないかといわれるかもしれない。そうではないのである。その最高理想のものを受けるために、tapasは必要なのである。
































「四神足法そのもの」 なのである。












Kechimyaku and Iddhipada


Finally, we will begin to explain the Iddhipada method, which is the central law of Shaka Nyorai's Buddhahood method. This is

It is the basis of the "reincarnation meditation method".


It is the most difficult law in Shakyamuni's Buddhahood law.


If you are a practitioner who has done the training so far, I think that you will somehow get a tooth, but it is not easy at all. Even though the training so far is difficult, many people may be worried that more training will be possible.


In the world of law in the spirit world, the perfector of law, Tatagata (Nyorai), constantly preaches the law.

"Kechimyaku of the King by Thought" means that this Dharmakaya Tatagata directly conveys one's heart to the other person's heart without the mediation of words or symbols.


In this case, the mind should be thought of as power, not just a mind of thought. As a result, the opponent is immediately completed as a Buddha.


This is the best and ideal, of course. That is why it is "the king".


It was said that. In other words, in order to become a Buddha and become a Buddha, it is ideal to receive this "consensus of the king by thought".


However, there are conditions for this.


What are the conditions?


I wrote as follows.

However, in that case, it may be said that one ("the consensus of the king by thought") is the highest ideal, so nothing else is needed. That is not the case. Tapas is necessary to receive the highest ideal.


Also, in the same chapter, the intense spiritual vibration in Saheto-Maheto, India is described as follows.


The wise reader would have already noticed. I- that this is what Tibetan Buddhism calls "the consensus of the king by thought." The thoughtful consensus of the king was, in fact, a transmission by spiritual vibration.


I realized that I had reached the third of the four steps leading up to liberation, but this would definitely be the case if I had not fulfilled the diencephalon development practice tapas. It was not obtained. Only when the system of acceptance is established will the consensus of the king from the outside be issued.


In other words, in order to become a Buddha or approach the boundary of the Buddha, "the consensus of the king by thought" is necessary, but in order to receive the consensus of the king, the diencephalon development practice tapas is achieved. It is essential that you do.


With the consent of this king, I reached the border of Ana, and at this time I strongly realized that I would become a Buddha by the time I died, but after fulfilling tapas, I was in Sahe, India. It was because I went to Tohmahet and Miracle Pond that I was able to receive the silver vibration.


Therefore, in order to receive the "consensus of the king by thought", it is an absolute requirement that tapas be fulfilled.


Then, what is the training tapas?


This is the Iddhipada method.


In other words, if you do not fulfill the Iddhipada method, you will not be able to receive the "consideration of the king by thought" necessary to become a Buddha. However, the Iddhipada method is the most difficult method among the Buddhahood methods of Shason. It is not something that anyone can easily practice.

If you do not practice Shaka Nyorai's difficult Buddhahood method, you will never be able to accept your thoughts, your diencephalon will not open, and spiritual manifestation will not be possible.

Who can do spiritual manifestation?


Only a very limited number of elites will be able to reach it.

As a matter of course, the reincarnation meditation method, which is a development of Shaka Nyorai's Buddhahood method, cannot be achieved.


However, that is not the case.

I have solved this problem through many years of training, and it is relatively easy for anyone to do it.

This is because we were able to complete a law that would allow us to practice the Buddhahood law.


It is a method called "Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method".

This meditation method is not just a meditation method.

In fact, this crystal dragon god meditation method is the essence of Shason's Buddhahood method.

It is "Iddhipada itself".

And the biggest feature of this crystal dragon god meditation method is

"The meditation method itself is a consensus of thought."

That is to say.


The practitioner should be able to proceed with the training in accordance with this law.

For example, if you do not fulfill the tapas Iddhipada method, you will receive the consensus of thoughts that you will never receive from the first stage of training, and proceed with the development training of the chakra necessary for the Iddhipada method. Can be done.

In particular, Kundalini Yoga can safely and gently proceed with the development of the most dangerous chakras in the brain.


By practicing this crystal dragon god meditation method (Iddhipada method), you have the power of magic.

Will be able to be obtained.

However, since this law belongs to the most secret, it is not possible to write everything.




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脳の開発 2 Brain development 2

2022-08-29 14:46:56 | 瞑想



パドマ・マッガが一度目ざめて発光すると、瞑想に入るやすぐにパドマ・マ ツガは光を放ちはじめる。それは、思念を強めると、光も強く放たれる。

修行者は必要に応じて、パドマ・マッガを各チャクラに移動させ、光を強 め、ホルモンの分泌をうながすのである。それは、クンダリニーの覚醒にも欠


・ヨーガの修行をしてある程度の力を持った者が、この定に入っている修行者 の体を見ると、発光体が修行者の体内を移動するさまを外部からはっきり見る ことができる。それは決して修行者の観想による主観だけのものではないので ある。神智学協会には、インドの熟達した導師による実験写真が数枚ある。 パドマ・マッガの発光は、熱心な修行者で、およそ一、二年かかるとされる。


パドマ・ マツガ



つぎに、ヨーガ秘伝として伝わる明 珠 の発光"を伝授しよう。

まず、火の呼吸法を適宜。 火の呼吸法が終わったら、基本姿勢をとって、心と呼吸を調える。 つぎに、眼を閉じ、眉間の、アージュニャー・チャクラの部分に心を集中す る。心をしだいに内部に移す。

聖語「オーム・オン」を心にくり返し、集中をつづける。 やがて、頭蓋の内部のアージュニャー・チャクラの部分に、半透明のピンポ ン玉よりやや小さい球体があらわれるようになる。

それは最初、その部分に固定しているが、やがて、そこから離れて、(頭蓋の 中で) 浮揚するようになる。浮揚するようになったら、それを徐々に眼窩の奥に

移動させていく。眼窩の奥に移動させ終わったら、眼球をぐるりと後方に旋回 させて、(心)眼を体の内部に向ける。 以後、この眼は、浮揚している球体といっしょに移動するのである。

浮揚する球体が眼窩の奥に達したら、ごく静かに吸収しつつ、これを頭蓋骨 の底に移す。頭蓋骨の底に達したら、背柱の中にあるスシュムナー管にそっ て、静かに垂直に下降させていく。そして、最後に臍と一線上にある体の中心 に到達させる。

臍の裏側に到達したら、聖語を約百唱する間そこに置き、それから、二横指 上のところに移す。ここに球を置いたら、そこに心を集中し、聖語をくり返し 心に唱える。

そうしていると、ついに、半透明であった球体が、しだいに光を発するよう になる。

これが「パドマ・マッガの発光」である。 (パドマ・マッガとは、じつは「○○○」である。極秘伝のため、

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脳の開発 2 Brain development 2

2022-08-29 14:43:40 | 瞑想

The first step in Kundalini Yoga is to light the Padma Magga inside the practitioner's body.

It starts from the place where it emits.






パドマ・マッガが一度目ざめて発光すると、瞑想に入るやすぐにパドマ・マ ツガは光を放ちはじめる。それは、思念を強めると、光も強く放たれる。

修行者は必要に応じて、パドマ・マッガを各チャクラに移動させ、光を強 め、ホルモンの分泌をうながすのである。それは、クンダリニーの覚醒にも欠


・ヨーガの修行をしてある程度の力を持った者が、この定に入っている修行者 の体を見ると、発光体が修行者の体内を移動するさまを外部からはっきり見る ことができる。それは決して修行者の観想による主観だけのものではないので ある。神智学協会には、インドの熟達した導師による実験写真が数枚ある。 パドマ・マッガの発光は、熱心な修行者で、およそ一、二年かかるとされる。

パドマ・ マツガ



つぎに、ヨーガ秘伝として伝わる明 珠 の発光"を伝授しよう。

まず、火の呼吸法を適宜。 火の呼吸法が終わったら、基本姿勢をとって、心と呼吸を調える。 つぎに、眼を閉じ、眉間の、アージュニャー・チャクラの部分に心を集中す る。心をしだいに内部に移す。

聖語「オーム・オン」を心にくり返し、集中をつづける。 やがて、頭蓋の内部のアージュニャー・チャクラの部分に、半透明のピンポ ン玉よりやや小さい球体があらわれるようになる。

それは最初、その部分に固定しているが、やがて、そこから離れて、(頭蓋の 中で) 浮揚するようになる。浮揚するようになったら、それを徐々に眼窩の奥に

移動させていく。眼窩の奥に移動させ終わったら、眼球をぐるりと後方に旋回 させて、(心)眼を体の内部に向ける。 以後、この眼は、浮揚している球体といっしょに移動するのである。

浮揚する球体が眼窩の奥に達したら、ごく静かに吸収しつつ、これを頭蓋骨 の底に移す。頭蓋骨の底に達したら、背柱の中にあるスシュムナー管にそっ て、静かに垂直に下降させていく。そして、最後に臍と一線上にある体の中心 に到達させる。

臍の裏側に到達したら、聖語を約百唱する間そこに置き、それから、二横指 上のところに移す。ここに球を置いたら、そこに心を集中し、聖語をくり返し 心に唱える。

そうしていると、ついに、半透明であった球体が、しだいに光を発するよう になる。

これが「パドマ・マッガの発光」である。 (パドマ・マッガとは、じつは「○○○」である。極秘伝のため、



The first step in Kundalini Yoga is to light the Padma Magga inside the practitioner's body.

It starts from the place where it emits.




The first step in Kundalini Yoga is to light the Padma Magga inside the practitioner's body.

It starts from the place where it emits.

Once Padma Magga wakes up and glows, Padma Ma begins to shine as soon as he enters meditation. When you strengthen your thoughts, the light is also strongly emitted.

The practitioner moves Padma Magga to each chakra as needed to increase the light and encourage the secretion of hormones. It is also lacking in the awakening of Kundalini

Has power that cannot be achieved.

・ When a person who has practiced yoga and has a certain amount of power sees the body of the practitioner who is included in this rule, he can clearly see from the outside how the illuminant moves inside the practitioner's body. can. He is because it is by no means just the subjectivity of the practitioner's ideas. The Theosophical Society has several experimental photographs by a skilled Indian guru. Padma Magga's luminescence is an avid practitioner and is said to take about a year or two.


Padma Matsuga

The secret of yoga, the emission of pearls,

Padma Matsu

Next, let's teach "the light emission of the pearls, which is transmitted as a secret yoga secret."

First, use the fire breathing method as appropriate. When you have finished breathing fire, take a basic posture and adjust your mind and breathing. Next, close your eyes and focus on the part of the Ajnya chakra between the eyebrows. Gradually move your mind to the inside.

Repeat the sacred word "Ohm on" in your heart and keep your concentration. Eventually, a sphere slightly smaller than the translucent ping-pong ball will appear in the Ajnya chakra inside the skull.

It is initially fixed to that part, but eventually moves away from it and floats (in the skull). When it begins to levitate, gradually move it to the back of the orbit.

Is it cancer?

I will move it. After moving it to the back of the orbit, rotate the eyeball backwards and turn the (heart) eye toward the inside of the body. After that, this eye moves with the floating sphere.

When the floating sphere reaches the depths of the orbit, it is transferred to the bottom of the skull, absorbing very gently. Once you reach the bottom of the skull, gently descend vertically along the Sschmuner's canal in the dorsal column. Finally, reach the center of the body, which is in line with the navel.

When you reach the back of the navel, place it there for about a hundred chantings of the sacred word, then move it to the top of your two fingers. If you put a ball here, concentrate on it and repeat the scriptures to your heart.

At last, the translucent sphere gradually emits light.

This is the "light emission of Padma Magga". (Padma Magga is actually "○○○". It's a secret story, so I'll keep it secret here, but it's wise.

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瞑想「軟酥」の法   Method of Meditation "Nanju"

2022-08-12 10:42:45 | 瞑想





  • 臨済宗の僧・白隠禅師は1685年徳川五代将軍綱吉の世に沼津市・原で生まれました。
  • 猛烈な禅修行を始めましたが、いわゆる「禅病」にかかりました。
  • 頭はのぼせ上り、両腕両脚が氷雪のように冷えて、心は疲れ切って、夜も眠ることができず、幻覚を生ずるようになりました。
  • 山中に棲む白幽という仙人から、養生と病気の予防についての秘法を教えられ、やっと克服することができました。
  • その体験を73歳のときに執筆したのが『夜船閑話(やせんかんわ』です。
  • 白隠禅師の唱えた健康法は仰臥禅(寝禅)で、多くの人の関心をとらえるようになりました。
  • ここに述べる
  • 内観法は呼吸器病、神経症、不眠に特によい方法です。頭痛でいえば「慢性緊張型頭痛」の治療にむいています

この法は、『摩訶止観』(中国の坐禅の古典、天台智頭[五三八―五九七〕の著書) を学んだ白幽という道人から、臨済禅の白隠禅師に伝えられたもので、青年時 代に、わたくし自身、実行して、これにより重症の結核をなおす糸口をつかん だものである。


まず、床の上に、体をまっすぐ伸ばして仰臥する。体の中の力を抜き、眼を 閉じる。それから、鼻の先に一枚のごく軽い羽毛がついていると考える。その


呼吸が調ったら、数を数える。つまり、数息観である。心が安定したら、観 想に入る。鶏の卵くらいの大きさの丸薬が、額の上に乗っていると観ずるので ある。この丸薬は、なんともいわれぬよい香りのするさまざまな妙薬を練りか ためたもので、バターのようにやわらかい。ちなみに、「なんそ」というのは牛 の乳から製したバターかチーズのようなものであるという。

その「なんそ」が、仰臥している頭のてっぺんに乗っている。わたくしは、 高い山の頂の、樹木や草花にかこまれた庭園の真ん中に、ベッドを置いて、そ こに仰臥しているのである(と観想する)。

夜明け前、いままさに、東の空に日が昇らんとしている。あっ、いま、はる か向こうの山の頂に太陽が顔を出した。ぐんぐん昇っていく。その太陽の光 が、わたくしの全身をやわらかくつつむ。すると、その太陽のほどよいぬくも りとわたくしの体温で、頭のてっぺんの「なんそ」がしだいに溶けはじめるの である。バターが溶けるように溶けはじめる。じりじりと溶けはじめて、オ



なんといういい香りだろう。頭全体がくまなく、「なんそ」の妙薬におおわれ た。じつにいい気持ちである。「なんそ」は、香油のようによい香りを放ちなが ら、しだいに体の下のほうに流れていく。首から肩、胸、腹、背中のほうにも しだいに流れてゆく。しかもただ皮膚の上を流れていくだけではなく、眼の中 に入って眼を洗い、耳の中から入って脳を洗い、さらに鼻の穴から咽喉を通っ て気管、肺、胃、腸、肝臓と、五臓六腑にしみわたって、薬効を発揮してい く。ことに肺の悪いところを、「なんそ」は念入りに循環して洗い清めてくれる。 ・わたくしには、この霊薬が、肺の黒くなった細胞の間をゆっくりとしみ透っ ていくのが如実に感じられるのである。「なんそ」は、内臓を全部洗い清める と、今度はそのまま下腹から、腿、膝となおも流れくだり、両足の爪先からし たたり落ちる。そのしたたりはしだいにベッドの中にたまり、背中から腰、 腹、胸、とひたし、ついに、あごの下まで、風呂の中につかったように、溶けた「なんそ」にひたされる。

やがて、「なんそ」は、ベッドの一隅から徐々に流れ落ちはじめ、その下に置 かれた壺の中におさまってしまう。この壷はまた明日の朝、開かれるのであ る。わたくしはそこで、じつに心身さわやかになって、静かに眼を開くのであ る。

約一時間かけて、わたくしは毎日、この「なんそ」浴をやった。というもの の、一時間の「なんそ」浴ができるようになるまで、二、三カ月かかったので ある。最初のうちは、日の光が射しはじめ、「なんそ」が額のあたりまで流れて きたところで、ほかのことに心が行ってしまっていることに気がつき、あわて て戻ってくる。これではいけないというので、もう一度太陽の出るところから やりなおす、ということで、これがあまりくり返されると、腹が立って、つい には寝ていられなくなって床の上に起き上がり、狂人のように目を怒らせてあ たりを見まわしたりしたものである。

しかしわたくしは、なんとしてでも生きぬきたかった。二十歳そこそこで、 肺病なんかで死にたくなかった。それには、これしか治療法がないと思った。 その死にもの狂いの気持ちが、ついに、一時間の「なんそ」浴をできるように したのであろう。

わたくしの入院していたサナトリウムには、常時、百人近くの患者が療養し ていたが、午前中二時間、午後三時間の安静時間を守る者はほとんどなかった。

重症患者以外は、ほとんど全員起き上がって雑談をし、はなはだしいのは、 トランプや花札をやっていた。看護師や医師がまわってくると、見張り役が合 図をして、あわててベッドにもぐり込む。いったいだれのために療養をしてい るのか? 若いわたくしは多少腹立ちを感じながら見ていた。安静時間中、わ たくしは、この「なんそ」の法をやっていないときは、眼を閉じ、呼吸を調え て、額に直径二センチくらいのゴルフボール程度の水晶が乗っていると観じ、 この水晶玉が転げ落ちないように、右にも行かず、左にも転げず、じっと静止 しているように心をそこに置いていた。

このサナトリウムで、わたくしは一年半ほどの間に、およそ三百人ほどの患 者と知り合ったが、三、四年ほどの間に、二人を残して、全員、悪化してこの 世を去った。それは退院後も手紙をやりとりしていたので知ったのである。そ の中には、入院当時、わたくしより軽い症状の人が何人もいたのである。

この「なんそ」の法は、白隠禅師が、青年時代(二十六歳という)、あまりに修 行に打ち込みすぎて、肺結核と一種のノイローゼになった。鍼灸はじめ、あら ゆる治療を尽くしたが効果なく、絶望しかけたときに、京都郊外の白河に住む 白幽上人という道人から、この「なんそ」の法を授かり、これを修してついに 難病をなおしたという。彼の著す『夜船閑話』に明らかである。

この法は、もと、天台の止観からきたものであるが、これまでの文章を読ま れた読者は、なぜ病気に効くか、よくおわかりであろうと思う。わたくしは、 若いころ、なにもわからぬながら、病気をなおしたい一念でこの「なんそ」の 法と必死にとり組み、おかげで健康を回復したばかりでなく、後年、瞑想や密 教観法に非常に早く習熟することができるようになった。心から感謝している

これは、非常にすぐれた意念の訓練になるので、あなたも、病気でなくても ときどきおこなっていただきたい。非常に疲れたとき、気が滅入ったときな ど、すぐれた回復法になるであろう。



自然体で起立。体のどこにも力を入れない。立つ脚の幅は、両肩の幅であ る。両腕は自然に垂らす。両膝は軽く曲げる。下顎はわずかに引く。 まず、長出息呼吸法、五分間。 意念を集中して、気海、関元の胞宮を視る。(内視する) 次、両腕を静かに上げながら、息を吸い込みっつ、両膝を軽く曲げる。 両の掌は前方へ向けて開き、指の先、掌全体から息を吸い込むと観想する。 両腕とともに体全体を少し落としつつ、気海、関元の胞宮に息をおさめ、ちょっ と力を入れてから、息を静かに吐き出していく。


Law of "Nanju"


This Dharma was handed down to Rinzai Zen master Hakuin by a practitioner named Hakuyu, who studied "Makashikan" (Chinese zazen classic, written by Tendai Chizu [538-597]). When I was a young man, I myself practiced it and found a clue to cure severe tuberculosis.



First, lie on the floor with your body straight. Relax your body and close your eyes. Then think of it as having a very light feather on the tip of its nose. That

Breathe quietly so that the feathers do not move even a little.

Count the number of breaths. In other words, it is numerology. When the mind is calm, go into contemplation. He has because he sees a pill the size of a chicken egg resting on his forehead. These pills are buttery soft, made by kneading various elixir of indescribable fragrance. By the way, nanso is a kind of butter or cheese made from cow's milk.

That "nanso" is on the top of the lying head. At the top of a high mountain, in the middle of a garden surrounded by trees and flowers, I put my bed and lie down there (imagining).

Before dawn, the sun was about to rise in the eastern sky. Ah, just now, the sun has appeared on the top of the mountain far beyond him. Steadily rising. The sunlight gently envelops my whole body. Then, the warm warmth of the sun and my body temperature gradually melted the "nanso" on the top of his head. Start melting like butter melts. It began to melt slowly,

It starts to flow like leaf oil. Look, it flows over the forehead and behind the ears.


What a nice scent! His whole head was covered with the elixir of "what". It feels really good. “Nanso” emits a pleasant fragrance like perfumed oil and gradually flows down the body. It gradually flows from his neck to his shoulders, chest, stomach, and back. Moreover, it does not just flow over the skin, it enters the eyes and washes the eyes, enters the ears and washes the brain, and then passes through the nostrils and throat to the trachea, lungs, stomach, intestines, and liver. And, it permeates the five organs and six entrails and exerts its medicinal effect. In particular, "nanso" carefully circulates and cleanses bad places in the lungs.・I can really feel the elixir slowly seeping through the blackened cells of my lungs. After washing all the internal organs, "Nanso" continues to flow down from the lower abdomen, thighs, knees, and falls from the toes of both feet. The dripping water gradually accumulates in the bed, and from the back to the waist, the abdomen, the chest, and finally, the bottom of the chin is soaked in the melted "nanso" as if soaked in a bath. .

Before long, "Nanso" begins to flow down from one corner of the bed and settles into a pot placed under it. This jar will be opened again tomorrow morning. There, I feel refreshed in mind and body, and quietly open my eyes.

For about an hour, I did this "nanso" bath every day. However, it took two or three months for him to be able to take an hour-long "nanso" bath. At first, the sun began to shine, and "What's that?" ran down his forehead. come. He told me that this was not right, so he would start over from where the sun was shining. I used to look around in anger.

But I wanted to live no matter what. At the age of twenty or so, I didn't want to die of lung disease. I thought this was the only cure for it. His frantic feelings must have finally enabled him to take an hour-long "what's that" bath.

At the sanatorium where I was hospitalized, nearly a hundred patients were being treated at any given time, but very few of them adhered to the two hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon.

With the exception of the seriously ill, almost everyone got up and chatted, most notably playing cards and hanafuda. When the nurses and doctors came around, the sentinel gave a signal and hurriedly crawled into bed. For whom are you recuperating? I was young and looked on with some annoyance. During resting hours, when I'm not doing this "Nanso" method, I close my eyes, adjust my breathing, and imagine that there is a crystal on my forehead about the size of a golf ball with a diameter of about two centimeters. , So that this crystal ball would not fall down, it would not go left or right, and I would put my mind there as if it was still.

At this sanatorium, I got to know about 300 patients in about a year and a half. gone. He knew it because he had exchanged letters with him even after he was discharged from the hospital. At the time of hospitalization, there were several people among them who had milder symptoms than I did.

This ``Nanso'' method is that when Hakuin Zenji was a young man (at the age of 26), he devoted himself too much to training and developed tuberculosis and a kind of neurosis. He tried all kinds of treatments, including acupuncture and moxibustion, but they were ineffective. It is said that he finally recovered from his intractable disease. This is evident in his book "Yofune Kanwa".

This law was originally derived from Tendai's insight, but I think that readers who have read the texts so far will understand why it works for illnesses. When I was young, I didn't know anything, but I desperately worked on this "nanso" method with a single desire to cure my illness. can become proficient very quickly. thank you from the bottom of my heart


This is a very good training of the mind, and I hope that even if you are not sick, he will do it from time to time. It will be an excellent recovery method when you are very tired or depressed.

7, breathe in with both palms


Stand up naturally. Don't put pressure on any part of your body. The width of the standing legs is the width of the shoulders. Let your arms hang naturally. Bend both knees slightly. Pull the lower jaw slightly. First, the long exhalation breathing method, five minutes. Concentrate your mind and look at Kikai and Sekimoto's home. (Introspection) Next, while gently raising both arms, inhale and bend both knees slightly. Open both palms facing forward, and visualize breathing in through the tips of the fingers and the entire palm. While dropping the whole body a little with both arms, hold your breath in Kikai, Sekimoto's base, apply a little strength, and then exhale quietly.

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四神足法解說 Four god foot method commentary

2022-08-05 20:47:37 | 瞑想

では、このクンダリニー・ヨーガの修行法と、シャカの成仏法との関連は、どのよ うなものであろうか? 特に、わたくしがさきに「金星の法」だといった求聞持聡明 法の原典である四神足法、五力法との関連はどのようなものであるのか。 まず、四神足法と五力法について見てみよう。


欲神足法 人間の生命力の、特に肉体上における根源的諸条件を、完全なものにする修行法。


欲神足法で得た能力をベースに、肉体上の基本的諸条件を、さらに飛躍的に向上さ せる修行法。

心神足法 肉体的能力の向上発達を基に、精神的能力を充実させ、さらに段階的にその能力を 飛躍向上させて行く。

すなわち、脳の欠陥部分を補強するための準備段階として、古い脳を人為的に進化 させる修行法である。ワニとウマの獣性の脳を霊性の脳に変えて行くのである。


あたらしい脳である新皮質を向上させるとともに、霊性の場である間脳を開く。 同 時に、間脳に付属する視床下部と、古い脳――辺縁系との神経回路を補充強化する修 行法である。知性と霊性の完全なる融合だ。 以上が、四神足法の概略である。 四神足法を成就したとき、その修行者は、仏陀に準ずる大聖者となる。業を超え、 因縁を解脱し、生者、死者ともに解脱成仏させる大聖者である。

七科三十七道品の仏陀の成仏修行法は、大きく分けて、「教え」と「法」の二種に 分類できる。 「法」の中心は、四神足法である。 いや、中心というより、法は、四神足法のみである。 五力法も修行法であるが、これは、四神足法の補助のようなもので、四神足法にた いし、つぎのように附随される。

(四神足法) 欲神足 勤神足 心神 観 神足

(五力法) 精進 力 (信力) 念力 定力 慧力




四 念 柱 四 正断 七覚支 八正道」

欲 神 足 勤 神足 心 神足 観 神足

ただし、観神足を体得した聖者には、もはや教えは不要であって、八正道は、他の 三神足修行者にすべて対応される教えである。


さて、以上の四神足法の修行は、どのようになされるのであろうか? それは、クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラの開発から始まるのである。



【ムーラーダーラ・チャクラ 欲神足

(スヴァーディシュターナ・チャクラ 勤神足 マニプーラ・チャクラ

(アナーハタ・チャクラ 心神足 ヘヴィシュッダ・チャクラ

(アージュニャー・チャクラ 觀神足 | サハスラーラ・チャクラ 以上であるが、ここに非常に重大なことがある。 それは、四神足法は、クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを開発しただけでは不十分 だということである。チャクラを開発すると同時に、各チャクラを統合して機能させ てゆく技法が必要なのである。わたくしはいま、非常に重大、ということばを使った が、それはそれ以上、絶対に必要なポイントなのである。 それは、どういうことか?

チャクラは、チャクラを覚醒、発動させる技術によって活動を開始し、チャクラ特 有の力を発生する。しかし、それだけでは、四神足法が目的とする神力(超常的能 力)にまでは到底、至ることが出来ない。どうしても、これらのチャクラを統合して、 さらにパワーを加圧、加増して、重点的にはたらかせる技法が必要なのである。 それは、二つの技法である。 1、各チャクラが発生したエネルギーを、自由にコントロールし、かつ、自分の 必要とする場所に自在に送達させることの出来る回路を持つ。

特に、脳にたいしての回路が重要である。 2、その回路作製を可能ならしめるための神経経路を補強、さらに、新たにつく り出す。

これは、特に、さきにのべた「新皮質と視床下部をつなぐ神経経路を補強す る」ということにも、必要欠くべからざる技法なのである。 この二つの技法は、クンダリニー・ヨーガにはないものである。 ただし、全くないのではなく、これに類似した技法が一つある。


So what is the relationship between this kundalini yoga practice and Shaka's enlightenment method? What is the relationship between Shishinsokuho and Goryokuho? First, let's take a look at the four god foot method and the five power method.

Four god foot method commentary

Yushinsokuho A training method that perfects the fundamental conditions of human vitality, especially on the physical body.


A training method that dramatically improves the basic physical conditions based on the abilities acquired in the Yushinsokuho.

Shinshinsokuho Based on the improvement and development of physical ability, the mental ability is enriched, and the ability is improved step by step.

In other words, it is a training method that artificially evolves the old brain as a preparatory step to reinforce the defective part of the brain. The beast brains of crocodiles and horses are transformed into spiritual brains.

Kanshin foot method

It improves the neocortex, the new brain, and opens the diencephalon, the place of spirituality. At the same time, it is a training method that replenishes and strengthens the neural circuits between the hypothalamus attached to the diencephalon and the old brain--the limbic system. A perfect blend of intellect and spirituality. The above is the outline of the four god foot method. When the practitioner has completed the Shishinsokuho, he or she becomes a great saint who is equivalent to the Buddha. He is a great sage who transcends karma, liberates from karma, and enables both the living and the dead to attain enlightenment.

The Buddha's training methods for attaining Buddhahood, which consist of seven subjects and thirty-seven dos, can be broadly classified into two types: "teachings" and "laws." The center of the "law" is the four god foot method. No, rather than the center, the law is only the four god foot method. The five power method is also a training method, but this is like a supplement to the four god foot method, and it is attached to the four god foot method as follows.

(Four Gods Feet Method) Desire God Feet Devotion Feet Mind God View God Feet

(Five Power Method) Devotional Power (Faith) Psychokinesis Fixed Power Wisdom Power


Other than the Shishinsokuho and Goryokuho, the four Nenbashira, the Shiseidan, the Shichikakushi, and the Eightfold Path,

It is "teaching". These teachings are attached to the four god foot method as follows.


Four Pillars, Four Positive Decisions, Seven Awakening Branches, Eightfold Paths"

greed god foot work god foot mind god foot view god foot

However, a sage who has mastered kanshinsoku no longer needs teaching, and the Eightfold Path is a teaching that can be applied to all other practitioners of the three kamishishi.

Four God Legs and Kundalini Yoga

Now, how is the training of the four gods' footwork described above done? It begins with the development of the chakras of kundalini yoga.

The relationship is as follows.


[Mooladhara Chakra, Lustful Feet

(Svadhisthana Chakra Divine Foot Manipura Chakra

(Anahata Chakra, Mindfulness, Heavyshuddha Chakra)

(Ajnya Chakra 觀神足 | Sahasrara Chakra That's all there is to it, but here's something very important. It's not enough to develop the kundalini yoga chakra. At the same time as developing the chakras, it is necessary to have a technique to integrate and function each chakra.I just used the word "very important", but it is an absolutely necessary point. what does that mean?

Chakras are activated by the technology that awakens and activates chakras, generating power unique to chakras. However, with that alone, it is not possible to reach the divine power (supernatural ability) that the four gods foot method aims at. By all means, we need a technique that integrates these chakras, pressurizes and increases power, and makes them work intensively. There are two techniques. 1. He has a circuit that allows him to freely control the energy generated by each chakra and to freely deliver it where he needs it.

In particular, circuits for the brain are important. 2. Reinforcing and creating new neural pathways to enable circuit fabrication.

In particular, this is an indispensable technique for "strengthening the neural pathways connecting the neocortex and the hypothalamus" mentioned earlier. These two techniques are not found in Kundalini Yoga. However, there is one technique similar to this, not that there is none.

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脳と心の革命想 息呼吸法は4つの部分になる

2022-07-27 19:16:38 | 瞑想




四、強短息呼吸法 (火の呼吸法)





























There are four breathing methods.


1. Long breathing method
Second, long-breathing breathing method
Third, anti-breathing method
4. Strong and short breathing method (fire breathing method)


To put it simply, one long-breathing breathing method is to breathe out and breathe in, both.
Breathe as thin, long and deep as possible. Take 20 to 30 seconds, 1 minute, time for one breath
The second long-breathing breathing method exhales only the exhaled breath as thin and long as possible, and inhales normally.
Sea urchin sucks.
The third anti-breathing method, unlike normal breathing, retracts the abdomen when inhaling.
Inflate your abdomen when you exhale. It's just the opposite.
The four strong and short breathing methods are called "fire breathing", and one nostril is pressed with a finger to close it, and one piece
Breathe strongly and shortly through your nostrils.





1, long breathing and breathing training
In any case, the head and the head are very natural.
Immediately take a proper posture. However, I was too nervous and overpowered or stiff.
Don't do it. It is important to relax and relax.

To do this, in order to relieve tension in the head and neck, put the forehead forward and lower it.
It's a good idea to pull your head in a little and lower your head a little.

At the same time, the precordium should be slightly retracted, the abdomen should be slightly forward, and both shoulders should be relaxed to take a natural appearance. Bend your back forward to increase the volume of your abdomen.

The mouth and sword close naturally and lightly. Both eyes close lightly, but the outside light is faintly felt.
Leave a streak in the garden. That is, with a half-eye, hold the line of sight at the tip of the nose and the tip of the nose.
Tighten the anus tightly and pull it up.

First, take a light breath, then pursed your mouth and exhale with all your might. While putting all your strength into the lower road and looking at the festival to the east a little, you spit it out.
At this time, as I wrote before, I feel like I'm all over my body, and I feel like I'm exhaling all the unclean feelings, and I'm sick of sticking to my back. Vomiting
Once you've made it, suck it up again and repeat this.

The important thing is to always feel the first thing to stop breathing. First of all, one breath begins when it is cloudy.

The tongue meshes lightly, passing through the lying land and slowly exhaling.

In the shade of the night, you should never mourn.

Naturally, it shifts to the long-entry breathing method.

First, take a light breath. (It is a call for reception.

When you have finished exhaling slowly through the garden, close Da and join properly.
Let them handle it slowly.

"Slowly take time, squeeze through your nose.

By the way
At this time, in order to reduce the amount of air coming in from the nose as much as possible,
Make the nasal cavity narrow. This will not only reduce the amount of incoming air
The narrow wall of the nasal cavity is crushed by air, and the stimulus is sent to the brain or the brain.
It also has the effect of calming excitement.

Also, when inhaling, the tip of the tongue should be on the upper jaw (slightly above the upper front gums).
Attach it to the part called "eye contact").

Then, I breathe in naturally.

When you have finished inhaling, take a light breath again, drop the epigastrium enough, and Kawamon
Close tightly and lightly apply force to the lower abdomen.

When you apply this force, be sure to breathe a little through your nose at the same time. This is very important
If you don't do this, pressure will be applied from your chest to your head, which may hurt your body.
To. This is what causes abdominal breathing and causes headaches and suffers from visceral ptosis.
Because I don't know.
When Zen Buddhist master Harada Daiun Sogaku did the extreme lower abdomen input god of Hara Tanzan, his head rang.
And of the heart. Also, it is written in a book that I want to know because the rank of the pigeon is the target
If you squeeze this and put um on top, it will be done a couple of times.
Next, let's go to the source.
Set it down and put it in the bottom, and keep your stomach strong.
The lower abdomen that had been entwined with the crab gradually began to grow and was collected.
At this time, while breathing out, I talked about what I had been doing in the first part, and I went to the mountains.
With a feeling of warming up in the mountains, he plays a mantra with a low voice.
I'm going to breathe out while I'm new.
You can.
Slowly spit out as thin and long as possible into the city. I'm out of breath
When I do, the lower limit is dented, and I feel like my history is sticking to my spine. I mean, yes
It spits out with such a feeling.

After exhaling, gently inhale with your nose again. When sucking, put your tongue on your upper jaw
It is the same as before.

After inhaling, exhale with the same movement as before. Exhale like before
Then, recite the mantra.

This submitted breathing method does not matter the time for one breath. As thin and long as possible
It makes you breathe in and out for a long time.

2, long-breathing breathing training
In the previous long-breathing breathing method, both the exhaled breath and the inhaled breath are breathed as long and thin as possible.
It is a thing. Just because it's as thin and long as possible, how long does it take to make it thin and long?
It doesn't matter how long you breathe.

However, the long-breathing breathing method this time is time-consuming.
Generally, adult breathing is usually once a minute in a healthy person's calm state.


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クンダリニー・エネルギー Kundalini Energy

2022-07-16 09:29:00 | 瞑想
























The first step in Kundalini Yoga is to light the Padma Magga inside the practitioner's body.

It starts from the place where it emits.



パドマ・マッガが一度目ざめて発光すると、瞑想に入るやすぐにパドマ・マ ツガは光を放ちはじめる。それは、思念を強めると、光も強く放たれる。

修行者は必要に応じて、パドマ・マッガを各チャクラに移動させ、光を強 め、ホルモンの分泌をうながすのである。それは、クンダリニーの覚醒にも欠


・ヨーガの修行をしてある程度の力を持った者が、この定に入っている修行者 の体を見ると、発光体が修行者の体内を移動するさまを外部からはっきり見る ことができる。それは決して修行者の観想による主観だけのものではないので ある。神智学協会には、インドの熟達した導師による実験写真が数枚ある。 パドマ・マッガの発光は、熱心な修行者で、およそ一、二年かかるとされる。

パドマ・ マツガ



つぎに、ヨーガ秘伝として伝わる明 珠 の発光"を伝授しよう。

まず、火の呼吸法を適宜。 火の呼吸法が終わったら、基本姿勢をとって、心と呼吸を調える。 つぎに、眼を閉じ、眉間の、アージュニャー・チャクラの部分に心を集中す る。心をしだいに内部に移す。

聖語「オーム・オン」を心にくり返し、集中をつづける。 やがて、頭蓋の内部のアージュニャー・チャクラの部分に、半透明のピンポ ン玉よりやや小さい球体があらわれるようになる。

それは最初、その部分に固定しているが、やがて、そこから離れて、(頭蓋の 中で) 浮揚するようになる。浮揚するようになったら、それを徐々に眼窩の奥に


移動させていく。眼窩の奥に移動させ終わったら、眼球をぐるりと後方に旋回 させて、(心)眼を体の内部に向ける。 以後、この眼は、浮揚している球体といっしょに移動するのである。

浮揚する球体が眼窩の奥に達したら、ごく静かに吸収しつつ、これを頭蓋骨 の底に移す。頭蓋骨の底に達したら、背柱の中にあるスシュムナー管にそっ て、静かに垂直に下降させていく。そして、最後に臍と一線上にある体の中心 に到達させる。

臍の裏側に到達したら、聖語を約百唱する間そこに置き、それから、二横指 上のところに移す。ここに球を置いたら、そこに心を集中し、聖語をくり返し 心に唱える。

そうしていると、ついに、半透明であった球体が、しだいに光を発するよう になる。

これが「パドマ・マッガの発光」である。 (パドマ・マッガとは、じつは「○○○」である。極秘伝のため、




The first step in Kundalini Yoga is to light the Padma Magga inside the practitioner's body.

It starts from the place where it emits.




The first step in Kundalini Yoga is to light the Padma Magga inside the practitioner's body.

It starts from the place where it emits.

Once Padma Magga wakes up and glows, Padma Ma begins to shine as soon as he enters meditation. When you strengthen your thoughts, the light is also strongly emitted.

The practitioner moves Padma Magga to each chakra as needed to increase the light and encourage the secretion of hormones. It is also lacking in the awakening of Kundalini

Has power that cannot be achieved.

・ When a person who has practiced yoga and has a certain amount of power sees the body of the practitioner who is included in this rule, he can clearly see from the outside how the illuminant moves inside the practitioner's body. can. He is because it is by no means just the subjectivity of the practitioner's ideas. The Theosophical Society has several experimental photographs by a skilled Indian guru. Padma Magga's luminescence is an avid practitioner and is said to take about a year or two.


Padma Matsuga

The secret of yoga, the emission of pearls,

Padma Matsu

Next, let's teach "the light emission of the pearls, which is transmitted as a secret yoga secret."

First, use the fire breathing method as appropriate. When you have finished breathing fire, take a basic posture and adjust your mind and breathing. Next, close your eyes and focus on the part of the Ajnya chakra between the eyebrows. Gradually move your mind to the inside.

Repeat the sacred word "Ohm on" in your heart and keep your concentration. Eventually, a sphere slightly smaller than the translucent ping-pong ball will appear in the Ajnya chakra inside the skull.

It is initially fixed to that part, but eventually moves away from it and floats (in the skull). When it begins to levitate, gradually move it to the back of the orbit.

Is it cancer?

I will move it. After moving it to the back of the orbit, rotate the eyeball backwards and turn the (heart) eye toward the inside of the body. After that, this eye moves with the floating sphere.

When the floating sphere reaches the depths of the orbit, it is transferred to the bottom of the skull, absorbing very gently. Once you reach the bottom of the skull, gently descend vertically along the Sschmuner's canal in the dorsal column. Finally, reach the center of the body, which is in line with the navel.

When you reach the back of the navel, place it there for about a hundred chantings of the sacred word, then move it to the top of your two fingers. If you put a ball here, concentrate on it and repeat the scriptures to your heart.

At last, the translucent sphere gradually emits light.

This is the "light emission of Padma Magga". (Padma Magga is actually "○○○". It's a secret story, so I'll keep it secret here, but it's wise.



The way to use the kundalini energy of the mind is completely different from the Sandriny Yoda method, and it is a method of "using, mari, kundalini energy!"

How is it done?

I want to be free, but it's far from Kundalini
"I want to come", knowing the energy points (acupuncture points) and using this, I'm shining.

This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (I think that this acupuncture point, the part called the acupoint in China, is a kind of chakra) (Henri Masbello mentions this in his book) is a little away from the Kundalini chakra. It is in. Taoism, as it is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong "ki". It can be said to be an alternative to Kundalini. I don't know Kundalini itself.

In the Buddha's Iddhipada method, this Taoist chakra is used to first evoke a strong "Qi" energy. Next, send this "ki" to the favorite Kundalini chakra.

This "ki" is slowly moved around the sleeping area of ​​the kundalini.

Kundalini slowly begins to wake up.

Michiatsu said that he would use this "ki" to awaken the kundalini, and he might have used it to complete the method of using only "ki".

I am wondering if it has disappeared someday. In other words, I think that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Kundalini was transmitted to.

I can only admire this secret method of the Buddha, who uses the radical energy of Kundalini in a wonderfully controlled manner.

However, this is not the only secret method of the Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.
In a nutshell, the airways of Bingala and Eider are used for accelerators and brakes. However, I don't know if this is Kundalini Yoga's Pingala, Eider itself.

Or it may be an airway that was newly created with anxiety. For Kundalini Yoga's Bingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, rise three times through the spinal column, but these two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side, the belly.
Because it is Satofull. However, I suspect that, given the function of these two airways, this is still Pingala and Ida, and that the Buddha was changed in this way. Therefore, these two airways are still called Pingara and Ida.
I will call it by name.

Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does the Pingara airway have for kundalini energy?

Eider's airways have the function of calming and condensing.
In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake.
It is used as follows.

Two Sushmuner tubes

As mentioned earlier, in Kundalini yoga, from the tail paper bone to the medulla oblongata, the spine
The Sschmuner pipe runs straight through the pillar. Awakened Kundalini climbs here
Let's go
Buddha's Law 16
According to the Buddha's law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Kundalini
-The opposite of yoga, from the caudal skull through the perineum, straight to the midline of the abdomen, through the brain ring
The airway leading to the throat. The awakened Kundalini, along with the Sushmuner tube on the back,
This abdominal Sushmuner tube also rises. (Rather than rising, raise)
While controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner, each chi
It is the two airways of the Buddha, Pingara and Ida, that develop and make a leap forward in Jakura.

In other words, about 5 to 8 cm below the adjacent ring (depending on the individual), it is sold from the abdominal Sushmuner, and rises and falls through each chakra, related organs, and nerves. Alternatively, from the throat to the inside of the brain, deep inside the nasal column, deep inside the layer.
In the cerebellum part of the medulla oblongata, these three cares and techniques are absolutely necessary for the development and awakening of the chakra, and the main development of the chakra without it.・ It can be said that electricity is impossible. In particular, it is an indispensable technique for enhancing neural pathways in the hypothalamus and diencephalon.

It is a delicate technique that can only be called a divine technique.
Then, how is the practice of the Buddha's law, which can be called this divine technique, done?
It is roughly divided into three laws.

1, a training method to awaken the kundalini
2. Training method to develop chakra
3, Pingara, a training method to develop the airway of Ida

It is a special breathing method, a unique meditation / idea, a mantra chanting, a mudra (hand sign, po).
Z) etc. Let me explain each one. However, this book is a training book
For more information on the practical skills, see another book by the author ("Kumon Mochi Satoshi Hosekiden" and others).
Please refer to, or learn about the author.

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ピンガラとイダーを使う仏陀の秘法 Buddha's secret method using Pingala and Ida

2022-07-14 10:20:57 | 瞑想


だから、仏陀のクンダリニー・エネルギーの使いかたは、クンダリニー・ヨーガの 手法とまったく異なり、クンダリニーを完全にコントロールしつつ使うのである。つ まり、クンダリニー・エネルギーを「行らせる」という手法である。 それはどのようにして、なされるのだろうか?




いい気持で眠っているゴジラを叩き起こすようなバカな真似はしないほうが賢明で あろう。

仏陀の法では、怪物クンダリニーを、ごくおだやかに、上機嫌(?)に目ざめさせ るのである。 どのように? 道教はクンダリニーを知らない。しかし、クンダリニーには到底およばないけれど も超常的な強い「気」のエネルギーを呼び起こす経穴(ツボ)を知ってこれを使っている。

これは道教の最極秘伝になっていて、これを知る人はごく稀である。(アンリ・マー スペロがその著書で、ちょっとこれにふれている)

この経穴(中国でツボと呼ぶ部位は、チャクラの一種であるとわたくしは考えてい る)は、クンダリニーのチャクラから、少し離れたところにある。道教は、いまいっ たように、このチャクラを使って強い「気」を呼び起こすのである。クンダリニーの 代わりといってよいだろう。クンダリニーそのものは、知らないのである。

いつしか消えてしまったのであろうかと、わたくしは考えている。いうならば、クン ダリニーという巨大モーターを起動させるための始動用小型モーターだけが、道教に 伝えられたと考えるわけだ。

クンダリニーという過激きわまるエネルギーを、みごとにコントロールして使う仏 陀のこの秘法には、ただただ感嘆するしかないのである。

だが、仏陀の秘法はこれだけではないのである。さらにおどろくべき秘技を、 仏陀はわれわれに教示するのである。

それは、ひと口にいうと、ピンガラとイダーの気道を、アクセルとブレーキに使う のだといったらよいであろう。ただし、これが、クンダリニー・ヨーガのピンガラ、 イダーそのものであるかどうかは、わからない。

或いは、仏陀があたらしくつくり出した気道であるのかも知れない。というのは、 クンダリニー・ヨーガのピンガラとイダーは、前にのべたように、脊柱を通るスシュ ムナー管の両側を上昇するのであるが、仏陀のこの二つの気道は、その反対側の、腹 部を上下するからである。しかし、わたくしは、この二つの気道の果たす機能からし

て、やはりこれはピンガラとイダーであって、仏陀がこのように変えられたのであろ うと思っている。したがって、この二つの気道を、やはり、ピンガラとイダーという 名称で呼ぶことにする。

いま、この二つの気道の機能からして、といったが、どういう機能を持っているの か?」 ピンガラ気道は、クンダリニー・エネルギーにたいし、発動・昂揚の機能を持つ。 イダーの気道は、沈静・凝縮の機能を持つ。 つまり、さきにいったように、アクセルとブレーキの役目を果たすのだ。 それは、つぎのように使われる。


仏陀の法では、スシュムナー管がもう一本ある。つまり二本あるのだ。クンダリニ ー・ヨーガと正反対、尾祇骨から会陰を通って、腹部の正中線を真っ直ぐ、臍輪を経 て咽喉に至る気道である。目ざめたクンダリニーは、背部のスシュムナー管とともに、 この腹部スシュムナー管をも上昇する。(上昇するというより、上昇させるのだ)

この腹部スシュムナーのクンダリニー・エネルギーを、コントロールしつつ、各チ ャクラを開発、覚醒するのが、仏陀のピンガラ、イダーの両気道である。 つまり、臍輪から約五ないし八センチ(人によって個人差がある)ほど下の辺で、 腹部スシュムナーから分岐し、各チャクラおよび関連臓器、神経を行って上昇し、ま た、下降する。あるいは、咽喉からさらに脳の内部を、鼻柱の奥ふかく、眉間の深部 へと上昇し、脳のチャクラ、神経経路等を行り、延髄の小脳部分で、背部スシュムナ ー管と合流する。

この二つの気道の技法は、チャクラの開発・覚醒にぜったい必要で、これなくして チャクラの完全な開発・覚醒は不可能といってもいいであろう。殊に、視床下部、間

脳の辺の神経経路の増強には、不可欠の技法である。 まさに、神技というしかない微妙きわまる技法である。 では、この神技ともいうべき仏陀の法の修行は、どのようになされるのであろうか。 それは大別して、三つの法から成り立つ。 1、クンダリニーを覚醒する修行法 2、チャクラを開発する修行法 3、ピンガラ、イダーの気道を開発する修行法 である。 それは、特殊な呼吸法、独特な瞑想・観想、マントラ詠唱、ムドラー(手印、ポー ズ) などから構成される。その一つ一つについて解説しよう。ただし、本書は教習書 ではないので、実技の詳細については、著者の別の本(『求聞持聡明法秘伝』その他) を参照、または、著者に就いて実際に習得してほしい。



Therefore, the usage of Buddha's kundalini energy is completely different from the method of kundalini yoga, and it is used with complete control of kundalini. In short, it is a method of "making" Kundalini energy go. How is it done?

Buddha's secret method using Pingala and Ida

He would be wise not to make a stupid imitation that would provoke a sleeping Godzilla with a good feeling.

In Buddha's law, the monster Kundalini is awakened in a very gentle and good mood (?). How? Taoism doesn't know Kundalini. However, although it is far from Kundalini, he also knows and uses acupuncture points that evoke paranormal strong "Qi" energy.

This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (Henri Marr's Spelo is a little touched on in his book)

This acupuncture point (I think that the part called acupuncture point in China is a kind of chakra) is a little away from the Kundalini chakra. Taoism, as he is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong "Qi". It's a substitute for Kundalini. I don't know Kundalini itself.

I am wondering if it has disappeared someday. In other words, Kun thinks that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Darini was passed on to Taoism.

The Buddha's secret method of using Kundalini, a radical energy that is brilliantly controlled, can only be admired.

However, this is not the only secret method of Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.

In a nutshell, it's his use of the Pingala and Eider airways for accelerators and brakes. However, I don't know if this is Kundalini Yoga's Pingala, Ida itself.

Or it may be the airway newly created by the Buddha. For Kundalini Yoga's Pingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, ascend both sides of his Munner's canal through the spinal column, but these two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side. This is because the abdomen goes up and down. However, I am due to the function of these two airways.

And again, this is Pingala and Ida, and he wonders if the Buddha was changed in this way. Therefore, we will call these two airways by the names of Pingala and Ida.

Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does it have? ”The Pingara airway has the function of activating and raising the kundalini energy. Eider's airways have the function of calming and condensing. In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake. It is used as follows.

Two Sushmuner tubes

According to Buddha's law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Opposite to Kundalini Yoga, it is the airway from the caudal bone through the perineum, straight through the midline of the abdomen, through the navel ring to the throat. The awakened kundalini ascends this abdominal Sschmuner's canal as well as the dorsal Sushmuner's canal. (Rather than rising, raise)

It is the Buddha's Pingala and Ida airways that develop and awaken each chakra while controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner. That is, about 5 to 8 cm below the umbilicus (depending on the individual), it branches off from the abdominal sushmuner and rises and falls through each chakra and related organs and nerves. Alternatively, it rises further from the throat to the depths of the nasal column and deep between the eyebrows, follows the chakras of the brain, nerve pathways, etc., and joins the dorsal Sushmuner canal at the cerebellum part of the medulla oblongata.

These two airway techniques are absolutely necessary for the development and awakening of the chakra, and without it it would be impossible to fully develop and awaken his chakra. Especially in the hypothalamus, between

It is an indispensable technique for enhancing neural pathways around the brain. It is a delicate technique that can only be called a divine technique. Then, how is the practice of the Buddha's law, which can be called this divine technique, done? It is roughly divided into three laws. 1. A training method to awaken the kundalini 2. A training method to develop chakras 3. A training method to develop the airways of Pingala and Ida. It consists of special breathing methods, unique meditations / ideas, mantra chanting, mudra (hand marks, poses), etc. Let me explain each one. However, since this book is not a training book, please refer to another book by the author ("Kumon Mochi Satoshi Hosekiden" and others) for details of the practical skills, or ask the author to actually learn it.


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3 メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma 3

2022-07-04 19:44:56 | 瞑想













ルギーが、ピンガラ の気道を開発し、形成するのである。




















Kundalini Awakening Method

First, the practitioner must know exactly where the kundalini awakening reserve chakra is located. Earlier, I was acupuncture points such as a small motor for starting.

Ask the guru to teach this. The location of the chakras varies from person to person, so there is no choice but to ask the guru to tell you.

If you concentrate your thoughts on this spare chakra with Mudra and continue to have a special idea, the chakra will have a unique sensation. When a certain physical stimulus is added to this, it is completely awakened.

When the energy is gradually generated after registration, this energy is sent to the part of Kundalini by the airway and is made to go around it. As instructed, if done correctly, there will be a time lag, but everyone will wake up to Kundalini.

Kundalini yoga is very difficult to awaken,

Therefore, it is said that successful cases are rare, but the Buddhist law uses a spare chakra, so it is not so difficult. It is an excellent place in the Buddha's law.

Difficult is the development of both the Pingala and Eider airways.

This is very difficult. However, it is a practice that must be accomplished.

Because the airways of Pingala and Ida in the Buddha's law are just airways.
Instead, as mentioned earlier, it has accelerator and brake functions. Without developing these two airways, each chakra cannot be awakened or controlled. The chakras of the brain, the enhancement of nerve pathways, etc.
This is the eye of the Buddha's law because it works. Let me explain the method.

How to develop Bingara and Ida
In a nutshell, the technique creates a special vibration inside the body and barks at it.
The special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity, and is based on a special chanting method of the secret mantra.
I think. Mudra and position are also added to this.
This exercise initially uses the vocal cords. Generates correct vibration as voice in the vocal cords. this
It resonates with autumn movement, chest total, side viscera, and abdominal cavity. The thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity are, so to speak, drums.
To. It resonates and amplifies here.
If you can make a new movement, do not speak, but make the same vibration.
Enter into a small drama. It becomes silent, but it is vibrating. Because inside the body
He is always speaking towards him. It is sending vibrations toward the inside of the body. of a body
The inside is the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, as we have just mentioned. First, the movement of the chest cavity
Oh, let's make a fight.
In addition, the diaphragm amplifies in the abdominal cavity.
It will be understood that very strong energy is generated in the body. This strong energy
Ruggy develops and forms the Pingala airway.


Here, I must reveal one of the most secrets.

That is, there are two types of chakras, "large chakra" and "small chakra". No one knows this. It is a secret that only I know. A secret that I discovered and learned from the comprehensive training of Kundalini yoga, Taoism, and the Buddhist breathing method.
Is. For the first time, I will release the secret story that I have kept secret until now.


Follow the constellations of the chakras


As mentioned earlier, the "large chakras" are the seven chakras of Mueller Dara Chakra, Svadi Shootana Chakra, Manipula Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishudda Chakra, Ajnya Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. Ah

The "small chakra" is something else. There are about 300 small chakras in the human body. In Chinese Taoism, there are some parts that are called "acupuncture points",
Some are completely different. Small chakras are much more sensitive to perception than those that are not. I, the gurus, thoughtfully showed it with my fingertips from a distance of about a few centimeters, and the other person felt a tingling sensation. Some parts are so sensitive that you can feel it just by staring at it.

It just seems like the human body, the stars scattered in the universe. In fact, there are also groups of chakras, such as constellations, that form a constellation with a common system.

When developing the airways, I use these stars. The abdomen, back, head, and airways of any part can be opened relatively easily by using the chakra of this star.

I am, just like, the captain who sails the sea of ​​this star. I can clearly indicate from which star to which star I can reach my destination (chakra, nerve plexus, etc.). The wake that traces the stars becomes the airway.
According to this law, even a slightly insensitive practitioner will be able to know the route of the airway.

Both the Pingala and Ida airways are also developed and formed in this way.

The practitioners who do not know this secret are only in the dark sea, like the old navigators who do not have a compass and do not know to read the route in the constellations.

You already know. The strong vibrational energy in the body mentioned in the previous section traces the stars from star to star, forming the airways of Pingala and Ida.

With this, the biggest obstacle has been overcome. I want to take a break, but in fact, there is another difficulty that must be overcome. What is it?

It is how to give the airways of Pingala and Ida thus formed the functions of accelerator and brake mentioned above. This is very difficult.
How is it done?

The most secret breathing method "


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メシア ( 仏陀 ) の法 Messiah (Buddha) Law system of Dharma 3

2022-07-02 08:46:31 | 瞑想














ルギーが、ピンガラ の気道を開発し、形成するのである。




















Kundalini Awakening Method

First, the practitioner must know exactly where the kundalini awakening reserve chakra is located. Earlier, I was acupuncture points such as a small motor for starting.

Ask the guru to teach this. The location of the chakras varies from person to person, so there is no choice but to ask the guru to tell you.

If you concentrate your thoughts on this spare chakra with Mudra and continue to have a special idea, the chakra will have a unique sensation. When a certain physical stimulus is added to this, it is completely awakened.

When the energy is gradually generated after registration, this energy is sent to the part of Kundalini by the airway and is made to go around it. As instructed, if done correctly, there will be a time lag, but everyone will wake up to Kundalini.

Kundalini yoga is very difficult to awaken,

Therefore, it is said that successful cases are rare, but the Buddhist law uses a spare chakra, so it is not so difficult. It is an excellent place in the Buddha's law.

Difficult is the development of both the Pingala and Eider airways.

This is very difficult. However, it is a practice that must be accomplished.

Because the airways of Pingala and Ida in the Buddha's law are just airways.
Instead, as mentioned earlier, it has accelerator and brake functions. Without developing these two airways, each chakra cannot be awakened or controlled. The chakras of the brain, the enhancement of nerve pathways, etc.
This is the eye of the Buddha's law because it works. Let me explain the method.

How to develop Bingara and Ida
In a nutshell, the technique creates a special vibration inside the body and barks at it.
The special vibration uses the diaphragm, thoracic cavity, and abdominal cavity, and is based on a special chanting method of the secret mantra.
I think. Mudra and position are also added to this.
This exercise initially uses the vocal cords. Generates correct vibration as voice in the vocal cords. this
It resonates with autumn movement, chest total, side viscera, and abdominal cavity. The thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity are, so to speak, drums.
To. It resonates and amplifies here.
If you can make a new movement, do not speak, but make the same vibration.
Enter into a small drama. It becomes silent, but it is vibrating. Because inside the body
He is always speaking towards him. It is sending vibrations toward the inside of the body. of a body
The inside is the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity, as we have just mentioned. First, the movement of the chest cavity
Oh, let's make a fight.
In addition, the diaphragm amplifies in the abdominal cavity.
It will be understood that very strong energy is generated in the body. This strong energy
Ruggy develops and forms the Pingala airway.


Here, I must reveal one of the most secrets.

That is, there are two types of chakras, "large chakra" and "small chakra". No one knows this. It is a secret that only I know. A secret that I discovered and learned from the comprehensive training of Kundalini yoga, Taoism, and the Buddhist breathing method.
Is. For the first time, I will release the secret story that I have kept secret until now.


Follow the constellations of the chakras


As mentioned earlier, the "large chakras" are the seven chakras of Mueller Dara Chakra, Svadi Shootana Chakra, Manipula Chakra, Anahata Chakra, Vishudda Chakra, Ajnya Chakra, and Sahasrara Chakra. Ah

The "small chakra" is something else. There are about 300 small chakras in the human body. In Chinese Taoism, there are some parts that are called "acupuncture points",
Some are completely different. Small chakras are much more sensitive to perception than those that are not. I, the gurus, thoughtfully showed it with my fingertips from a distance of about a few centimeters, and the other person felt a tingling sensation. Some parts are so sensitive that you can feel it just by staring at it.

It just seems like the human body, the stars scattered in the universe. In fact, there are also groups of chakras, such as constellations, that form a constellation with a common system.

When developing the airways, I use these stars. The abdomen, back, head, and airways of any part can be opened relatively easily by using the chakra of this star.

I am, just like, the captain who sails the sea of ​​this star. I can clearly indicate from which star to which star I can reach my destination (chakra, nerve plexus, etc.). The wake that traces the stars becomes the airway.
According to this law, even a slightly insensitive practitioner will be able to know the route of the airway.

Both the Pingala and Ida airways are also developed and formed in this way.

The practitioners who do not know this secret are only in the dark sea, like the old navigators who do not have a compass and do not know to read the route in the constellations.

You already know. The strong vibrational energy in the body mentioned in the previous section traces the stars from star to star, forming the airways of Pingala and Ida.

With this, the biggest obstacle has been overcome. I want to take a break, but in fact, there is another difficulty that must be overcome. What is it?

It is how to give the airways of Pingala and Ida thus formed the functions of accelerator and brake mentioned above. This is very difficult.
How is it done?

The most secret breathing method "


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