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Bonji 梵字 千 手千眼観音 सहस्रभुज、[sahasrabhuja]

2022-09-19 08:06:15 | 梵字


梵名をサハスラブジャ (Sahasrabhuja)といいます。

この観音は、一切衆生を漏れなく救うという誓 願により、千手の姿となったといわれています。 また千の眼はそれぞれの掌にあるところから、千 手千眼観音とも呼ばれます。

千という数字は、広大無辺をあらわします。一 切衆生を救済するための手や眼のとどく範囲が広 大であるということを象徴した、大慈大悲そのも のの観音さまです。

このように、千手観音は、観音がもつ慈悲の力 をいちばん強調した姿といえましう。




別名 千手千眼観自在菩薩(せんじゅせんげんかんじざいぼさつ)とも言い、生きとし生けるものすべてを漏らさず救う、大いなる慈悲を表現する菩薩です。千の手と手のひらの千の眼によって悩み苦しむ衆生を見つけては手を差し伸べる広大無限な功徳と慈悲から「大悲観音」、または観音の王を意味する「蓮華王」とも称されます。阿修羅や金剛力士などが属する二十八部衆を配下とします。









Sanskrit name is Sahasrabhuja.

It is said that this Kannon took on the form of a thousand hands as a result of his vow to save all living beings. It is also called Thousand Armed Kannon because it has a thousand eyes on each palm.

The number 1000 represents vastness. Kannon of Great Compassion and Compassion, symbolizing the vastness of the reach of the hands and eyes to save all living beings.

In this way, it can be said that the Thousand-Armed Kannon is the figure that most emphasizes the compassionate power of Kannon.




What is Senju Kannon?

Also known as Senju Sengen Kanjizai Bosatsu, it is a bodhisattva that expresses great mercy and saves all living things. It is also called 'Daibi Kannon' or 'Lenge King', which means the king of Kannon, because of its vast and infinite merit and mercy, which finds and reaches out to suffering sentient beings with a thousand hands and a thousand eyes in the palm of the hand. He is under the control of the twenty-eight divisions, to which Ashura and Kongo Rikishi belong.


Among Kannon, he has great merit, and is sometimes called "Rengeo" in the sense that he is the king of Kannon. He has twenty-eight subordinates such as Ashura and Kongo Rikishi under his command. He is also counted as one of the Six Kannons, and is said to save people who are lost in Gaki-do.


It covers all worldly benefits such as warding off disasters, prolonging life, and curing illnesses, and is said to be especially beneficial for marital harmony and romantic success. He is also the guardian deity of the year of the rat, and is said to help people born in the year of the rat bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Senju Kannon

It is often represented by eleven faces and forty-two arms, indicating that each of the forty of the forty-two hands will save the twenty-five worlds. In his hands, he holds a wide variety of items such as a treasured sword, a skull cane, and a water bottle, representing a wide variety of virtues.

Mantra of Senju Kannon

On Bazara Talama Kilik

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Bonji 梵字  不動明王(ふどうみょうおう、梵: अचलनाथ acalanātha

2022-09-17 10:26:59 | 梵字











梵名はアールヤアチャラナータビジャヤラージ ャ(Aryacalanatha vijayaraja) といい、正式には聖 不動威怒明王と呼びます。

諸仏は、つねにさまざまな手段をとって、わた したち衆生をさとりの道へ歩ませようとします。 しかし、なかには、やさしさだけの慈悲では心を 変えない、強情な衆生もいます。

こうした尋常な方法ではとうてい救済できない かたくなな衆生に対して、大日如来は叱りつける という慈悲のかたちをとって教え導きます。この とき、大日如来は不動明王に変化し、念怒の相を もってあらわれます。この念怒は実は慈悲のきわ みなのです。 西年生まれの守り本尊とされています、






What is Fudo Myoo?

The etymology means "immovable guardian" and is another name for Shiva in Indian mythology. Shiva is the deity of the power of storms, causing devastating disasters, but the rain nourishes plants. The contradictory aspects of destruction and grace are inherited by Fudo Myoo. Fudo Myo-o is angry at those who stand in the way of Buddhism and makes them submit, but he always protects and watches over those who have entered Buddhism.


As an incarnation of Dainichi Nyorai, he is said to represent his heart's determination to lead any villain to the path of Buddhism. Especially in Japan, the faith spreads and it is familiar with the name of Fudo-sama. And it is the central existence of the five great kings. The Five Great Myoos are Fudo Myoo, Gozanze Myoo, Gundari Myoo, Daiitoku Myoo, and Kongo Yasha Myoo. It refers to the five bodies of Ou), and is arranged in the north, south, east, and west centered on Fudo. Of the eight great children, Kongara and Seitaka are often assigned as attendants to Fudo Myoo. By the way, there are cases where the dragon-wrapped flaming sword held by Fudo Myoo is enshrined alone. He is considered to be the incarnation of Fudo Myoo and is called Kurikara Ryuo.


It is said that there are blessings for warding off disasters, winning battles, driving out demons, protecting trainees, warding off misfortunes, national security, and worldly benefits. It is also the guardian deity born in the year of the rooster. He is said to help people born in the year of the rooster bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Fudo Myoo

There are many short, slightly thicker child-type models, and they have angry expressions. His eyes are called tenchigen, meaning that his right eye is directed toward heaven and his left eye is directed toward earth. His mouth is said to have the right fang up and his left fang down. He is backed by a halo of flames and has a sword and a fencing in his hands. The sword expresses the sharpness of the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai. Kensaku is a binding rope that binds worldly desires and reforms evil minds.


His Sanskrit name is Aryacalanatha Vijayaraja, and his official name is Holy Fudo Ido Myoo.

The Buddhas always use various means to make us, the sentient beings, follow the path of enlightenment. However, there are some sentient beings who are stubborn and will not change their minds with just kindness and mercy.

Dainichi Nyorai scolds and guides his stubborn sentient beings, who cannot be rescued by such ordinary methods, in the form of his mercy. At this time, Dainichi Nyorai transforms into Fudo Myoo and manifests himself with the face of anger. This anger is actually only him at the edge of mercy. It is considered to be a guardian deity born in the western year,


Mantra of Fudo Myoo

Naumak Samanda Bazara Dan Kang


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Bonji 梵字  普賢菩薩  Samanta bhadra

2022-09-14 17:23:04 | 梵字


梵名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra)の「サマ ンタ」は「普く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か ら起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず遍在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

ぞう 六牙の白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。文殊菩薩の智慧に対して、 慈悲(の行)をつかさどります。

なお、密教では、堅固不 壊の菩提心を象徴する 金剛薩埵と同体とします。 辰年と巳年生まれの人の守り本尊とされています。















The Sanskrit name Samanta bhadra translates as ``Fuku'' and ``Bhadra'' as ``Ken''. "Ken" specifically means "the desire and deeds that arise from the desire to attain enlightenment


." This bodhisattva symbolizes that he is omnipresent, regardless of time and place. Therefore, he is also capable of always protecting those who practice the bodhisattva practice.

He rides a six-tusked white elephant and serves as a side attendant to Shakyamuni Buddha along with Monju Bodhisattva. He presides over the wisdom of Manjushri.

In esoteric Buddhism, it is united with Vajra Buddha, which symbolizes the firm and indestructible Bodhicitta. He is considered the guardian deity of people born in the year of the dragon and the year of the snake.


What is Fugen Bosatsu?

Fugen is a bodhisattva who appears everywhere and has the power to save living beings.


Along with Monju Bodhisattva, he is often seen as the right side attendant of Shaka Nyorai, and is often enshrined as a triad, but in some cases he is enshrined alone. As a bodhisattva who controls training with the wisdom of Monju Bosatsu, it is said to play the role of practicing the teachings of Buddhism grasped with clear wisdom. In addition, along with the spread of the Lotus Sutra, which preaches the salvation of women, many women gained faith.


By the way, there is Fugen Enmei Bosatsu, a Buddha derived from Fugen Bosatsu, who has the benefit of life extension.


It is said to have the benefits of protecting women, protecting trainees, prolonging life from illness, and increasing happiness. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the dragon and snake.

Statue of Fugen Bosatsu

It is commonly seen riding a white elephant. If you are riding an elephant with 3 or 4 heads, there is a high possibility that it is a statue of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu.

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Bonji 梵字 師瑠璃光如来 バイシャジャグル(Bhaisajyaguru)

2022-09-09 14:13:31 | 梵字

梵名は、バイシャジャグル(Bhaisajyaguru) で、

いいおうがっ」 薬師瑠璃光如来とか大医王仏とも呼ばれています。

人間の病苦を癒し、内面の苦悩を除くなど十二 の大願をもつ如来です。その誓願の中でも、とり わけ「身体を健全にさせ」「あらゆる病気を平癒 させる」という二つの大願に人びとの信仰があつ まりました。薬師岳、薬師温泉など各地にその名 がつけられているのも、古来広く信仰されてきた 証左といえます。

薬師三尊は、薬師如来を中尊に、向かって右に。 日光菩薩、左に月光菩薩が脇侍となります。奈良 の薬師寺金堂の三尊像は有名です。

また、薬師如来は、十二神将と呼ぶ護法神を春 属としてしたがえています。












Sanskrit name is Bhaisajyaguru

It is also called Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai or Great Doctor King Buddha.

He is a Tathagata with 12 great wishes, such as healing the suffering of human beings and removing their inner anguish. Among his vows, his two great vows, "to make the body healthy" and "to cure all diseases," attracted people's faith. Yakushi-dake, Yakushi-onsen, and other places in Japan are named after it, which is proof that it has been widely worshiped since ancient times.

The Yakushi Sanzon is on the right with Yakushi Nyorai as the central deity. Nikko Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva on the left are side samurai. The three statues of Yakushiji Kondo in Nara are famous.

In addition, Yakushi Nyorai follows the guardian deities called the Twelve Divine Generals as spring attendants.


He is the leader of the Touhou Joruri world, and his official name is Yakushi Ruriko Nyorai.


He makes "twelve great wishes" to cure illnesses and provide food, clothing and shelter, and grants his wishes while he is still alive. Unlike Amida Nyorai, who gives peace after death, it is characterized by giving peace to this world. There are many examples of old works, especially those that wished for recovery from illness.


Nikko Bodhisattva and Moonlight Bodhisattva are often lined up as a Sanzon with side samurai.


Healing illnesses (especially eye diseases), healthy longevity, elimination of misfortunes, prayers for safe childbirth, worldly benefits

Mantra of Yakushi Nyorai

On Korokoro Sendari Matougi Sowaka

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Bonji 梵字 弥勒菩薩(みろくぼさつ maitreya

2022-09-08 18:48:00 | 梵字



「弥勒」とは梵名マイトレーヤ (Maitreya) の音 訳です。

五十六億七千万年後に兜率天からこの世に下生 して仏陀になり、釈迦如来の教化にもれた衆生を 救うといわれる未来仏です。仏(如来)になれる 素質、つまり慈しみのこころを有する菩薩という 意味から、慈氏菩薩とも呼ばれています。

弥勒菩薩は釈尊の実在の弟子ともいわれていま す。釈尊よりも先に亡くなり、兜率天で天人のた めに説法しているといわれています。兜率天とは 将来、仏となるべき菩薩の住処で、釈迦如来も、 かつてここで修行していたといわれています。

弥勒菩薩の住する兜率天への上生と、将来この 世に下生された弥勒菩薩の説法に与りたいとの願 いが弥勒信仰になりました。

"Miroku" is a transliteration of the Sanskrit name Maitreya.

It is said that after 5,670 million years, he will descend from Toshitsuten into this world, become a Buddha, and save all sentient beings who have been enlightened by Shakyamuni Buddha. It is also called Jishi Bosatsu because it has the potential to become a Buddha (Nyorai), that is, a bodhisattva with a compassionate heart.

Maitreya Bodhisattva is said to be a real disciple of Shakyamuni. He died before Shakyamuni Buddha, and is said to be preaching for him in Toshitsuten. Fusatsuten is the dwelling place of the Bodhisattva who will become a Buddha in the future, and it is said that Shakyamuni Buddha once practiced here.

My desire to be born in Toshitsuten, where Maitreya Bodhisattva resides, and to participate in the sermons of Maitreya Bodhisattva who was born into this world in the future became my faith in Maitreya.












Maitreya Bodhisattva
A successor of Buddha who is promised to save people in the distant future.

What is Maitreya Bodhisattva?
Maitreya is called Maitreya in ancient India and means one born of compassion. Because it is promised to become a Buddha, it is sometimes called Mirokubutsu or Miroku Nyorai. It is said that 5.67 billion years after Shakyamuni passed away, he will become a Buddha and appear in this world to save those who were not saved by the teachings of Shakyamuni. By the way, 5.67 billion years later is almost the same as the life expectancy when the solar system including the earth disappears.


Currently, I am training in the heavenly world called Tosotsuten, which is located above Mt.

Statue of Maitreya Bodhisattva
His right leg is bent and resting on his left knee, with the fingers of his right hand resting against his cheek. This is said to be a figure worried about how to save people in the future.




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Bonji 梵字 地蔵菩薩  Kṣitigarbha

2022-09-07 18:47:13 | 梵字




梵名クシィティガルバ (Ksitigarbha)の「クシィ ティ」は「耐え忍ぶ」という意味で、その象徴が 大地です。「ガルバ」は「胎蔵」などと訳され、 包蔵を意味し、大地の徳を尊格化したのが、地蔵 菩薩といえます。

釈尊の入滅から弥勒菩薩が出世するまでの五十 六億七千万年の無仏の時代(現在も含む)に、迷 いの世界に住する衆生を教え導き救済することが 地蔵菩薩の誓願です。

また、多くの現世利益の功徳があるところから、 さまざまな呼び名で呼ばれています。たとえば、 子どもの守り本尊として、子育地蔵や子安地蔵が この例です。

浄土に住まず、つねに民衆の中に溶け込んで救 いをもたらすこの菩薩は、人びとに深く慕われて います。












頭を丸めた修行僧の姿で、釈迦と同様に簡素な衣を着けますが、菩薩であることより首飾り・瓔珞などで荘厳されることもあります。錫杖と宝珠を持っている姿が一般的です。 延命地蔵は半跏像、あるいは片脚踏み上げの姿勢をとります。





The Sanskrit name Ksitigarbha "Ksitigarbha" means "to endure" and its symbol is the earth. "Garba" is translated as "womb storehouse" and means a storehouse, and it can be said that Jizo Bodhisattva deified the virtue of the earth.

Jizo Bosatsu's vow is to teach and guide sentient beings who live in a world of confusion during the 5.67 billion years (including the present) when there was no Buddha from the death of Shakyamuni until Maitreya Bodhisattva ascended into the world. is.

It is also called by various names because it has many worldly benefits. For example, Koiku Jizo and Koyasu Jizo are examples of him as a guardian deity of children.

This bodhisattva, who does not live in the Pure Land but always blends in with the people and brings salvation, is deeply admired by people.

Jizo Bodhisattva

A bodhisattva who rules over the earth that nurtures all life, famously known as Jizo

What is Jizo Bodhisattva?

He is said to embrace and save people with a heart of great mercy. Until Maitreya Bodhisattva appears in this world 5.67 billion years later, there is no Buddha in this world, so it is a Bodhisattva who saves all living things during that time.


He is said to be the incarnation of King Enma, and people believe that if you put your hands on Jizo Bosatsu even once in this world, you will be saved from the suffering of hell as a substitute. In addition, unlike other Buddhas, it is said that it directly circulates through the six realms, such as humanitarianism, to provide relief, and is affectionately called "Ojizo-sama." By the way, the Six Realms are made up of the worlds of Humanity, Heaven, Hell, Gaki, Animal, and Asura.


Cemeteries often have six Jizo statues enshrined. In Buddhism, it is called Rokudo Rinne, and each one is in charge of each world and watches over it in order to guide the ancestors and the deceased who are reincarnated in one of the six paths.


There are various benefits such as good health, good harvest, traffic safety, Mizuko prayer, safe delivery, childbirth, child protection, ancestor bodhi, victory prayer.

Statue of Jizo Bodhisattva

He takes the form of a trainee monk with a rounded head and wears simple clothes like Shakyamuni, but since he is a bodhisattva, he is sometimes solemnized with necklaces and necklaces. He is commonly seen holding a scepter and a jewel. Enmei Jizo takes a posture of half-legged or stepping up on one leg.


Mantra of Jizo Bodhisattva

On Kakaka Bisanmaei Sowaka

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Bonji 梵字   観自在菩薩 アールヤアヴァローキテーシュヴァラ (Aryavalokitesvara)

2022-09-06 08:33:26 | 梵字



梵名を、アールヤアヴァローキテーシュヴァラ (Aryavalokitesvara) といい、観自在菩薩ともいい ます。一般には「観音さま」と呼ばれ、菩薩の中 では最も親しまれてきました。

救いを求める相手によって、さまざまな姿に身 を変えてあらわれ、大慈悲とすぐれた智慧で人び との苦しみを除き、さらに切なる願いもかなえて くれる仏です。観音菩薩を信仰する人は、自分の 身近にいる人にその化身を感じ、利益にあずかる ことができるとされています。

観音菩薩は姿を変えて(変化観音)衆生の願い にこたえてくれますが、変化しない本来の形を聖 観音といいます。ふつう「観音」という場合は、 この聖観音をさします。 勢至菩薩とともに、阿弥陀如来の脇侍をつとめます。







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Bonji 梵字 ガウタマ・シッダールタ (Gautama-Siddhartha) 「仏陀」(Buddha、目覚めた者)

2022-09-03 10:29:33 | 梵字





紀元前六世紀、ガウタマ・シッダールタ (Gautama-Siddhartha)は、この世の苦しみを解決する 道を求めて出家し、六年間もの苦行のあと、菩提 樹の下で、ついにさと」をひらき「仏陀」(Buddha、目覚めた者)となりました。

こうして仏教をひらいた仏陀は、八十歳で入滅 するまでおよそ四十五年の間に多くの人びとを救 い、また多くの弟子たちをニルヴァーナ(涅槃) に導きました。そして、時空を超え、久遠常住の 仏として「智慧」と「慈悲」によって一切の衆生 .



シャーキャ族出身の聖者という意味でシャーキ ャムニ(Sakya-muni)、すなわち釈迦牟尼如来とい われます。 「脇侍に文殊、普賢両菩薩をしたがえた釈迦如来 を釈迦三尊といいます。



In the 6th century B.C., Gautama-Siddhartha became a monk in search of a solution to the sufferings of this world. , Awakened Ones).

The Buddha who founded Buddhism in this way saved many people in about 45 years until he passed away at the age of 80, and led many of his disciples to Nirvana. And, transcending time and space, as an everlasting buddha, he will help all sentient beings with his wisdom and compassion.

continue to rescue


He is called Sakya-muni, or Sakyamuni Tathagata, meaning a saint from the Shakya tribe. “Shaka Nyorai, who has Monju and Fugen Bodhisattvas as attendants, is called Shaka Sanzon.




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Bonji 梵字  普賢菩薩(ふげんぼさつ、 梵: samantabhadra [サマンタバドラ]

2022-09-02 16:55:31 | 梵字


梵名サマンタバドラ(Samanta bhadra)の「サマ ンタ」は「普く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。

「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か ら起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず遍在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。

で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。

六牙の白象に り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。文殊菩薩の智慧に対して、 慈悲(の行)をつかさどります。

なお、密教では、堅固不壊の菩提心を象徴する 金剛薩埵と同体とします。 辰年 と巳年生まれの人の守り本尊とされていま


Sanskrit name Samanta bhadra translates as ``samanta'' and ``bhadra'' as ``wise''.

"Ken" specifically means "the desire and deeds that arise from the desire to attain enlightenment." This bodhisattva symbolizes that he is omnipresent, regardless of time and place.

Therefore, he is also capable of always protecting those who practice the bodhisattva practice.

He rides on a six-tusked white elephant and serves as a side attendant of Shakyamuni Buddha with Monju Bodhisattva. He presides over the wisdom of Manjushri.

In esoteric Buddhism, it is regarded as one with Vajra Buddha, which symbolizes the firm and indestructible Bodhicitta. It is considered a guardian deity for those born in the year of the dragon and the year of the snake.















Fugen Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva who appears everywhere and controls mercy to save all living beings.

What is Fugen Bosatsu?
Fugen is a bodhisattva who appears everywhere and has the power to save living beings.


Along with Monju Bodhisattva, he is often seen as the right side attendant of Shaka Nyorai, and is often enshrined as a triad, but in some cases he is enshrined alone. As a bodhisattva who controls training with the wisdom of Monju Bosatsu, it is said to play the role of practicing the teachings of Buddhism grasped with clear wisdom. In addition, along with the spread of the Lotus Sutra, which preaches the salvation of women, many women gained faith.


By the way, there is Fugen Enmei Bosatsu, a Buddha derived from Fugen Bosatsu, who has the benefit of life extension.

It is said to have the benefits of protecting women, protecting trainees, prolonging life from illness, and increasing happiness. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the dragon and snake.

Statue of Fugen Bosatsu
It is commonly seen riding a white elephant. If you are riding an elephant with 3 or 4 heads, there is a high possibility that it is a statue of Fugen Enmei Bosatsu.



Mantra of Fugen Bosatsu
Ong Sanmaiyah Satvan



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Bonji 梵字 大日如来 Mahāvairocana

2022-09-02 13:45:22 | 梵字








「大日」とは「大いなる輝くもの」を意味する 梵語マハーヴァイローチャナ(Mahāvairocana) の 意訳です。音写して「摩訶毘盧遮那如来」ともい います。

大日如来は、密教の世界では、二つのあらわれ 方をします。「理」をあらわす胎蔵では、法界定 印を結び大いなる慈悲をあらわす女性的な大日如 来として、また「智」をあらわす金剛界では、智 拳印を結んで男性的な大日如来としてあらわれます。













金剛界:オン バサラダトバン
胎蔵界:オン アンビラウンケン

“Dainichi” is a free translation of the Sanskrit word Mahāvairocana


, which means “the great shining one”. He is also known as "Makabi Rochana Nyorai" by transcription.

Dainichi Nyorai appears in two ways in the world of esoteric Buddhism. In the womb, which represents ``reason,'' she appears as a feminine Dainichi Nyorai, who binds the seal of the Dharma realm and represents great mercy. increase.


What is Dainichi Nyorai?

Dainichi means "great sun". It is a further evolved form of Vairushana Nyorai, who controls the sun. In esoteric Buddhism, Dainichi Nyorai represents the truth of the universe and refers to the universe itself. In addition, all living things are said to have been born from Dainichi Nyorai, and other Buddhas, including Shaka Nyorai, are considered to be incarnations of Dainichi Nyorai.


There are two different views of Dainichi Nyorai: the Kongokai Dainichi Nyorai, which symbolizes the wisdom necessary to attain enlightenment, and the Womb World Dainichi Nyorai, which symbolizes the spread of infinite compassion. Kongo means diamond, which means that wisdom is very hard and can never be damaged. In addition, taizo means that all the universe is wrapped in Dainichi Nyorai like a mother's mother's womb. The combination of these two forms the world view of esoteric Buddhism with Dainichi Nyorai as its principal image.


Peace in the world, wish fulfillment. In addition, it is a guardian deity born in the year of the monkey.

Statue of Dainichi Nyorai

Originally, the Tathagata is modeled after the Buddha after he entered the priesthood, so he does not wear any ornaments, but Dainichi Nyorai is the only one who wears extravagant ornaments and coronet. Also, the hair is tied up instead of rahotsu.


The shapes of the seals are different depending on the appearance of the Kongokai and the Womb Realm. The Dainichi Nyorai of the Vajra Realm is making a sign of wisdom fist in which he raises his left index finger and wraps the index finger with his right hand. On the other hand, Dainichi Nyorai of the womb realm is a fixed seal that stretches out all the fingers of both hands and joins them in front of his belly.

Mantra of Dainichi Nyorai

Kongokai: On Basaradattban
Womb Realm: On Ambiraunken

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Bonji 梵字 文殊菩薩 mañjughoṣa マンジュゴーシャ

2022-09-01 10:25:59 | 梵字



梵名のマンジュシュリー(Maijusri) を音写して 文殊師利、さらに略して文殊といいます。獅子に 乗じて、普賢菩薩とともに釈迦如来の脇侍をつと めます。

文殊は智慧第一の菩薩として、「維摩経」をは じめ、大乗仏典の中でたびたび重要な役柄として 登場します。

文殊菩薩は、その真言の数によって、五字文殊、 一字文殊、六字文殊、八字文殊などがあり、また、 それらの頭上の雪によって、五菩文殊、一善文殊 などとも呼ばれています。「ア・ラ・ハ・シャ・ ノウ」という五字の真言が大日如来の五つの智慧 をあらわしているところから、五字文殊を文殊菩 薩の本体とします。 卯年生まれの人の守り本尊とされています。



The Sanskrit name Maijusri is transliterated and called Monju Shiri, or Monju for short. Riding a lion, he joins Fugen Bodhisattva as an attendant to Shaka Nyorai.

Monju is the bodhisattva of wisdom first, and the 'Yima Sutra', including him, often appears as an important role in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures.

Depending on the number of mantras, Manjusatsu Bodhisattvas are called Five-character Monju, One-character Monju, Six-character Monju, Eight-character Monju, etc., and are also called Five Bodhisattvas, Ichizen Monju, etc., depending on the snow on their heads. Since the five-letter mantra “a-la-ha-sha-nou” represents the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, five-letter Monju is the main body of Monju Bodhisattva. He is considered the guardian deity of people born in the year of the rabbit.
















Monju Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva famous as the god of learning who controls wisdom

What is Monju Bosatsu?
The official name is Monju Shiri Bosatsu. As the proverb says, "Three people bring the wisdom of Monju," it is a bodhisattva famous for praying for academic improvement and passing exams as the god of wisdom. There is a person who became a model for him, and it is said that he was a member of the Brahmin class of Shaekoku, the capital of Kosala in ancient India. It is said that he was involved in the process of compiling Buddhist scriptures into books. However, originally it is Kokuzo Bosatsu that controls wisdom such as learning, and Monju Bosatsu controls 'wisdom', which means the ability to correctly assess the way things are and the ability to make judgments.


As the left side samurai of Shaka Nyorai, he is often lined up with Fugen Bodhisattva as a triad, but sometimes he is enshrined alone.

It is said that there is a benefit of clear wisdom and academic achievement. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the rabbit. He is said to help people born in the year of the rabbit bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.

Statue of Monju Bosatsu
He holds a sword in his left hand and a sutra scroll in his right hand, and is typically seated on a lotus pedestal resting on a lion. He sometimes carries a bonsai, a lotus stand with a vajra pestle, and so on.

famous temples and statues
・Nara Prefecture: Abe Monjuin Temple

The mantra of Monju Bosatsu
On Arahsha Know

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2022-08-26 19:42:38 | 梵字










フリーヒ・hrih ・ 慣用音 きりいく
オン どめい し んだ まに じんば ら うん



Nyoirin Kannon


Nyoirin Kannon

The Sanskrit name is called Cintamani Chakura.
Nyoi means "Nyoi Hoju", and it has the merit of producing treasures, eating and drinking, and removing illness. Also, the wheel is the "Falun". Falun is a symbol of truth and Buddhism.

Nyoirin Kannon's main vow is to save sentient beings in the six realms with the Nyoirin Hoju and Dharma Wheel, and to give them further benefits.
In esoteric Buddhism, a secret method to pray for good health, satisfaction of wishes, etc.

It is enshrined as the principal image of "Nyoirin Kanjizai Bosatsu Recitation".

hrih hrih idiomatic sound
On Domei Jinbara

The sanmaya shape is a wish-fulfilling jewel
on barada handmade un
On Hadma Sindamani Jibara Un[


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密教の仏たち 10 准胝観音 Esoteric Buddhas 10 Cundi Kannon

2021-09-11 09:28:58 | 梵字



中国では密教、この後も広く禅宗や浄土宗、道教等でも信仰されるが、かつてインドから東南アジアでも信仰された[注 3][19]。













Cundi Kannon

In esoteric Buddhism, it is also called Shichiku Tebutsumo [1]. The secret issue is the winning Kongo, the surrendering Kongo

In Japan, there are various names such as "Cundi Buddha", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", "Cundi Kannon Bodhisattva", and "Tenjin Tsuyoshi Kannon".

In China, it was worshiped in esoteric Buddhism, and after that it was widely worshiped in Zen Buddhism, Jodo Buddhism, Taoism, etc., but it was once worshiped from India to Southeast Asia [Note 3] [19].

It is famous that Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect of Japan, built Cundi Hall next to the priest when the foundation of Mt. Koya was established, and enshrined Cundi Kannon as the principal image of the disciples. Even when it was devastated, the priests kept this Cundi Kannon in the kuri and continued to protect it. Therefore, until the Showa era when Junteido was repaired, a ritual of proficiency to become a monk was held at Junteido in Koyasan. [20] In addition, the founder of the Shingon sect Daigo sect, Shobo Takashi, solicited Cundi Kannon for the opening of Daigoji Temple, and his grandson Ningai added Cundi Kannon to Rokukannon, and continued to gather the faith of the people for a long time. ing

Merit of Cundi Kannon
In "Seven Buddha Club Buddha Mother's Heart Daisuke Cundi Raunho" (Taishozo No. 1078) translated by Zenpo Awe Sanzo, Eliminate all serious sins such as sins and five treasonous sins, often fulfill all good laws, add discipline, become innocent and innocent, and quickly obtain cleanliness of the mind. Even if there are wives and children without refusing to drink or eat meat, it is possible to fulfill all Buddhist and secret laws by making this Cundi Buddha the principal priest. " There is.
In "Buddhist Theory Seven Clubs Buddha Mother's Heart Cundi Dharani Sutra" (Taishozo No. 1077) translated by Jibo Dharani, "If the good men and women at home chanted" Cundi Mantra ", this If you keep it on a daily basis, your home will not suffer from disasters, accidents, illnesses, etc., and you will not be misunderstood or unable to fulfill your wishes in every act, and everyone will trust your words. Also, there are people who are not blessed with happiness and talent, and have no talent for esoteric Buddhism. Even if there are people who cannot go around, if they can receive the instruction of "Dharani" of this quasi-Kannon, they will be able to quickly get a sense of excellence. If you can always remember this and keep the commandments of good deeds by chanting this mantra, all your wishes will be fulfilled. " [twenty three]

What is Cundi Kannon?

Also known as Cundi Buddha and Cundi Buddha. She was originally a Hindu goddess Durga and is considered the princess of Lord Shiva. She looks very beautiful, but she is the goddess of battle who defeated the demons with the weapons of the gods. Therefore, it is pointed out that she is originally a female priest, not Kannon. However, I will introduce it here as Kannon.

Since it was introduced into Buddhism, it has been regarded as a god that brings benevolent cleanliness, and is also called the Shichigu Tebutsubo. This means the mother of the Buddha who gave birth to more Buddhas than in the past. Therefore, in the Shingon sect, it is counted as six Kannon (Sacred Kannon, Senju Kannon, Eleven-faced Kannon, Nyoirin Kannon, Hayagriva Kannon, Cundi Kannon), but in the Tendai sect, it is called Cundi Buddhist mother. It is classified into. It is also called Shichikannon together with Fukū-in Temple Kannon.


It has the benefits of protecting monks, having no illness, and prolonging life, and has merits such as safe delivery and childbirth.

Rigendaishi Shobo, a grand disciple of Kukai, was known as a monk for Shugendo, and it was Cundi Kannon and Nyoirin Kannon that enshrined himself by carving a sacred tree. The scriptures say that if the trainee chanting Cundi Dharani, he will be clean and can become a Buddhahood. In addition, Shobo prayed for the birth of Emperor Daigo's prince to Cundi Kannon, and it is said that later Emperors Suzaku and Murakami were born. Therefore, it is generally known for its merit as a childbirth and easy delivery.

Image of Cundi Kannon

Her hands are 18 and often the third figure. The central hand takes the preaching mark and the abhayamudra mark. Her belongings include weapons, beads, and lotus flowers.

Cundi Kannon's Mantra

On Sharay Shrey Juntei Sowaka
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虚空蔵菩薩  梵名アーカーシャガルバ[Ākāśagarbha]  Kokuzo Bosatsu [Ākāśagarbha]

2021-01-04 18:25:22 | 梵字









タラーハ・trah ・ 慣用音 たらあく





Kokuzo Bosatsu

Kokuzo Bosatsu
Kokuzo Bosatsu
The name is Akasha Galva)

Akasiya means "empty" and Galva means "womb".

The name comes from the fact that the bodhisattva's fortune and Buddhist wisdom are vast and open like the sky.

It is said that the endless virtues of good fortune and wisdom are given to those who need them as much as necessary. It is believed to be a Buddha of "wisdom" against the Jizo Bodhisattva of "mercy".

The "Kokuzo Bosatsu Gumonji Method", which rehearses this Kokuzo Bosatsu as the principal image, is well known as a method of clarifying the brain and enhancing memory.

Similarly, the "Kokuzo Bosatsu Memorial Law" is said to be able to obtain treasures both physically and mentally, with the exception of business obstacles.

It is considered to be the guardian deity of people born in the year of Ox and the year of the Tiger.

Taraha, trah, idiomatic sound, taraku

What is Kokuzo Bosatsu?

Kokuzo means a warehouse (storage) that contains infinite wisdom and mercy like the universe, and is said to give wisdom, memory, and knowledge by taking it out of the warehouse to fulfill people's wishes. I will.


It is said that Kobo Daishi, the founder of the Shingon sect, practiced the Kokuzo Gumonji method of chanting the true words of the Kokuzo Bosatsu one million times. It is said that you can acquire the wisdom of Buddha with infinite memory. In addition to the principal image of the Gumonji method, there are the Five Great Kokuzo Bosatsu, the principal image of the practice of praying for increased profits and disaster relief. This is a modified form of the Five Buddhas of the Kongokai, with the wisdom of the Kokuzo Bosatsu arranged in five directions.

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梵字  4  Sanskrit character 1  siddhamātṛkā, シッダマートリカー

2020-12-12 09:04:58 | 梵字


 と45度に書けていますか(E↓Fの線は、どうしても腕の都合でFのところで45度よりも筆が o

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