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釈尊の成仏法  霊性とはじつにそれを知る趨性  Shaka Nyorai's Buddhahood method: Spirituality and the tendency to know it

2021-04-05 21:57:52 | 
釈尊     それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいも

























いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか?・ こ



Shason, then my heart has been directed to all sentient beings. I saw that phase with superhuman eyes. There are precious things, worthy things, beautiful things
Although ugly, happy, and unhappy, each camp was swirling. This is the second wisdom.

Then I knew the four noble truths (four truths) of suffering, gathering, extinction, and the way as they were, and my heart was completely freed from all aspects of being, and it was again.
I'm no longer obsessed with. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditation, Shason is his predecessor, second, third, tenth, twenty, and even nothing.
I am seeing the spectacle of life and death that has changed to life. It's not just about myself, but looking at all human predecessors and even human beings (this life)
He is there.

Shason is by no means telling fairy tales, parables, or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni's Buddhahood law, you will soon find out the truth. By that training
It is possible to see through my white meat, three or four generations before human beings, and even the existence in the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one life. After a certain life, continue again, the next
It shifts to the form of life.

Many people are unaware of it and believe that a person's life will end in just one life. Here is a decisive and deadly flaw in the view of life.

Spirituality is the tendency to know it.

It is the ability to know where people come and go, and where they leave and where they go. It is the wisdom to know the so-called visit and the outbound. If you get this, people will naturally
The true progress and development of human beings starts from the understanding of what to do and what to do. Without it, humans advance a little spiritually
I can't walk, I can't develop, I'm wandering around infinitely low places
It is. No, that's not all. At the end of the day, Shason named this ignorance, which human beings would destroy the precious world in which he lives, with his own hands.

The logic of Bibionidae

The word "avidy" has two meanings.

Total ignorance and complete darkness.
"Ming" has two meanings, Akechi (wisdom) and Komei.
Without wisdom to realize the truth, he was walking in total darkness by groping. Isn't that true for humans? He doesn't know where to come, he doesn't know where to go, he's just present (present). The present is enthusiastic about pursuing immediate profits. As a result, where he goes, what world he is in, and how dark he is.
Will it exist as a form of life?

The "third eye" sees through this dark world. There is no question about the "third eye". It can be seen clearly like noon.

It may seem strange, but every time I think of the power to see through the tenth and twenty life of Shason, I remember Drosophila.
The generation of Drosophila is extremely short. Usually, one generation is only about one month. Therefore, you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.
Therefore, biologists and geneticists use Drosophila to experiment with the changes. You can see what the consequences of a single genetic change will be in dozens of generations.
That is also the wisdom of Shaka Nyorai.
If you have the power to see the transition of human beings for dozens of generations like him, you can know in detail what kind of process and what kind of result one cause brought about. it can. As he says, what the name of the person was, when, where he was born, what kind of life he lived, what kind of life he ended, what kind of life he had, what kind of life he had. The consequences of the act in the next life, across all human beings
You can know. This is true wisdom.

From Buddha's meditation to reincarnation meditation
It can be said that all of meditation is expressed here.
Jumping over the space-time stagnation of the 21st century, readers, meditation is really like that.
Here is all about meditation.
Let's dig a little deeper into this experience of Shaka Nyorai.

Shaka Nyorai's meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its consequences are spoken vividly.
First stage
1. You can always continue to devote yourself to one purpose,
2. The idea is not established,
3. The body is comfortable and not upset.
4. My heart is always constant and quiet.
-Second stage
Gradually deepening from the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations,
1. There is nothing that comes to my mind,
2. Only joy and fun
3. Finally, I was only satisfied with my clean feelings,
4. There was no injury, it was clean and bright, and it was absolutely immovable.

―, The scene in my previous life begins to develop.
2. It's not just a lifetime, but a second life, a third life, a ten life, a twenty life, and so on.
Climbing, an infinite life, a life-changing and deadly scene unfolds.
It was a retrospective to the source of life and the first acquisition of wisdom.

Fourth stage
The eyes of the mind spread wider and deeper, beyond the limits of human ability, past and present
All the people who are present and flow into the future can be seen through.
It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging business that regulates its existence.
This is the acquisition of second wisdom.

Fifth stage
Then I
1. Knowing the four truths explained from the lodging business,
2. Completed liberation and transcendence from all beings.
It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, the "meditation of liberation."
How is it? Don't you think it's a great experience?・ This
This is Buddha's meditation. Anyone can meditate on the Buddha like this.
You can reach the ground.
But then you might say. A great genius like Shaka Nyorai and an ordinary person
Shaka Nyorai is such a wonderful thing, why we are together with us.
Just because you have an experience doesn't mean that it goes straight to us
It is. Rather, it is a glass that imitates a cormorant, and it makes me tired of breaking my bones.
I wonder if that will be the case.
That is not the case.
By doing the same meditation as Shaka Nyorai, we also reach the same result as him.
It is possible. The one who opens the first path must be a genius. Shi
However, anyone can walk the path already open to geniuses.
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変易生死   普通の人間と解脱に至る四つの階梯  

2021-03-22 13:35:13 | 



仏語。聖者が迷いの世界を離れて、輪廻 (りんね) を超えた仏果に至るまでに受ける生死。→分段生死




(梵)サンサーラ saṃsāra の訳。輪廻とも訳す。業因によって六道の迷界に、生まれかわり死にかわりして輪廻することで、涅槃(さとり)の逆。生死のはてしないことを底知れない海に譬えて生死海といい、苦悩の世界であるから生死の苦海という。生死の苦海を渡って涅槃の彼岸に到ることは困難であるから難度海ともいう。

① 二種生死。



② 四種生死。分段生死を三界について分け、これに変易生死を加えて四とする。また変易生死を方便・因縁・有後・無後の四生死に分ける。またみょう(現世の卑賎)より冥(死後の悪道)に入る、冥より明(死後の善趣)に入る、明(現世の尊貴)より冥に入る。明より明に入ることの四を四種死生という。

⓷ 七種生死。分段生死を三界について分け、これに変易生死の四種を加えて七とする。ただし後世の解釈ではこれを次の七種とする。分段生死・流来生死(真如の理に迷って生死の迷界に流来する初めをいう)・反出生死(発心して生死より反出する初めをいう)・方便生死(見思の惑を断ち三界の生死から超出する入滅の二乗についていう)・因縁生死(無漏業を因として無明を縁として生を受ける初地以上の菩薩についていう)・有後有生(有有生死ともいう。最後の一品の無明を残す第一〇地の菩薩についていう・無後生死(無有生死ともいう。無明を断ちつくして後身を受けない等覚の菩薩についていう)。(仏教学辞典)





 だれでも、解脱に至るためには、この四つの段階を経なければならない。そしてこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも解脱に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。 そこで、この四つの階梯について、のべてみよう。




一、 Srota aPanna    須陀音

二、 sakrd agamin    斯陀含

三、 anagmin                   阿那含

四、 arhat            阿羅漢  仏陀






斯陀含 ーー められた聖者







つの下層世界(地獄餓鬼畜生の3つ)を指す。三悪道(さんあくどう)、あるいは三悪、また三途三塗とも、さんづ / さんず)などともいう。




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七道品経  七種類のシステムと、三十七種類のカリキュラム  1  Seven types of systems and thirty-seven types of curriculum 1

2021-03-10 13:21:00 | 

念力をつよくして 脳バランスをたもつ


これはどういう修行法かと申しますと、仏教辞典などを見ますと、「おもいを平らかにする」 うように説明しております。念覚支とは「おもい」つまり念を平安にすることである、とこ ’うように説明しておりますけれども、わたくしは、それだけでは念覚支の修行の説明になっ ないと思います。

わたくし自身の修行体験によりますと、そんな簡単なものではなくて、こころを平安にする、 いは確かにそうでありますけれども、それは結果から出てくるものであって、修行そのもので らいわけです。おもいを平安にするというのは、念覚支を修行した結果、つねにおもいが平安 なる、おもいが平らかになる、ということであって、それ自体が修行ではない。

わたくしは、この修行を二つに分けることができると思うんです。まず 、念の力を強化する。

活力といってしまうと、なにか安っぽくなってしまいますね。自分で『念力』という本を書い おきながら、そういうことをいうのはおかしいけれども、念力、と言でいってしまうと、ち っと安っぼくなってしまう。念の力を強化する、要するに、精神力というものを非常に強化す ということですね。


要するに念の力を強化するというのは、この三つの部門(知・情・意)のはたらきを強化し、し かも、そのいずれにもかたよらないようにする、ということです。それが、結局、結果的におも いが平安になるということじゃないですか。

 人間の精神力というものは、この知・情・意のはたらきから成り立っています。ところが、こ いがかたよりやすいわけです。



 だから知というものにかたよると、とかく理くつっぽくなって角が立ちやすい。頭が非常 よいと、知能のはたらきがつよいですから、すぐ理くつでものをわりきろうとします。

 情に棹させば流される それはそうでしょう、人情的になりすぎれば流されてしまいます。

意志がつよかったらどうかというと、これは強情で、どうにもしようがないということにな りますね。


そのいずれにもかたよらないように平均化する、これがいちばん大切なことじゃないです 知的にも非常に高度で、情緒面においても、いわゆる情操がゆたかであるというように、芸術 面などでもよく理解することができる。情操的な情のないひとというのは、無昧乾燥にな力やす いわけです。芸術的なことは、なにもわからない、はなしをしてもちっともおもしろくない、シャレ をいったって、ニコリともしない。今日きいたシレを、三日ぐらいたっ七急に笑,い出じ て、「ああ、そうだ,ったのか」なんて(笑)、それじやあおはなしにならんでしょう。 


 だから、知・情・意の精神作用を、非常に強化し、たかめるという訓練をする。そしてそのい ずれにもかたよらないということ。これがまず第一です。


 念そのものの力を、神秘的にまで強化する。一点に集中したとき、火を発するほどの力を出 す。ですから、この念覚支の修行には、クンダリ’’ー ヨーガの修行が入るわけです。


この空の体得により、諸法の実相がわかるようになります。つまり、「縁起の法」を如実 にさ とることになるわけです。                                




Psychokinesis and brain balance

As for what kind of training this is, when you look at Buddhist dictionaries, it explains that it "flattens your mind." I explain that the Seven Factors of Awakening is "the feeling", that is, the peace of mind, but I don't think that alone is an explanation of the practice of the Seven Factors of Awakening.

According to my own training experience, it is not such an easy thing, and it makes my heart peaceful, or it is certainly true, but it comes from the result, and it is not the training itself. Making the weight peaceful means that as a result of practicing the Seven Factors of Awakening, the weight is always peaceful and the weight is flattened, and it is not a practice in itself.

I think this training can be divided into two. First, strengthen the power of mind.

When it comes to vitality, it's kind of cheap. He wrote a book called "Psychokinesis" by himself, and it is strange to say such a thing, but when he says "Psychokinesis", he feels a little cheap. It means strengthening the power of mind, in short, strengthening the mental power very much.


In short, strengthening the power of mind means strengthening the functions of these three departments (knowledge, affection, and will) so that they do not depend on any of them. Doesn't that mean that in the end, it will be peaceful in the end?

Human mental power is made up of the functions of this knowledge, affection, and will. However, it is easier than this.

For writing out Natsume Soseki's "Kusamakura"

-If you work in your knowledge, you will get a horn. If you let the emotions flow, you will be swept away. Anyway, this world is hard to live in. "

Therefore, depending on what you know, it's just a matter of reason and it's easy to get horns. If you are very smart, your intelligence will work well, so you will immediately try to get rid of things with your shoes.

He will be swept away if he is sentimental, and he will be swept away if he becomes too humane.

If you have a strong will, this is stubborn and you can't help it.

Therefore, it is such a practice to strengthen and strengthen each function of knowledge, affection, and will. Deer

It's not the most important thing to average so that it doesn't depend on any of them. It's intellectually very advanced, and it's well understood in terms of art as well as emotional and so-called emotional. can do. A person with no emotional feelings is the one who is easy to help with innocence. I don't understand anything about art, it's not interesting to talk about it, and it doesn't make me smile. After about three days, I suddenly laughed at the sire I heard today and laughed out, saying, "Oh, that's right, was it?" (Laughs).

It's fine to have a strong will, but it shouldn't be stubborn.

Therefore, we will train to strengthen and strengthen the mental effects of knowledge, affection, and will. And that he doesn't depend on the gap. This is first and foremost.

However, that is not the case.

Strengthen the power of the mind itself to mystery. When you concentrate on one point, it exerts enough power to make a fire. Therefore, this training of the Awakening includes the training of Kundalini "-Yoga.

Next, learn the "view of the sky". Therefore, this Seven Factors of Awakening contains the practice of "Satipatthana".

By learning this sky, you will be able to understand the reality of various laws. In other words, the "law of auspiciousness" is to be taken. ‥

This reminder can be the centerpiece of the Seven Factors of Awakening. No, even among the thirty-seven road crystals

This is a lot of teachings such as religion, faith, and philosophy. Select the truth from the thought
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仏教 日本における釈尊の真骨  Buddhism The true value of Shaka Nyorai in Japan

2021-03-02 08:57:37 | 














Nittaiji Temple is the only temple in Japan that does not belong to any denomination, and was opened to enshrine the true value of Shakuson received from the current country of Thailand (Thailand) and the country of Siam at that time. .. At the time of opening the mountain, representatives of Buddhist denominations from all over the country gathered to discuss the candidate site for the construction of the temple, but it was difficult to decide, and it seems that the mountain was opened here because the citizens of Nagoya prepared a site of 100,000 tsubo. The mountain name of Nittaiji Temple is Nittaiji Temple, which represents the Buddhist temple, and the temple name is Nittaiji Temple, which symbolizes the goodwill between Japan and Taikoku. At the time of the opening of the mountain, the temple name was Nittaiji Temple.

Worship the Thai national treasure, the statue of Shaka Nyorai
The principal image of Nittaiji Temple on Mt. Kakuo was given by the king at that time to the Buddha of Sham, which has become a national treasure of Siam for the opening of Nittaiji Temple. Inside the main hall, there is a royal sum written by the former King Bhumibol of Thailand, which is written in Thai as "Shaka Muen Buddha". It has been marked. Inside the main hall, there are large mural paintings by Tatsuo Takayama on both sides of the Sumidan, a pair of books by Otei Kaneko on the theme of Thai "Ran" and Japanese "Chrysanthemum", which are familiar to each country. And so on.

While strolling, worship at the "Hoan Tower" where the true bones are stored
To the northeast of the precincts of Nittaiji Temple on Mt. Located in the inner part of the precincts, the Buddhist pagoda is a Gandhara-style pagoda made of granite with a height of 15 m, and the Shinsari, which contains the true bones of Shaka Nyorai, is enshrined on the second floor. In addition to the pagoda, there are the shrine and the worship hall in front of the pagoda, which are the worship facilities of the pagoda. Why not take a walk through the town of Kakuozan from the spacious atmosphere of the main shrine of Nittaiji Temple, and then take a walk into the precincts of the Hoan Tower, which is surrounded by greenery while being in the city.
On the north side of the precincts of Nittaiji Temple, there is a Nittaiji temple that is licensed by the Soto sect. A specialized monk is a place where those who have been priests as monks can rest for training. The Nittaiji Temple is a branch of the Kasuisai Temple in Shizuoka Prefecture, and has been established for the purpose of resting and practicing by the service monks who support the daily operation of the temple. In the specialized monastery, not only the training of service monks but also open lectures by high priests are held, and you can participate regardless of priesthood or the general public, so you can line up desks with monks and stay overnight (priests) You can experience the experience of consulting at the time of application.

Nittaiji Temple, which was opened as a super-sectarian temple because it received Shinsari, has an open atmosphere that is different from the temples that belong to the sect. Why don't you worship and take a walk while thinking about the support and shaka Nyorai of the super-denominations and thinking of Thailand, which is called "The Land of Smiles"?
Nittaiji Temple

1-1 Hoocho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya-shi, Aichi
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釈尊の成仏法  霊性とはじつにそれを知る趨性  Shaka Nyorai's Buddhahood method: Spirituality and the tendency to know it

2021-02-28 18:47:24 | 
釈尊     それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいも

























いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか?・ こ



Shason, then my heart has been directed to all sentient beings. I saw that phase with superhuman eyes. There are precious things, worthy things, beautiful things
Although ugly, happy, and unhappy, each camp was swirling. This is the second wisdom.

Then I knew the four noble truths (four truths) of suffering, gathering, extinction, and the way as they were, and my heart was completely freed from all aspects of being, and it was again.
I'm no longer obsessed with. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditation, Shason is his predecessor, second, third, tenth, twenty, and even nothing.
I am seeing the spectacle of life and death that has changed to life. It's not just about myself, but looking at all human predecessors and even human beings (this life)
He is there.

Shason is by no means telling fairy tales, parables, or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni's Buddhahood law, you will soon find out the truth. By that training
It is possible to see through my white meat, three or four generations before human beings, and even the existence in the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one life. After a certain life, continue again, the next
It shifts to the form of life.

Many people are unaware of it and believe that a person's life will end in just one life. Here is a decisive and deadly flaw in the view of life.

Spirituality is the tendency to know it.

It is the ability to know where people come and go, and where they leave and where they go. It is the wisdom to know the so-called visit and the outbound. If you get this, people will naturally
The true progress and development of human beings starts from the understanding of what to do and what to do. Without it, humans advance a little spiritually
I can't walk, I can't develop, I'm wandering around infinitely low places
It is. No, that's not all. At the end of the day, Shason named this ignorance, which human beings would destroy the precious world in which he lives, with his own hands.

The logic of Bibionidae

The word "avidy" has two meanings.

Total ignorance and complete darkness.
"Ming" has two meanings, Akechi (wisdom) and Komei.
Without wisdom to realize the truth, he was walking in total darkness by groping. Isn't that true for humans? He doesn't know where to come, he doesn't know where to go, he's just present (present). The present is enthusiastic about pursuing immediate profits. As a result, where he goes, what world he is in, and how dark he is.
Will it exist as a form of life?

The "third eye" sees through this dark world. There is no question about the "third eye". It can be seen clearly like noon.

It may seem strange, but every time I think of the power to see through the tenth and twenty life of Shason, I remember Drosophila.
The generation of Drosophila is extremely short. Usually, one generation is only about one month. Therefore, you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.
Therefore, biologists and geneticists use Drosophila to experiment with the changes. You can see what the consequences of a single genetic change will be in dozens of generations.
That is also the wisdom of Shaka Nyorai.
If you have the power to see the transition of human beings for dozens of generations like him, you can know in detail what kind of process and what kind of result one cause brought about. it can. As he says, what the name of the person was, when, where he was born, what kind of life he lived, what kind of life he ended, what kind of life he had, what kind of life he had. The consequences of the act in the next life, across all human beings
You can know. This is true wisdom.

From Buddha's meditation to reincarnation meditation
It can be said that all of meditation is expressed here.
Jumping over the space-time stagnation of the 21st century, readers, meditation is really like that.
Here is all about meditation.
Let's dig a little deeper into this experience of Shaka Nyorai.

Shaka Nyorai's meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its consequences are spoken vividly.
First stage
1. You can always continue to devote yourself to one purpose,
2. The idea is not established,
3. The body is comfortable and not upset.
4. My heart is always constant and quiet.
-Second stage
Gradually deepening from the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations,
1. There is nothing that comes to my mind,
2. Only joy and fun
3. Finally, I was only satisfied with my clean feelings,
4. There was no injury, it was clean and bright, and it was absolutely immovable.

―, The scene in my previous life begins to develop.
2. It's not just a lifetime, but a second life, a third life, a ten life, a twenty life, and so on.
Climbing, an infinite life, a life-changing and deadly scene unfolds.
It was a retrospective to the source of life and the first acquisition of wisdom.

Fourth stage
The eyes of the mind spread wider and deeper, beyond the limits of human ability, past and present
All the people who are present and flow into the future can be seen through.
It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging business that regulates its existence.
This is the acquisition of second wisdom.

Fifth stage
Then I
1. Knowing the four truths explained from the lodging business,
2. Completed liberation and transcendence from all beings.
It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, the "meditation of liberation."
How is it? Don't you think it's a great experience?・ This
This is Buddha's meditation. Anyone can meditate on the Buddha like this.
You can reach the ground.
But then you might say. A great genius like Shaka Nyorai and an ordinary person
Shaka Nyorai is such a wonderful thing, why we are together with us.
Just because you have an experience doesn't mean that it goes straight to us
It is. Rather, it is a glass that imitates a cormorant, and it makes me tired of breaking my bones.
I wonder if that will be the case.
That is not the case.
By doing the same meditation as Shaka Nyorai, we also reach the same result as him.
It is possible. The one who opens the first path must be a genius. Shi
However, anyone can walk the path already open to geniuses.
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Anyone who has four steps leading to liberation will be Buddha 解脱に至る四つの階梯 人は誰でもBuddhaになります

2021-02-26 17:28:03 | 





 だれでも、解説に至るためには、この四つの段階を経なければならない。そ してこの四つの階梯を、すぐれた聖師にしたがって歩んでいくならば、だれでも 解脱に到達できるのである。もちろん、あなたにしてもそのとおりだ。



一、srota apanna 須陀オン

二、sakrd agamin        斯陀含

三、anaga msn    阿那含

四、arhat      阿羅漢     B uddha  仏陀




須陀逼 -きよめられた聖者














 大脳辺繰糸と新皮質脳を殺さなければ、間脳は作動せず、第三の目は開かな いのである。

 ただし、誤解してはいけない。大脳辺緑系・新皮質脳を殺すということは、 究極において、大脳辺緑系、ことに新皮質脳を生かすということなのである。新 皮質脳は「創造の座」であるといわれる。しかし、ほんとうの創造の座は間脳に あるのである。間脳はこれまでくり返し説いてきたように、霊性の場であり、

霊 感の座なのである。ここが開発されることにより、ほんとうのインスピ レーションが発生するのである。

 ただし、間脳を開発するためには、しばらくの間、大脳辺縁系と新皮質脳を 閉ざさなければならないのである。間脳が開発されたとき、新皮質脳は新しく よみがえる。新しくよみがえった新皮質脳こそ、霊性を基盤とした超人的なイ ンスピレーションと創造力を持つ頭脳となるのである。






 釈尊が残した霊性完成の修行法がそれである。これを、わたくしは、「成仏 法」とよんでいる。成仏とは霊性を完成したことをいい、それを成就した人を


 くわしくは、『輪廻転生瞑想法』でのべたとおりであるが、それは七つのシ ステムと三十七種のカリキュラムから成る成仏のための方法と体系である。これ を、阿合経では「七科三十七道品」あるいは「三十七菩提分法」とよぷのであ る。この二つの名称は、わたくしが勝手につけたのではない。古来からの仏教用 語である。

 わたくしが、阿含経以外のお経―-法華経、阿弥陀経をはじめすべてのお経 をいささか激しい表現で批判するのは、阿含経以外のお経には、どの経典に

も、この成仏法がないからである。釈尊がじっさい説かれたのは阿合経だけで あるという歴史的な事実のほかに、阿含経以外には、この「成仏法」がないか ら、わたくしはそういうのである。「成仏法」のない経典など、わたくしは真実 の仏教経典と認めることはできないのである。もちろん、それなりの存在意義 なり存在価値はあろうが、本流ではない。傍流というべきである。このことに 関しては、わたくしの他の著書を読んでいただきたい。




四念住法トト身念仕法 受念住法 心念仕法 法念仕法

四正断法-断断法 修断法 随護断法 律儀断法

四神足法-欲神足法 勤神足法 心神足法 観神足法

五根法-信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法

五力法11信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法

七覚支法トト択法覚支法 精進覚文法 喜覚文法

      定覚文法 念覚支法

軽安覚文法 捨覚文法

八正道法-‐‐正見法 正思惟法 正語法 正業法 正命法 正精進法  正念法 正定法










 神足とは、神通力(超能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然の神通力を得 るための四種の修行法である。前にのべたわたくしの練行tapasはこれに属する ものである。

 この七つの科目のうち、練行tapasを中心に、瞑想と実践の科目をとり入れて 修行するのである。どの科目をどうとり入れて、どのように訓練するかは、

聖師が決定ずる。修行者それぞれ、みな素質と因縁がちがうので、それを見 て、グルが決めるのである。





まず、間違いなく霊性を開顕したグルを見つけて、そのグルに受け入れても らうことである。それができたら、この修行は八分どおり成功したといっていい くらいである。それくらい重要なことであり、かつ、むずかしいということで ある。

 グルなくして、正しい霊性開顕の仏道修行は不可能である。ふつうの仏教信 心とはちがうのである。信心のしかたや、信仰のしかた、経典の講義や解釈を教 わるという程度のものならばとにかく、霊性開顕の仏道修行は、強力な霊的能力 を持つグルの助けなくしては、絶対といっていいほど、できないのである。

 たとえば、インド近代の聖者ラーマナーマハリシが、入門者に対して、「凝視 の方法」で受け入れの儀式をおこなったとき、彼の両眼の輝きと力が相手の心 をつらぬいて、その雑念の流れを断ち切ってしまったといわれる。ときとして は、まるで電流が身の内に流れ込んだように相手は感じたともれる。


Four steps leading to liberation

Now, I'm saying, "Four steps leading to liberation."

Everyone needs to go through these four steps to get to the explanation. And if we follow these four steps according to a good saint, anyone can reach liberation. Of course, you're right.

Then, let's talk about these four steps.

What are the four ladders?

One, Srota apanna Suda on

Second, sakrd agamin included

Three, anana msn including Ana

Four, arhat Arhan Buddha Buddha


To explain,

Suda逼-Cleaned Saint

The saints who are included in the station

Saints who leapt to the big dimension)

Arakhan: transcends the human dimension) and the completed saint, "Buddha".

Then, how do the practitioners walk on these four steps?

That's how the Buddhist curriculum of Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo is.
A "cleansed saint" must be cleansed not only internally as it is now, but also externally.
What that means is that you must also remove your own "spiritual injuries".
Spiritual injuries are hot stones of imperfect Buddhist spirits/disorders related to oneself. You have to get rid of all this.

If you have the improper Buddhist spirits and spiritual disabilities that are related to you, you will not be able to escape the effects of their devious personality and thoughts. What is even more frightening is that there is a strong possibility that these unfortunate beings will "repeat the fate" of the fate that they followed.

The "repeat of destiny" is nothing but the repetition of karma. This is the best
Is also scary. This is not limited to practitioners, but in the lives of ordinary people, there are many cases in which the life of a spiritually distressed Hotoke who has lived a tragic life is overturned.

Training to kill the limbic and neocortical brains

It is a practice to kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain in a bit.

If you do not kill the cerebral limb and the neocortical brain, the diencephalon will not work and the third eye will not open.

However, don't get me wrong. The killing of the cerebral meridian/neocortical brain is, in the ultimate sense, the utilization of the cerebral meridian, especially the neocortical brain. The new cortical brain is said to be the "creation seat." However, the real place of creation lies in the diencephalon. The diencephalon is a place of spirituality, as I have repeatedly explained,

It is an inspirational seat. When this is developed, it really brings inspiration.

However, in order to develop the diencephalon, it is necessary to close the limbic system and the neocortical brain for a while. When the diencephalon is developed, the neocortical brain is reborn. The newly raised neocortical brain will be the brain with superhuman inspiration and creativity based on spirituality.

Then what kind of training is it?

Method and system of spiritual completion

That is the practice method of complete spirituality left by Buddha. This is what I call the "seibutsu". Seibutsu means that the spirituality has been completed.

It is called "Buddha". That is why I call that method "seibutsu".

In more detail, as mentioned in "Reincarnation Meditation Method", it is a method and system for Buddhism that consists of seven systems and thirty-seven curricula. This is referred to as "Nanashina Thirty-Seven Dojo" or "Thirty-seven Bodhi-hobu" in Ai Sutra. These two names were not my own choice. It has been used for Buddhism since ancient times.

I suspect that all sutras, including Hokkei and Amitabha, are criticized with a bit of fierce expression except for Sutras.

This is because there is no law of this French. In addition to the historical fact that Buddha was the only one who was told that it was only Ai Sutra, I think that there is this "seibutsu" other than Akon Sutra. I can't admit that it is a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without a "seibutsu". Of course, there is a certain sense of existence and value, but it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream. Regarding this, please read my other books.

The seventy-seven departments dojo is as follows.

Four Nemitsu Law, Toto, Mind Law, Mind Law, Mind Law

Four Positive Laws-Official Laws, Restorative Laws, Sustainable Laws, Laws of Law

The Four Gods Law-The Greeds God Law

Gone method-Shinne method, devoted root method, Nemone method, fixed root method, Keine method

Five-power method, 11-credit method, vegetative method, psychokinetic method, constant-power method, and vigorous method

Seven sense support method Toto choice support method

Quorum grammar, happostyle

Karuyasu grammar, Naruto grammar

Hachishodo---Masami-ho, Seiseki-ho, Orthodox-hoshoku, Seimei-ho, Shoshin-ho, Hoshin-ho

That is all.

This seven subject, thirty-seven curriculum,


Second, practice

The four-nine living method and the five root method are meditations.

The four positive cut method, the five force method, the seven sense grammar, and the eight positive method are practice and meditation.

The Shikamizoku method is a special training taPas.

God is the power of supernatural powers (supernatural powers), and the four types of training are the four methods of training to obtain supernatural powers of supernatural nature. The sticky tapes practiced in the previous section belongs to this category.

Among these seven subjects, we will focus on training tapas and practice meditation and practice subjects. Which subject to take and how to train

The Holy Master decides. Each practitioner has a different affiliation with their traits, and Guru decides upon it.

The gurus have a great role to play in this training. A little bit about the guru

Spiritual baptism

First, make sure you find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it. If we could do that, we could say that this training was successful in eight minutes. That's what is important and difficult.

It is impossible to practice Buddhism in the correct spirituality without Guru. It is different from ordinary Buddhism. Anyway, as long as it is a method of belief, a method of belief, or a lesson of teaching or interpreting a scripture, Buddhist practice of spiritual manifestation is absolutely necessary without the help of a guru who has a powerful spiritual ability. You can't do that.

For example, when modern Indian saint Rahmanah Maharishi performed an acceptance ritual to the introductory person by the "gaze method", the brilliance and power of his two eyes pierced the heart of the other person, It is said that the flow has been cut off. At times, the other party feels as if a current has flowed into them.
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悪口は 受け取らないと 相手の元に戻る  釈迦  If you do not receive bad words, you will return to the other party.

2021-02-26 11:20:25 | 

もし あなたが口汚いなく、罵る人がいたらどういましょう?



悪口は 受け取らないと 相手の元に戻る



















What if you're not swearing and someone is swearing?
I wouldn't be swearing at double the price.

In the case of Buddha,

From Agama

If you do not receive bad words, you will return to the other party

At one point, there was a man who was distorted when he saw Buddha being respected by many people.

"Why does such a man get everyone's respect. Damn."

So, the man ambushed on the route of the walk and decided to curse the swearing Buddha in the crowd.

"Buddhist bastard, I'm sure that if I say something bad, I'll say it back in dirty words. When people see it, his popularity must collapse in a blink of an eye."

And that day has come.

The man stands in front of Shaka-sama and throws terrible words.

Buddha was just silently listening to the man's words.

The disciples were disgusted and asked Buddha, "Can I say such a terrible thing?"

Still, Shaka-sama silently listened to the man's curse without saying a word.

Perhaps the man was tired of unilaterally swearing at Shaka-sama, and after a while he sank into the spot.

No matter what he said, Buddha didn't say a word, so he became somewhat empty.

Seeing that, Shaka quietly asked the man.

"If you try to give a gift to another person and the other person does not receive it, who is the gift?"

When asked, the man told me to poke.

"That goes without saying. If the other person didn't receive it, he would be the one who tried to give it.

Immediately after answering that, the man noticed "Ah".

Buddha quietly continued like this.

"That's right. Now you've terribly cursed me, but I didn't receive any of that curse, so everything you say will be received by you."
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釈迦の七科三十七道品  ¥Shakyamuni's Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Ways

2021-02-23 09:26:01 | 




最も重要な修行法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)に書かれている「七科三十七道品」(しちかさんじゅうしちどうほん)あるいは 「三十七菩提分法」(さんじゅうしちぼだいぶんぽう)あるいは、単に「道品法」(どうぼんほう)と呼ばれている修行法です。

成仏法とは、人が仏陀に成ることができる修行法のことです。他の修行法は、人を高めることはできますが、仏陀にまでは成ることはできません。ここが、単なる修行法と、成仏法の違いです。成仏法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)にしか書かれていません。 「七科三十七道品」は、7科目37種類の修行法があります。詳しくは、阿含宗のこちらのページをご覧下さい。



「成仏法」が、どのようにしてできたのか、そのいきさつについても、きちんと阿含経に書かれています。阿含経には、お釈迦様が「成仏法」をお作りになられた状況が、克明に記載されているのです。 ご紹介します。


<中阿含経 羅摩経>

お釈迦さまは、心機一転して、それまでの六年麻麦(まばく)の苦行を離れ、ネーランジャラー河において、村長の娘スジャータの乳ガユの供養を受け、聖地 ガヤーのピッパラ樹(菩提樹)の下に瞑想の座を定めました。ここでお釈迦さまは、悟りを開き、仏陀と成なれるのですが、その時の、状況が記されたお経です。


生すでに尽き、 梵行すでに立ち、所作すでに弁じて、更に有を受けずと如真を知りぬ。』


さらに、成仏するための修行方法の体系、 成仏法(七科三十七道品)を決定した。



大乗仏教は、この点を、全く理解していません。  「道品法(どうぼんほう)を定む」とあります。お釈迦さまは、成道後、即座に、その場で、成仏法を編成し、完成させていたのです。人間がどうすれば成仏することができるのか、このとき、すでに、修行法を、決定、完成されていたので す。したがって、成仏法は、この時、確立された、この「道品法」以外にはあり得無いのです。阿含経のこの「七科三十七道品」以外に成仏法は絶対に無いのです。


パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。

「 ここに比丘らよ、われによりて法は悟られ、汝らに説かれたり。 すなわち四念住・四正断・四神足・五根・五力・七覚支・八正道これなり。 それゆえにすべての比丘らは相和し相欣び、争うことなくして、これを学ばざるべからず。」


「雑阿含経(ぞうあごんぎょう) 応説経(おうせつきょう)」


いろいろな方法を駆使しても無駄である、 阿含経の七科三十七道品を修行しない限り、絶対に成仏できないと説かれています。


大乗仏教が説くよう に、修行法を捨て、仏の慈悲にすがるだけでは、冥土などにはいけるかもしれませんが、絶対に、成仏はできないのです。


しかし、お釈迦様は、この成仏法 七科三十七道品へ至るまでの、その橋渡しとなる修行法も、きちんと用意してくださっていたのです。その修行法の一つが、「安那般那念法」(あんなぱんなねんほう)と呼ばれる呼吸法、瞑想法です。この瞑想法は、七科三十七道品の中の瞑想法の一つと考えてよいと思います。



この法の習得が、成仏法 七科三十七道品への足がかりとなります。安那般那念法とは、「雑阿含経 安那般那念経」に書かれている、初歩から最高奥儀に至るまでの呼吸法・瞑想法のことです。10数種類の呼吸法・瞑想法が説かれています。

さらに、「雑阿含経 止息経」には、「勝止息、奇特止息、上止息、無上止息」の4つの呼吸法が説かれており、「この4つの呼吸法は、すべての呼吸法において、これ以上のものはない最上の呼吸法である。」とお説きになられています。この4つの呼吸法は、安那般那念法の最上のものということです。お釈迦様が、「最上の呼吸法・瞑想法」であるとおっしゃられているのですから、当然のことながら、この呼吸法・瞑想法をマスターしなければ成仏はできないということです。

大乗仏教は、この点も、全く理解していません。単なる呼吸法とは、わけが違うのです。仏教の実践的な修行は、この安那般那念法から始まるといっても過言ではないのだそうです。「息」とは、「生き」なのです。詳しくは、阿含宗管長 故 桐山靖雄大僧正猊下 ご著書「仏陀の法」をご覧ください。実践法は、「求聞持聡明法秘伝」に書かれています。


大乗仏教は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典 阿含経を小乗仏教とけなし、以上のことを隠ぺい、黙殺し、まるで理解していません。これでは、絶対に成仏はできないのです。ノストラダムス氏が言われる通り、これらの法が、人類を救うのです。お釈迦様は、そのために、修行法、成仏法を残して下さったのですから。不老長寿、超人類社会への道は、ここに開かれているのです。すべての実践的な修行は、安那般那念法、求聞持聡明法の習得から始まるのです。





その根拠を示します。釈尊直説の経典は、阿含経しか存在しませんが、阿含経には、上記のとおり、釈尊直説の唯一の成仏法、「七科三十七道品」が書かれています。 さらに、阿含経には、いつの世でも、どんな如来でも、如来は弟子たちを、「七科三十七道品」によって、修行させ、成仏させると書かれた経典が存在するのです。

「雑阿含経 石柱経」 です。

「過去にあらわれた仏も、未来にあらわれる仏も、また、いま現在あらわれている仏も、仏はすべて、五つの煩悩の心を断滅して涅槃を得、仏になったのであり、 仏は真実の智慧をみがく能力弱くして、自ら涅槃を得ることができないものたちをして、七科三十七道品の修行をさせて、阿耨多羅三藐三菩提を得さしめ、それによって成仏させるのである。」



「中阿含経・七宝経」 です。

七宝とはなにか? それは輪宝・象宝・馬宝・珠宝・女宝・居士宝・主兵臣宝の七つである。

同様に、如来・無所著・等正覚がこの世に出現するときには、 七覚支(法という)宝が、まずこの世に出現するのである。 なにをもって七覚支法とするのか? 念覚支(という)法をはじめとして、択法覚支・精進覚支・喜覚支・息覚支・定覚支・捨覚支(という)宝の七つが七覚支法である。



Buddhism is an abbreviation for "Buddhism". It means "teaching and law to become a Buddha". Here, I would like to pay attention to the concept of "law," which is different from "teaching." Law and Buddhist law mean training law and Buddhist law. Academic "teaching" is a different concept.

Then, what kind of training method and Buddhahood method did Shaka-sama preach?

Mr. Shaka left behind a number of training methods and Buddhahood methods. Among them, I would like to introduce the most important training method, the Buddhahood method.

The most important training method is "Shichikasanjushichidohon" or "Three" written in the only scripture "Agonkyo" of Shason's theory. It is a training method called "Seventeen Bodhipakkhi" (Sanju Shichibo Daibunpo) or simply "Dobonho".

The Buddhahood method is a training method that allows a person to become a Buddha. Other practices can elevate people, but they cannot even become Buddhas. This is the difference between the mere training method and the Buddhahood method. The Buddhahood method is written only in the only scripture of the Shason direct theory, "Agama Sutra". There are 37 types of training methods in 7 subjects for "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin". For details, please see this page of Agon Shu.

It goes without saying that this Buddhahood method is of paramount importance to Buddhism. It's the law itself to become a Buddha. However, Mahayana Buddhism concealed this Buddhahood law and silently killed it.

In order to popularize Mahayana Buddhism in posterity, Agama, which describes the true Buddhahood method, was despised as "Hinayana Buddhism", and the strict and difficult training methods were deleted steadily. .. In the end, I created the concept of a bodhisattva, and even the concept of this application that training is unnecessary if I follow the mercy of the bodhisattva. Mahayana Buddhism has become the center of today's Japanese Buddhism. Of course, esoteric Buddhism and Zen Buddhism are not limited to other power applications, so I think there is an opinion that they are a little different, but even so, they hide the Agama sutra, silently kill it, and the only essential Buddhahood written in the Agama sutra. There is no difference in not practicing the law. In this way, Mahayana Buddhism became a fake Buddhism that concealed the Buddhahood law and silently killed it in order to popularize it.

How the "Buddhahood Law" was created and how it came about are also properly written in Agama. In Agama, the situation in which Shaka-sama created the "Buddhahood Law" is described in Katsuaki. I will introduce you.

This sutra is a scripture in which Buddha explained the history of his own career.

<Naka Agama Rama Sutra>

Shaka changed his mind and left the penance of hemp for six years, and received a memorial service for the village chief's daughter Sujata's milk gayu on the Nerangjara River, and the Pippara tree (Bodhisattva tree) in the sanctuary Gaya. I have set up a seat of meditation under. Here, Buddha becomes enlightened and becomes a Buddha, but the situation at that time is described.

"I, that is, I came to get an exhaustion without releasing the seat.
I seek a disease-free and peaceful nirvana, that is, obtain a disease-free and peaceful nirvana.
No old, no death, no melancholy, no filth, no filth, no filth, no mercy, no mortality, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy
It gives rise to knowledge, gives rise to seeing, and establishes the "Doshin Law".

I have already run out of life, I have already stood up, I have already spoken about my actions, and I do not know the truth without receiving further existence. 』\


"Under the Bodhi tree, I continued to meditate for dozens of days (nearly 50 days), and finally I was able to get rid of the leak.
I was able to get nirvana.
As a result, wisdom was generated, and the awareness of liberation (dissolution knowledge) was raised.
In addition, the system of training methods for the Buddhahood, the Buddhahood Law (Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways) was decided.

By gaining nirvana and becoming a Buddhahood, I knew clearly that this life would be the last and that I would never be born again in this world of wonder. "

This sutra is, of course, very important. The reason for this is that, as you can see from the reading, Shaka-sama knows that he has established the "Buddhahood Law" on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood.

Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It says, "Determine the Dobonho." Buddha-sama organized and completed the Buddhahood Law on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood. He wonders how humans can become Buddhahood, because at this time the training method had already been decided and completed. Therefore, the Buddhahood Law can only be established at this time, this "Doshin Law". There is absolutely no Buddhahood method other than this "Seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines" of Agama.

In addition to this, there is no way for the Buddha to add two or three Buddhahood laws later. If so, it's definitely a forgery of posterity. I think Buddhists have to think about this first.

Unless you practice this Buddhahood method, you can never become a Buddhahood.
The Pali sentence "Naka-Agama", the 103rd kinti sutta, states as follows.

"Here, Bhikkhu et al., The law is understood by me and preached to you. That is, Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, all the Bhikkhus have to learn this without conflict and reconciliation. "

It says, "I have to learn." It means that you should definitely practice. Mahayana Buddhists do not understand this meaning.

"Zoua Gongyo (Ousetsukiyo)"
In, it is stated as follows.

"Sakuson: Things that cannot be achieved even if you practice using various methods, but all the troubles are exhausted and you want to get liberation in your heart, but those practitioners finally get liberation. Can't.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I haven't practiced.
Disciple: What are you not practicing?
Shason: This is because he has not practiced the so-called seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
Disciples. If there is a person who practices the seven departments and thirty-seven arts and fulfills them, the practitioner will naturally obtain the extinction even if he does not want to do it.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I practiced.
Disciple: What did you practice?
Shakuson: It is a so-called seven departments and thirty-seven items. (Omitted) "

It is said that unless you practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines of Agama, which is useless even if you make full use of various methods, you will never be able to become a Buddhahood.

Therefore, all Buddhists must practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. There is no other way. No matter how strict or how many times you are reborn, there is no other way but to practice the seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.

As Mahayana Buddhism preaches, you may be able to go to the dark soil just by abandoning the practice and following the mercy of the Buddha, but you can never become a Buddhahood.

As mentioned above, the Buddhahood Law has only seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. However, it is a fact that this bodhipakkhi is a professional training method for priests, and as Mahayana Buddhism says, it is strict and difficult.

However, Shaka-sama also prepared a training method that would serve as a bridge to the Buddhahood method, which led to the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. One of the training methods is the breathing method and meditation method called "Anapanasati". This meditation method can be considered as one of the meditation methods in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines.

Shaka-sama is called "the best breathing and meditation method".

This law is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist priest Gumonji Someiho, which is said to be a secret method that makes people a genius, which Kukai Kobo Daishi told us.

The acquisition of this method will be a stepping stone to the Buddhahood Law, the Seven Departments and the Thirty-Seven Ways. The Anapanasati method is a breathing method and meditation method from the beginning to the highest secret, which is written in "Samsati Anapanasati". Over a dozen types of breathing and meditation methods are explained.

Furthermore, the four breathing methods of "winning breathing, strange special breathing, upper breathing, and no upper breathing" are explained in "Samsung Sutra", and "these four breathing methods are used in all breathing methods. , The best way to breathe is nothing more than that. " These four breathing methods are the best of the Anapanasati method. Since Shaka-sama is said to be the "best breathing and meditation method," it goes without saying that the Buddhahood cannot be achieved without mastering this breathing and meditation method.

Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It's not just a breathing exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that the practical training of Buddhism begins with this Anapanasati method. "Breath" is "living". For details, please refer to the book "The Law of the Buddha" by the late President Agon Shu, Seiyu Kiriyama, Hisashi Eminence. The practice method is written in "Gumonji Satoshi Homeiho Hidden".

The Anapanasati method is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism, the yoga chakra awakening method, the Taoist Qigong method, and the Shinto breathing method. Nostradamus also predicts that these laws are the ones that save humanity. That is also written in this "Buddha's Law".

Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the only scripture of Shason's theory, Agama Sutra, as Hinayana Buddhism, concealing the above and silently killing it. With this, the Buddhahood can never be made. As Nostradamus says, these laws save humanity. For that reason, Shaka-sama left behind the training method and the Buddhahood method. The road to immortality and superhuman society is open here. All practical training begins with the acquisition of Anapanasati and Gumonji Satoshi.

I hope it will be helpful for you to know the law.


In Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the Lotus Sutra denominations, there are denominations that solve the teachings that the training method and the Buddhahood method change with the times. It is said that the Buddhahood method changes depending on the principal image and the times (correct, statue, last three o'clock).

However, this is also a complete fabrication. The truth is always one in the world, and the method of learning the truth, the Buddhahood method, cannot change. Mahayana Buddhism has created various simplified Buddhahood laws, all of which are forgery.

I will show you the rationale. There is only Agama sutra in the scripture of Shason Nao theory, but as mentioned above, the only Buddhahood method of Shakuson Nao theory, "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," is written in Agama. In addition, there is a scripture in Agama that states that in any world, in any Tathagata, Tathagata trains his disciples by means of "Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Doshin".

It is "Samsung Sutra Stone Pillar Sutra".

"The Buddhahood that appeared in the past, the Buddhahood that appeared in the future, and the Buddhahood that appears now, all of them broke the hearts of the five worldly desires and gained nirvana and became Buddhahood. Weakened the ability to polish the true wisdom, did those who could not obtain nirvana by themselves, trained the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines, and obtained the Ayatara Sansho Sanbosho, which To make the Buddhahood. "

Therefore, all Buddhas, including the past Buddhas, the future Buddhas, and the present Buddhas, practice the "Seven Buddhas and Thirty-Seven Doshin" to become Buddhahoods, and also train their disciples to become Buddhahoods. The Buddhahood method does not change depending on the principal image, the positive, the statue, and the difference between the last three o'clock. There is only one law.

There are also the following Agama sutras.

It is "Naka ​​Agama / Cloisonne".

"Remember well. When Chakravarti appears in this world, the cloisonne first appears in this world.
What is a cloisonne? There are seven treasures: ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure, jewel treasure, female treasure, resident treasure, and main soldier treasure.
When Chakravarti appears in this world, this cloisonne first appears.

Similarly, when Nyorai, Musho, and Issei are appearing in this world, the Seven Factors of Awakening (called law) treasure first appears in this world. What is the Seven Factors of Awakening? Including the method of consciousness

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七覚支  Seven Factors of Awakening

2021-02-22 18:28:39 | 

七覚支(しちかくし、satta bojjhaṅgāサッタ・ボッジャンガー)とは、仏教における修行内容の1つ。悟りの7つの支分をなす項目。「七等覚支」(しちとうがくし)[1]、「七菩提分」(しちぼだいぶん)[2]とも。「三十七道品」の中の1つ。

瞑想する僧侶(シリキット・ダム, タイ)


  1. 念覚支(sati-sambojjhaṅga) - 気づき(サティ)。心で今の瞬間の現象を自覚すること

  2. 択法ちゃくほう覚支(dhamma-vicaya--sambojjhaṅga) - 法の中から真実のものを選ぶ

  3. 精進しょうじん覚支(viriya-sambojjhaṅga) - 努力

  4. 喜覚支(pīti-sambojjhaṅga) - 喜びに住する

  5. 軽安きょうあん覚支(passaddhi-sambojjhaṅga) - 心身に軽やかさ・快適さを感じる

  6. 定覚支(samādhi-sambojjhaṅga) - 心が集中して乱れない

  7. 捨覚支(upekkhā-sambojjhaṅga) - 。対象に囚われない

The Seven Factors of Awakening (Tomoe: satta boj jhaṅgā, Satta bojjhaṅgā) is one of the training contents in Buddhism. Items that make up the seven components of enlightenment. Both "Seven Factors of Awakening" (Shichitogakushi) [1] and "Seven Factors of Awakening" (Shichibodaibun) [2]. One of the "37 Dojin".

Meditating monk (Sirikit Dam, Thailand)

The contents of the Seven Factors of Awakening are as follows [3].

Seven Factors of Awakening (sati-sambojj haṅga) --Awareness (Sati). Be aware of the phenomenon of the present moment with your mind
Choosing the Seven Factors of Awakening (dhamma-vicaya--sambojjhaṅga) --Choose the true one from the laws
Devotion Shojin Kakuchi (viriya-sambojj haṅga) --Effort
The Seven Factors of Awakening (pīti-sambojjhaṅga)-Living in Joy
Light and cheap (passaddhi-sambojjhaṅga) --I feel lightness and comfort in my mind and body
Jokaku (samādhi-sambojjhaṅga) --The mind is focused and not disturbed
Upekkhā-sambojjhaṅga-. Don't get caught up in the subject



パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。








四神足法は、特殊な tapas( 練行)です。神足とは、神通力(超人的能力)のことで、この四神足法は、超自然的な神通力を得るための四種の修行法です。

Shaka's Buddhahood Law "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Ways"

A training method to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana
"Seven departments thirty-seven doctrines" or "thirty-seven bodhipakkhi method (bodaibunpo)"

Seven types of systems and thirty-seven types of curriculum for acquiring sacred wisdom
In the group of Agama's scriptures that Buddha preached, we can find the scriptures and Buddhist scriptures that seem to express Nirvana.
On the contrary, you can even discover training methods to acquire the wisdom of Nirvana.
The training method is a training method named "Seven Departments 37 Doshin" or "37 Bodhipakkhi". There are seven subjects and thirty-seven types of teaching subjects, and President Kiriyama calls this "seven types of systems for acquiring sacred wisdom and thirty-seven types of curriculum." People in the world know little about the existence of such a scripture in Buddhism because they only know Mahayana Buddhism.
The Pali sentence "Naka-Agama", the 103rd kinti sutta, states as follows.
Here, Bhikkhu et al., The law was enlightened by us and preached to you. That is, Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, and Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, all the bhikkhus have to learn this without competing and competing with each other.
The practices and practices of the acquisition of wisdom taken by the Buddha are clearly described here.
The practice of these seven subjects, which was explained by Agama, was named by Abhidharma theorist as "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin" or "Thirty-Seven Bodhipakkhi". It means the thirty-seven training methods leading to Satori.

Satipatthana (Shinenjuho)
In the old translation, it is called Satipatthana. It is also called Satipatthana. There are four types of introspection and meditation methods to obtain Satori. There are four types: Satipatthana, Satipatthana, Satipatthana, and Satipatthana.

Four Right Exertions
In the old translation, it is called Four Right Exertions. There are four trainings: severance, ritualism, swordsmanship, and scholarship.

Iddhipada method
Translated as Iddhipada.
The basis for obtaining four free powers. Four types of training methods for obtaining supernatural mythical power: "Yoshijinsoku", "Gonjinsoku", "Shinjinsoku", and "Kantarisoku".

Indriya method
There are five roots: Shinkon, Shojinkon, Nenkon, Jokon, and Ekon. The root is the ability to work freely. A practice in which faith in the Buddhist priest's three treasures, devotion, meditation, meditation, and wisdom demonstrate high abilities toward Nirvana.

Five strength method (Gorikiho)
Shinriki, Shojinriki, Psychokinesis, Joriki, Eriki (or intelligence). Training to gain advanced power to Nirvana.

Seven Factors of Awakening
Seven Factors of Awakening, Seven Factors of Awakening, Seven Factors of Awakening, Seven Factors of Awakening, Seven Factors of Awakening, Seven Factors of Awakening, Seven Factors of Awakening ) ・ Seven factors of awakening. Seven trainings to Nirvana.

Noble Eightfold Path (also written as Noble Eightfold Path)
Eight ways to reach the ideal state "Shoken", "Shoshiyui", "Shogo", "Shogo", "Shomyo", "Shojin" ) ・ Shonen ・ Shojo ”

The above is "Seven departments thirty-seven dozen".
Satipatthana and Indriya, this is meditation.
The Four Right Exertions, the Five Strengths, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and the Noble Eightfold Path are practice and meditation.
Iddhipada is a special tapas. Kotari is a mythical power (superhuman ability), and this four-god foot method is four kinds of training methods to obtain supernatural mythical power.

この世は、神、仏がいるのか、いなかのか Is there a god or a Buddha in this world?

2021-02-19 20:22:35 | 



仏さまというものは、これはひとつのエネルギーなんだ、ということです。そうわ たくしは考えている。

 われわれを救おうという、わたくしたちをしあわせにしてやろうという、わたくしたちを助 けてやろうという、偉偉大なるひとつの意志というものがこの世の中に存在している。



大いなる意志が、この世界、この宇宙のどこかに存在しているわけですよ。いや、どこかに、 というよりも、それはわれわれの周囲にみちみちている。

 大いなる意志、といまわたくしは申しましたが、大いなる意志とは、それはひとつのエネル ギーにほかならない。それは巨大なるエネルギーだとわたくしは考えます。そういうエネルギ ーが、たしかに存在する。

 それは、わたくしたちをしあわせにしてやろう、助けてやろう、救ってやろう、という、そいう偉大なる意志です。大いなるひとつのエネルギーです。そのエネルギーを、そういう力 を感得する力を持ったおかたが、あるいは神という名前をつけて呼んだ。あるいは仏という名

前をつけて呼んだ。神、いあるいは仏というように名前はちがうが、その力、エネルギーの実体 はひとつだとわたくしは思うのです。


 ところで、その力が、わたくしたちを救うためには、まず、わたくしたちがその力の存在を 信じなければならないのです。わたくしたちが信じなければ、その力も、わたくしたちを救う



 そこで、その力は、わたくしたちを救うために、まず、自分の存在を信じさせなければなら ないわけです。







 わたくしたちは、仏という力を考えるとき、ただ漠然と、かたちなき「仏」という抽象的な 概念だけを劣えることはありますまい。必ず、なんらかのすがた、かたちを伴つて考えまず。


ことに、信仰的なこころで仏を考えるとき、あるいは仏を念ずるとき、必ず、清らかで、美し く、気高いすがたかたちの仏さまを脳裏に思いうかべて、合掌するでし?つ。  わたくしたちを救うためにすがたをあらわすとき、仏さま(というエネルギー)は、そうい うかたちをとって、わたくしたちにその存在を認識させるわけです。









This means that the Buddha is one energy. Yeah, he's thinking.

There is one great will in the world to save us, to make us happy, and to help us.

.. That kind of


There is a great will somewhere in this world, this universe. No, somewhere, rather than it, it's all around us.

I said that it was a great will, but a great will is nothing but one energy. I think it's a huge energy. That kind of energy does exist.

It is such a great will to make us happy, to help, to save. It is a great energy. The energy was called by someone who had the power to perceive such power, or by naming it God. Or the name of Buddha

I called it with a front. Although the names are different, such as God, or Buddha, I think that the substance of that power and energy is one.


By the way, in order for that power to save us, we must first believe in the existence of that power. If we don't believe, that power will save us


You can't do that.

So, in order to save us, that power must first make him believe in his existence.


So how do you make them believe?


Isn't it the only way to make foolish humans show up and believe?

Then, what kind of figure would humans believe in the existence of Buddha?

Humans have no choice but to show that this is a Buddha still L.

When we think about the power of Buddha, we cannot inferior only the abstract concept of "Buddha", which has no shape. Be sure to think about it with some form.


In particular, when you think of a Buddha with a religious mind, or when you think of a Buddha, you must think of a pure, beautiful, and noble Buddha in your mind and join hands. Tsu. When we represent ourselves to save us, the Buddha (the energy) takes his form and makes us aware of its existence.

Alternatively, you may think in this way.


In other words, there is one great power and energy to save us named Buddha.


Toward that power, I will devote myself to learning the law and calling for it.


"Please come here. Please come here."
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観自在菩薩 Guanyin Bodhisattva のアヴァローキテーシュヴァラ(Avalokiteśvara)

2021-02-12 13:51:05 | 






聖観音真言 お先 あ ろ り きゃ そわ か


サンスクリットのアヴァローキテーシュヴァラ(Avalokiteśvara)を、玄奘は「観察された(avalokita )」と「自在者(īśvara)」の合成語と解釈し「観自在」と訳した[4]鳩摩羅什訳では「観世音」であったが、玄奘は「古く光世音、観世音、観世音自在などと漢訳しているのは、全てあやまりである」といっている






The name of the Sanskrit, Aruya Avarokiteshvara
(Yatani Beto o Ear Lj and also called Guanyin Bodhisattva
Generally called "Kannon-sama", inside the Bodhisattva
It has been the most popular.
Depending on the person seeking salvation, you will be dressed in various ways
Appeared in a different way, people with great mercy and excellent wisdom
Except for the pain of
He is a Buddha who gives me. Those who believe in the Kannon Bodhisattva are their own
Feel the incarnation of someone close to him and take advantage of it
It is said that it can be done.
Kannon Bodhisattva changes appearance (change Kannon) wishes of sentient beings
Responds to, but sacred in its original form that does not change
It is called Kannon. Usually when we say "Kannon"
This is the Holy Kannon.
Served as a side samurai of Amida Nyorai with Mahasthamaprapta
Sa Sa
Holy Kannon Mantra, Aro-ri, Kya-sowaka


Xuanzang interpreted Sanskrit's Avalokiteśvara as a compound word of "observed (avalokita)" and "free person (īśvara)" and translated it as "viewable." [4] In the translation by Kumarajīva, it was "Kanzeon", but Xuanzang says, "It is a mistake to translate it into Chinese as" Kozeon, Kanzeon, Kanzeon Free, etc. "

"Bodhisattva" is the Sanskrit word for Bodhisattva.
It is a phonetic word for a person who is practicing for enlightenment.
At first, the Buddha who was in training before becoming a Buddha
Called a Bodhisattva, it became Mahayana Buddhism and all of the world
Dare to enlighten yourself until people are enlightened and saved
Abandon, stay in the previous stage, and save yourself
The person who made the wish to offer is called a bodhisattva.
became. "Self-improvement, earlier, etc. (Jimi Tokudo, Sendota)",
Even if you don't get enlightenment yet, enlighten people first
Bodhisattva's ambition is to let him cross the shore
It is.

Therefore, representative Bodhisattva, Kannon Bodhisattva, Maitreya Bodhisattva,
Bunshu Bosatsu, Fugen Bosatsu, Kokuzo Bosatsu, etc.
Keep his hair and wear accessories such as bracelets and necklaces
It is attached and imaged as if you were at home.
The only exception is Jizo Bodhisattva, who looks like a priest.
As a Jizo on the side of the road, everyone is well
As you know. On the other hand, I already have enlightenment
The person who is struck is called "Nyorai". Shaka Nyorai, Amida Nyorai,
Yakushi Nyorai, Dainichi Nyorai, etc.

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釈尊の成仏法  霊性とはじつにそれを知る趨性  Shaka Nyorai's Buddhahood method: Spirituality and the tendency to know it

2021-02-11 09:35:41 | 

釈尊     それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいも

























いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか?・ こ



Shason, then my heart has been directed to all sentient beings. I saw that phase with superhuman eyes. There are precious things, worthy things, beautiful things
Although ugly, happy, and unhappy, each camp was swirling. This is the second wisdom.

Then I knew the four noble truths (four truths) of suffering, gathering, extinction, and the way as they were, and my heart was completely freed from all aspects of being, and it was again.
I'm no longer obsessed with. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditation, Shason is his predecessor, second, third, tenth, twenty, and even nothing.
I am seeing the spectacle of life and death that has changed to life. It's not just about myself, but looking at all human predecessors and even human beings (this life)
He is there.

Shason is by no means telling fairy tales, parables, or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni's Buddhahood law, you will soon find out the truth. By that training
It is possible to see through my white meat, three or four generations before human beings, and even the existence in the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one life. After a certain life, continue again, the next
It shifts to the form of life.

Many people are unaware of it and believe that a person's life will end in just one life. Here is a decisive and deadly flaw in the view of life.

Spirituality is the tendency to know it.

It is the ability to know where people come and go, and where they leave and where they go. It is the wisdom to know the so-called visit and the outbound. If you get this, people will naturally
The true progress and development of human beings starts from the understanding of what to do and what to do. Without it, humans advance a little spiritually
I can't walk, I can't develop, I'm wandering around infinitely low places
It is. No, that's not all. At the end of the day, Shason named this ignorance, which human beings would destroy the precious world in which he lives, with his own hands.

The logic of Bibionidae

The word "avidy" has two meanings.

Total ignorance and complete darkness.
"Ming" has two meanings, Akechi (wisdom) and Komei.
Without wisdom to realize the truth, he was walking in total darkness by groping. Isn't that true for humans? He doesn't know where to come, he doesn't know where to go, he's just present (present). The present is enthusiastic about pursuing immediate profits. As a result, where he goes, what world he is in, and how dark he is.
Will it exist as a form of life?

The "third eye" sees through this dark world. There is no question about the "third eye". It can be seen clearly like noon.

It may seem strange, but every time I think of the power to see through the tenth and twenty life of Shason, I remember Drosophila.
The generation of Drosophila is extremely short. Usually, one generation is only about one month. Therefore, you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.
Therefore, biologists and geneticists use Drosophila to experiment with the changes. You can see what the consequences of a single genetic change will be in dozens of generations.
That is also the wisdom of Shaka Nyorai.
If you have the power to see the transition of human beings for dozens of generations like him, you can know in detail what kind of process and what kind of result one cause brought about. it can. As he says, what the name of the person was, when, where he was born, what kind of life he lived, what kind of life he ended, what kind of life he had, what kind of life he had. The consequences of the act in the next life, across all human beings
You can know. This is true wisdom.

From Buddha's meditation to reincarnation meditation
It can be said that all of meditation is expressed here.
Jumping over the space-time stagnation of the 21st century, readers, meditation is really like that.
Here is all about meditation.
Let's dig a little deeper into this experience of Shaka Nyorai.

Shaka Nyorai's meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its consequences are spoken vividly.
First stage
1. You can always continue to devote yourself to one purpose,
2. The idea is not established,
3. The body is comfortable and not upset.
4. My heart is always constant and quiet.
-Second stage
Gradually deepening from the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations,
1. There is nothing that comes to my mind,
2. Only joy and fun
3. Finally, I was only satisfied with my clean feelings,
4. There was no injury, it was clean and bright, and it was absolutely immovable.

―, The scene in my previous life begins to develop.
2. It's not just a lifetime, but a second life, a third life, a ten life, a twenty life, and so on.
Climbing, an infinite life, a life-changing and deadly scene unfolds.
It was a retrospective to the source of life and the first acquisition of wisdom.

Fourth stage
The eyes of the mind spread wider and deeper, beyond the limits of human ability, past and present
All the people who are present and flow into the future can be seen through.
It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging business that regulates its existence.
This is the acquisition of second wisdom.

Fifth stage
Then I
1. Knowing the four truths explained from the lodging business,
2. Completed liberation and transcendence from all beings.
It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, the "meditation of liberation."
How is it? Don't you think it's a great experience?・ This
This is Buddha's meditation. Anyone can meditate on the Buddha like this.
You can reach the ground.
But then you might say. A great genius like Shaka Nyorai and an ordinary person
Shaka Nyorai is such a wonderful thing, why we are together with us.
Just because you have an experience doesn't mean that it goes straight to us
It is. Rather, it is a glass that imitates a cormorant, and it makes me tired of breaking my bones.
I wonder if that will be the case.
That is not the case.
By doing the same meditation as Shaka Nyorai, we also reach the same result as him.
It is possible. The one who opens the first path must be a genius. Shi
However, anyone can walk the path already open to geniuses.
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准胝観音  Cundi Kannon

2021-02-08 18:36:58 | 




真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā [21] [15][注 4]などがよく知られている。長咒は「ナモサッタナン・サンミャクサンモダクチナン・タニヤタ・オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」。













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阿含宗 星まつり 2021  Agon Shu Star Festival 2021

2021-02-08 18:07:03 | 


台湾の阿含宗   呼喚幸福~2021年 第48回【聖火祭典 • 阿含星祭

第48回炎の祭典 阿含の星まつり ダイジェスト版

京都山科・阿含宗 “あごんしゅう”「阿含の星まつり」火の祭典 | Fire Festival at Agon Shu - The world's largest balefire

2月に京都・山科区の西の山に濛々と立ちのぼる巨大な煙は、阿含宗本山で行われる「阿含の星まつり」の開始を告げる狼煙だ 🔥
この狼煙は世界最大級の焚き火「炎 (火) の祭典・阿含の星まつり神仏両界大柴燈護摩供 (しんぶつりょうかいだいさいとうごまく)」によって出現した煙だ 🔥
実際に星まつり法要会場の現場へ行ってみると、2基の火床から "これでもか” というぐらいに湧き出す巨大な煙を十分に吐き出したあと、今度は踊り狂うように燃え盛る炎がコンマ数秒ごとに形を変えて人々を魅了するのであった 🔥
そして山伏に扮した信徒達の煙と炎に立ち向かい修行をする姿も見ごたえがある 🔥

Fire Festival at Agon Shu Honzan in Kyoto JAPAN 🔥
This Fire is the world's largest balefire 🔥
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阿弥陀如来   アミターバ(अमिताभ, Amitābha)   Amida Nyorai (अमिताभ, Amitābha)

2021-02-08 13:54:33 | 



 四十八の大願を発したインド王族の太子が、世白在王如来のもとで、ついにその大願を成就して阿弥陀仏となり、西方極楽浄土の教主となりました。この世のすべてのものは、泥沼に根を おろす蓮の華のように本来は清らかなもの、たとえ汚泥の中に生きるとも心の本性は清らかであるとの真理を教えさとし、衆生を密厳浄土へ導く慈悲深い仏です。



フリーヒ・hriい慣用音 きりいく
おん あ みり た てい ぜい か ら うん


Amida Nyorai

The Sanskrit Amita is transcribed and called Amida.

The prince of the Indian royal family, who issued the forty-eight ambitions, finally fulfilled the ambition and became Amida Buddha under the leadership of King Seishaku, and became the instructor of Western Paradise. Everything in this world is originally pure like the flower of a lotus rooted in a swamp, and teaches the truth that even if you live in sludge, the nature of your heart is pure. It is a benevolent Buddha that leads to the Pure Land.

Amitabha triad has the Kanzeon Bodhisattva on the right and the Mahasthamaprapta on the left.

It is considered to be the guardian deity of people born in the year of the dog and the year of the pig.

Freehi / hri idiomatic sound Kiriiku
Amida Nyorai Mantra
On Amiri, at best, yeah
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