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科学におけるヒトの改造 3 Human remodeling in science 3

2021-08-30 15:57:26 | 




















"It was just like Yunatsu Milk acting like a clutch and gearing into the engine of the cells that were spinning from the point of growth ..."

After various experiments on other growth-promoting substances, research went into the second phase. Hundreds of carrot explants "(individuals obtained by separating a portion of an individual and culturing it in vitro) were cultivated in a single container. These cells are different. It can be very large, and it can be split into filaments in sequence.
Some sprout like yeast. What's more-and this is the point of this story, the cell mass that begins to take root. When transferred to a solid medium, green sprouts are scraped out. When I moved it to the soil again and cultivated it, it became a carrot with ordinary roots, stems, flowers and seeds!

A year before his death, Austrian biologist G. Harborland dreamed of achieving such vegetative reproduction. Steward made that dream a reality. Subsequent experiments demonstrated that almost any cell from one of the early history of carrots, as mentioned earlier, can grow asexually into an individual.

Since Steward broke through the obstacles, other researchers have succeeded in similar experiments on tobacco.
This has to be painstakingly found with a slightly different culture procedure than for carrots.
It was. It seems that the culture conditions are different for each plant. It is believed that the same thing will soon succeed in any other plant.

by the way,
The practice is whether the same can be done for animal cells.
The answer is that it's not impossible.

Of course, it's not easy.

In general, culturing cells in the laboratory is by no means a new technique. However, it was only a dozen years ago that a method was discovered to grow a single cell into a thin layer of tissue. Normally, a single cell cannot divide even when placed in a nutrient medium. The late Wilton Earl discovered a method and succeeded in doing so. However, these cultured cells show little sign of forming structures such as organs, even if they divide and proliferate and grow larger. The formation of organs is probably due to chemicals coming from another tissue next door. I have some idea, and research is currently underway to investigate this point. To be honest, the reality is that there is still no bridge between cell culture and the opening of the inspector.


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大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai

2021-08-27 09:51:13 | 













  • オン・バザラ・ダト・バン (金剛界)

    • Oṃ vajra-dhātu vaṃ[14]

  • ナウマク・サンマンダ・ボダナン・アビラウンケン (胎蔵界)

    • Namaḥ samanta-buddhānāṃ, a vi ra hūṃ khaṃ[

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大日如来 Dainichi Nyorai

2021-08-27 09:51:13 | 













  • オン・バザラ・ダト・バン (金剛界)

    • Oṃ vajra-dhātu vaṃ[14]

  • ナウマク・サンマンダ・ボダナン・アビラウンケン (胎蔵界)

    • Namaḥ samanta-buddhānāṃ, a vi ra hūṃ khaṃ[

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密教カード 買いました。

2021-06-30 19:37:02 | 
密教カード 買いました
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守護仏とはどういう仏か?  What kind of Buddha is a guardian Buddha?

2021-06-04 17:07:49 | 










ホモ・エクセレンス= ホモ・サピエンスが持たない特別な能力をを身につけた「優秀なるヒト」













































なり、字変じて如意宝珠となる。宝珠すなわち駄都なり) と示し、此の法は生身の舎利即ち吾人本其の覚性と同一体なりと観ずるなり。

……此の法を修するには、道場の中心に塔婆(舎利宝塔)を安んじ、其の中に仏舎利(五粒・三粒・一粒等)を金壷に盛りこれを安んず。 とある。


































(2021/6/4 16:55時点)

What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?


Faith in Buddhism
It is made up of the Buddhist monk "Sanpo"

Until then, Agama was regarded as Hinayana Buddhism, and he spent his time without being seen by the Mahayana Buddhist denominations.
It is of great significance that President Kiriyama corrected his historical mistakes and decided to establish Agon Shu and promote the true Buddhism that Shaka preached to the world from the aspect of faith.
Faith in Buddhism is made up of the three major elements of "Buddha," "law," and "monk." The Buddhist sect must have all three elements at the same time as being correct.
In other words, it determines whether or not it is the correct cult.

An altar enshrined by the true Buddhist priest, Toshison, the principal image of Agon Shu

One, Buddha
The Buddha, which is the absolute object of faith in that sect, is called the "honzon." The principal image of Agon Shu is "Shinjinshari", which has been deeply revered among Buddhists since ancient times as a sacred object in which the Holy Spirit of Buddha resides.
In Agon Shu, this is called "Shinsei Buddhist priesthood".
For Buddhists, the true Buddha's sacred bone, Gautama Buddha, is the "living Buddha" itself, and is the only principal image of Buddhism.
It is neither an imaginary or conceptual Buddha, nor a wooden or iconographic Buddha, but a sacred bone of Buddha that actually existed as Buddha, and is the highest principal image in Buddhism.

Two, the law
There are three training methods in Agon Shu.

"Buddhahood Law"
Regardless of whether it is alive or dead, it is a method of cutting off karma (work), breaking the cause (Buddhahood), and becoming a Buddha (a person who has awakened to the truth).
The Buddhahood method is "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," which Buddha preaches in Agama.

"Nyoi Hojuho"
It is the highest and most mysterious secret method in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. In order to learn this law, you need to have a true body. If you enshrine the true body and practice the Nyoi jewel method, the true body will change to become a jewel. The Nyoi Hojuho is a secret method that gives you the merit of Fukutoku Hosei and the liberation of the cause, as you wish.

"Gumonji Someiho"
It is a method of making people a genius, which has been passed down from ancient times to Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. However, many high priests have practiced this law so far, but most of them have failed to achieve their goals.
Agon Shu's scholarship method is a unique method that is completely different from the one transmitted in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.
His Eminence discovered that the origin of the "Kancho Mochi Satoshiho" is in the Buddhahood Buddhahood "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin".
It was discovered that the "Shijinsokuho" in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines is the method of remodeling the human brain and making it an ordinary man to become a Buddha's satori, and restored it. it was done.

Three, monks
A monk refers to the cult itself or a leader.
Agon Shu is a sanga (monk), or sect, with President Seiyu Kiriyama as the leader and the principal image of the Shinto Buddhist priest.
"The Buddhahood method of the Buddha's theory that cuts off all karma," "The Buddha's method that gives the virtue of liberation treasure," and "The Homo Excellence * that creates a new 21st century." Agon Shu is a sanga with these three great secret laws.
* Homo Excellence = "Excellent Human" with special abilities that Homo Sapiens does not have




What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?

Toshi is the guardian Buddha. The guardian Buddha is a Buddhist shrine.

It is natural that Buddha Shaka, the founder of Buddhism, is the one-hearted prayer of all Buddhists.

It is a guardian Buddha who responds and offers a helping hand.

"Dad capital law" "Nyoi jewel method"


The secret method of esoteric Buddhism


By the way, I mentioned in the previous chapter that esoteric Buddhism introduced the magnificent Buddhist priesthood belief into the mandala, but esoteric Buddhism was not the only one who adopted the Buddhist priesthood belief.


It was also incorporated into the most important practice for esoteric Buddhism.

It is the secret law that is said to be the deepest and deepest in esoteric Buddhism, which is called the "Datoho" and "Nyoi Hojuho".

In other words, the spiritual merit gained by Indian Buddhists was incorporated as a practice. It is nothing more than a changed form of Buddhist belief, and esoteric Buddhism has adopted the mainstream of Buddhist beliefs in India in this way.


About the "Nyoi jewel method" The "Nyoi jewel method" is a method of repairing the Nyoi jewel as the principal image.

Then, what exactly is a Buddhist jewel? It is a Buddhist priesthood, and "Esoteric Buddhism"


This is described in the "Dictionary" (Hozokan).


Nyoi Jewel

It is called Shinda Nun in the 梵. The truth is thought, and the nun is a jewel. It is named with the intention of putting out various things from the jewels.

For short, it is called Nyoiju, Hoju, Mani, and Mani, and it is also called Nousaku pearl. From ancient times, it is said that it should come out from the brain of Ryuo or Matori fish, or it will change to a Buddhist temple and become a jewel. (During

Omitted) L Hachi, Hiroshi Corporation Kukai's. The "Declaration" describes how to make Nyoi Jewels.


Then, it is said that 32 Buddhist shrines are kneaded with pure gold and several kinds of fragrant wood to make a ball. Later, the two priests, Noritoshi and Shoken, also produced this, and in the 18th "Secret Question and Answer" by the real priest, "Japanese national jewel maker, Daishimachi, Noritoshi, Shoken priest, and the above three people. There is L, but according to the secretary of the Shoken priest, the Buddhist priest is actually sealed by the oral tradition of the agreement, and this is regarded as a jewel, not a jewel.


In other words, the Buddhist priesthood itself is used as a jewel.


This esoteric jewel, that is, the Buddhist priesthood, is the principal image of the Buddhist priest, and the law is learned by the esoteric jewel method.

Nyoi Jewel Method


It is called the jewel method for short. A method of repairing Nyoi Jewel as the principal image.

This law is the most secret law in esoteric Buddhism, always keeping this name secret,

Use the ligature, or call it Nyoho, Nyoho, Nyojo, or Datoho, {Zhuho, Nyo {one, or his method.

There is no main rule in this law, and the rule of practice is based on the decree and the oral tradition of the teachers.

The Sanbo-in style, etc. are the same as this law and the Dato method, and although it is a secret method that regards Buddha's sword as a Buddha, the Koshuji style, etc. are different methods.

Because this method is a secret method of repairing the priesthood, that is, the jewels as the principal idol, the secret of the gods is to show how to view the principal idol.

Bun turtle (round-trip) character one change Sheng treasure bowl one bowl change ・ Shaka Nyorai Nyorai 丿 resident Reiyama Buddha. The end of the muddy world

Sentient sentient beings unfollowed, many Buddha's body, Iya sad courier one entry', Hosho Sanma Sho Immediately Ashimi Mataka (response) Chi, character change

Seat Nyoi Jewel Ichi Jewel Immediately Toya. (There is a back character, and it turns into a treasure bowl


It will be Buddha Nyorai. It's a Buddha of Mt. Ryozen. The sentient beings of the late turbulent world, who never saw the Buddha's body, therefore entered the Hosho's Samadhi with a mournful expedient, that is, changed their body to Tarakuu.

It turns into a jewel. It is shown as a jewel, that is, a bad city), and this law is regarded as the same as the consciousness of the living body, that is, the soul of the person.

...... To practice this method, rest the pagoda (Sarihoto) in the center of the dojo, and put Buddhist shrines (five grains, three grains, one grain, etc.) in a gold jar. .. a.


As you can see in the "Esoteric Buddhism Encyclopedia", the "Nyoi Hojuho" is the deepest and most secret method of esoteric Buddhism.

There are still a lot of secrets and oral stories, but I think that you can understand from the above.

Then, the secret law, "What kind of legal trial is there in the Nyoi Jewel Method L?" From this, it can be inferred.








The principal image of the Buddhist jewel method

In the Sanbo-in style of "Nyoi Hojuho, Honzonkan", the view is as follows.

‥ …… Ichiu changed to become a jewel. That is, it illuminates the ten-sided world with a great light of seven. In the light, it rains the food and drink of a myriad of rare treasures, clothing, and hundreds of tastes. Everything is satisfied according to the wishes of sentient beings.

Also, let the treasure lotus rain in the light. There is a voice in the lotus flower and he preaches a delicate law. All sentient beings and listeners give off a bodhicitta spirit.

Also, this light far illuminates the bottom of Nari (hell). All suffering sentient beings

Enjoy. Approximately all sentient beings in the three worlds are exposed to this light and get liberated.

In other words, the legal test of this method is


Fukutoku Hosho


Dissolution of the cause


It gives two merits.


‥ …… Rains the food and drink of a myriad of rare treasures, clothing, and clothes in the light. Satisfy all sentient beings according to the wishes of sentient beings ... All sentient beings' wishes and wishes can be fulfilled, that is, Fukutoku Hosho.


‥ …… Approximately three world suffering sentient beings, all touching this light and gaining liberation …… The ones suffering from hell, the sentient beings suffering from bad causes, all the sentient beings of the three worlds are liberated. That is,

It is a merit.


It is only natural that esoteric Buddhism is the deepest and most secret law, even if there is no more law.


Although esoteric Buddhism has secret law, great law, and esoteric Buddhism, there is no better way than this. Who is the esoteric practitioner who does not want to learn this law at least once?
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守護仏とはどういう仏か?  What kind of Buddha is a guardian Buddha?

2021-06-04 17:07:49 | 










ホモ・エクセレンス= ホモ・サピエンスが持たない特別な能力をを身につけた「優秀なるヒト」













































なり、字変じて如意宝珠となる。宝珠すなわち駄都なり) と示し、此の法は生身の舎利即ち吾人本其の覚性と同一体なりと観ずるなり。

……此の法を修するには、道場の中心に塔婆(舎利宝塔)を安んじ、其の中に仏舎利(五粒・三粒・一粒等)を金壷に盛りこれを安んず。 とある。


































(2021/6/4 16:55時点)

What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?


Faith in Buddhism
It is made up of the Buddhist monk "Sanpo"

Until then, Agama was regarded as Hinayana Buddhism, and he spent his time without being seen by the Mahayana Buddhist denominations.
It is of great significance that President Kiriyama corrected his historical mistakes and decided to establish Agon Shu and promote the true Buddhism that Shaka preached to the world from the aspect of faith.
Faith in Buddhism is made up of the three major elements of "Buddha," "law," and "monk." The Buddhist sect must have all three elements at the same time as being correct.
In other words, it determines whether or not it is the correct cult.

An altar enshrined by the true Buddhist priest, Toshison, the principal image of Agon Shu

One, Buddha
The Buddha, which is the absolute object of faith in that sect, is called the "honzon." The principal image of Agon Shu is "Shinjinshari", which has been deeply revered among Buddhists since ancient times as a sacred object in which the Holy Spirit of Buddha resides.
In Agon Shu, this is called "Shinsei Buddhist priesthood".
For Buddhists, the true Buddha's sacred bone, Gautama Buddha, is the "living Buddha" itself, and is the only principal image of Buddhism.
It is neither an imaginary or conceptual Buddha, nor a wooden or iconographic Buddha, but a sacred bone of Buddha that actually existed as Buddha, and is the highest principal image in Buddhism.

Two, the law
There are three training methods in Agon Shu.

"Buddhahood Law"
Regardless of whether it is alive or dead, it is a method of cutting off karma (work), breaking the cause (Buddhahood), and becoming a Buddha (a person who has awakened to the truth).
The Buddhahood method is "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," which Buddha preaches in Agama.

"Nyoi Hojuho"
It is the highest and most mysterious secret method in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. In order to learn this law, you need to have a true body. If you enshrine the true body and practice the Nyoi jewel method, the true body will change to become a jewel. The Nyoi Hojuho is a secret method that gives you the merit of Fukutoku Hosei and the liberation of the cause, as you wish.

"Gumonji Someiho"
It is a method of making people a genius, which has been passed down from ancient times to Shingon Esoteric Buddhism. However, many high priests have practiced this law so far, but most of them have failed to achieve their goals.
Agon Shu's scholarship method is a unique method that is completely different from the one transmitted in Shingon Esoteric Buddhism.
His Eminence discovered that the origin of the "Kancho Mochi Satoshiho" is in the Buddhahood Buddhahood "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin".
It was discovered that the "Shijinsokuho" in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines is the method of remodeling the human brain and making it an ordinary man to become a Buddha's satori, and restored it. it was done.

Three, monks
A monk refers to the cult itself or a leader.
Agon Shu is a sanga (monk), or sect, with President Seiyu Kiriyama as the leader and the principal image of the Shinto Buddhist priest.
"The Buddhahood method of the Buddha's theory that cuts off all karma," "The Buddha's method that gives the virtue of liberation treasure," and "The Homo Excellence * that creates a new 21st century." Agon Shu is a sanga with these three great secret laws.
* Homo Excellence = "Excellent Human" with special abilities that Homo Sapiens does not have




What kind of Buddha is the guardian Buddha?

Toshi is the guardian Buddha. The guardian Buddha is a Buddhist shrine.

It is natural that Buddha Shaka, the founder of Buddhism, is the one-hearted prayer of all Buddhists.

It is a guardian Buddha who responds and offers a helping hand.

"Dad capital law" "Nyoi jewel method"


The secret method of esoteric Buddhism


By the way, I mentioned in the previous chapter that esoteric Buddhism introduced the magnificent Buddhist priesthood belief into the mandala, but esoteric Buddhism was not the only one who adopted the Buddhist priesthood belief.


It was also incorporated into the most important practice for esoteric Buddhism.

It is the secret law that is said to be the deepest and deepest in esoteric Buddhism, which is called the "Datoho" and "Nyoi Hojuho".

In other words, the spiritual merit gained by Indian Buddhists was incorporated as a practice. It is nothing more than a changed form of Buddhist belief, and esoteric Buddhism has adopted the mainstream of Buddhist beliefs in India in this way.


About the "Nyoi jewel method" The "Nyoi jewel method" is a method of repairing the Nyoi jewel as the principal image.

Then, what exactly is a Buddhist jewel? It is a Buddhist priesthood, and "Esoteric Buddhism"


This is described in the "Dictionary" (Hozokan).


Nyoi Jewel

It is called Shinda Nun in the 梵. The truth is thought, and the nun is a jewel. It is named with the intention of putting out various things from the jewels.

For short, it is called Nyoiju, Hoju, Mani, and Mani, and it is also called Nousaku pearl. From ancient times, it is said that it should come out from the brain of Ryuo or Matori fish, or it will change to a Buddhist temple and become a jewel. (During

Omitted) L Hachi, Hiroshi Corporation Kukai's. The "Declaration" describes how to make Nyoi Jewels.


Then, it is said that 32 Buddhist shrines are kneaded with pure gold and several kinds of fragrant wood to make a ball. Later, the two priests, Noritoshi and Shoken, also produced this, and in the 18th "Secret Question and Answer" by the real priest, "Japanese national jewel maker, Daishimachi, Noritoshi, Shoken priest, and the above three people. There is L, but according to the secretary of the Shoken priest, the Buddhist priest is actually sealed by the oral tradition of the agreement, and this is regarded as a jewel, not a jewel.


In other words, the Buddhist priesthood itself is used as a jewel.


This esoteric jewel, that is, the Buddhist priesthood, is the principal image of the Buddhist priest, and the law is learned by the esoteric jewel method.

Nyoi Jewel Method


It is called the jewel method for short. A method of repairing Nyoi Jewel as the principal image.

This law is the most secret law in esoteric Buddhism, always keeping this name secret,

Use the ligature, or call it Nyoho, Nyoho, Nyojo, or Datoho, {Zhuho, Nyo {one, or his method.

There is no main rule in this law, and the rule of practice is based on the decree and the oral tradition of the teachers.

The Sanbo-in style, etc. are the same as this law and the Dato method, and although it is a secret method that regards Buddha's sword as a Buddha, the Koshuji style, etc. are different methods.

Because this method is a secret method of repairing the priesthood, that is, the jewels as the principal idol, the secret of the gods is to show how to view the principal idol.

Bun turtle (round-trip) character one change Sheng treasure bowl one bowl change ・ Shaka Nyorai Nyorai 丿 resident Reiyama Buddha. The end of the muddy world

Sentient sentient beings unfollowed, many Buddha's body, Iya sad courier one entry', Hosho Sanma Sho Immediately Ashimi Mataka (response) Chi, character change

Seat Nyoi Jewel Ichi Jewel Immediately Toya. (There is a back character, and it turns into a treasure bowl


It will be Buddha Nyorai. It's a Buddha of Mt. Ryozen. The sentient beings of the late turbulent world, who never saw the Buddha's body, therefore entered the Hosho's Samadhi with a mournful expedient, that is, changed their body to Tarakuu.

It turns into a jewel. It is shown as a jewel, that is, a bad city), and this law is regarded as the same as the consciousness of the living body, that is, the soul of the person.

...... To practice this method, rest the pagoda (Sarihoto) in the center of the dojo, and put Buddhist shrines (five grains, three grains, one grain, etc.) in a gold jar. .. a.


As you can see in the "Esoteric Buddhism Encyclopedia", the "Nyoi Hojuho" is the deepest and most secret method of esoteric Buddhism.

There are still a lot of secrets and oral stories, but I think that you can understand from the above.

Then, the secret law, "What kind of legal trial is there in the Nyoi Jewel Method L?" From this, it can be inferred.








The principal image of the Buddhist jewel method

In the Sanbo-in style of "Nyoi Hojuho, Honzonkan", the view is as follows.

‥ …… Ichiu changed to become a jewel. That is, it illuminates the ten-sided world with a great light of seven. In the light, it rains the food and drink of a myriad of rare treasures, clothing, and hundreds of tastes. Everything is satisfied according to the wishes of sentient beings.

Also, let the treasure lotus rain in the light. There is a voice in the lotus flower and he preaches a delicate law. All sentient beings and listeners give off a bodhicitta spirit.

Also, this light far illuminates the bottom of Nari (hell). All suffering sentient beings

Enjoy. Approximately all sentient beings in the three worlds are exposed to this light and get liberated.

In other words, the legal test of this method is


Fukutoku Hosho


Dissolution of the cause


It gives two merits.


‥ …… Rains the food and drink of a myriad of rare treasures, clothing, and clothes in the light. Satisfy all sentient beings according to the wishes of sentient beings ... All sentient beings' wishes and wishes can be fulfilled, that is, Fukutoku Hosho.


‥ …… Approximately three world suffering sentient beings, all touching this light and gaining liberation …… The ones suffering from hell, the sentient beings suffering from bad causes, all the sentient beings of the three worlds are liberated. That is,

It is a merit.


It is only natural that esoteric Buddhism is the deepest and most secret law, even if there is no more law.


Although esoteric Buddhism has secret law, great law, and esoteric Buddhism, there is no better way than this. Who is the esoteric practitioner who does not want to learn this law at least once?
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実践 輪廻転生瞑想法〈3〉あなたも仏陀になれる水晶龍神瞑想法

2021-06-03 09:26:18 | 



 理想の来世どころか、苦しみの人生となりいそのうえ横変死の因縁などを 持っていたら、天寿を全うすることすらむずかしい。

 まず、現世でこれらの悪因縁を完全に消滅させ、聖者の境界になっておく必 要があるのである。

 須陀逼とは別名、七来とよばれ、七度(二、三回のこともある)生まれ変わって 成仏する。しかしながら、三悪趣とよばれる境界には堕ちることはない聖者で ある。斯陀含とは別名、一来とよばれ、一度だけ現世に生まれ変わって成仏す


阿那含は別名、不還とよばれ、もう現世には戻ってこないので、輪廻転生 瞑想法の領域からは離れ、釈尊の成仏法の範躊となる。阿羅漢は仏陀である。


つまり、輪廻転生瞑想法とは、少なくとも須陀逼(七来)、できれば斯陀含二 来)になり、瞑想法により転生を制御する修行法なのである。




一、まず、瞑想法の基本を習得し、同時に、解脱宝生行、先祖供養、如意宝  珠敬愛法によって、抑圧意識を除去していく。また、初歩のチャクラ開発  の基礎訓練を開始するとともに、徳を高める積徳行もおこなう。


二、つぎに、本格的なチャクラ開発訓練と輪廻転生曼荼羅瞑想法によって、 肉体的および精神的な能力を高める。同時に、現世成仏息災成仏法によっ て、ソンディ型の抑圧意識を完全に除去していく。さらに火界定(護摩 行)、水想観(滝行)の瞑想法の訓練に入る。


三、水晶龍神瞑想法(四神足法)の訓練に入る。その上で、四神足法による、 火界定、水想観の瞑想訓練をおこなう。





Far from the ideal afterlife, it is difficult to complete the natural life if you have a life of suffering and a cause of suspicious death.

First of all, it is necessary to completely eliminate these evil causes in this world and to become the boundary of the saints.

Suda 逼 is also known as Nanarai, and is reborn seven times (sometimes two or three times) and becomes a Buddhahood. However, he is a saint who never falls into the boundary called the three bad tastes. Sakadagami is also known as Sakadagami, and is reborn as a Buddhahood only once in this world.


Anuruddha is also known as non-return, and since it does not return to this world anymore, it is separated from the realm of reincarnation meditation and becomes a category of Buddha's Buddhahood. Arhat is a Buddha.


In other words, the reincarnation meditation method is at least Sudagami (Nanarai), preferably Sadagami Nirai), and is a training method that controls reincarnation by the meditation method.


The training system of my reincarnation meditation method is as follows.


First of all, learn the basics of the meditation method, and at the same time, remove the oppressive consciousness by the liberation treasure life, the ancestor memorial service, and the pearl respect method. In addition, while starting basic training for elementary chakra development, we will also carry out a virtue-enhancing act.


Second, improve physical and mental abilities through full-scale chakra development training and reincarnation mandala meditation. At the same time, the consciousness of oppression of the Sondy type will be completely removed by the Buddhahood Law of the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. In addition, he started training in the meditation method of Fire World Sada (Goma) and Mizusokan (Takiyuki).


Third, begin training in the Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method (Iddhipada Method). On top of that, we will conduct meditation training on the fire world and the view of water using the Iddhipada method.


From the above, it becomes a saint of Sudagami or Sadagami.

Chapter 8 Reincarnation Meditation Curriculum

実践 輪廻転生瞑想法〈3〉あなたも仏陀になれる水晶龍神瞑想法

(2021/6/3 09:23時点)

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求聞持聡明法秘伝 より  From the secret story of Satoshi Homon  第三の目 Third Eye

2021-05-26 20:51:34 | 

















































梵語 Mahe4vara(マヘーシュバラ)を音写したもので、これを『大自在天』と漢訳し、宇宙の大主宰神とされております。眉間に第三の目があって、合














 「なぜ、人間は、その霊性の『場』を失ってしまったのですか? 退化、とは考えられませんねえ。人間の精神活動は原始時代から非常なスピードで進











です。明らかに新皮質系のものとは異質のものです。      。






















The secret story of Satoshi Homon

I quote the text and put it here. In the sentence "Third Eye and Hormones"

"Probably, people may think that the" third eye "is really fantastic and stupid. However, humans are certainly the first

I had a third eye. No, I have it. A closer look at the endocrine glands, which play the most important role in the human body, reveals that.


Humans have a very third eye, and as JD Ratcliff says. It's not a "remains", but even now, if you use it, you can actually see it.

It is even possible. Recent science experiments prove it (March 1984, Science Magazine). Before I introduce the recent experiment, one thing, this wonder

Let's examine the endocrine glands, which have a controversial function, in a little more detail. "

And this is what I'm saying. "


Was there a fatal mistake in the design of the human brain?


"Is that third eye, that is, the spiritual part that the teacher says?"

"No, it's a little different. It's closely related, but it's a little different. The third eye is the pineal gland, as Ratcliff says.

The field is a little deeper near the hypothalamus. "


"What is the difference?"


"That is, in one word, the third eye is the eye that has the ability to perceive and see various phenomena in the spiritual dimension.

The one moves it. It's a place. In other words, you can think of it as the relationship between our normal eyes and the brain. "


"So that's it"


Regarding why the hypothalamus is a spiritual place, I wrote in "The Secret of Esoteric Buddhism and Supernatural Powers" about brain physiology, hormone secretion, and-enzyme pharmacology.

It is elucidated from three aspects. When this hypothalamus works in conjunction with the third eye, humans manifest spirituality. In the ultimate, "Esoteric Buddhism / ESP

As mentioned in "Secret", it reaches kami and hotoke. Human beings are located between the neocortex, which is the place of intelligence and reason, and the marginal green system, which is the seat of instinct.

The "brain" had a spiritual place, a spiritual brain. This balances humans. However, during this time, humans have lost the spiritual field in their brains.





"But there were people who knew it. The representative is Gotamer Buddha-Shaka. Shaka has completed a system to redevelop this spiritual place under the name of" Buddhahood Law. " And ancient esoteric Buddhism accepted this. "


"Why do you say ancient esoteric Buddhism?"


"Esoteric Buddhism in later generations was influenced by Mahayana Buddhism and stylized the system that Shaka sought. It was completely different."


"So that's it"


Hido) Did you make a fatal mistake in your brain design?


"But Buddhist statues and paintings retain the representation of ancient esoteric Buddhism, which is why many esoteric Buddhist statues have a third eye."

"The eyes are between those eyebrows, right?"


"That's right. The Buddha statue that can be said to be the representative of the esoteric Buddhism is Maji Shura. This is

It is a transcription of the Sanskrit Mahe4vara, which is translated into Chinese as "Daijuten" and is considered to be the great ruler of the universe. There is a third eye between the eyebrows,

I have a total of three eyes. We have two eyes. One of the two eyes is the eye that leads to the brain of the limbic thread, and the other is the eye that leads to the brain of the neocortex.

These two are paired to see the phenomenon world (material world). Besides this, there was actually another eye. It is a spiritual eye that leads to the brain in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon

And it is the eye that sees the spiritual world. This is what is called the third eye. "


"So, at the same time that the third eye became a" remnant ", did the spiritual" place "that the teacher said also stopped working?"

"Well, but-that was the mistake that the spiritual" field "was closed and didn't work?

Is deadly

It can be said that the third eye did not work because it was designed for the brain, and it became just a "residual". In short, the two are closely correlated

Because it's a relationship


The questioner was thinking for a while, but


I shook my neck.

"Why did humans lose their spiritual" place "? It cannot be considered degeneration. Human mental activity has progressed at a very high speed since the primitive age.

It is not considered to be degenerate because it is becoming more and more advanced. "

"Why is that?"

I said.

Why did the "third eye" disappear? 9

Of course, there is a big reason why the third eye was closed. The spiritual "field" I call is in the hypothalamus of the diencephalon, which is, in short,

It is a mental realm that controls, sometimes denies, material desires and instincts, and longs for something more sublime. Then, it is said that it is a region of the neocortical system.

May. That is not the case.




The intellect of the neocortex is to think (analyze and act) on God and try to understand Buddha, but spirituality is different from that, and the tendency to become one with God and assimilate with Buddha.

is. Obviously, it is different from that of the neocortical system. It was.


Whether the neocortex is alive or intellect, according to Dr. Tokimi's expression, aims to "live better" and "live higher". Do you want to be creative for that purpose? Then that

As a result, what was created is philosophy (and ethics / morality) mentally and science (and technology) materially. In other words, "Better

"Living well" gave birth to science and technology, and "Living higher" gave birth to philosophy and ethics. However, philosophy and ethics are now completely deadlocked, and although a loud warning is given to the problems that humankind is facing, no answer can be given.


On the other hand, the goal of "living better" in the neocortex has become the pursuit of "more convenient" and "faster". Look. Modern society is a neocortical civilization, the neocortex

However, the goal of modern society is "more convenient" and "faster". Every company on the planet is working crazy for it.

The neocortex knows that it will eventually squeeze its neck, but it cannot be stopped. Because the function of the brain, spirituality, while holding it down

This is because the neocortex itself has suppressed the "field" long ago.


The phenomenon that a certain brain holds down a certain brain is always performed in the cerebrum. For example, as animals get higher, the neocortex develops

Was there a fatal mistake in the design of To's brain?

As a result, the old cortex is gradually pushed to the bottom of the cerebral hemisphere, and the paleocortex is pushed into the cerebral hemisphere. This is the established theory of cerebral physiology, the same as this

The same phenomenon took place in the human cerebrum.


The neocortex has suppressed the diencephalon under the cause that it is the progress and evolution of humankind, which leads to peace and prosperity. That kind of reason

Because it is the specialty of the neocortex that comes up with


I said earlier that spirituality is a mental area that controls material desires and instincts, sometimes even denies them, and longs for something more sublime, but the creation of the neocortex.

The material culture has crushed such a place of spirituality with all its might. All human desires (limbic system) have been added to this. In other words, this is the human "karma".



(2021/5/26 20:50時点)

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密教のトレーニングは五つの異常能力を生む  Esoteric training produces five extraordinary abilities

2021-05-21 18:05:19 | 

ひらけ! 胡麻!





 自分の思うように自分を変え、自分の欲するままに他人を動かし、その上、自分をとりま環境まで、自分の想念のままにつくり変え、無から有を生み出し、自分の望むもの、願うことは、有形、無形を問わず、必ず実現させずにぱおかない  、そういう方法があったら、どんなによいであろうかとあなたは思わないか?












 困難に際し、障害にぶつかり、災厄に遭い、望むものが得られぬ失意のとき、たとえそれがヒゲをはやした五十男でも、ああこんなときにあの魔法のランプがあったならと思わずにと定義し、かつ、それは、たいへんな集中力、観察力、理解力、熱意と、それに加うるに、 発達した創造力、および直観力が必要である。直観力というのは、第六感、洞察力であり、たとえば、キュリー夫人、および科学者としての夫キュリーの場合のような感応力からなっているもので、右にあげた特性の中でも最も注目すべきものである、と述ている。

















も、むしろ、知らず知らず、その人の意志や思考によろこんで服従するようになQg SQQ












 密教は、数千年むかしの、インドのバラモン時代から、そういうとくべつな技法を開発してきた。そして、その技法は、中国、あるいはチペットを経て、より高度に完成され、いまもなお、その宗門の奥 かく伝えられているのである。


 自分の願望を達成する能力のない人間は、生きる価値がないといってもよいのである願 望というコトバが、理想主義者の眉をひそめさせるというのなら、理想といコトバにき かえてもよい。一切の欲望をしりぞけて生きてゆこうとするピューリタンだって、一切欲 望を持たずに生きてゆこうという願望のもとに生きているわけだし、







しまうのだ。密教は、そういう条件をみたし、願望の達成を妨害する要素をひとつひと克  服してゆく能力を人にあたえる。そういう法をシステムとして持っているのだ。

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念力をつよくして 一バランスをたもつ  成仏法  七覚支法(しちかくしほう) Psychokinesis and balance

2021-05-19 19:53:06 | 
念力をつよくして 一バランスをたもつ



これはどういう修行法かと申しますと、仏教辞典などを見ますと、「おもいを平らかにする」 うように説明しております。念覚支とは「おもい」つまり念を平安にすることである、とこ ’うように説明しておりますけれども、わたくしは、それだけでは念覚支の修行の説明になっ ないと思います。

わたくし自身の修行体験によりますと、そんな簡単なものではなくて、こころを平安にする、 いは確かにそうでありますけれども、それは結果から出てくるものであって、修行そのもので らいわけです。おもいを平安にするというのは、念覚支を修行した結果、つねにおもいが平安 なる、おもいが平らかになる、ということであって、それ自体が修行ではない。

わたくしは、この修行を二つに分けることができると思うんです。まず 、念の力を強化する。

活力といってしまうと、なにか安っぽくなってしまいますね。自分で『念力』という本を書い おきながら、そういうことをいうのはおかしいけれども、念力、と言でいってしまうと、ち っと安っぼくなってしまう。念の力を強化する、要するに、精神力というものを非常に強化す ということですね。

それをただたんに精神力というと、漠然としますけれども、要するに、意志の力、知能の力。 ういったものを非常に強化する訓練である。



要するに念の力を強化するというのは、この三つの部門(知・情・意)のはたらきを強化し、し かも、そのいずれにもかたよらないようにする、ということです。それが、結局、結果的におも いが平安になるということじゃないですか。

 人間の精神力というものは、この知・情・意のはたらきから成り立っています。ところが、こ いがかたよりやすいわけです。



 だから知というものにかたよると、とかく理くつっぽくなって角が立ちやすい。頭が非常 よいと、知能のはたらきがつよいですから、すぐ理くつでものをわりきろうとします。

 情に棹させば流される それはそうでしょう、人情的になりすぎれば流されてしまいます。

意志がつよかったらどうかというと、これは強情で、どうにもしようがないということにな りますね。


そのいずれにもかたよらないように平均化する、これがいちばん大切なことじゃないです 知的にも非常に高度で、情緒面においても、いわゆる情操がゆたかであるというように、芸術 面などでもよく理解することができる。情操的な情のないひとというのは、無昧乾燥にな力やす いわけです。芸術的なことは、なにもわからない、はなしをしてもちっともおもしろくない、シャレ をいったって、ニコリともしない。今日きいたシレを、三日ぐらいたっ七急に笑,い出じ て、「ああ、そうだ,ったのか」なんて(笑)、それじやあおはなしにならんでしょう。 


 だから、知・情・意の精神作用を、非常に強化し、たかめるという訓練をする。そしてそのい ずれにもかたよらないということ。これがまず第一です。


 念そのものの力を、神秘的にまで強化する。一点に集中したとき、火を発するほどの力を出 す。ですから、この念覚支の修行には、クンダリ’’ー ヨーガの修行が入るわけです。


この空の体得により、諸法の実相がわかるようになります。つまり、「縁起の法」を如実 にさ とることになるわけです。                                




択というのは、「選択」のタクでず。 略ど ない本漢字は「選揮」と書いて、選 えらぶ、「揮」。もえらぶ、という字です。

 つまり、ほんとうに真実なる教法をえらびとる、ということですね。この世の中には、さまざ まな宗教、信仰、思想があびます。そのなかから真実なるものをえらびとる。そうして、まちが ったものや、いつわりのものを捨て石、取捨選択するということです。

 正しい信仰をえらびとって、正しくないものを捨てさるということが修行というのは、どうい うことなんだろう? そう思ったことかありますけれども、考えているうち、やはりそれは修行 なんだなと思うようになった。というのは、それが修行であるというのは、自分自身の勉強、知 能によってそれをなすというところにあるわけです。         、


 お釈迦さまが出家されて、自分がさとりをひらくに到るまでには、当時のさまざまな信仰や宗 教、いろいろなことを教える思想家、そういったかたがたに、肘あたりしてぶつかっていってい るわけです。いろいろな仙人にもあって、はなしを聞く、それだけではなくて、それが正しい か、正しくないか、ということをご自分でI生けんめい考えられたということです。

 そうして結局、当時のインドにあったところのあらゆる教え、宗教というものは、みな正しく ないという結論に達したわけです。それには、釈迦ご自身のふかい修行と勉強によってそこに到 達したわけです。

 ですから、わたくしたちも、この択法覚文が修行であるというのは、自分自身の勉強と修行に よって、ほんとうに真実なるものをえらびとり、正しくないものは捨てさる、ということをしな ければいけないんです。

瞑想ひつとっても、日本に、瞑想を教える学校みたいなところや、瞑想 の先生、そういったものがたくさんあるでしょう。そのたくさんの瞑想のなかから、どれが正し い瞑想法なのか? どの先生が、正しい瞑想法を教えているのか? ということを自分自身がは っきりと取捨選択しなければいけないということです。

 たいていの場合は、自分自身の研究や勉強、あるいは修行によって取捨選択するというひとは すくない、たいてい評判を聞くだけです。





 なんていう。そうかなあ、どうなんだろうか。T・M(、rranscendental Meditationo超越瞑 想の略語)というのがいいというひともいれば、T・Mというのはダメだというひともいる。そ の評判だけできめてしまう人が多い。

 それをお釈迦さまは、ありとあらゆるいろいろな教法をご自分でぶつかって調べてみる。瞑想 についても、すぐそれがいいとかわるいとか、ひとの評判とか、そういったものにはまどわされ ない。ご自分がその瞑想をやってみて、、これはいかん、これはいい、というように選択される。


Psychokinesis and balance

Seven Factors of Awakening

As for what kind of training this is, when you look at Buddhist dictionaries, it explains that it "flattens your mind." I explain that the Seven Factors of Awakening is "the feeling", that is, the peace of mind, but I don't think that alone is an explanation of the practice of the Seven Factors of Awakening.

According to my own training experience, it is not such an easy thing, and it makes my heart peaceful, or it is certainly true, but it comes from the result, and it is not the training itself. Making the weight peaceful means that as a result of practicing the Seven Factors of Awakening, the weight is always peaceful and the weight is flattened, and it is not a practice in itself.

I think this training can be divided into two. First, strengthen the power of mind.

When it comes to vitality, it's kind of cheap. He wrote a book called "Psychokinesis" by himself, and it is strange to say such a thing, but when he says "Psychokinesis", he feels a little cheap. He is the one who strengthens the power of mind, in short, greatly strengthens the mental power.

It is vague to say that it is just mental power, but in short, it is the power of will and the power of intelligence. It is a training that greatly strengthens such things.

In other words, human mental action consists of knowledge, affection, and will.

The power of intelligence, the power of intelligence, the emotional work, and the power of will.

In short, strengthening the power of mind means strengthening the functions of these three divisions (knowledge, affection, and will) so that he does not depend on any of them. Doesn't that mean that in the end, it will be peaceful?

Human mental power is made up of the functions of this knowledge, affection, and will. However, he is easier than he is.

For writing out Natsume Soseki's "Kusamakura"

-If you work in your knowledge, you will get a corner. If you let the emotions flow, you will be swept away. Anyway, this world is hard to live in. "

Therefore, depending on what you know, it's easy to get angry because it's just a matter of reason. If you are very smart, your intelligence will work well, so you will immediately try to make sense.

He will be swept away if he is sentimental, and he will be swept away if he becomes too humane.

If you have a strong will, this is stubborn and you can't help it.

Therefore, it is such a practice to strengthen and strengthen each function of knowledge, affection, and will. Deer

It's not the most important thing to average so that it doesn't depend on any of them. It's intellectually very advanced, and it's well understood in terms of art as well as emotional and so-called emotional. can do. A person with no emotional feelings is the one who is easy to help with innocence. I don't understand anything about art, it's not interesting to talk about it, and it doesn't make me smile. I laughed at the sire I heard today in a hurry for about three days, and said, "Oh, that's right, was it?" (Laughs).

It's fine to have a strong will, but it shouldn't be stubborn.

Therefore, we will train to strengthen and strengthen the mental effects of knowledge, affection, and will. And that he doesn't depend on the gap. This is first and foremost.

However, that is not the case.

Strengthen the power of the mind itself to mystery. When you concentrate on one point, it exerts enough power to make a fire. Therefore, this training of the Awakening includes the training of Kundalini "-Yoga.

Next, learn the "view of the sky". Therefore, this Seven Factors of Awakening contains the practice of "Satipatthana".

By learning this sky, you will be able to understand the reality of various laws. In other words, the "law of auspiciousness" is to be taken. ‥

This reminder can be the centerpiece of the Seven Factors of Awakening. No, even among the thirty-seven road crystals

This is a lot of teachings such as religion, faith, and philosophy. Select the truth from the thought

about it.

Choice is not a "choice" tact. The abbreviation of this kanji is written as "Kenki", and it is selected, "Ki". The word "moerabu" is used.

In other words, it means choosing a truly true teaching method. There are various religions, beliefs, and thoughts in this world. Select the truth from them. Then, the town throws away what he has and what he has, and sorts it out.

What does it mean to practice by choosing the right faith and throwing away the wrong ones? Although I had thought so, while thinking about it, I came to think that it was training. For, it is a practice in that it is done by one's own study and intelligence. ,

For example, it is as follows.

By the time Buddha was born and he opened Satori, he was hit by the various beliefs and religions of the time, the thinkers who taught various things, and those who hit his elbows. There are various hermits, and I heard the story, and not only did I think about whether it was right or wrong.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that all the teachings and religions that existed in India at that time were not correct. That was achieved through Buddha's own training and study.

Therefore, we also do not say that this alternative memorial is a practice, that he chooses what is truly true and throws away what is not correct by his own study and practice. I have to be him.

There are many meditation schools in Japan, such as schools that teach meditation, meditation teachers, and so on. Which of the many meditations is right for him? Which teacher teaches the correct meditation method? That means that I have to make a clear choice for him.

Most of the time, the person who chooses by his own research, study, or training only hears his poor reputation.

"What about that Japanese meditation center?"

"That is good because there is a person named Mr. Kiriyama."

Or something like that

"That's no good, it's a fake"

What is it? I wonder what it is. Some people say that TM (an abbreviation for transcendental meditation) is good, while others say that TM is not good. There are many people who can only make that reputation.

Shaka-sama tried to find out by colliding with all kinds of various teaching methods. As for meditation, I'm not confused by the fact that it's good or bad, or the reputation of people. You try the meditation, and you are chosen to say, "I don't care, this is good."

In that sense, the training of the alternative method is the practice.

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2021-04-26 14:44:25 | 












【最大20%OFFクーポン配布中!】日本製 数珠 男性用 縞黒檀 数珠袋付き [ 念珠 水晶 ペア 本水晶 じゅず 葬式 略式数珠 京念珠 通販 値段 種類 葬儀 京都 販売 選び方 購入 価格 法事 法要 通夜 買う お寺 浄土真宗 色 オニキス 房の色 お彼岸]

(2021/4/26 14:43時点)

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運命学から見た 心理学ーソンディ学  Psychology from the perspective of fate-Sondy

2021-04-24 10:39:46 | 










恋愛も含め 、結婚を先祖から決定させる。







ガン 心臓  脳 その他の



自殺  事故  他殺 の運命



Sondy calls the consciousness (impulse) that offspring inherit from their ancestors from generation to generation, "impulsive emotion (impulsive consciousness)," and says that "human destiny is a choice."


Humans are based on the impulsive emotions (impulsive consciousness) inherited from their ancestors.

Sondy's theory is to make important choices in the four areas of life: marriage choice, occupation choice, disease choice, and death form choice.




Marriage choice

Let your ancestors decide on marriage, including romance.

Especially for women.

Occupation selection

What kind of profession will you choose?


Disease selection

Disease choice

Cancer Heart Brain Other

Disease selection

Death form

Suicide Accident Fate of homicide























3} Sondy discovered a layer of family unconsciousness in between.

In short, he discovered a "sect" between the individual and the crowd. This, of course, was something that wasn't done. Individual

No one in the crowd was not a "family". Then, of course, one unconscious boss should exist (or be formed) there.

Then, what did the sonde "discover in that unconscious layer?"

He discovered a special repressive consciousness in the unconscious layer named "family unconscious".

It is, in a nutshell,

"The desires of ancestors that are suppressed in an individual determine the fate of the individual as an unconscious selection behavior in love, friendship, occupation, illness, and death."

That is.



Sondy is like this.

"Based on an analysis of choices in romance, friendship, occupation, illness and death, the source of choices is this family desire."

In other words, it is the oppressed consciousness of the ancestors hidden in the depths of the person's heart that determines them, from love, friendship, occupation, illness, to death.


This is because these choice behaviors that shape an individual's destiny are not determined by decisions that are based on conscious and rational considerations (of course, on the surface, they are, but in fact). The choice behavior is an impulse act, which is driven by the unconscious one who chooses impulsively. (Up to this point, Freud is almost the same. The difference from Freud is that the impulse is related to the sect-ancestor-and is Kaoru.)


It is that it is not only the desires of oppressed ancestors that determine a person's destiny. That's not all. That's a huge factor, but it's not the only one.

The reason is that according to esoteric astrology, the "time" of fate is determined. According to Sondy's theory, the formation of "form" can be explained, but the "timing" cannot be determined. This is because there are other factors besides the oppressive consciousness of our ancestors. My theory and opinion about it is not mentioned here. I will give it to another opportunity. This is because it will be a fairly large site.

Sondy's theory is the theory of "plane formation" (space), and in addition to this, it is the theory of "three-dimensional composition" (time). The theory of ㈲ is made by a psychological method like Sondy, but the theory of time is made by a mathematical method, which is quite esoteric. This
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釈尊の成仏法  霊性とはじつにそれを知る趨性  Shaka Nyorai's Buddhahood method: Spirituality and the tendency to know it

2021-04-22 19:25:43 | 

釈尊     それからわたしの心は、あらゆる衆生の相に向けられてきた。わたしは超人的な眼力でその相を見た。そこには貴いもの、賤しいもの、美しいも

























いかがであろうか? すばらしい体験だとあなたは思わないだろうか?・ こ



Shason, then my heart has been directed to all sentient beings. I saw that phase with superhuman eyes. There are precious things, worthy things, beautiful things
Although ugly, happy, and unhappy, each camp was swirling. This is the second wisdom.

Then I knew the four noble truths (four truths) of suffering, gathering, extinction, and the way as they were, and my heart was completely freed from all aspects of being, and it was again.
I'm no longer obsessed with. This is the third wisdom.

Through his meditation, Shason is his predecessor, second, third, tenth, twenty, and even nothing.
I am seeing the spectacle of life and death that has changed to life. It's not just about myself, but looking at all human predecessors and even human beings (this life)
He is there.

Shason is by no means telling fairy tales, parables, or parables here. If you practice Shakyamuni's Buddhahood law, you will soon find out the truth. By that training
It is possible to see through my white meat, three or four generations before human beings, and even the existence in the next generation.

Human life, as many people think, does not end with just one life. After a certain life, continue again, the next
It shifts to the form of life.

Many people are unaware of it and believe that a person's life will end in just one life. Here is a decisive and deadly flaw in the view of life.

Spirituality is the tendency to know it.

It is the ability to know where people come and go, and where they leave and where they go. It is the wisdom to know the so-called visit and the outbound. If you get this, people will naturally
The true progress and development of human beings starts from the understanding of what to do and what to do. Without it, humans advance a little spiritually
I can't walk, I can't develop, I'm wandering around infinitely low places
It is. No, that's not all. At the end of the day, Shason named this ignorance, which human beings would destroy the precious world in which he lives, with his own hands.

The logic of Bibionidae

The word "avidy" has two meanings.

Total ignorance and complete darkness.
"Ming" has two meanings, Akechi (wisdom) and Komei.
Without wisdom to realize the truth, he was walking in total darkness by groping. Isn't that true for humans? He doesn't know where to come, he doesn't know where to go, he's just present (present). The present is enthusiastic about pursuing immediate profits. As a result, where he goes, what world he is in, and how dark he is.
Will it exist as a form of life?

The "third eye" sees through this dark world. There is no question about the "third eye". It can be seen clearly like noon.

It may seem strange, but every time I think of the power to see through the tenth and twenty life of Shason, I remember Drosophila.
The generation of Drosophila is extremely short. Usually, one generation is only about one month. Therefore, you can see the transition of dozens of generations in a short time.
Therefore, biologists and geneticists use Drosophila to experiment with the changes. You can see what the consequences of a single genetic change will be in dozens of generations.
That is also the wisdom of Shaka Nyorai.
If you have the power to see the transition of human beings for dozens of generations like him, you can know in detail what kind of process and what kind of result one cause brought about. it can. As he says, what the name of the person was, when, where he was born, what kind of life he lived, what kind of life he ended, what kind of life he had, what kind of life he had. The consequences of the act in the next life, across all human beings
You can know. This is true wisdom.

From Buddha's meditation to reincarnation meditation
It can be said that all of meditation is expressed here.
Jumping over the space-time stagnation of the 21st century, readers, meditation is really like that.
Here is all about meditation.
Let's dig a little deeper into this experience of Shaka Nyorai.

Shaka Nyorai's meditation experience has five stages

Here, the depth of meditation and its consequences are spoken vividly.
First stage
1. You can always continue to devote yourself to one purpose,
2. The idea is not established,
3. The body is comfortable and not upset.
4. My heart is always constant and quiet.
-Second stage
Gradually deepening from the first meditation to the second, third, and fourth meditations,
1. There is nothing that comes to my mind,
2. Only joy and fun
3. Finally, I was only satisfied with my clean feelings,
4. There was no injury, it was clean and bright, and it was absolutely immovable.

―, The scene in my previous life begins to develop.
2. It's not just a lifetime, but a second life, a third life, a ten life, a twenty life, and so on.
Climbing, an infinite life, a life-changing and deadly scene unfolds.
It was a retrospective to the source of life and the first acquisition of wisdom.

Fourth stage
The eyes of the mind spread wider and deeper, beyond the limits of human ability, past and present
All the people who are present and flow into the future can be seen through.
It was a grasp of the substance of the lodging business that regulates its existence.
This is the acquisition of second wisdom.

Fifth stage
Then I
1. Knowing the four truths explained from the lodging business,
2. Completed liberation and transcendence from all beings.
It was the acquisition of the third wisdom, the "meditation of liberation."
How is it? Don't you think it's a great experience?・ This
This is Buddha's meditation. Anyone can meditate on the Buddha like this.
You can reach the ground.
But then you might say. A great genius like Shaka Nyorai and an ordinary person
Shaka Nyorai is such a wonderful thing, why we are together with us.
Just because you have an experience doesn't mean that it goes straight to us
It is. Rather, it is a glass that imitates a cormorant, and it makes me tired of breaking my bones.
I wonder if that will be the case.
That is not the case.
By doing the same meditation as Shaka Nyorai, we also reach the same result as him.
It is possible. The one who opens the first path must be a genius. Shi
However, anyone can walk the path already open to geniuses.
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念力をつよくして 一バランスをたもつ     Strengthen your psychokinesis and keep a balance

2021-04-19 19:40:22 | 

念力をつよくして 一バランスをたもつ


これはどういう修行法かと申しますと、仏教辞典などを見ますと、「おもいを平らかにする」 うように説明しております。念覚支とは「おもい」つまり念を平安にすることである、とこ ’うように説明しておりますけれども、わたくしは、それだけでは念覚支の修行の説明になっ ないと思います。

わたくし自身の修行体験によりますと、そんな簡単なものではなくて、こころを平安にする、 いは確かにそうでありますけれども、それは結果から出てくるものであって、修行そのもので らいわけです。おもいを平安にするというのは、念覚支を修行した結果、つねにおもいが平安 なる、おもいが平らかになる、ということであって、それ自体が修行ではない。

わたくしは、この修行を二つに分けることができると思うんです。まず 、念の力を強化する。

活力といってしまうと、なにか安っぽくなってしまいますね。自分で『念力』という本を書い おきながら、そういうことをいうのはおかしいけれども、念力、と言でいってしまうと、ち っと安っぼくなってしまう。念の力を強化する、要するに、精神力というものを非常に強化す ということですね。

それをただたんに精神力というと、漠然としますけれども、要するに、意志の力、知能の力。 ういったものを非常に強化する訓練である。



要するに念の力を強化するというのは、この三つの部門(知・情・意)のはたらきを強化し、し かも、そのいずれにもかたよらないようにする、ということです。それが、結局、結果的におも いが平安になるということじゃないですか。

 人間の精神力というものは、この知・情・意のはたらきから成り立っています。ところが、こ いがかたよりやすいわけです。



 だから知というものにかたよると、とかく理くつっぽくなって角が立ちやすい。頭が非常 よいと、知能のはたらきがつよいですから、すぐ理くつでものをわりきろうとします。

 情に棹させば流される それはそうでしょう、人情的になりすぎれば流されてしまいます。

意志がつよかったらどうかというと、これは強情で、どうにもしようがないということにな りますね。


そのいずれにもかたよらないように平均化する、これがいちばん大切なことじゃないです 知的にも非常に高度で、情緒面においても、いわゆる情操がゆたかであるというように、芸術 面などでもよく理解することができる。情操的な情のないひとというのは、無昧乾燥にな力やす いわけです。芸術的なことは、なにもわからない、はなしをしてもちっともおもしろくない、シャレ をいったって、ニコリともしない。今日きいたシレを、三日ぐらいたっ七急に笑,い出じ て、「ああ、そうだ,ったのか」なんて(笑)、それじやあおはなしにならんでしょう。 


 だから、知・情・意の精神作用を、非常に強化し、たかめるという訓練をする。そしてそのい ずれにもかたよらないということ。これがまず第一です。


 念そのものの力を、神秘的にまで強化する。一点に集中したとき、火を発するほどの力を出 す。ですから、この念覚支の修行には、クンダリ’’ー ヨーガの修行が入るわけです。


この空の体得により、諸法の実相がわかるようになります。つまり、「縁起の法」を如実 にさ とることになるわけです。                                




択というのは、「選択」のタクでず。 略ど ない本漢字は「選揮」と書いて、選 えらぶ、「揮」。もえらぶ、という字です。

 つまり、ほんとうに真実なる教法をえらびとる、ということですね。この世の中には、さまざ まな宗教、信仰、思想があびます。そのなかから真実なるものをえらびとる。そうして、まちが ったものや、いつわりのものを捨て石、取捨選択するということです。

 正しい信仰をえらびとって、正しくないものを捨てさるということが修行というのは、どうい うことなんだろう? そう思ったことかありますけれども、考えているうち、やはりそれは修行 なんだなと思うようになった。というのは、それが修行であるというのは、自分自身の勉強、知 能によってそれをなすというところにあるわけです。         、


 お釈迦さまが出家されて、自分がさとりをひらくに到るまでには、当時のさまざまな信仰や宗 教、いろいろなことを教える思想家、そういったかたがたに、肘あたりしてぶつかっていってい るわけです。いろいろな仙人にもあって、はなしを聞く、それだけではなくて、それが正しい か、正しくないか、ということをご自分でI生けんめい考えられたということです。

 そうして結局、当時のインドにあったところのあらゆる教え、宗教というものは、みな正しく ないという結論に達したわけです。それには、釈迦ご自身のふかい修行と勉強によってそこに到 達したわけです。

 ですから、わたくしたちも、この択法覚文が修行であるというのは、自分自身の勉強と修行に よって、ほんとうに真実なるものをえらびとり、正しくないものは捨てさる、ということをしな ければいけないんです。

瞑想ひつとっても、日本に、瞑想を教える学校みたいなところや、瞑想 の先生、そういったものがたくさんあるでしょう。そのたくさんの瞑想のなかから、どれが正し い瞑想法なのか? どの先生が、正しい瞑想法を教えているのか? ということを自分自身がは っきりと取捨選択しなければいけないということです。

 たいていの場合は、自分自身の研究や勉強、あるいは修行によって取捨選択するというひとは すくない、たいてい評判を聞くだけです。





 なんていう。そうかなあ、どうなんだろうか。T・M(、rranscendental Meditationo超越瞑 想の略語)というのがいいというひともいれば、T・Mというのはダメだというひともいる。そ の評判だけできめてしまう人が多い。

 それをお釈迦さまは、ありとあらゆるいろいろな教法をご自分でぶつかって調べてみる。瞑想 についても、すぐそれがいいとかわるいとか、ひとの評判とか、そういったものにはまどわされ ない。ご自分がその瞑想をやってみて、、これはいかん、これはいい、というように選択される。



Psychokinesis and balance


As for what kind of training this is, when you look at Buddhist dictionaries, it explains that it "flattens your mind." I explain that the Seven Factors of Awakening is "the feeling", that is, the peace of mind, but I don't think that alone is an explanation of the practice of the Seven Factors of Awakening.

According to my own training experience, it is not such an easy thing, and it makes my heart peaceful, or it is certainly true, but it comes from the result, and it is not the training itself. Making the weight peaceful means that as a result of practicing the Seven Factors of Awakening, the weight is always peaceful and the weight is flattened, and it is not a practice in itself.

I think this training can be divided into two. First, strengthen the power of mind.

When it comes to vitality, it's kind of cheap. He wrote a book called "Psychokinesis" by himself, and it is strange to say such a thing, but when he says "Psychokinesis", he feels a little cheap. It means strengthening the power of mind, in short, strengthening the mental power very much.

It is vague to say that it is just mental power, but in short, it is the power of will and the power of intelligence. It is a training that greatly strengthens such things.

In other words, human mental action consists of knowledge, affection, and will.

The power of intelligence, the power of intelligence, the emotional work, and the power of will.

In short, strengthening the power of mind means strengthening the functions of these three divisions (knowledge, affection, and will) so that he does not depend on any of them. Doesn't that mean that in the end, it will be peaceful?

Human mental power is made up of the functions of this knowledge, affection, and will. However, he is easier than he is.

For writing out Natsume Soseki's "Kusamakura",

-If you work with knowledge, you will get a horn. If you let the emotions flow, you will be swept away. Anyway, this world is hard to live in. "

Therefore, depending on what you know, it's easy to get horny and horny. If you are very smart, your intelligence will work well, so you will immediately try to make sense.

He will be swept away if he is sentimental, and he will be swept away if he becomes too humane.

If you have a strong will, this is stubborn and you can't help it.

Therefore, it is such a practice to strengthen and strengthen each function of knowledge, affection, and will. Deer

It's not the most important thing to average so that it doesn't depend on any of them. It's intellectually very advanced, and it's well understood in terms of art as well as emotional and so-called emotional. can do. The person who has no emotional feelings is the one who is easy to be dry and dry. I don't understand anything about art, it's not interesting to talk about it, and it doesn't make me smile. I laughed at the sire I heard today in a hurry for about three days, and said, "Oh, that's right, was it?" (Laughs).

It's fine to have a strong will, but it shouldn't be stubborn.

Therefore, we will train to strengthen and strengthen the mental effects of knowledge, affection, and will. And that he doesn't depend on the gap. This is first and foremost.

However, that is not the case.

Strengthen the power of the mind itself to mystery. When you concentrate on one point, it exerts enough power to make a fire. Therefore, this training of the Awakening includes the training of Kundalini "-Yoga.

Next, learn the "view of the sky". Therefore, this Seven Factors of Awakening contains the practice of "Satipatthana".

By learning this sky, you will be able to understand the reality of various laws. In other words, the "law of auspiciousness" is to be taken. ‥

This reminder can be the centerpiece of the Seven Factors of Awakening. No, even among the thirty-seven road crystals

This is a lot of teachings such as religion, faith, and philosophy. Select the truth from the thought

about it.

Choice is not a "choice" tact. The abbreviation of this kanji is written as "selection", and it is selected, "volunteer". The word "moerabu" is used.

In other words, it means choosing a truly true teaching method. There are various religions, beliefs, and thoughts in this world. Select the truth from them. Then, the town throws away what he has and what he has, and sorts it out.

What does it mean to practice by choosing the right faith and throwing away the wrong ones? Although I had thought so, while thinking about it, I came to think that it was training. For, it is a practice in that it is done by one's own study and intelligence. ,

For example, it is as follows.

By the time Buddha was born and he opened Satori, he was hit by the various beliefs and religions of the time, the thinkers who taught various things, and those who hit his elbows. There are various hermits, and not only did they hear the story, but they also thought about whether it was right or wrong.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that all the teachings and religions that existed in India at that time were not correct. That was achieved through Buddha's own training and study.

Therefore, we also do not say that this alternative memorial is a practice, that he chooses what is truly true and throws away what is not correct by his own study and practice. I have to be him.

There are many meditation schools in Japan, such as schools that teach meditation, meditation teachers, and so on. Which of the many meditations is right for him? Which teacher teaches the correct meditation method? That means that I have to make a clear choice for him.

Most of the time, the person who chooses by his own research, study, or training only hears his poor reputation.

"What about that Japanese meditation center?"

"That is good because there is a person named Mr. Kiriyama."

Or say,

"That's no good, it's a fake"

What is it? I wonder what it is. Some people say that TM (an abbreviation for transcendental meditation) is good, while others say that TM is not good. There are many people who can only make that reputation.

Shaka-sama tried to find out by colliding with all kinds of various teaching methods. As for meditation, I'm not confused by the fact that it's good or bad, or the reputation of people. You try the meditation, and you are chosen to say, "I don't care, this is good."

In that sense, the training of the alternative method is the practice.
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四神足法とは、どんな修行法であろうか?  What kind of training is the Iddhipada method?

2021-04-12 18:31:33 | 








































Can make the dead Buddhahood

Shudaon, Shidango, and Anagon are saints who have cut off their own karma and have liberated their evil ties. It can be said that it is a saint who has achieved the Buddhahood. Complete

Total liberation is a matter of time.

The difference from Alhat is that it does not have the power to make the dead Buddhahood.


Alhat and Buddha have the power to liberate all words. That is the difference between Anagon and Alhat.


However, after learning the Iddhipada method, Anagon, which is close to Alhat, is now equipped with the power of the dead Buddhahood.

Therefore, neither the Meitoku memorial service nor the liberated Buddhahood memorial service will be effective unless the saint who has reached the boundary above Anagon has learned the Iddhipada method.


Then, what kind of training is the Iddhipada method?




The mechanism

About the Iddhipada method, I mentioned in my book "The Law of Buddha" as follows.


Greedy foot method


A practice that perfects the fundamental conditions of human vitality, especially on the body


Working God Foot Method


A training method that dramatically improves the basic physical conditions at a pace based on the abilities gained by the greed foot method.

Shinshin foot method


Improvement of physical ability Based on development, mental ability will be enhanced, and the ability will be dramatically improved step by step.

The human brain consists of three brains.

Stop, the worm-era brain (paleocortical brain) ,. Mammalian brain (old cortical brain), brain developed from late mammals (neocortex brain)

There are three brains.


In other words, the heavy crocodile brain, the Umar sheep brain, and the human brain live together without being completely controlled. That is the human brain.

Obviously, the human brain is a "defective brain." This defective brain has created today's defective civilization. Humankind is about to fall into ruin, with nuclear threats, environmental destruction, ethnic and racial conflicts, drugs, AIDS, and more.


For these problems that we created, human beings themselves cannot find a way to solve them. Unless the defective brain is remodeled, human beings have no choice but to disappear in the whirlpool of their own folly.


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