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Bonji 梵字 地蔵菩薩  Kṣitigarbha

2022-09-07 18:47:13 | 梵字




梵名クシィティガルバ (Ksitigarbha)の「クシィ ティ」は「耐え忍ぶ」という意味で、その象徴が 大地です。「ガルバ」は「胎蔵」などと訳され、 包蔵を意味し、大地の徳を尊格化したのが、地蔵 菩薩といえます。

釈尊の入滅から弥勒菩薩が出世するまでの五十 六億七千万年の無仏の時代(現在も含む)に、迷 いの世界に住する衆生を教え導き救済することが 地蔵菩薩の誓願です。

また、多くの現世利益の功徳があるところから、 さまざまな呼び名で呼ばれています。たとえば、 子どもの守り本尊として、子育地蔵や子安地蔵が この例です。

浄土に住まず、つねに民衆の中に溶け込んで救 いをもたらすこの菩薩は、人びとに深く慕われて います。












頭を丸めた修行僧の姿で、釈迦と同様に簡素な衣を着けますが、菩薩であることより首飾り・瓔珞などで荘厳されることもあります。錫杖と宝珠を持っている姿が一般的です。 延命地蔵は半跏像、あるいは片脚踏み上げの姿勢をとります。





The Sanskrit name Ksitigarbha "Ksitigarbha" means "to endure" and its symbol is the earth. "Garba" is translated as "womb storehouse" and means a storehouse, and it can be said that Jizo Bodhisattva deified the virtue of the earth.

Jizo Bosatsu's vow is to teach and guide sentient beings who live in a world of confusion during the 5.67 billion years (including the present) when there was no Buddha from the death of Shakyamuni until Maitreya Bodhisattva ascended into the world. is.

It is also called by various names because it has many worldly benefits. For example, Koiku Jizo and Koyasu Jizo are examples of him as a guardian deity of children.

This bodhisattva, who does not live in the Pure Land but always blends in with the people and brings salvation, is deeply admired by people.

Jizo Bodhisattva

A bodhisattva who rules over the earth that nurtures all life, famously known as Jizo

What is Jizo Bodhisattva?

He is said to embrace and save people with a heart of great mercy. Until Maitreya Bodhisattva appears in this world 5.67 billion years later, there is no Buddha in this world, so it is a Bodhisattva who saves all living things during that time.


He is said to be the incarnation of King Enma, and people believe that if you put your hands on Jizo Bosatsu even once in this world, you will be saved from the suffering of hell as a substitute. In addition, unlike other Buddhas, it is said that it directly circulates through the six realms, such as humanitarianism, to provide relief, and is affectionately called "Ojizo-sama." By the way, the Six Realms are made up of the worlds of Humanity, Heaven, Hell, Gaki, Animal, and Asura.


Cemeteries often have six Jizo statues enshrined. In Buddhism, it is called Rokudo Rinne, and each one is in charge of each world and watches over it in order to guide the ancestors and the deceased who are reincarnated in one of the six paths.


There are various benefits such as good health, good harvest, traffic safety, Mizuko prayer, safe delivery, childbirth, child protection, ancestor bodhi, victory prayer.

Statue of Jizo Bodhisattva

He takes the form of a trainee monk with a rounded head and wears simple clothes like Shakyamuni, but since he is a bodhisattva, he is sometimes solemnized with necklaces and necklaces. He is commonly seen holding a scepter and a jewel. Enmei Jizo takes a posture of half-legged or stepping up on one leg.


Mantra of Jizo Bodhisattva

On Kakaka Bisanmaei Sowaka

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