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「求聞持聡明法」 世界の疾患の根源は、ただ一つ――無知故の愚かさ

2024-06-12 18:42:58 | タブレットPC

私はこの法を実践し、偉大なる聖者と称される力を手に入れた。しかし、その価値は一体何だろうか? 私が賢明になろうとも、どこかの愚か者が核ボタンを押せば、全てが終わる。世界は砕け散り、偉大なる聖者もまたその中に含まれる。もちろん、聖者であれば事前に察知し、安全な場所に避難するだろう。しかし、世界が壊滅し、生き残った者たちが核の灰に覆われる未来に希望はない。
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準胝尊経の詩 Chant of Juntei 準胝尊経的诗

2024-06-12 17:40:04 | タブレットPC
Chant of Juntei

If you keep chanting this silently in your mind, you can overcome any hardship.
Bringing happiness to heaven and man, they become Buddha-like beings.
Touching this wish-granting jewel brings supreme joy.
触摸这颗 Nyoi Jewel 会给您带来无与伦比的快乐。
真言は短呪の「オン・シャレイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」(Oṃ cale cule cunde svāhā [21] [15][注 4]などがよく知られている。
Namosattanam samyaksanmodaktinan taniyata on sharay shurei juntei sowaka
梵名チュンディー(Cundi)の音写で 「清浄無垢」という意味があり、さとりの道を歩 ませる観音です。
別名、准胚仏母、七俱肢仏母とも呼ばれます。 七俱脈とは「無量」を意味しますから、多くの諸 仏の母となります。そのため観音菩薩ではないと の説もあります。経軌にも観音として説かれてい ないことから、天台密教では准賦如来として仏部 の尊としますが、真言密教では観音の一つとして 六観音の中に加えます。
求児・安産の本尊としてもまつられます。もと は水の神で、その姿は女身といわれています。」
となうるところの眞言は 觀
いままさに座す觀音光明世界一切の悪因を離れ、もろもろの惡業を捕って觀音妙法實相 の聖
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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  成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法

2024-06-12 14:29:38 | タブレットPC
成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法
The seven branches of the 37 stages of attaining enlightenment: The four divine steps

成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法
The Seven Categories of the Thirty-Seven Paths of Enlightenment: The Four Gods Feet Method
We are finally entering into the explanation of the Four Gods Feet Method. This is the center of the Buddha's enlightenment method and the foundation of the reincarnation meditation method.
Its severity is comparable to any other method. Even those who have completed the training up to now will not be able to face it easily. Many will feel anxious about the increasingly difficult training.
In the spiritual world, the Tathagata is always preaching the law. One of them is "the royal transmission by thought". This is a way of conveying one's own mind to the other person's mind without the use of words or symbols. The mind is not just a thought, but one that is imbued with power. This causes the other person to instantly awaken as a Buddha.
This is the highest and ideal existence. As the word "royal" indicates.
But there is a condition for this. What is it? It is as follows.
"The royal transmission by thought" is the highest ideal, but tapas are necessary to receive it. It is also mentioned in the spiritual vibration of Sahet-Mahet. This is because the transmission is impossible without the development of the diencephalon.
In order to receive the transmission of thoughts, one must first achieve tapas. And for that, the Shijinsoku method is essential. Without practicing this method, one cannot receive the transmission of thoughts. However, the Shijinsoku method is not easy to practice. Therefore, if one does not practice the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, the transmission of thoughts cannot be obtained, and the development of the diencephalon is impossible. And the revelation of spirituality will be hopeless.
However, there is no need to despair. After many years of practice, I have solved this problem and found a method that allows anyone to practice the method of attaining enlightenment relatively easily.
This is the "Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method." This meditation method is the essence of the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, and is the Shijinsoku method itself. And its greatest feature is that "the meditation method itself is the transmission of thoughts."
Through this method, practitioners can receive the transmission of thoughts while developing the chakras necessary for the Shijinsoku method. In particular, in Kundalini Yoga, the development of the chakras in the brain, which are considered dangerous, can be done safely and gently.
By practicing this Crystal Dragon God meditation technique, you will be able to gain supernatural powers. However, this technique is top secret and will not be revealed in its entirety.
The Seven Categories of the Thirty-Seven Paths of Enlightenment: The Four Gods Feet Method
We are finally entering into the explanation of the Four Gods Feet Method. This is the center of the Buddha's enlightenment method and the foundation of the reincarnation meditation method.
Its severity is comparable to any other method. Even those who have completed the training up to now will not be able to face it easily. Many will feel anxious about the increasingly difficult training.
In the spiritual world, the Tathagata is always preaching the law. One of them is "the royal transmission by thought". This is a way of conveying one's own mind to the other person's mind without the use of words or symbols. The mind is not just a thought, but one that is imbued with power. This causes the other person to instantly awaken as a Buddha.
This is the highest and ideal existence. As the word "royal" indicates.
But there is a condition for this. What is it? It is as follows.
"The royal transmission by thought" is the highest Ideally, tapas are necessary to receive it. It is also mentioned in the spiritual vibration of Sahet-Mahet. This is because the transmission is impossible without the development of the diencephalon.
In order to receive the transmission of thoughts, one must first achieve tapas. And for that, the Shijinsoku method is essential. Without practicing this method, one cannot receive the transmission of thoughts. However, the Shijinsoku method is not easy to practice. Therefore, if one does not practice the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, the transmission of thoughts cannot be obtained, and the development of the diencephalon is impossible. And the revelation of spirituality will be hopeless.
However, there is no need to despair. After many years of practice, I have solved this problem and found a method that allows anyone to practice the method of attaining enlightenment relatively easily.
This is the "Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method." This meditation method is the essence of the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, and is the Shijinsoku method itself. And its greatest feature is that "the meditation method itself is the transmission of thoughts."
Through this method, practitioners can receive the transmission of thoughts while developing the chakras necessary for the Shijinsoku method. In particular, in Kundalini Yoga, the development of the chakras in the brain, which are considered dangerous, can be done safely and gently.
By practicing this Crystal Dragon God meditation technique, you will be able to gain supernatural powers. However, this technique is top secret and will not be revealed in its entirety.
1. **色(しき, rūpa)**:物質的な形態、身体
2. **受(じゅ, vedanā)**:感受、感覚、感情
3. **想(そう, saññā)**:表象、認識、思考
4. **行(ぎょう, saṅkhāra)**:形成作用、意志、心の働き
5. **識(しき, viññāṇa)**:意識、知覚
### ステップ 1: 色(しき)の観察
1. **姿勢を整える**:静かな場所で座り、背筋を伸ばしてリラックスします。目を閉じるか、半眼にします。
2. **呼吸に集中する**:自然な呼吸を観察し、息を吸う時と吐く時に意識を集中します。
3. **身体の感覚に気づく**:身体の各部分に意識を向け、それぞれの感覚に気づきます。例えば、座っている時の接触感、手や足の位置、体の重みなどを感じます。
### ステップ 2: 受(じゅ)の観察
1. **感覚を観察する**:心の中で生じる感覚や感情に意識を向けます。これには、快、不快、中立の感覚が含まれます。
2. **感覚を判断しない**:感覚が生じたら、それを良い悪いと判断せず、そのまま観察します。感覚がどのように生じ、消えていくのかを見つめます。
### ステップ 3: 想(そう)の観察
1. **思考やイメージに気づく**:心に浮かぶ思考やイメージに気づきます。これには、過去の記憶、未来の計画、現在の思考が含まれます。
2. **思考に執着しない**:思考が生じたら、それに執着せず、そのまま観察します。思考がどのように生じ、変化し、消えていくのかを見つめます。
### ステップ 4: 行(ぎょう)の観察
1. **心の反応を観察する**:外部の刺激や内部の感覚に対する心の反応に気づきます。例えば、音を聞いた時の反応、痛みを感じた時の反応などです。
2. **反応を見つめる**:心の反応がどのように生じ、どのように変わっていくのかを見つめます。反応に引きずられず、観察し続けます。
### ステップ 5: 識(しき)の観察
1. **意識そのものに気づく**:感覚、思考、感情を認識する意識そのものに注意を向けます。
2. **意識の性質を観察する**:意識がどのように変化し、どのように常に存在しているのかを観察します。意識が対象にどのように反応するのかを見つめます。
### 総合的な瞑想
1. **すべての五蘊を統合的に観察する**:上記の各ステップを順番に行いながら、最終的にはすべての五蘊を統合的に観察します。それぞれの要素がどのように相互に影響し合い、自己の体験を構成しているのかを理解します。
2. **無常と無我を理解する**:五蘊の観察を通じて、すべての現象が無常(変化するものであること)であり、無我(自己という固定した実体がないこと)であることを理解します。
The meditation on the five aggregates is based on Buddhist teachings. The five aggregates (goun) are the teachings that all existence is made up of the following five elements:
1. **form** (rūpa): material form, body
2. **feeding** (vedanā): perception, sensation, emotion
3. **vision** (saññā): representation, cognition, thought
4. **action** (saṅkhāra): formation, will, mental activity
5. **consciousness** (viññāṇa): consciousness, perception
The meditation on the five aggregates is a way to see the true nature of the self by observing and understanding these elements. Below are the steps of meditation based on the five aggregates.
### Step 1: Observing form (shiki)
1. **Prepare yourself**: Sit in a quiet place, sit up straight and relax. Close your eyes or close them halfway.
2. **Focus on your breath**: Observe your natural breathing and focus on your inhalation and exhalation.
3. **Notice sensations in your body**: Be aware of each part of your body and notice each sensation. For example, feel the touch as you sit, the position of your hands and feet, the weight of your body, etc.
### Step 2: Observe feeling
1. **Observe sensations**: Be aware of sensations and emotions that arise in your mind. This includes pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral sensations.
2. **Non-judge sensations**: When sensations arise, observe them as they are without judging them as good or bad. Notice how they arise and pass away.
### Step 3: Observe thoughts
1. **Notice thoughts and images**: Be aware of thoughts and images that come to your mind. This can include past memories, plans for the future, and current thoughts.
2. **Non-attachment to thoughts**: When thoughts arise, observe them without attaching to them. Observe how thoughts arise, change, and disappear.
### Step 4: Observation of Action
1. **Observe the Mind's Reaction**: Become aware of your mind's reaction to external stimuli and internal sensations. For example, your reaction to hearing a sound or feeling pain.
2. **Observe the Reaction**: Observe how your mind's reaction arises and how it changes. Continue to observe without being dragged down by the reaction.
### Step 5: Observe Consciousness
1. **Notice Consciousness Itself**: Focus your attention on the consciousness itself that recognizes sensations, thoughts, and emotions.
2. **Observe the Nature of Consciousness**: Observe how consciousness changes and how it is always there. Observe how consciousness responds to objects.
### Integrated Meditation
1. **Integrated Observation of All Five Aggregates**: By performing each of the above steps in order, you will eventually observe all five aggregates in an integrated manner. You will understand how each element interacts with the other to create your experience of self.
2. **Understanding Impermanence and Non-Self**: Through observing the five aggregates, you will understand the impermanence (changing nature) and non-self (absence of a fixed self) of all phenomena.
This meditation technique aims to deepen self-understanding and bring about mental peace. With continued practice, you will gain greater insight into the five aggregates and enter deeper meditative states.
1. **色** (rūpa):物质形态、身体
2. **喂养** (vedana):知觉、感觉、情绪
3. **视觉** (saññā):表象、认知、思想
4. **行动** (saṅkhāra):行、意志、心理活动
5. **意识** (viññāṇa):意识、知觉
### 步骤 1:观察形式(shiki)
1. **准备自己**:坐在安静的地方,坐直,闭上眼睛或半闭上眼睛。
2. **专注于你的呼吸**:观察你的自然呼吸并专注于你的吸气和呼气。
3. **注意身体的感觉**:注意身体的每个部位,注意每种感觉,例如,感受坐下时的触感、手脚的位置、身体的重量等。 。
### 第 2 步:观察感觉
1. **观察感觉**:意识到你心中出现的感觉和情绪,包括愉快、不愉快和中性的感觉。
2. **不评判感受**:当感受生起时,观察它们的本来面目,而不判断它们是好是坏。
### 第三步:观察想法
1. **注意想法和图像**:注意出现在您脑海中的想法和图像,这可能包括过去的记忆、未来的计划和当前的想法。
2. **不执着于念头**:当念头生起时,观察它们而不执着于它们如何生起、变化和消失。
### 步骤 4:观察行动
1. **观察头脑的反应**:意识到你的头脑对外部刺激和内部感觉的反应,例如,你对听到声音或感到疼痛的反应。
2. **观察反应**:观察你内心的反应如何产生以及如何变化。继续观察,不要被反应拖累。
### 步骤 5:观察意识
1. **注意意识本身**:将注意力集中在识别感觉、思想和情绪的意识本身上。
2. **观察意识的本质**:观察意识如何变化以及它如何始终存在。
### 综合冥想
1. **综合观察所有五蕴**:通过按顺序执行上述每个步骤,您最终将以综合的方式观察所有五蕴。您将了解每个元素如何与其他元素相互作用以创建您的经验。自己。
2. **了解无常与无我**:通过观察五蕴,你将了解一切现象的无常(变化的本质)和无我(没有固定的自我)。
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  成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法

2024-06-12 14:29:38 | タブレットPC
成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法
The seven branches of the 37 stages of attaining enlightenment: The four divine steps

成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法
The Seven Categories of the Thirty-Seven Paths of Enlightenment: The Four Gods Feet Method
We are finally entering into the explanation of the Four Gods Feet Method. This is the center of the Buddha's enlightenment method and the foundation of the reincarnation meditation method.
Its severity is comparable to any other method. Even those who have completed the training up to now will not be able to face it easily. Many will feel anxious about the increasingly difficult training.
In the spiritual world, the Tathagata is always preaching the law. One of them is "the royal transmission by thought". This is a way of conveying one's own mind to the other person's mind without the use of words or symbols. The mind is not just a thought, but one that is imbued with power. This causes the other person to instantly awaken as a Buddha.
This is the highest and ideal existence. As the word "royal" indicates.
But there is a condition for this. What is it? It is as follows.
"The royal transmission by thought" is the highest ideal, but tapas are necessary to receive it. It is also mentioned in the spiritual vibration of Sahet-Mahet. This is because the transmission is impossible without the development of the diencephalon.
In order to receive the transmission of thoughts, one must first achieve tapas. And for that, the Shijinsoku method is essential. Without practicing this method, one cannot receive the transmission of thoughts. However, the Shijinsoku method is not easy to practice. Therefore, if one does not practice the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, the transmission of thoughts cannot be obtained, and the development of the diencephalon is impossible. And the revelation of spirituality will be hopeless.
However, there is no need to despair. After many years of practice, I have solved this problem and found a method that allows anyone to practice the method of attaining enlightenment relatively easily.
This is the "Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method." This meditation method is the essence of the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, and is the Shijinsoku method itself. And its greatest feature is that "the meditation method itself is the transmission of thoughts."
Through this method, practitioners can receive the transmission of thoughts while developing the chakras necessary for the Shijinsoku method. In particular, in Kundalini Yoga, the development of the chakras in the brain, which are considered dangerous, can be done safely and gently.
By practicing this Crystal Dragon God meditation technique, you will be able to gain supernatural powers. However, this technique is top secret and will not be revealed in its entirety.
The Seven Categories of the Thirty-Seven Paths of Enlightenment: The Four Gods Feet Method
We are finally entering into the explanation of the Four Gods Feet Method. This is the center of the Buddha's enlightenment method and the foundation of the reincarnation meditation method.
Its severity is comparable to any other method. Even those who have completed the training up to now will not be able to face it easily. Many will feel anxious about the increasingly difficult training.
In the spiritual world, the Tathagata is always preaching the law. One of them is "the royal transmission by thought". This is a way of conveying one's own mind to the other person's mind without the use of words or symbols. The mind is not just a thought, but one that is imbued with power. This causes the other person to instantly awaken as a Buddha.
This is the highest and ideal existence. As the word "royal" indicates.
But there is a condition for this. What is it? It is as follows.
"The royal transmission by thought" is the highest Ideally, tapas are necessary to receive it. It is also mentioned in the spiritual vibration of Sahet-Mahet. This is because the transmission is impossible without the development of the diencephalon.
In order to receive the transmission of thoughts, one must first achieve tapas. And for that, the Shijinsoku method is essential. Without practicing this method, one cannot receive the transmission of thoughts. However, the Shijinsoku method is not easy to practice. Therefore, if one does not practice the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, the transmission of thoughts cannot be obtained, and the development of the diencephalon is impossible. And the revelation of spirituality will be hopeless.
However, there is no need to despair. After many years of practice, I have solved this problem and found a method that allows anyone to practice the method of attaining enlightenment relatively easily.
This is the "Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method." This meditation method is the essence of the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, and is the Shijinsoku method itself. And its greatest feature is that "the meditation method itself is the transmission of thoughts."
Through this method, practitioners can receive the transmission of thoughts while developing the chakras necessary for the Shijinsoku method. In particular, in Kundalini Yoga, the development of the chakras in the brain, which are considered dangerous, can be done safely and gently.
By practicing this Crystal Dragon God meditation technique, you will be able to gain supernatural powers. However, this technique is top secret and will not be revealed in its entirety.
1. **色(しき, rūpa)**:物質的な形態、身体
2. **受(じゅ, vedanā)**:感受、感覚、感情
3. **想(そう, saññā)**:表象、認識、思考
4. **行(ぎょう, saṅkhāra)**:形成作用、意志、心の働き
5. **識(しき, viññāṇa)**:意識、知覚
### ステップ 1: 色(しき)の観察
1. **姿勢を整える**:静かな場所で座り、背筋を伸ばしてリラックスします。目を閉じるか、半眼にします。
2. **呼吸に集中する**:自然な呼吸を観察し、息を吸う時と吐く時に意識を集中します。
3. **身体の感覚に気づく**:身体の各部分に意識を向け、それぞれの感覚に気づきます。例えば、座っている時の接触感、手や足の位置、体の重みなどを感じます。
### ステップ 2: 受(じゅ)の観察
1. **感覚を観察する**:心の中で生じる感覚や感情に意識を向けます。これには、快、不快、中立の感覚が含まれます。
2. **感覚を判断しない**:感覚が生じたら、それを良い悪いと判断せず、そのまま観察します。感覚がどのように生じ、消えていくのかを見つめます。
### ステップ 3: 想(そう)の観察
1. **思考やイメージに気づく**:心に浮かぶ思考やイメージに気づきます。これには、過去の記憶、未来の計画、現在の思考が含まれます。
2. **思考に執着しない**:思考が生じたら、それに執着せず、そのまま観察します。思考がどのように生じ、変化し、消えていくのかを見つめます。
### ステップ 4: 行(ぎょう)の観察
1. **心の反応を観察する**:外部の刺激や内部の感覚に対する心の反応に気づきます。例えば、音を聞いた時の反応、痛みを感じた時の反応などです。
2. **反応を見つめる**:心の反応がどのように生じ、どのように変わっていくのかを見つめます。反応に引きずられず、観察し続けます。
### ステップ 5: 識(しき)の観察
1. **意識そのものに気づく**:感覚、思考、感情を認識する意識そのものに注意を向けます。
2. **意識の性質を観察する**:意識がどのように変化し、どのように常に存在しているのかを観察します。意識が対象にどのように反応するのかを見つめます。
### 総合的な瞑想
1. **すべての五蘊を統合的に観察する**:上記の各ステップを順番に行いながら、最終的にはすべての五蘊を統合的に観察します。それぞれの要素がどのように相互に影響し合い、自己の体験を構成しているのかを理解します。
2. **無常と無我を理解する**:五蘊の観察を通じて、すべての現象が無常(変化するものであること)であり、無我(自己という固定した実体がないこと)であることを理解します。
The meditation on the five aggregates is based on Buddhist teachings. The five aggregates (goun) are the teachings that all existence is made up of the following five elements:
1. **form** (rūpa): material form, body
2. **feeding** (vedanā): perception, sensation, emotion
3. **vision** (saññā): representation, cognition, thought
4. **action** (saṅkhāra): formation, will, mental activity
5. **consciousness** (viññāṇa): consciousness, perception
The meditation on the five aggregates is a way to see the true nature of the self by observing and understanding these elements. Below are the steps of meditation based on the five aggregates.
### Step 1: Observing form (shiki)
1. **Prepare yourself**: Sit in a quiet place, sit up straight and relax. Close your eyes or close them halfway.
2. **Focus on your breath**: Observe your natural breathing and focus on your inhalation and exhalation.
3. **Notice sensations in your body**: Be aware of each part of your body and notice each sensation. For example, feel the touch as you sit, the position of your hands and feet, the weight of your body, etc.
### Step 2: Observe feeling
1. **Observe sensations**: Be aware of sensations and emotions that arise in your mind. This includes pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral sensations.
2. **Non-judge sensations**: When sensations arise, observe them as they are without judging them as good or bad. Notice how they arise and pass away.
### Step 3: Observe thoughts
1. **Notice thoughts and images**: Be aware of thoughts and images that come to your mind. This can include past memories, plans for the future, and current thoughts.
2. **Non-attachment to thoughts**: When thoughts arise, observe them without attaching to them. Observe how thoughts arise, change, and disappear.
### Step 4: Observation of Action
1. **Observe the Mind's Reaction**: Become aware of your mind's reaction to external stimuli and internal sensations. For example, your reaction to hearing a sound or feeling pain.
2. **Observe the Reaction**: Observe how your mind's reaction arises and how it changes. Continue to observe without being dragged down by the reaction.
### Step 5: Observe Consciousness
1. **Notice Consciousness Itself**: Focus your attention on the consciousness itself that recognizes sensations, thoughts, and emotions.
2. **Observe the Nature of Consciousness**: Observe how consciousness changes and how it is always there. Observe how consciousness responds to objects.
### Integrated Meditation
1. **Integrated Observation of All Five Aggregates**: By performing each of the above steps in order, you will eventually observe all five aggregates in an integrated manner. You will understand how each element interacts with the other to create your experience of self.
2. **Understanding Impermanence and Non-Self**: Through observing the five aggregates, you will understand the impermanence (changing nature) and non-self (absence of a fixed self) of all phenomena.
This meditation technique aims to deepen self-understanding and bring about mental peace. With continued practice, you will gain greater insight into the five aggregates and enter deeper meditative states.
1. **色** (rūpa):物质形态、身体
2. **喂养** (vedana):知觉、感觉、情绪
3. **视觉** (saññā):表象、认知、思想
4. **行动** (saṅkhāra):行、意志、心理活动
5. **意识** (viññāṇa):意识、知觉
### 步骤 1:观察形式(shiki)
1. **准备自己**:坐在安静的地方,坐直,闭上眼睛或半闭上眼睛。
2. **专注于你的呼吸**:观察你的自然呼吸并专注于你的吸气和呼气。
3. **注意身体的感觉**:注意身体的每个部位,注意每种感觉,例如,感受坐下时的触感、手脚的位置、身体的重量等。 。
### 第 2 步:观察感觉
1. **观察感觉**:意识到你心中出现的感觉和情绪,包括愉快、不愉快和中性的感觉。
2. **不评判感受**:当感受生起时,观察它们的本来面目,而不判断它们是好是坏。
### 第三步:观察想法
1. **注意想法和图像**:注意出现在您脑海中的想法和图像,这可能包括过去的记忆、未来的计划和当前的想法。
2. **不执着于念头**:当念头生起时,观察它们而不执着于它们如何生起、变化和消失。
### 步骤 4:观察行动
1. **观察头脑的反应**:意识到你的头脑对外部刺激和内部感觉的反应,例如,你对听到声音或感到疼痛的反应。
2. **观察反应**:观察你内心的反应如何产生以及如何变化。继续观察,不要被反应拖累。
### 步骤 5:观察意识
1. **注意意识本身**:将注意力集中在识别感觉、思想和情绪的意识本身上。
2. **观察意识的本质**:观察意识如何变化以及它如何始终存在。
### 综合冥想
1. **综合观察所有五蕴**:通过按顺序执行上述每个步骤,您最终将以综合的方式观察所有五蕴。您将了解每个元素如何与其他元素相互作用以创建您的经验。自己。
2. **了解无常与无我**:通过观察五蕴,你将了解一切现象的无常(变化的本质)和无我(没有固定的自我)。
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The seven branches of the 37 stages of attaining enlightenment: The four divine steps

2024-06-12 14:27:58 | タブレットPC
The seven branches of the 37 stages of attaining enlightenment: The four divine steps
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仏教の革新者:成仏法を求める旅 Buddhist innovators 佛教创新者

2024-06-12 10:44:00 | タブレットPC

1. 「成仏法の追求者:日本の仏教改革者の物語」
2. 「真実の探求者:阿含宗の創設者の挑戦」
3. 「仏教の革新者:成仏法を求める旅」
1. "Seeker of the Law of Attainment: The Story of a Japanese Buddhist Reformer"
2. "Seeker of Truth: The Challenge of the Founder of the Agon Sect"
3. "Innovator of Buddhism: A Journey in Search of the Law of Attainment"
What he realized was an astonishing leap in intelligence. He was intrigued by the lack of "the law of attainment" in Japanese Buddhism, and in his search for the truth, he devoted himself to the study of all scriptures. The absence of the law of attainment was as puzzling to him as the absence of Christ in Christianity. This is because God saves humanity through Christ, and similarly, in Buddhism, humanity is saved through the law of attainment. And it is extremely puzzling that the law of attainment does not exist in Japanese Buddhism.
Although he had doubts, he did not remain in the mystery, but instead resolved to seek the law of attainment. However, he had no Buddhist teacher and had to pursue everything on his own. Although he struggled with technical terms and difficult texts, he was guided by the Gumonji Somyoh method and finally succeeded in finding the law of attainment in the Agon Sutras.
At that moment, he understood why Japanese Buddhism did not have a method for attaining enlightenment. He realized that this was because Japanese Mahayana Buddhism was a direct adoption of ancient Chinese Buddhism, and that misunderstandings from Chinese Buddhism were inherited at that time. Although the Agama Sutra is the scripture that most clearly teaches the truth, it was considered the lowest in Chinese Buddhism, and the fact that Mahayana sutras were given preferential treatment hindered understanding of the method for attaining enlightenment.
He felt a responsibility to spread this truth widely, and decided to establish the Agama Sect. He foresaw many difficulties, but he had unwavering conviction and stuck to his resolve. Enduring opposition from traditional Buddhism and attacks from the media, he founded a religious organization with just one disciple, and it now has hundreds of thousands of followers.
His religious organization appears to have huge assets, but in reality he and his family had almost no assets, and he considered his followers to be their treasure. With the power he gained from practicing the Gumonji Somyoh method and the Attainment Method, he lived a life full of the wisdom and compassion of Buddha Shaka every day.
For him, true happiness was found in spiritual richness and the spread of truth, rather than in money or material possessions, and this was the greatest asset in his life.
那时他明白了为什么日本佛教没有成佛的方法。原来,日本的大乘佛教是中国古代佛教的直接改编,当时对中国佛教的误解也被延续了下来。 《阿耀经》虽然是宣讲最多真理的经,但在汉传佛教中却被认为是最低级的,大乘经受到优待,阻碍了对成佛法则的理解。
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九星  無料 今日の運命 Today's Fate 今日缘分 2024年6月12日

2024-06-12 07:45:56 | タブレットPC

仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切
躍動の週 親の日
Two Black Earth Star Day
A day when work, travel, sickness, etc. are likely to come up. There are many complicated things. Despite being busy, there are few results. Don't be hasty. It is important to be willing to take on unpleasant work
A dynamic week - Parents' Day
A day when you can immerse yourself in your hobbies and work and achieve results
This is a day when your hobbies and work will progress more than usual and you will achieve results beyond your expectations. It is a good day to clear up any accumulated tasks or things you have been putting off. It is also a good day to think of new business plans or rework project plans. Furthermore, Parents' Day is also a day when your love luck increases. If you want to get closer to the person you like, try approaching them boldly on this day.
オン バサラダトバン  オン アンビラウンケン
06月12日 (水曜)月齢
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
Buddha 2Japan journala
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電


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成仏法七科三十七道品 水晶龍神 四神足法 

2024-06-11 18:59:09 | タブレットPC
成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法
The seven branches of the 37 stages of attaining enlightenment: The four divine steps

成仏法七科三十七道品 四神足法
The Seven Categories of the Thirty-Seven Paths of Enlightenment: The Four Gods Feet Method
We are finally entering into the explanation of the Four Gods Feet Method. This is the center of the Buddha's enlightenment method and the foundation of the reincarnation meditation method.
Its severity is comparable to any other method. Even those who have completed the training up to now will not be able to face it easily. Many will feel anxious about the increasingly difficult training.
In the spiritual world, the Tathagata is always preaching the law. One of them is "the royal transmission by thought". This is a way of conveying one's own mind to the other person's mind without the use of words or symbols. The mind is not just a thought, but one that is imbued with power. This causes the other person to instantly awaken as a Buddha.
This is the highest and ideal existence. As the word "royal" indicates.
But there is a condition for this. What is it? It is as follows.
"The royal transmission by thought" is the highest ideal, but tapas are necessary to receive it. It is also mentioned in the spiritual vibration of Sahet-Mahet. This is because the transmission is impossible without the development of the diencephalon.
In order to receive the transmission of thoughts, one must first achieve tapas. And for that, the Shijinsoku method is essential. Without practicing this method, one cannot receive the transmission of thoughts. However, the Shijinsoku method is not easy to practice. Therefore, if one does not practice the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, the transmission of thoughts cannot be obtained, and the development of the diencephalon is impossible. And the revelation of spirituality will be hopeless.
However, there is no need to despair. After many years of practice, I have solved this problem and found a method that allows anyone to practice the method of attaining enlightenment relatively easily.
This is the "Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method." This meditation method is the essence of the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, and is the Shijinsoku method itself. And its greatest feature is that "the meditation method itself is the transmission of thoughts."
Through this method, practitioners can receive the transmission of thoughts while developing the chakras necessary for the Shijinsoku method. In particular, in Kundalini Yoga, the development of the chakras in the brain, which are considered dangerous, can be done safely and gently.
By practicing this Crystal Dragon God meditation technique, you will be able to gain supernatural powers. However, this technique is top secret and will not be revealed in its entirety.
The Seven Categories of the Thirty-Seven Paths of Enlightenment: The Four Gods Feet Method
We are finally entering into the explanation of the Four Gods Feet Method. This is the center of the Buddha's enlightenment method and the foundation of the reincarnation meditation method.
Its severity is comparable to any other method. Even those who have completed the training up to now will not be able to face it easily. Many will feel anxious about the increasingly difficult training.
In the spiritual world, the Tathagata is always preaching the law. One of them is "the royal transmission by thought". This is a way of conveying one's own mind to the other person's mind without the use of words or symbols. The mind is not just a thought, but one that is imbued with power. This causes the other person to instantly awaken as a Buddha.
This is the highest and ideal existence. As the word "royal" indicates.
But there is a condition for this. What is it? It is as follows.
"The royal transmission by thought" is the highest Ideally, tapas are necessary to receive it. It is also mentioned in the spiritual vibration of Sahet-Mahet. This is because the transmission is impossible without the development of the diencephalon.
In order to receive the transmission of thoughts, one must first achieve tapas. And for that, the Shijinsoku method is essential. Without practicing this method, one cannot receive the transmission of thoughts. However, the Shijinsoku method is not easy to practice. Therefore, if one does not practice the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, the transmission of thoughts cannot be obtained, and the development of the diencephalon is impossible. And the revelation of spirituality will be hopeless.
However, there is no need to despair. After many years of practice, I have solved this problem and found a method that allows anyone to practice the method of attaining enlightenment relatively easily.
This is the "Crystal Dragon God Meditation Method." This meditation method is the essence of the Buddha's method of attaining enlightenment, and is the Shijinsoku method itself. And its greatest feature is that "the meditation method itself is the transmission of thoughts."
Through this method, practitioners can receive the transmission of thoughts while developing the chakras necessary for the Shijinsoku method. In particular, in Kundalini Yoga, the development of the chakras in the brain, which are considered dangerous, can be done safely and gently.
By practicing this Crystal Dragon God meditation technique, you will be able to gain supernatural powers. However, this technique is top secret and will not be revealed in its entirety.
1. **色(しき, rūpa)**:物質的な形態、身体
2. **受(じゅ, vedanā)**:感受、感覚、感情
3. **想(そう, saññā)**:表象、認識、思考
4. **行(ぎょう, saṅkhāra)**:形成作用、意志、心の働き
5. **識(しき, viññāṇa)**:意識、知覚
### ステップ 1: 色(しき)の観察
1. **姿勢を整える**:静かな場所で座り、背筋を伸ばしてリラックスします。目を閉じるか、半眼にします。
2. **呼吸に集中する**:自然な呼吸を観察し、息を吸う時と吐く時に意識を集中します。
3. **身体の感覚に気づく**:身体の各部分に意識を向け、それぞれの感覚に気づきます。例えば、座っている時の接触感、手や足の位置、体の重みなどを感じます。
### ステップ 2: 受(じゅ)の観察
1. **感覚を観察する**:心の中で生じる感覚や感情に意識を向けます。これには、快、不快、中立の感覚が含まれます。
2. **感覚を判断しない**:感覚が生じたら、それを良い悪いと判断せず、そのまま観察します。感覚がどのように生じ、消えていくのかを見つめます。
### ステップ 3: 想(そう)の観察
1. **思考やイメージに気づく**:心に浮かぶ思考やイメージに気づきます。これには、過去の記憶、未来の計画、現在の思考が含まれます。
2. **思考に執着しない**:思考が生じたら、それに執着せず、そのまま観察します。思考がどのように生じ、変化し、消えていくのかを見つめます。
### ステップ 4: 行(ぎょう)の観察
1. **心の反応を観察する**:外部の刺激や内部の感覚に対する心の反応に気づきます。例えば、音を聞いた時の反応、痛みを感じた時の反応などです。
2. **反応を見つめる**:心の反応がどのように生じ、どのように変わっていくのかを見つめます。反応に引きずられず、観察し続けます。
### ステップ 5: 識(しき)の観察
1. **意識そのものに気づく**:感覚、思考、感情を認識する意識そのものに注意を向けます。
2. **意識の性質を観察する**:意識がどのように変化し、どのように常に存在しているのかを観察します。意識が対象にどのように反応するのかを見つめます。
### 総合的な瞑想
1. **すべての五蘊を統合的に観察する**:上記の各ステップを順番に行いながら、最終的にはすべての五蘊を統合的に観察します。それぞれの要素がどのように相互に影響し合い、自己の体験を構成しているのかを理解します。
2. **無常と無我を理解する**:五蘊の観察を通じて、すべての現象が無常(変化するものであること)であり、無我(自己という固定した実体がないこと)であることを理解します。
The meditation on the five aggregates is based on Buddhist teachings. The five aggregates (goun) are the teachings that all existence is made up of the following five elements:
1. **form** (rūpa): material form, body
2. **feeding** (vedanā): perception, sensation, emotion
3. **vision** (saññā): representation, cognition, thought
4. **action** (saṅkhāra): formation, will, mental activity
5. **consciousness** (viññāṇa): consciousness, perception
The meditation on the five aggregates is a way to see the true nature of the self by observing and understanding these elements. Below are the steps of meditation based on the five aggregates.
### Step 1: Observing form (shiki)
1. **Prepare yourself**: Sit in a quiet place, sit up straight and relax. Close your eyes or close them halfway.
2. **Focus on your breath**: Observe your natural breathing and focus on your inhalation and exhalation.
3. **Notice sensations in your body**: Be aware of each part of your body and notice each sensation. For example, feel the touch as you sit, the position of your hands and feet, the weight of your body, etc.
### Step 2: Observe feeling
1. **Observe sensations**: Be aware of sensations and emotions that arise in your mind. This includes pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral sensations.
2. **Non-judge sensations**: When sensations arise, observe them as they are without judging them as good or bad. Notice how they arise and pass away.
### Step 3: Observe thoughts
1. **Notice thoughts and images**: Be aware of thoughts and images that come to your mind. This can include past memories, plans for the future, and current thoughts.
2. **Non-attachment to thoughts**: When thoughts arise, observe them without attaching to them. Observe how thoughts arise, change, and disappear.
### Step 4: Observation of Action
1. **Observe the Mind's Reaction**: Become aware of your mind's reaction to external stimuli and internal sensations. For example, your reaction to hearing a sound or feeling pain.
2. **Observe the Reaction**: Observe how your mind's reaction arises and how it changes. Continue to observe without being dragged down by the reaction.
### Step 5: Observe Consciousness
1. **Notice Consciousness Itself**: Focus your attention on the consciousness itself that recognizes sensations, thoughts, and emotions.
2. **Observe the Nature of Consciousness**: Observe how consciousness changes and how it is always there. Observe how consciousness responds to objects.
### Integrated Meditation
1. **Integrated Observation of All Five Aggregates**: By performing each of the above steps in order, you will eventually observe all five aggregates in an integrated manner. You will understand how each element interacts with the other to create your experience of self.
2. **Understanding Impermanence and Non-Self**: Through observing the five aggregates, you will understand the impermanence (changing nature) and non-self (absence of a fixed self) of all phenomena.
This meditation technique aims to deepen self-understanding and bring about mental peace. With continued practice, you will gain greater insight into the five aggregates and enter deeper meditative states.
1. **色** (rūpa):物质形态、身体
2. **喂养** (vedana):知觉、感觉、情绪
3. **视觉** (saññā):表象、认知、思想
4. **行动** (saṅkhāra):行、意志、心理活动
5. **意识** (viññāṇa):意识、知觉
### 步骤 1:观察形式(shiki)
1. **准备自己**:坐在安静的地方,坐直,闭上眼睛或半闭上眼睛。
2. **专注于你的呼吸**:观察你的自然呼吸并专注于你的吸气和呼气。
3. **注意身体的感觉**:注意身体的每个部位,注意每种感觉,例如,感受坐下时的触感、手脚的位置、身体的重量等。 。
### 第 2 步:观察感觉
1. **观察感觉**:意识到你心中出现的感觉和情绪,包括愉快、不愉快和中性的感觉。
2. **不评判感受**:当感受生起时,观察它们的本来面目,而不判断它们是好是坏。
### 第三步:观察想法
1. **注意想法和图像**:注意出现在您脑海中的想法和图像,这可能包括过去的记忆、未来的计划和当前的想法。
2. **不执着于念头**:当念头生起时,观察它们而不执着于它们如何生起、变化和消失。
### 步骤 4:观察行动
1. **观察头脑的反应**:意识到你的头脑对外部刺激和内部感觉的反应,例如,你对听到声音或感到疼痛的反应。
2. **观察反应**:观察你内心的反应如何产生以及如何变化。继续观察,不要被反应拖累。
### 步骤 5:观察意识
1. **注意意识本身**:将注意力集中在识别感觉、思想和情绪的意识本身上。
2. **观察意识的本质**:观察意识如何变化以及它如何始终存在。
### 综合冥想
1. **综合观察所有五蕴**:通过按顺序执行上述每个步骤,您最终将以综合的方式观察所有五蕴。您将了解每个元素如何与其他元素相互作用以创建您的经验。自己。
2. **了解无常与无我**:通过观察五蕴,你将了解一切现象的无常(变化的本质)和无我(没有固定的自我)。
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2024年6月11日  九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-06-11 09:16:02 | タブレットPC
この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です。
躍動の週 友の日


勢至菩薩(せいしぼさつ)、梵名マハースターマプラープタ (महास्थामप्राप्त [mahāsthāmaprāpta])は、仏教における菩薩の一尊。「大勢至菩薩」、「大精進菩薩」、「得大勢菩薩」の別名がある。現在日本では午年の守り本尊、十三仏の一周忌本尊として知られている。三昧耶形は未敷蓮華(ハスの蕾)。種子(種子字)はサク(सः saḥ)。
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2024-06-10 07:30:07 | タブレットPC
躍動の週 壊の日

名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。
白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。
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2024-06-09 14:17:51 | タブレットPC
躍動の週 成の日

名サマンタバドラ (Samanta bhadra) の「サマ 「タ」は「く」、「バドラ」は「賢」と漢訳しま す。 「賢」とは具体的には「さとりを求める心か 起こる、成仏しようとする願いと行ない」のこ とです。それが、ときとところを選ばず在して いるということを象徴したのがこの菩薩です。 で すから、菩薩行を実践する者をつねに守護するほ とけでもあります。
白象に乗り、文殊菩薩とともに釈迦如来 の脇侍をつとめます。 文殊菩薩のに対して、 (行)をつかさどります。
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解脱にいたる四つの階梯」 "Four stairs leading to liberation"

2024-06-08 08:22:19 | タブレットPC

1 教えとして「縁起の教理」
2 修行法として「七科三十七道品」(三十七菩提分法”とも呼ぶ)
二 シダゴン(斯陀含)
シュダオン  けがれをすべてとり除いた聖者
シダゴン   められた聖者
アナゴン   (次元を)飛躍した聖者
アルハット   仏陀

四念処法-‐―身念処法 受念処法 心念処法 法念処法
四神足法一-―‐―欲神足法 勤神足法
五根法ー一信根法 精進根法 念根法 定根法 慧根法
五力法l‐信力法 精進力法 念力法 定力法 慧力法
七覚支法-‐‐‐択法覚支法 精進覚支法 喜覚支法 軽安覚支法
定覚支法 念覚支法
Analyzing Aai Buddhism, it consists of two parts.
1 As a teaching, "the doctrine of auspiciousness"
2 As a training method, "Seven departments and thirty-seven dozens" (also called "37 Bodhipakkhi")
If this is called by the classification method of posterity, "the doctrine of auspiciousness" is "religion".
Four steps leading to liberation
"Four steps leading to liberation"
Anyone must go through these four steps to reach liberation.
And if you follow these four steps according to the excellent Holy Master,
The lever can also reach liberation. Of course, you are right.
What are the four ladders?
One, Shudaon (Sudagaki)
2. Sidagon (including this)
Three, Anagon (including Anagon)
Four, Arhat (Arhat)
To explain,
Shudaon The saint who removed all his injuries
Sidagon, the saint
Anagon (a dimension) a leap of saint
Alhat Buddha
It is also called "Budda", a saint who transcends (large dimensions) and is completed.
How will the practitioner walk through these four steps?
Method and system of spiritual completion
That is the practice of spiritual completion left by Shaka. This is called the "Buddhahood Law". The Buddhahood means the completion of spirituality, and the person who fulfills it is called "Budda". That is why I call that method the "Buddhahood Law."
It is a method for a certain Buddhahood from seven systems and thirty-seven curriculums
And system. Is a Buddhist term.
The historical fact that Shaka was actually told only by Agama
Since there is no such "Buddhahood method" other than Agama, I say so.
be. I consider it a true Buddhist scripture, such as a scripture without the "Buddhahood Law".
Cannot be done. Of course, there will be some significance and value of existence.
However, it is not the mainstream. It should be called a sidestream.
The seven departments and thirty-seven dozens are as follows.
Satipatthana method --- Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method, Satipatthana method
Four Right Exertions --- Cutting Method
Iddhipada Iddhipada -------- Iddhipada Iddhipada
Defensive law
Shinshin foot method
Cutting method
Kanjin foot method
Indriya method-Ichishinne method, Seishin root method, Nene method, Samadhi method, Keine method
Five-strength method l-credit method, devotion method, psychokinesis method, definite power method, morality method
Seven Factors of Awakening --- Selective Factors of Awakening
Jokaku support method
Seven Factors of Awakening
Compensation law
Orthodox method
That is all.
These seven subjects, thirty-seven kinds of curriculum,
2, practice
3, tapas (training)
Can be classified into.
The Satipatthana method and the Indriya method are meditations.
The Four Right Exertions, the Five Strengths, the Seven Factors of Awakening, and the Noble Eightfold Path are practices and meditations.
Iddhipada is a special tapas.
Iddhipada is a mythical power (supernatural power), and this Iddhipada method is a supernatural mythical power.
There are four types of training to obtain. My tapas mentioned earlier belongs to this
To do.
Of these seven subjects, meditation and practice subjects are taken into consideration, centering on tapas.
Do it.
The priest decides which subjects to take and how to train. Osamu
Each person has different qualities and ties, so when you look at it, the guru decides.
Guru plays a major role in this training. A little about Guru
Spiritual baptism
Undoubtedly find a guru that reveals spirituality and accept it
It can be said that he was successful as he was able to improve his skills. It ’s that important and it ’s difficult.
Without a guru, proper spiritual manifestation of Buddhist training is impossible. Ordinary Buddhism
It is different from devotion. How to believe, how to believe, lectures and interpretations of scriptures
Anyway, the Buddhist training of spirituality is a powerful spirit.
You can't do it without the help of a doctor of the church
It is.
For example, the modern Indian saint Ramana Maharishi, to his introductory
When performing the acceptance ritual in the "method of staring", he combined the brilliance and power of his eyes.
It is said that he broke the heart of his hand and cut off the flow of thoughts. With time
It is said that the other party felt as if an electric current had flowed into his body.
This kind of spiritual experience first cleanses the disciple and wants to be spiritual.
You will have a longing to do it, and you will have a spiritual aspiration.
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電
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解脱にいたる四つの階梯」 "Four stairs leading to liberation"

2024-06-08 08:14:19 | タブレットPC
解脱にいたる四つの階梯」 "Four stairs leading to liberation"
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2024年6月8日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2024-06-08 07:39:53 | タブレットPC
躍動の週 危の日

梵名のマンジュシュリー(Masjusri) を音写して 文殊師利、さらに略して文殊といいます。獅子に 乗じて、普賢菩薩とともに釈迦如来の脇侍をつと
「文殊は智慧第一の菩薩として、「維摩経」をは じめ、大乗仏典の中でたびたび重要な役柄として 登場します。
文殊菩薩は、その真言の数によって、五字文殊、 一字文殊、六字文殊、八字文殊などがあり、また、 それらの頭上の雪によって、五誓文殊、一孝文殊 などとも呼ばれています。「ア・ラ・ハ・シャ・ ノウ」という五字の真言が大日如来の五つの智慧 をあらわしているところから、五字文殊を文殊菩 薩の本体とします。 卯年生まれの人の守り本尊とされています。
His Sanskrit name, Masjusri, is transliterated and called Monjushiri, or for short, Monju. Riding a lion, along with Fugen Bodhisattva, served as Shaka Nyorai's side attendants.
“Monju is the bodhisattva of wisdom first, and the Sutra of Vimalaya appears frequently in the Mahayana Buddhist scriptures, including him.
Depending on the number of mantras, Manjushri Bodhisattva is called Five-character Monju, One-character Monju, Six-character Monju, Eight-character Monju, and so on. Since the five-letter mantra “a-la-ha-sha-nou” represents the five wisdoms of Dainichi Nyorai, five-letter Monju is the main body of Monju Bodhisattva. He is considered the guardian deity of people born in the year of the rabbit.
Monju Bodhisattva
A bodhisattva famous as the god of learning who controls wisdom
What is Monju Bosatsu?
The official name is Monju Shiri Bosatsu. As the proverb says, "Three people bring the wisdom of Monju," it is a bodhisattva famous for praying for academic improvement and passing exams as the god of wisdom. There is a person who became a model for him, and it is said that he was a member of the Brahmin class of Shaekoku, the capital of Kosala in ancient India. It is said that he was involved in the process of compiling Buddhist scriptures into books. However, originally it is Kokuzo Bosatsu that controls wisdom such as learning, and Monju Bosatsu controls 'wisdom', which means the ability to correctly assess the way things are and the ability to make judgments.
As the left side samurai of Shaka Nyorai, he is often lined up with Fugen Bodhisattva as a triad, but sometimes he is enshrined alone.
It is said that there is a benefit of clear wisdom and academic achievement. It is also the guardian deity of the year of the rabbit. He is said to help people born in the year of the rabbit bring good luck, ward off evil, and fulfill their prayers.
Statue of Monju Bosatsu
He holds a sword in his left hand and a sutra scroll in his right hand, and is typically seated on a lotus pedestal resting on a lion. He sometimes carries a bonsai, a lotus stand with a vajra pestle, and so on.
The mantra of Monju Bosatsu
On Arahsha Know
Buddha  Japan Journal
Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
Buddha 2Japan journala
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis   sサイト
大日如来の智慧を表現した「金剛界」 .一印会 "Kongokai" expressing the wisdom of Dainichi Nyorai.Ichiinkai
胎蔵界曼荼羅 たいぞうかい Womb Realm Mandala Taizokai
デジタル  健康   PC カメラ 家電


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メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝   21 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah   3

2024-06-07 19:31:43 | タブレットPC
メシアの法 求間持聪明法秘伝   21 The Law of the Messiah: The Secret of the Law of the Law of the Messiah   3
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