

English virsion of 『心の病気、自他関係性について』

2016-10-04 | 日記
To become a reader someone’s blog I made this blog, I wrote these diary-blog for my personal satisfaction without expectation who even tries to read.
Surprisingly! 2 readers game me registrations. Moreover, those two readers are writing serious articles.

I thought nobody would not show any of interest for my blog.
If there is someone who is interested in human spirit rather than just writing about individual favorites I want to continue to write this blog and English version also.
Mental disease…
Thus own cells continue to grow increasing the pilfering within unaware.
A lump of ego makes the disease cycle especially by the mass of mental-fat in mind.
The fat which is attached to the ego when it is fed once a mental disease cell starts to survived in the brain.
"I, which is closed"
"Only me"
"Making easier"
"At that time I had to undergo such a cruel treatment"
"I always should be happy" I think such self-based fundamental thinking aspects start to gulp to the nerve cell terminal.
Originally, some parts of mind space are need to receive for the presence of others in order to take balance in relationships but if the mind space are filled with merely ego, then mental diseases begin to materialize to be visible.
The mental disease is not immobilized and it has form of variety of shapes such as,

A severe person to oneself tend to has depression symptom,
A person who severe to others tend to be hysterical,
Self-spoiling person tend to schizophrenia,
A person who clings to their own judgment tend to have PTSD.

Mental disease, is it can cure?
Can we be able to overcome the sweetness of our presence?

It will take time to dealing with but I have thought it is possible to be healed in 60%.
To making sure, determine the distinction between self and others, find right ratio of awareness oneself and to others, correcting self-satisfaction etc.

By doing Zazen, majored psychology, self-study, those could let me released from my own mental prison.
If someone knows there are other ways to find out healing mental disease, tell me how because I will try it.
Instead of just think in your head ...
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