声たえず鳴けや鶯ひととせに ふたたびとだに来べき春かな (古今集 131)
1, With voice unceasing
2, Sing, O nightingale!
3, In one year
4, Even as much as twice
5, Can Spring come?
Berlin International Film Festival: Awards highlights (『BBC News』 15 February 2014 Last updated at 22:48 GMT )
いその神ふるき宮こをきてみれば 昔かざしし花さきにけり (新古今集 88)
3, When I come and look
2, At the ancient Capital
1, Of the God of Iso,
5, The flowers are in bloom
4, That once served for garlands.
岩屋戸に立てる松の木汝を見れば 昔の人を相見るごとし (万葉集 309)
2, O pine-tree standing
1, At the (side of) the stone house,
3, When I look at you,
5, It is like seeing face to face
4, The men of old time.
春は花 夏ほととぎす 秋は月 冬雪さえて 冷(すず)しかりけり (道元禅師)
In the spring,cherry blossoms,
in the summer the cuckoo.
In autumn the moon,
and in winter the snow,clear, cold. (The priest Dôgen)
(Edward G. Seidensticker 訳)
〔2014. 2.18 追記〕
『ドナルド・キーンの東京下町日記』 「2013.11.3 東京新聞」から
Donald Lawrence Keene