"Another aspect of the present invention is a method for determining the effectiveness of the implant as described herein for treatment or prevention of macular degeneration in a rodent, the method comprising: a) placing the implant as described herein in the sub-Tenon's space of the eye of the rodent, wherein the rodent is fed with high-fat chow supplemented with hydroquinone; and b) monitoring the release of the drug over time by examining the eye of the rodent with histology, electroretinography or changes in gene expression the retinal pigment epithelium or photoreceptors, thereby indicating the effectiveness of the implant against macular degeneration. "
FIG. 2A-B depicts single-dose 300 mg SR3 PK profiles (Mean ± SE) (2A: Cohort 3, SR3, fasted versus high-fat meal; and 2B: Cohort 5, SR3, fasted versus medium-fat meal).
FIG. 3 depicts a comparison of PK profiles (mean ± SE) between the 25 mg and 100 mg SR3 tablets (treatment A vs C) and the food effect of a high- fat meal on the 25 mg SR3 tablet (treatment B vs A). "
【図2】図2A〜Bは、単回用量300mg SR3のPKプロファイル(平均±SE)(2A:コホート3、SR3、絶食対高脂肪食;及び2B:コホート5、SR3、絶食対中脂肪食(medium−fat meal))を示す。
"Studies of OXM action in mice have demonstrated that although OXM can activate both the glucagon (GCG) and the GLP-1 receptors, the anorectic actions of OXM require only the GLP-1 receptor, as icv OXM inhibits food intake in glucagon receptor knockout mice. However, the anorectic effects of OXM are completely absent in GLP-1 receptor knockout mice. Furthermore, exendin-4, but not OXM, regulates energy expenditure in mice. Hence, OXM appears to be a weak agonist at the GLP-1 receptor, when used in pharmacological concentrations (See Baggio et al, Gastroenterol. 127: 546-58 (2004)). OXM was also found to ameliorate glucose intolerance in mice fed a high fat diet (Dakin et al., Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab. 294: E142-E147 (2008) and increase the intrinsic heart rate in mice independent of the GLP-1 receptor (Sowden et al, Am. J. Physiol. Regul. Integr. Comp. Physiol. 292: R962-R970 (2007). OXM has also been shown to differentially affect GLP-1 receptor beta- arrestin recruitment and signaling through Galpha (Jorgensen et al., J. Pharma. Exp. Therapeut. 322: 148-154 (2007)) and to differentially affect hypothalamic neuronal activation following peripheral injection of OXM (Choudhri et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 350: 298-306 (2006))."
"[00122] Monoacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (MGAT2) is a membrane bound acyltransferase that belongs to diacylglycerol acyltransferase 2 (DGAT2) gene family. It is highly and selectively expressed in the small intestine. Genetic deletion of MGAT2 in mice decreased the rate of absorption for the orally ingested triglycerides, indicating that MGAT2 plays an important role for the intestinal MGAT/DGAT pathway [Yen, C.L. et al, Nat. Med., 15(4):442-446 (2009); Okawa, M. et al, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 390(3):377-381 (2009)]. When chronically challenged with a high fat diet, in contrast to wild type mice that became obese, MGAT2 knockout mice resisted the impact of high-fat feeding and had a lower body weight, less adiposity, and less hepatic fat accumulation. In contrast to hyperinsulinemic wild type mice after high- fat challenge, MGAT2 deletion normalizes the insulin level and decreased fasting glucose. In the glucose tolerance test, they also had an improved glucose excursion. Consistent with their improved glycemic profile, MGAT2 knockout mice also had an increased level of GLP 1 , an incretin gut hormone that profoundly impacts glucose metabolism [Yen, C.L. et al, Nat. Med., 15(4):442-446 (2009)]. Taken together, it is expected that inhibition of MGAT2 through pharmacological intervention would provide the same benefit as demonstrated in the knock-out mice, e.g., resistance to weight gain, or conversely, reduction in fat body mass. In addition, MGAT2 inhibition would lead to an improved insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism which either leads to a decrease in the incidence of Type II diabetes, or a treatment of diabetic condition."
モノアシルグリセロールアシルトランスフェラーゼ2(MGAT2)は、ジアシルグリセロールアシルトランスフェラーゼ2(DGAT2)遺伝子ファミリーに属する、膜結合型アシルトランスフェラーゼである。それは、小腸において高度かつ選択的に発現される。マウスにおけるMGAT2の遺伝子欠失が経口摂取されたトリグリセリドの吸収率を低下させたため、MGAT2が腸内MGAT/DGAT経路に対する重要な役割を果たすことが示されている[Yen, C.L. et al, Nat. Med., 15(4):442-446 (2009); Okawa, M. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 390(3):377-381 (2009)]。高脂肪食が慢性的に投与された場合、肥満になった野生型マウスとは対照的に、MGAT2ノックアウトマウスは、高脂肪食の影響に耐性を示し、体重減少、肥満減少および肝脂肪蓄積の減少を示した。高脂肪投与後の高インスリン血症の野生型マウスとは対照的に、MGAT2欠失は、インスリンレベルおよび低下した空腹時グルコースを正常化する。グルコース耐性試験において、それらはまた、グルコースエクスカーションも改善した。それらの改善された血糖プロフィールと一致して、MGAT2ノックアウトマウスはまた、グルコース代謝に大きく影響を及ぼすインクレチン消化管ホルモンであるGLP1のレベルも増大した[Yen, C.L. et al., Nat. Med., 15(4):442-446 (2009)]。総合すると、薬理学的介入によるMGAT2の阻害は、ノックアウトマウスにおいて立証された効果と同一の効果、例えば、体重増加への耐性、または逆に、脂肪体重の減少をもたらすことが期待される。さらに、MGAT2阻害は、インスリン感受性およびグルコース代謝を改善して、II型糖尿病の発症率の減少または糖尿病状態の治療のいずれかをもたらす。
"[0038] FIG. 3. Alterations in Cardiac Mass Morphology in Wild Type (WT) and Apo-E Knockout (KO) Mice. FIG. 3A. LV mass corrected (mg). FIG. 3B. Ratio of heart weight (HW) to body weight (BW) (mg/g). WT-6w (n=5): WT mice fed with regular diet for 6 week. KO-6w (n=4): the KO mice fed with regular diet for 6 week. KO-6w control (n=5): the KO mice fed with high fat diet and administered by PBS gavage for 6thweek. KO- 6w vehicle (n=7): the KO fed with high fat diet and vehicles for 6th week. KO-6w Xenon (n=6): the KO fed with high fat diet and administered with Xenon-rich-solution for 6th week. *p"
【図3】野生型(WT)及びApo−Eノックアウト(KO)マウスの心臓の質量モルフォロジーの変化 図3A LV修正質量(mg) 図3B 体重(BW)に対する心臓重量(HW)の比(mg/g) WT−6w(n=5):第6週の普通食で飼育したWTマウス KO−6w(n=4):第6週の普通食で飼育したKOマウス KO−6w対照(n=5):第6週の高脂肪食で飼育し、PBSが胃管栄養により投与されたKOマウス KO−6wビヒクル(n=7):第6週の高脂肪食及びビヒクルで飼育したKO KO−6wキセノン(n=6):第6週の高脂肪食で飼育し、キセノンが豊富な溶液が投与されたKO *p<0.05、WT/WT6wと比べたKO/KO6w、それぞれ、§p<0.05、KO6wビヒクルと比べたKO6wキセノン