


2019-07-14 22:31:23 | 英語特許散策

"[60] Escherichia coli (E. coli) are non-spore-forming bacteria, and as such, are less resistant to harsh conditions than spore-forming bacteria. Further, the current industry practice in pelleting feed in terms of pressure, temperature and moisture conditions aim to control pathogens such as E. coli and salmonella to minimum levels to reduce contamination risks. The current application surprisingly relates to an animal feed pellet which includes E. coli in high amounts and is, nevertheless, proper for animal consumption. In other words, the animal feed pellet described in the present disclosure includes non-pathogenic E. coli in an amount sufficient to provide a desired benefit to the animal ingesting the feed and, yet, the animal feed is still proper for consumption in having controlled (minimized) levels of pathogenic E. coli."

大腸菌(E.  coli)は胞子を形成しない細菌であり、そのようであるので、胞子を形成する細菌よりも過酷な条件に対する耐性が低い。さらに、圧力、温度および湿度条件に関する、飼料をペレット化する際の現行の業界実務は、E.  coliおよびサルモネラ菌のような病原体を最少レベルに制御して汚染リスクを低減させることを目的とする。本願は驚くべきことに、E.coliを大量に含むが、動物の消費に適した動物飼料ペレットに関する。換言すれば、本開示に記載の動物飼料ペレットは、非病原性E.  coliを、飼料を摂取する動物に所望の利益を提供するのに十分な量で含んでいるが、動物飼料ペレットは、病原性E.  coliのレベルを制御した(最小化した)ことで消費に未だに適している。

"[00132] As can be seen on Table 13, total dietary fiber for DN03-3746 was very low, as was insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber is very undesirable in animal feed and meal. ADF, ADL, and NDF contents for this line are also relatively very low. Insoluble nitrogen (NDIN) is also relatively quite low. This is desirable, as insoluble nitrogen cannot be used nutritionally (and ties up nitrogen that could otherwise be used by the animal that consumes the meal). Also advantageously, the sugar contents are relatively high. Crude protein for DN03-3746 was also higher than all the check/control lines. "


"Virus and cells in an antigenic, immunogenic, or vaccine formulation may be inactivated or attenuated using methods known in the art. The amount of cell-free whole or partial virus in a dose will usually be in the range from about 0.1 mg to about 5 mg, and more usually being from about 0.2 mg to about 2 mg. The dosage for formulations comprising virus-infected cell lines will usually contain from about 106 to about 108 cells per dose, and more usually from about 5 x 106 to about 7.5 x 107 cells per dose. The amount of protein or peptide immunogen in a dose for a feline animal can vary from about 0.1 μg to 10000 μg, or about 1 μg to 5000 μg, or about 10 μg to 1000 μg, or about 25 μg to 750 μg, or about 50 μg to 500 μg, or 100 μg to 250 μg, depending upon the size, age, etc., of the animal receiving the dose."


"[00106] Without being bound by theory not specifically recited in the claims, the phospholipase A2 inhibitors ofthe present invention can modulate tryglycerides and cholesterol through more than one mechanistic path. For example, the phospholipase A2 inhibitors ofthe invention can modulate cholesterol absorption and triglyceride absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, and can also modulate the metabolism of fat and glucose, for example, via signaling molecules such as lysophosphatidylcholine (the reaction product of PLA2 catalyzed hydrolysis of phosphatidylcholine), operating directly and/or in conjunction with other hormones such as insulin. Such metabolic modulation can directly impact serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels in patients on a high fat / high disaccharide diet or on a high fat / high carbohydrate diet. "

本申請書には特に記載されていない理論に拘束されることなく、本発明のホスホリパーゼA2阻害薬は、複数のメカニズム経路によって、トリグリセリドおよびコレステロールを調節することができる。例えば、本発明のホスホリパーゼA2阻害薬は消化器官からのコレステロール吸収とトリグリセリド吸収を調節することができ、また例えばリソホスファチジルコリン(PLA2触媒によるホスファチジルコリンの加水分解生成物) などのシグナル分子を介して、脂肪とグルコースの代謝を調節することができる。ここでこのシグナル分子は、直接に作用するか、またはインスリンなどの他のホルモンと共に作用する。このような代謝調節により、高脂肪/ 高二糖類食あるいは高脂肪 / 高炭水化物食を摂取する患者の血清コレステロール値および血清トリグリセリド濃度に、直接的な影響を与えることができる。

"For example, a pet with a special diet may need to receive certain distributions of food so the monitor logic may sense when the pet is out of food and communicate with communication module 360 to transmit a message to the user at the next time the pet is supposed to be fed. The user may then reply to the message with text that command receiver 362 receives and transmits to command interpretation logic 312. Command interpretation logic 312 may interpret the command and, in response, issue a command to action execution module 314 to execute at least one action to distribute the next amount of food to the pet's bowl. "


"[0004] The current invention provides a treatment of a proliferative disease comprising, administering to a subject in need of a treatment against a proliferative disease, a composition comprising one or more natural products (compounds) and, optionally, simultaneously providing to the subject a low carbohydrate diet. In certain embodiments of the invention, the subject consumes (or is provided) a modified ketogenic diet (mKD) or a ketogenic diet (KD). Thus, the current invention also provides a therapy for a subject in need of a treatment against a proliferative disorder, the therapy comprising administering to a subject consuming a mKD or KD diet a composition comprising one or more natural compounds (component(s)) selected from, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), curcumin, compositions comprising glucosinolates and/or derivatives thereof, such as glucoraphanin and/or sulforaphane (SFN) (as found in broccoli sprouts or sprouts of other cruciferous vegetables), and, optionally, Daikon radish sprout, a Daikon radish sprout extract or a powder of said extract or the Daikon radish sprout."


"[0111] In another embodiment, any of the methods disclosed herein are used in treatment or prevention of a subject or subjects that consume a traditional Western diet. In one embodiment, the methods of the invention include a step of identifying a subject as a Western diet consumer or prudent diet consumer and then treating the subject if the subject is deemed a Western diet consumer. The term "Western diet" herein refers generally to a typical diet consisting of, by percentage of total calories, about 45% to about 50% carbohydrate, about 35% to about 40% fat, and about 10% to about 15% protein. A Western diet may alternately or additionally be characterized by relatively high intakes of red and processed meats, sweets, refined grains, and desserts, for example more than 50%, more than 60% or more or 70% of total calories come from these sources. "

別の実施形態では、本明細書に開示の方法のいずれもが、伝統的な西洋型食を摂取する対象(または複数の対象)の治療または予防に使用される。1つの実施形態では、本発明の方法は、対象を西洋型食消費者または慎重食(prudent diet)消費者であると特定する段階、次いで、対象が西洋型食消費者とみなされた場合に対象者を治療する段階を含む。本明細書の用語「西洋型食」は、概して総カロリーの比率で、約45%〜約50%の炭水化物、約35%〜約40%の脂肪、および約10%〜約15%のタンパク質からからなる典型的な食事を指す。西洋型食は、代替的または追加的な、赤身肉および加工肉、甘い菓子、精製穀物、およびデザートの比較的大量な摂取を特徴とする場合があり、例えば総カロリーの50%超、60%超または70%超がこれらの供給源に由来する。

"[0046] In the following example, specific lipid compositions were prepared for healthy individuals living in a variety of climates, with a high antioxidant/phytochemical diet and/or a vegetarian diet, for maintenance of general health and well-being. The compositions were made up of a variety of oils, nuts and seeds, as described below. The compositions as presented in Table 7 were formulated by three different methods: lipid liquid formulation only, a solid or semi-solid nut and seed formulation only, or a combination formulation containing oils, nuts and seeds. The compositions were formulated to be administered in a once a day format (combined formulation), or a twice a day format where one administration was of the liquid lipid formation and the other administration was of the solid nut and seed composition. "


The Bifidobacteria to which the present invention relates may also be suitable for reducing simultaneously food, energy and fat intake in mammals.


In this specification the term "reducing food intake and/or fat intake" refers to any administration of the Bifidobacteria according to the present invention and includes reduction of the number of calories absorbed by the mammal, birds or poultry.

In particular, the Bifidobacteria according to the present invention is suitable for mammals, birds and poultry ingesting a high-fat diet. This aspect is discussed in more detail below."

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2019-07-14 18:59:09 | 英語特許散策

"[0357] This application provides, inter alia, a rapid, inexpensive, sensitive, and specific method for detection of S. pneumoniae in patients. In this respect it should be useful to all hospitals and physicians examining and treating patients with or at risk for S. pneumoniae infection. Detection kits can be simple enough to be set up in any local hospital laboratory, and the antibodies and antigen-binding portions thereof can readily be made available to all hospitals treating patients with or at risk for S. pneumoniae infection. As used herein, “patient” refers to an individual (such as a human) that either has an S. pneumoniae infection or has the potential to contract an S. pneumoniae infection. A patient may be an individual (such as a human) that has an S. pneumoniae infection, has the potential to contract an S. pneumoniae infection, who has recovered from S. pneumoniae infection, and/or an individual whose infection status is unknown. "


"[0020] 1. A method of treating a brain injury and/or brain dysfunction, and/or brain disorder and/or brain disease in a subject, comprising: administering to a subject likely to suffer, suffering, or who has suffered from a brain injury and/or brain dysfunction, and/or brain disorder and/or brain disease by an effective route and in an effective amount to treat said brain injury and/or brain dysfunction, and/or brain disorder and/or brain disease, cells (MAPCs) that; are not embryonic stem cells, embryonic germ cells, or germ cells, and cars differentiate into at least one cell type of each of at least two of the endodermal, ectodermal, and mesodermal embryonic lineages.  "


"The term "patient" includes living organisms in which kidney disorders can occur, or which are susceptible to kidney disorders. The term includes humans and non-human animals including mammals (felines/cats, dogs, horses, pigs, cows, goats, sheep, rodents (mice, rats), rabbits, squirrels, bears, primates (chimpanzees, monkeys, gorillas)); birds (chickens, ducks, Peking ducks, geese); and transgenic species thereof. Preferably, the patient is a mammal. More preferably, the patient is a human or a feline."


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2019-07-14 18:40:43 | 英語特許散策

"[94] Mechanism of Action

[95] Increased body mass index (BMI, in kg/m , an index of obesity) is associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). Compared to lean men, men with a BMI of 25-29 kg/m2 have a 70% greater risk of CHD and men with a BMI of 29-33 PCT Patent Application kg/m2 have almost a three-fold greater risk of CHD (Rimm EB, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci E, Ascherio A, Spiegelman D, Colditz GA and WC Willet. Body size and fat distribution as predictors of coronary heart disease among middle-aged and older US men. Am J Epidemiol 141(2):1117-1127, 1995). It is believed that the association between BMI and CHD is due to the hyperinsulinemia associated with obesity and the elevated blood pressure which is more prevalent in overweight compared to lean individuals. Multiple large epidemiological studies have suggested that insulin resistance, even in the absence of frank diabetes, is a predictor of coronary artery disease (JE Reusch, Am. J. Cardiol. 90(suppl): 19G-26G, 2002)."

  体格指数(BMI、kg/m、肥満の指標)の増加は、冠状動脈性心疾患(CHD)のリスクの増大と関連付けられている。痩せた男性と比べて、BMIが25〜29kg/mである男性は、CHDのリスクが70%高くなり、BMIが29〜33kg/mである男性は、CHDのリスクがほとんど3倍になる(Rimm  EB、Stampfer  MJ、Giovannucci  E、Ascherio  A、Spiegelman  D、Colditz  GA、およびWC  Willet、「Body  size  and  fat  distribution  as  predictors  of  coronary  heart  disease  among  middle−aged  and  older  US  men」、Am  J  Epidemiol第141巻(2):1117〜1127ページ、1995年)。BMIとCHDとの関連は、肥満につきものの高インスリン血症、および痩せた個体よりも過体重の個体により多く見られる血圧の上昇のためであると考えられている。複合的な大規模疫学調査では、明白な糖尿病がなくても、インスリン抵抗性が、冠状動脈疾患の予兆であることが示唆されている(JE  Reusch、Am.J.Cardiol.第90巻(増刊):19G〜26G、2002年)。

"In another preferred embodiment of the present invention the step of reducing the complexity and/or amount of the genomic sequence information of the method for processing a subject's genomic data may be carried out by aligning a subject's genomic sequence with a reference sequence comprising signature data. Preferably, such a reference sequence (RefSeq) may comprise signature data pertaining to a disease or disorder, e.g. information on at least one variation specific to a disorder, disease, predisposition for disorders or diseases, risk factors for the development of diseases etc., selected from a missense mutation, a nonsense mutation, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), a copy number variation (CNV), a splicing variation, a variation of a regulatory sequence, a small deletion, a small insertion, a small indel, a gross deletion, a gross insertion, a complex genetic rearrangement, an inter chromosomal rearrangement, an intra chromosomal rearrangement, the loss of heterozygosity, the insertion of repeats and/or the deletion of repeats and/or any combination of these signatures. Particularly preferred is the provision of a signature based reference sequence wherein all possible sequences for one, more than one or every genomic signature are present. "


"[0061] Treating: As used herein, the term "treat," "treatment," or "treating" refers to any method used to partially or completely alleviate, ameliorate, relieve, inhibit, prevent, delay onset of, reduce severity of and/or reduce incidence of one or more symptoms or features of a particular disease, disorder, and/or condition. Treatment may be administered to a subject who does not exhibit signs of a disease and/or exhibits only early signs of the disease for the purpose of decreasing the risk of developing pathology associated with the disease."


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2019-07-14 17:58:14 | 英語特許散策

"[00116] (c) Concentration/Diafiltration: The Ni-Sepharose Eluate was concentrated to a desired concentration (1-20% w/v), then diafiltered with 10 volumes of phosphate buffered saline per volume of concentrate. The concentration and diafiltration were performed using a 30kD ultrafiltration membrane. Once the diafiltration was completed and the concentrate was at the desired concentration, the hemopexin was optionally formulated with a sugar and or amino acid, sterile filtered and stored at less than or equal to -20°C. The purified hemopexin can be in pre-clinical animal and cellular studies in this form."


"[0029] In certain other aspects, the soft-textured pet food compositions of the disclosure may also be formulated with amino acids, including essential amino acids, which may be added to the compositions of the present invention as free amino acids, or supplied by any number of sources, e.g., crude protein, to the compositions of the present invention. Essential amino acids are amino acids that cannot be synthesized de novo, or in sufficient quantities by an organism and thus must be supplied in the diet. Essential amino acids vary from species to species, depending upon the organism's metabolism. For example, it is generally understood that the essential amino acids for dogs and cats (and humans) are phenylalanine, leucine, methionine, lysine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, histidine and arginine. In addition, taurine, while technically not an amino acid but a derivative of cysteine, is an essential nutrient for cats."


"In particular, one or more, preferably at least two, of the essential amino acids are preferred to be included in the protein component of the composition of the invention. The essential amino acids (EAAs) are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine. In one embodiment of the invention the protein component of the composition of the invention comprises at least 30% by weight, preferably at least 45%, branched chain amino acids (valine, isoleucine, leucine). The term "EAA blends" or "EAA compositions" is intended to refer to any composition comprising at least one EAA. The particular amino acid blend selected may vary according to the patient to be treated. For example, vegetarians or vegans may benefit most from products containing those amino acids which are lacking in plant material. Where the subject to be treated by the method of the invention is suffering from lack of appetite or unwillingness to eat, it may be advisable to omit tryptophan in free amino acid form from the composition because of the postulated link between serotonin levels and anorexia. Optionally, for humans it is possible to employ a mixture of all the essential amino acids minus methionine."


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2019-07-14 11:55:50 | 英語特許散策

"The method may further comprise sending feedback information from inside the body to the outside thereof to give feedback related to the functional parameters of the device. Alternatively, the method may further comprise sending feedback information from inside the body to the outside thereof to give feedback related to the physical parameters of the patient. The functional parameter of the device may be correlated to the transfer of energy for charging the internal energy source. The device is programmable from outside the patient's body. "


"[00258] In some embodiments of the method in which more focal hypothermia is desired (for example, selective cooling of the brain) the body can be warmed, for example by wrapping the trunk and extremities in heating blankets. The cooling methods disclosed herein cool much more rapidly and deeply than previous methods by cooling a combination of surfaces, and/or using very high rates of flow of cooling liquid. The method is also versatile in that it can be used for substantially specific cooling of the brain alone or less specific cooling of the brain and other organs, either in or remote from a hospital setting or in transit between those sites. The method is capable of deeply cooling about 15% of cardiac blood flow (the blood flow to the head), is non-invasive to the extent that liquid is only introduced into the aerodigestive tract, and can combine internal and external cooling."


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2019-07-14 11:18:37 | 英語特許散策

US2019194621(JP, Kyowa Hakko)
"[0022] The origin species of the stem cells to which the medium of the invention can be applied is not particularly limited, and for example, rodents such as rats, mice, hamsters, and guinea pigs, lagomorpha such as rabbits, ungulates such as pigs, cattle, goats, and sheep, carnivora such as dogs and cats, and primates such as humans, monkeys, rhesus monkeys, marmosets, orangutans, and chimpanzees, and the like are exemplified. "


US2019024047(JP, Ajinomoto)
"[0038] In the present invention, neural stem cells and/or neural progenitor cells derived from a mammal are generally used. Examples of the mammal include, but are not limited to, rodents such as mouse, rat, hamster, guinea pig and the like, lagomorphs such as rabbit and the like, ungulates such as swine, bovine, goat, horse, sheep and the like, carnivoras such as dog, cat and the like, primates such as human, monkey, Macaca mulatta, marmoset, orangutan, chimpanzee and the like, and the like. The neural stem cells and/or neural progenitor cells to be used in the present invention are preferably neural stem cells and/or neural progenitor cells of rodents such as mouse and the like or primates such as human and the like, more preferably, neural stem cells and/or neural progenitor cells of human. "


US2018214410(JP, Meiji)
"[0177] Any mammal can be used as a, target patient that can be used in the present invention. Examples thereof include rodents such as mice, rats, hamsters, and guinea pigs, Lagomorpha such as rabbits, ungulates such as pigs, cows, goats, horses, and sheep, Carnivoras such as dogs and cats, primates such as humans, monkeys, rhesus monkeys, cynomolgus monkeys, marmosets, orangutans, and chimpanzees, and the like. Mammals are preferably rodents (mice or the like) or primates (humans or the like), more preferably primates, and still more preferably humans. "


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