"LDPC codes with codeword length 672 in 802.11ad
As LDPC encoded codewords are generated through operations of source words and the generator matrix G, and as the generator matrix G is derived from LDPC parity check matrix H, an LDPC parity check matrix H effects encoding source words to codewords. The design of the LDPC parity check matrix H may improve the performance of the code. The parity-check matrice H may be further partitioned into square submatrices of size ZXZ. Z is a lifting factor. The submatrices are either cyclic-permutations of the identity matrix, or null submatrices with all zero entries.
A location with index i denotes the cyclic-permutation submatrix Pi obtained from the Z x Z identity matrix Po by cyclically shifting the columns to the right by i elements."
"where n is the refractive index, and A is the writing wavelength. S is subtracted from this to account for the single term in the sum which is defined as the signal. This can be greatly simplified assuming a highly focused beam and a large scan area. However it is more accurate to simply perform the summation numerically (Matlab). The parameters were chosen to correspond to those used during writing. The bit spacing was chosen as 1.0 μm in both lateral dimensions with all bits being “on” (numerically equivalent to the “on-off” pattern of 0.5 μm spacing produced by the square wave generator), Δz=3 μm, Nx=Ny=40, Nz=10, Lx=Ly=40 μm, Lz=27 μm, and w0=0.32 μm. A beam waist corresponding to the experimentally observed value of 0.32 μm is used. The result plotted in FIG. 5 is the ratio S/N. S corresponds to the modulation signal, while the total N results in overall constant bleaching, so this ratio can be determined from the experimental data by calculating"
"[0057] The timing controller 250 includes an OR logic gate 260 which is configured to perform the logical OR of all of the bits comprising the signal TMR and indicate the result of this function via the signal TMRA. Therefore, in the example of FIG. 6, the signal TMRA can be used to determine whether the timer 254 is actively counting down, indicating that the recovering address is busy, or whether the timer 254 has reached its terminal value of zero indicating that the address stored in the recovering address register 252 has recovered and is no longer considered busy."
"Turning attention back to the modified multiplier 45's summation logic, the partial product adder 240 is in some implementations a summation tree, and in one implementation one or more carry-save adders. The partial product adder 240 performs a summation to an unrounded, redundant representation or sum, per the carry-save vectors on the bit columns within the provided partial product summation tree, in accordance with methods typical of prior art multiply execute units, including this additional selectively bitwise negated, aligned, accumulator input value in the summation of partial products."
"86. The processing device of claim 85, wherein the method further comprises at least one of (i) rotating the reference data block by an amount proportional to the rotation value prior to taking the sum-of-products; and (ii) resizing the reference data block by one or more amounts proportional to the resizing value prior to taking the sum-of-products."
"7. A servo control system as defined in claim 1, wherein the squarer comprises a quadrature sum-and-squarer that sums the squares of odd and even digitized samples."