


2020-06-17 09:58:19 | 英語特許散策

[0029] In one exemplary embodiment, a user can use an AR headset (e.g., the Microsoft HoloLens™ system) to capture and display images of a real-world or physical object in a real-world environment or scene.

例示的な一実施形態では、ユーザーは、現実世界環境又はシーン内の現実世界の又は物理的物体の画像を捕捉及び表示するために、ARヘッドセット(例えば、Microsoft  HoloLens(商標)システム)を使用し得る。

Note that the HoloLens can use an RGB-D (red green blue plus depth) camera plus a simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) style algorithm to build a model of the room, and allows a user to place 3D virtual objects (e.g., 3D CAD models) in the real-world scene containing the physical object.

HoloLensは、RGB-D(赤緑青+深さ)カメラ、及び部屋のモデルを構築する、同時の自己位置推定及び環境地図作成(simultaneous  localization  and  mapping、SLAM)スタイルアルゴリズムを使用し得、ユーザーが、物理的物体を含有する現実世界のシーン内に3D仮想物体(例えば、3DCADモデル)を配置することを可能にすることに留意されたい。

[0004] Increasingly, Lidar is finding applications in autonomous vehicles (AVs) such as partially or fully autonomous cars.

増加的に、ライダーは、部分的または完全自律型自動車などの自律型車両(AV:autonomous  vehicle)への用途が見出されている。

Frequently, the intensity values returned by each Lidar channel are used in the localization, perception, prediction, and motion planning of AVs because these signals provide information related to the reflectance of detected objects.

多くの場合、各ライダーチャネルから戻される強度値は、これらの信号が検出された物体の反射率に関連する情報を提供するため、AVの自己位置推定(localization)、認識(perception)、予測(prediction)、および運行計画(motion  planning)に使用される。

However, given the lack of uniformity of Lidar intensity values caused by signal noise and the other factors that impact intensity of return signals described above, use of the raw intensity values provided by the Lidar unit often leads to inaccuracies and other problems with localization, perception, prediction, and motion planning for autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles.


Localisation of mobile robots has been an active area of research since progress in robotics allowed for semi-autonomous and autonomous robots.


A moving robot must have a method of at least estimating its position in space to continue motion with a purpose.


To estimate its position, the robot must use some sort of a map on which it can place itself.


Such a map can be preloaded on a robot, or it can be obtained by the robot itself.


In the latter case, the map can be obtained simultaneously with the robot localisation, or it can first be developed to be used later as part of localisation.


The modern framework of localisation comprises a coordinate system with respect to which the localisation is done and a pose, which is a combination of position and orientation.


Localisation can be done with respect to an absolute coordinate system (such as GPS coordinates) or a relative coordinate system (such as localisation with respect to some known location and/or object).


The coordinate system can be chosen arbitrarily, as long as it is consistent and can be converted to some standard coordinate system (such as WGS84) if needed.


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