[0040] In one variation, the autonomous vehicle identifies a type(*不定冠詞)of the intersection or crosswalk and weights various features in the scene around the intersection for calculating the crossing confidence score based on a type of the intersection or crosswalk.
For example, as the autonomous vehicle prepares to enter a crosswalk, the autonomous vehicle can:
identify the crosswalk as an unprotected crosswalk based on an unprotected crosswalk label associated with the intersection in the navigation map;
deactivate traffic signal detection;
and instead assign a high weight to pedestrian actions at the intersection and a moderate weight to actions of vehicles approaching the intersection when calculating the crossing confidence score for the crosswalk.
[00197] It is noted that with Level 1 platooning the driver is actively involved in vehicle control (such as steering) even though torque request(*無冠詞)and braking may be controlled automatically to maintain the desired gap.
It is expected that in many instances the driver will be able to identify circumstances where a cut-in is likely and react appropriately.
For example, a driver may observe a vehicle in another lane whose actions suggest that they want to cut-in between the platoon partners (e.g. to try to take a rapidly approaching exit).
This can be a particularly dangerous situation when a car tries to cut in between two trucks that are platooning with a small gap therebetween.
If the driver detects such a situation, the appropriate response may be to brake even though the cut-in has not yet occurred and has therefore not been detected by the controller.
Another common example is merging traffic where a merging vehicle may have little choice but to cut-in between the platoon partners.