"[0081] FIG. 8 illustrates a partial cross sectional side view of air exhaust assembly 440 disposed within a top portion of housing 102.
Central airflow 314 is combined with peripheral airflow 312 at air exhaust assembly 440.
Air exhaust assembly 440 includes impeller 316 that is responsible for drawing air through compact computing system 100 during operation of the device.
Impeller 316 receives central airflow 314 and peripheral airflow 312, and combines them back into exhaust airflow 114.
As depicted, exhaust airflow 114 is exhausted with axial and centrifugal components, consequently impeller 316 can be said to be a mixed flow fan.
The axial components of exhaust airflow 114 reduce an amount of pressure drop when exhaust airflow 114 contacts portion 110 of housing 102,
as the flow does not undergo as much redirection as it would if it exited air exhaust assembly 440 in a substantially centrifugal direction.
There is provided an installation API 716 in communication with the application 714 to facilitate installation of the application, application updates, and patches.
アプリケーション714と通信するインストールAPI 716が提供され、それによって、このアプリケーションのインストール、アプリケーションのアップデート、およびパッチがうまく進む。
The installation API 716 takes the manifest assemblies via the code and instantiates the assemblies, by instructing the system to install this component, this manifest, and this version, on this machine.
インストールAPI 716は、コードを介してマニフェストアセンブリを取得し、これらのアセンブリをインスタンス化する。これは、この機械上に、このコンポーネント、このマニフェスト、およびこのバージョンをインストールするようにシステムに命令することによって行われる。
The installation API 716 has associated therewith a protocol 718 and a viewer 720.
インストールAPI 716は、それに関連するプロトコル718およびビューア720を有する。
The protocol 718 facilitates communicating API-related data with other components of the system 510.
The viewer 720 displays data related to the installation API 716.
ビューア720は、インストールAPI 716に関係するデータを表示する。
The installation API 716 not only facilitates installation on a single machine, but also for distributed applications or services involving both local and remote systems, as well as for hardware provisioning and abstraction.
インストールAPI 716は、単一の機械上へのインストールだけでなく、ローカルシステムおよびリモートシステムがともに関与する分散アプリケーションまたはサービス、ならびにハードウェアのプロビジョニング(provisioning)およびアブストラクションもうまく進める。
For a distributed data center environment, it is important to be able to abstract the hardware system generally, and to a finer granularity, to a specific machine abstraction.
A protocol, as contemplated herein with respect to an API, is the rules that govern the transmission and receipt of that API-related data.
The viewer 720, as understood in this description, is a program that displays data related to the API, here the installation API 716.
ビューア720は、この記述の中で理解されるように、API、ここではインストールAPI 716に関連するデータを表示するプログラムである。
The API data includes but is not limited to sound files, video files, for example, and other types of data files.
"The following discussion deals generally with a computer system generating and rendering an animation (i.e. a function that modifies graphical objects over time) using a communication protocol that governs transmissions utilized in the generating and rendering.
The graphical objects may comprise a window, a dialog box or the like.
As used herein, the term "computer system" can mean either a single computer or multiple computers working together.
The computer system includes multiple distinct animation/rendering systems - or subsystems - that each focuses on a particular animation or rendering function.
[0012] Embodiments of the searchable data service may include mechanisms that enable the searchable data service to scale easily, and to provide redundancy, reliability, and high availability of the searchable indexes without requiring any knowledge or additional effort by a developer of a client application.
[0009] 検索可能なデータサービスの実施態様は、検索可能なデータサービスのスケールを容易にし、クライアントアプリケーションの開発者によるいかなる知識又はさらなる労力を必要とすることなく、検索可能なインデックスの冗長性、信頼性、及び高い可用性を提供することを可能にする機構を含む。
These mechanisms may include, but are not limited to, a mechanism for building the. searchable indexes,
a mechanism for partitioning the searchable indexes, a mechanism for replicating the searchable indexes,
a mechanism for handling the failure of nodes within the searchable data service,
and a mechanism for the automated monitoring and control of nodes within the searchable data service.