
Mind Feeling0826-1 My uninteresting story.

2008年08月26日 06時59分18秒 | 急行特急TH発2007年→2019年5月1日AM11:59
Sometime I suddenly can not understand about it.It is so pure that I just remember the past day.
I do not like whitewash word but I feel the pure tend to like it.
My dirty heart told me to dislike pure.But that is very dangerous thinking.
I don't know how it take care.I won't be pure again and I do not want to be.
No conclustion is continuing...
goo | コメント ( 1 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )

Mind Feeling0825~0826 My uninteresting story.

2008年08月26日 00時26分56秒 | 急行特急TH発2007年→2019年5月1日AM11:59
I was just tear when I watched the animation which was "SOUL EATER".
The boy who named CHRONO and the girl who named MAKA appeared on today's story. CHRONO was not good at communicating with the person well.
He aften said "I don't know how I communicate with someone". I can understand about it.To communicate wihe someone is sometime difficult in today's society.Is it only me? And I think that it is sometimes difficult to communicate with myself.
By the way MAKA helped CHORONO on today's story.She talked to his botton of heart.She said "Shall we be a friend and take it easy!".
I thought MAKA was the person who was needed by CHORONO.That is similar situatiotion in my favorite singer's song--"TIME IS RIPE"--.
It is wonderful that the person who I wanted to meet strongly appeared when I wanted to a help.Today's story was like that so I was just tear.
goo | コメント ( 0 ) | トラックバック ( 0 )