


English Night 2008/4/22日
FOOD and COOKING in MY LIFE by MS.Jill Thope

パワーポイントを使って。 ポットラックのごちそう。 ママのつくったアップルパイだよ
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you tonight. My name is Jill Thorpe and I have already had the pleasure of meeting some of you in the English classes. I have been an AET in Nishio since April last year and I’m thoroughly enjoying teaching and playing with the students. I mainly teach in elementary schools but do visit kindergarten occasionally.
I hope that you will enjoy my talk and my walk through cooking and my life, both of which are intertwined.
When I was first asked to talk about ‘Cooking’ I wondered where I might start. So first I thought that I would like to tell you how I became interested in cooking.
For that we have travel back in time (a long time!) to when I was a small child. I grew up in a very small country town in Australia called Buderim. It is and was a beautiful town. It is located on a small mountain near the sea. It was so small that there were only two shops, a Post Office, a butcher’s shop, two churches and a primary school. There was also a ginger factory – the only one in the Southern Hemisphere. There they cooked ginger and made ginger in syrup, crystallized ginger, ginger marmalade and chocolate covered ginger. The smells were sometimes good but also sometimes bad!! Buderim was famous for the ginger factory and many of the farmers grew ginger.
There was no junior high school or high school and we had to travel by bus to nearby towns. As children my friends and I made our own fun and mainly played outside – we were always being told to ‘get out of the house’! I was an only child so really enjoyed these times but as friends didn’t live next door but rather a distance away I also would be asking my mother to play with me, which did on numerous occasions when I’m sure she really had more important things to do. Often for ‘play’ we would end up in the kitchen cooking!
My mother was always cooking and from when I was a small child I would enjoy being with her to ‘lick the bowl’ and help where I could. I have really good memories of this time.
The main two things that I remember first cooking with my mother are Anzac Biscuits and Cup cakes which went by the name in the recipe book as ’Children’s Small Cakes’. We rarely had store bought biscuits in the house but rather ones my mother had made.
When we made Anzac Biscuits I first was allowed to roll the mixture into balls to put onto the cooking tray. I must admit that the balls had some strange shapes and also were very rarely the same size but mother was very patient with me and didn’t complain and I guess we were able to eat them. From there I progressed to mixing the mixture and then finally being allowed to actually measure the ingredients and make all the biscuits
**NO.15 韓国料理 B.L.T 料理講座 H20,4,27

チヂミ(韓国風お好み焼き) チャプチェ(韓国風春雨炒め) カクトゥギ(ダイナミックに




English Night 2008/4/22日
FOOD and COOKING in MY LIFE by MS.Jill Thope

パワーポイントを使って。 ポットラックのごちそう。 ママのつくったアップルパイだよ


Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you tonight. My name is Jill Thorpe and I have already had the pleasure of meeting some of you in the English classes. I have been an AET in Nishio since April last year and I’m thoroughly enjoying teaching and playing with the students. I mainly teach in elementary schools but do visit kindergarten occasionally.
I hope that you will enjoy my talk and my walk through cooking and my life, both of which are intertwined.
When I was first asked to talk about ‘Cooking’ I wondered where I might start. So first I thought that I would like to tell you how I became interested in cooking.
For that we have travel back in time (a long time!) to when I was a small child. I grew up in a very small country town in Australia called Buderim. It is and was a beautiful town. It is located on a small mountain near the sea. It was so small that there were only two shops, a Post Office, a butcher’s shop, two churches and a primary school. There was also a ginger factory – the only one in the Southern Hemisphere. There they cooked ginger and made ginger in syrup, crystallized ginger, ginger marmalade and chocolate covered ginger. The smells were sometimes good but also sometimes bad!! Buderim was famous for the ginger factory and many of the farmers grew ginger.
There was no junior high school or high school and we had to travel by bus to nearby towns. As children my friends and I made our own fun and mainly played outside – we were always being told to ‘get out of the house’! I was an only child so really enjoyed these times but as friends didn’t live next door but rather a distance away I also would be asking my mother to play with me, which did on numerous occasions when I’m sure she really had more important things to do. Often for ‘play’ we would end up in the kitchen cooking!
My mother was always cooking and from when I was a small child I would enjoy being with her to ‘lick the bowl’ and help where I could. I have really good memories of this time.
The main two things that I remember first cooking with my mother are Anzac Biscuits and Cup cakes which went by the name in the recipe book as ’Children’s Small Cakes’. We rarely had store bought biscuits in the house but rather ones my mother had made.
When we made Anzac Biscuits I first was allowed to roll the mixture into balls to put onto the cooking tray. I must admit that the balls had some strange shapes and also were very rarely the same size but mother was very patient with me and didn’t complain and I guess we were able to eat them. From there I progressed to mixing the mixture and then finally being allowed to actually measure the ingredients and make all the biscuits
**NO.15 韓国料理 B.L.T 料理講座 H20,4,27

チヂミ(韓国風お好み焼き) チャプチェ(韓国風春雨炒め) カクトゥギ(ダイナミックに