

Cooking chopstics, centre finding jig

2009-03-04 17:49:02 | Weblog
Conchita, it is not that I did no work hard
enough today, but somehow it looks like that way...

First thing in the morning I retrieved yesterday's
and they are shown below.

I will be removing small dfects during the
course of this evening and they will be
ready for shipping tommorrow on.

Needless to say that coating continued on the current
lot, no picture here. Today, I also made a few phone calls
to establish the repair scheme for my belt sander.

I am a lot happier now. Apparently, I can take it
to my local DIY shop for repair.

Above is the first of today's tangible result.
Cooking chopstics. More will follow tommorrow.
The idea here is that they will be coated just

like any other chopstics I make. Tips will not be
smeared by liquids and that is the selling point...

Can you see a short slit in this alminium piece?
This is a line drawing jig, fabricated by my
milling machine.

Can you also see a cube at its foot? The jig is meant
to make a small cross at the centre of these
cubes, so that I can make a hole at these crosses.

Here above, an experimental mini spoon. I am
not happy with this. The curvature is in the
wrong direction.

Iniaitlly, I thought it was going to be OK,
but looking at it compels me to think I made
a blunder...

The idea was to make this side banded, nice and
nice, but...

Cavity making is easy, simple drilling, but
forming the cavity walls is awfully messy.
I am not exactly sure if I want to continue

with these minis...

パエ-リャ 220

2009-03-04 17:48:27 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Esto debe ser el mes mas frio que
he experimentado! No nevo esta manya-
na, pero ha sido heladamente frio!

Ahora vamos?

El oso mide 2 metros i medio!

en los proximos meses

hace apenas dos meses

la fiesta del pasado diciembre

Eso tiene un sabor agriducle!

una sabrosa tarta a base de arroz,
verduras y frutas

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no!?

grass stained white trousers

since it is you who raised the matter

I do not get much chance to read NANINANI!

She stormed out of the room!

Cannnot be done otherwise!

Production is slipping back!

We are trying to slot them in!

Our future is anything but secure!

He accepts nothing less than NANINANI!

Conchita, ya me voy. Take care!