

Panda looking dinosour butter knives

2009-03-24 18:19:07 | Weblog
Virtually all of my time today was taken up by the
new dinosour butter knives. Two of the for-runners were
in fact coated, no image here, but I was very impressed...

These will be far, far better and attractive, for sale,
hopefully. Anyway, the first image today is about
slicing out the side bands from an irregular shaped

material, as seen below.

Since the blades are of dark walnut I need something
white and I chose birch. This irregular shaped
material is very tricky to slice through for

obvious reasons.

After a struggle I now have probably more than enough
for the 60 odd inner blades. If not, I will slice out more
with a new piece, which must be lying about somewehre...

Here below, the result of yesterday's mat coating.

There are some old generation dinosours, mostly
hidden from view. These will be delivered to
shops very soon.

Here below, today's output, or just about. Side bands
are seen at the bottom. 10 pairs have been bonded and
they will be workd on tommorrow.

Here below, a new batch of polyurethane has arrived.
To be noted here is the one in the middle, a big can.

This is polyurethane enough, but not exactly
of food safe type. I will be using this for
things like brush hangers and sauce pan beds.

The rest are all food safe tyep and set me back by a lot of money.
Typically, I consume one can of each colour every week.

What this means is that what I gain in terms of selling
my pieces is lost in the cost of these consumable.

I am not supporting my family with the gain I get
from my work and all I spend money on is these
consumable, thanking for allowing me to carry on doing

what I do best at the moment. No wonder my pieces
sell well...

パエ-リャ 240

2009-03-24 18:18:46 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Ha sido un dia tranquilo, con vientos frios
y sol ocasional. Aqui esta la primavera
en mi jardin! Ha llegado la primavera

en mexico tambien?

Entonces, vamos?


Cuando iba disfrazado para el atraco


Se le ha incantado una pistola falsa y un spray
de defensa

Transformar nuestros suenyos
en imagenes de television


es lo que esperan poder lograr en
el futuro

Recrear en imagenes el contenido del suenyo

人に(個人に)ある形を見させる (make somebody see something)
Hacer observar una forma a un individuo

Reconstruirla en la pantella

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui!

It is not for me to influence poeple!

You will get hooked on it if you keep on
taking drugs!

It just happnes that dounokouno!

We might just touch on it later!

It does not matter where you travel out from!

It does not matter where you come from!

dounokouno is only part of the story!

Conchita, enough for now? Take care and vaya con Dios!