

Toast beds, my chopstics, panda looking dinosours

2009-03-31 17:56:42 | Weblog
Conchita, I am bothered about something...
It is the new IE. When the message came in I was
watching YAHOO USA and that may be why...

I have since convereted to YAHOO JAPAN, but I still get
some of the messages in English! Not only that,
parts of the URL are not highlighted!

I hope I still managed het my photos in the right manner...

Anyway, wet sanding photo below. I think I will
blow this up and take it to my department business,
just to show how much is actually involved in my coating.

Most of my time today was spent on my toast beds.
I have decided that I will not go for more than
30 of them. So, I am relaxed now...

Fine tuning has started and you may see the status
from the following image. Bits and pieces from my
earlier milling operation have been removed.

Even the bottoms have been taken care of. I still have
a smimilar number of these beds to take care of, but
these are now under control.

So, I moved my attention to"My chopstics" sets. See this big
chunk of wood here? This came from my earlier operation, long time
ago by now. It is birch, of some sort...

Very irregularly shaped, cannot help it as it is a left-over.
I need slices from this chunk to make them into square-cross section
bars before I make ditches.

Here are the slices. Tommorrow, I will be further slicing them
into bars, square bars in cross-section. Actually, if things go right
I might be tempted to contract out these tiring processes

to China or Vietnam, or whereever. I have some contacts...

My giant belt sander is back from repairs. I will have to be
very careful in its use. Because it is so heavy at
25kg, I thought that it was invincible, but it was not.

Accoring to the repair people even bearings were shatterd,
not just the belt! I cannot believe it! It set me back by
JPY 13000! Almost 23% of my last month's gain was lost!

All this makes me think... After all, I am not gaining
any pure profit from my operation. What comes in simply
goes out in consumables...

I just feel like crying on somebody's shoulder!!!

パエ-リャ 247

2009-03-31 17:56:19 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Estoy bien y muy ocupado!

Me complace decir que no era muy frio hoy.
Creo que el clima va a ser estable
durante los proximos dias y que me ayudara!

Ahora entonces, vamos?

a lo bomba de humo ninja


No quiero irme que nadie se de cuenta siquiera
de que yo he asistido!

por sorpresa!

Cual es el comportamiento ideal!?


No estoy solo ahi fuera!

Mas escuchar y menos hablar!


Todo lo que digas puede volverse en tu contra!

Conchita, bastante para ahora, no?
Vamos ingles aqui!

She hates everything about him!

What is your secret about!?

They are all having a go at each other!

I got a bit windy!

Those projects never got off the ground!

There is a summer sale on at Harrods!

to frighten kids away

A brighter afternoon is forecast!

I do not know what I expected!

Conchita, enough for now? take care and vaya con Dios!