

Chinese spoons, Kota Kinabalu

2009-03-06 18:08:06 | Weblog
Conchita, you know that my wife and daughter
returned from Sicilly some time ago. One of the
things they brought back was the Balsamico vinegar.

When I looked at the bottle I was at a loss...,
because it said "Aceto balsamico". I am not
exacturely sure about Italian definite article,

is it "il"?, then, it was "il aceto Balsamico".
What am I on about there? It is the similarity, or

In the language of the Spaniards the olive oil is
"el aceite de oliva". Did the Romans know better?
I am inclined to think so...

"Aceite" is "Acid" in the language of those...
It cannot be an accident, I should imagine...

Anyway, I did not do a lot today. Coating yes,
but otherwise I spent most of my time today at
S's. However, before going there I did fix

boxes to the walls of my workshop. I managed to fix
4 boxes. See below?

Another one here, and it contains chopstics
halfway to completion. I have got a few more on the
opposite side. These come very handy, I need to keep

things temporarilly, very often.

In the course of sorting out boxes and and
the workshop I found uncompleted butter knives.
What I decided to do was to add side bars.

They are now drying in my bedroom...Overall shape
will be altered, of course. I will see how better they
might become. If they are not good I will throw them


Today, this afternoon I had a good chat at S's.
My pure income turned out to be some JPY 38,000.
Not too bad. If I have 10 shops to del with, then

that could potentially mean a lot... And, I will
try in that direction. We talked and talked a lot
about shop plicy and raw material procurement,

ads, and the range of things that could be displayed
for sale, direct impotrs, colour scheme, etc, etc.

Our unanimous conclusion was that we should aim for
a monthly turnover of JPY 300,000...

That means what?

パエ-リャ 222

2009-03-06 18:07:46 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Aqui, ha estado lloviendo y hoy heladamente frio.
Yo no estoy seguro si la Primavera llegara pronto...
Entonces, vamos?

si bien la decision final

como ultimo recurso

en una rueda de prensa

en el campo de la fisica

el cambio climatica

el pais de procedencia

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

That is a very expressive and graphic expression!

A missile is a thing you throw at somebody!

That was 30 years ago and I am getting on a bit!

Those things are taken for granted!


I get cross with myself when I realise that
I do not know something I should have known!

Conchi, aqui ya me voy y vaya con Dios!