

Toast beds, holes in spheres and how

2009-03-29 18:10:23 | Weblog
Conchita, you may say "Not again!", but that is exactly
what happened yesterday. I did add my comments on the photos,
and even gave titles, but somehow the whole thing never got

uploaded. Suffice to say that the main topic was about
working with spheres. I will talk about it today as well.

Anyway, the first image today is the dinosours immediately
after wet sanding and drying.

Coating by polyurethane A is such a crucial step
towards the quality of my works and I take my utmost care
in ensuring the right surface conditions for subsequent


Here below, 2nd application of polyurethane A and
they are drying. They will be subjected to 3rd coating
by A, and surface saturation will occur.

That is when they are ready for polyurethane C, surface
protecting glossy coating. You will be seeing
the result soon...

Most of my time today was taken up by these toast beds.

I actually measured the time it takes to make grooves
with each. It is about 22 minutes. It certainly is such
a boring job. I need to computerise my milling operation!

Just showing you how messy groove making operation is!

Anyway, the following schematic is about bore making
in spheres.

Spheres are funny creatures, unlike other basic elements
of the universe. Terrestially placed, they stand vertical,

This is because they do not know which way is up
nor which way is down, let alone which way is horizontal.
I may be the only person who is amazed by this fact...

This actually is a follow-on from yesterday's, how to make
a cylindrical bore in a given shpere. My wife is calling for me,
so I will have to cut short my story here.

The idea is to make a flat top by a rotating bit,
and that is easy, because the tip motion is horizontal.

However, making concentric bores is more of a problem. Here is
a secret. Do nt remove the shpere from the clump
with which the flat top was created.

Use anything you want to create the first circular bore,
and at the end of the day you want a circular step
as seen in yesterday's image.

Just simply change the bit to what you want. Do not move your
shpere from the clump, because if you do that the centre
will be sfifted!

Just only chnage the bit for the right diamtre and
dig in! Ifyou do anything else you will find that
you will be digging a hole off-centred!

パエ-リャ 245

2009-03-29 18:10:04 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estas bien? Creo que si!

No llovio hoy, pero no estuvo tibio cualquiera.
Las plantas deben estar sintiendose la primavera
ha llegado y puedo verlo en mi jardin...


Siempre que intento dar consejos

Que es lo que he hecho mal!?

para que podrias hacer just lo contrario

Me aburri como una ostra!

La conversacion me pasaba por encima!

..., y no me enteraba de nada!

asi que me tire toda la cena callado!

Conchi, bastante, no? Vamos ingles!

2000?, of the top of my head?...

It is a tongue in the cheek thing!

in a fluid situation

I have never had one letter from anybody!

Oh, how you told me the tale!

You will not have the remotest chance of getting there!

I cannot think of a single thing to keep
them occupied!

Conchita, enough for now. Take care!