

Chinese spoons, wooden funnels, rice lifters

2009-03-11 17:44:48 | Weblog
Today, there was no outing by car and I had a full
time for my pieces.

First thing in the morning on my coating.
No image here. There was a bit of an experiment,
but no photo either of that...

Most of my time was spent on the Chinese spoons.
I have to get them out of the way as soon as possible.
See below?

These 7 pieces were roughly concaved and then
finely polished in 40 minutes in all. This is
no too bad.

However, stem end of each has not been
polished yet. The next schematic will tell you

With the larger flap foil I can only polish
most of the front end. Tommorrow, I will have to
use the smaller flapper to finish off the rest.

Convex ends have been OK, no problem here.

Today, I also tried out my new type of rice
lifters. Whiter one is a template, and the one
to which it is leaning against is the real piece.

It may appear flat, but it is not going to be.
It will be conved and concaved, too, and on top
of that the stem will be side-banded.

Here below, you see the side bands fixed to the stem.
The other piece here is the brush hanger, temporarilly
assembled. Not all the pegs have been fixed, yet.

This afternoon, I managed to speak to A's. She said
that the offer I made to her was OK with her. Not only that,
she had found another shop with which I can deal.

It is in another town nearby. With the demise in other places
I have been pessimistic, but this new shop may
turn out to be profitable enough... I will see...

A local girl made a suggestion for wooden funnels.
I am attracted to her idea. Apparently, metal kinds
do not work well... I will need to make sure

I understand her problem here. It was all mentioned in a
fleeting conversation...

パエ-リャ 227

2009-03-11 17:44:21 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Estoy seguro de que estas feliz con tu familia!

La prevision era de lluvia, pero no
la lluvia al final. No era demasiado
frio, pero no caliente cualquiera.

Ahora, vamos?


DOKOSOKO estaba investigando si alguno de los
productos fue distribuido en Reino Unido

por septimo a-nyo consecutivo

en busca de NANINANI

la mujer atrapada por un alud de nieve

a las 17:00 horas de ayer

El numero ha ido aumentando a lo largo del dia!

dos perros de busqueda y rescante

Conchi, ahora vamos ingles, no?

I have periodic contacts with him!

The chemical tanker veered off the road!

They described it as like an atomic explosion

(Note: No mis-transcription in above)

Such surprise is surprising!

(Note: There is no "a" here)

Stay still! Freeze!

I am 400 passengers away!

Conchi, let us call it a day, shall we?
Vaya con Dios!