

Fundamental components and building blocks

2009-03-20 17:51:39 | Weblog
I have had a very busy day today. First, I continued with
my coating of chopstics and a few other items.

Then came a friend from Sli Lanka, after such a
long time of not seeing each other. In addition,
I had to make a quick dash to my local contacts.

More to follow on one of the leads that came about
as a result, for days to come, I think...

Anyway, my renewed attempt at the toast placer
was popular with my local contacts. These other
objects here are here for no particular reason.

It is just that I take comfort and somehow gain stability
of mind just by looking at them on and off...

I do know why, I think. They are all elements of the
universe we live in. Spheres, tubes, even pillars and
triangular blocks.

The latter two are obviously not of the fundamental
kind, as they are more of the designoid, but pretty
much fundamental to everyday living...

Anyway, the schematic immediately below. This is a conceptual
schematic showing you how void in a wooden block is
formed. The line in red is the absolute bottom of

the void making, secured by an external stopping
mechanism. Steps are shown of boring to different
depths. You are free to choose the intervening depths.

The schematic just above is more indicative of the problem
I am facing at the moment.

The idea is this. You want to make a large area void
in a block. You also want the bottom edges to be

So, you start off with a smaller diamter round headed
bit, and that is easy. However, these small diameter
bits are inefficient to remove the mass inside

the loop created by the traversing of he small diamter bit.

You need a much larger diamter bit, and tha is where
alignment problem sneeks in... Can you allign the outermost
end of the larger diameter bit exactly to

centre of the smaller diametr bit? How can you do that?

I do not really know the solution to this problem...
Suffice, perhaps, to say that that is why my work is

Issues to be understood, issues to be solved, that kind of thing...

パエ-リャ 236

2009-03-20 17:51:14 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Bien? Creo que si!

Estaba lloviendo muy duro en la manya-na,
pero se fue y tuvimos sol agradable.
Ha sido muy calida a pesar de las previsiones!

Ahora entonces, vamos?


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el cookie, lo que hace es guardar tu contrase-nya!

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para vencer el calentamiento global

para superar la crisis financiara internacional

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

You have been waiting much too long!

I will be your substitute!

Get your hand back from it!

to meet others with similar interests

Everybody wants a dream fulfilled!

You can carry it through with determination1


As I look around, do you notice NANINANI?

Conchita, enough for today, no?
Vaya con Dios!