

Panda patterned dinosours butter knives

2009-03-25 17:59:23 | Weblog
Conchita, today I did nothing but dinosours, hence
not a variety of images, I am afraid...

With today's first image two of them here are after
A coating once, looking good, I think. With further
9 coatings they will be looking even better.

Here below is thelot I worked on today. In fact, I do
not have any more to work on. I havce not counted the
total number, but I suspect I have more than 65...

Some of these will be treated for bonding overnight.
Actually, I now know that the duration of tight clumping
for these pieces does not need to exceed a few hours.

That will help a lot...I only have a limited number of
clumps and turn around wil be better from now on.

These are some more dinosours, left in the workshop. They
are more or less coating ready.

I know that I will have to work on these, too, but
at the moment I am being too busy for these...

My gut-feeling for the sale opportunity at the
department store is as follows.

I will be finishing with dinosours by close of the day
after tommorrow. They will get coated immediately.

Then, I will be spending another two days, working on
the toast beds. That will take me up to the end of this month.

I should have my products ready for the department store
by 20th April. Today being today, in theory I will have
just less than 10 days starting at the 1st of April.

This is of course in view of the time required for coating.

What can I do in 10 days? My guess is that I will be
working on "My chopstics" sets for about 3 to 4 days.
I will be ordering magnets this evening for them.

So, the rest of the days I have will be perhaps given
to propellers and baby spoons. That will be about it,
I think...

パエ-リャ 241

2009-03-25 17:59:00 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, prevision del tiempo fue exactamente
la derecha para hoy. Comenzo nublado y despues
vino la lluvia, seguido por una breve soleado hechizo.

Entonces, vamos?

la concordancia entre la forma y
la reproducida

incluso si dounokouno

una especie de decodificador


dounokouno, que la empresa achaca a una huelga y
a la falta de personel

Se lo llevaron al cine!

Eso me lleva a pensar que dounokouno!

Ella me lleva dos a-nyos!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

He killed in a fit of rage!

How high do you want it to be?

He was shot at point blank range!

I should think so...

Take these out and leave the rest to grown on!

I dread to think dounokouno!

There is no love lost between them!

Enough, no? Vaya con Dios!