

Hand washing boards?, bread placers

2009-03-15 17:42:47 | Weblog
Today, quite a lot of Chinese spoons went mat,
along with a similar number of forc-knives and
mini scrapers (no formal name yet).

My stock is building up and I am most
pleased about it...

The first image below indicating the status at
which rice handlers are now. One standing is
coating ready.

I actually have 7 more outside this image and
I may not work on them any further until these
are proved to sell.

Here below, just showing you where I am
with respect to brush hangers. One was delivered
to S's today, with the saucepan bed. Hope they will

sell...Oh, I forgot to mention that these parts
for the hangers were rounded at the edges.

Here below, those edge rounded pieces are now
ready for coating. Since I am not going to
coat them with my usual polyurethane I would

normally coat them in my bedroom, but I will
not be doing that this evening, as I have a large
number of chopstics to deal with.

You see a board in this image. It is so obvious
what it is meant to be for. What do you call it?
Washing board? I am not sure.

Anyway, I was asked to coat this for A's.
She had bought it for JPY 700 and intends to
sell one (once coated by me) for JPY 1100.

All this makes me think...

I am not involved in this transaction except
my coating labour. All she can hope for is
JPY 400. If I ask for my time and coating

material her gain would be less. It is not that
I will ask for my bit. The idea here is that
I can make this myself, for a lot less...

Perhaps, at something like JPY 120...

Not only that, this is so much like my
toast placers. My gut feeling is that I will
produce something which will act as a shallow

saucer on one side and the toast placer on
the other side, something along that line...

All these ideas are only possible because I now
have a much more powerful milling machine.

In fact, at S's we talked about my pierce box
having a dark top layer (cemented at the top).
In order to do that I will need to loose

something like 5mm thicknes from the top of
cube. Again, this process is made ever
easy with my milling machine...

For that matter, the replacement 5 mm thick
dark top layers can be easily fabricated
by the same machine...

No need for planing..., that is the idea!

パエ-リャ 231

2009-03-15 17:42:26 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Se ha calido el dia de hoy, sin viento
para hablar de ... Parece que la primavera
ha llegado por fin aqui.

Entonces, vamos?

Solo me salen residencias clinicas!

salen mucho a cenar!

Me ha salido mal!

Quien me puede decir como se deice DOUNOKOUNO?

DOUNOKOUJO, pero ya se me paso!

a cause de todo un poco

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles, no?

DOUNOKOUNO, that is why!

You just stay put!

Try and lose your chaser!

That was a poetic language!

It is just like everything else!

It has already been done!

We can save some for after!

It was everyman for himself!

Conchita, this should suffice for now. Take care!

Tropical cross reference

2009-03-15 01:15:16 | Weblog
Conchita, I am mindful of the likelihood of me
making continued references to the tropical zone,
in particular to those large islands in the South China Sea.

This I view as inevitable. After all I spent a large
amount of ship time in the region, often wondering
if any one of all those islands in view might have

been the one where the Mosla and the King Kong
were born... I was already longing to see what it
was like out up there in the distant future...

The episode on the other side of the region is
reflected in my "Across the Miles". We talked about it
once, of course. I now realise that it did form

the foundation for my current thinking...

You can visit this episode by reversing the log viewing
order by pressing the right position and looking around
amongst the first 10 pages or so.

Que rapido pasa el tiempo!, no?