

Calligraphy brush hangers, rice spatulas

2009-03-13 18:29:33 | Weblog
Conchita, well... Today was just one of those
days, really... My problem these days is that
I keep saying to myself "What the hell!"

The hell with it! Today, I took my car for the
regular check up. It costs me, but I feel safer
that way. They notify me for it...

The first image here indicating that I am
now into a mini-mass production of rice

I have 11 of them and 6 of them have been
side banded.

Here below, you are looking at the four sets of
brush hangers on their way to completion. Parts
have been hold, for pegs and pillars.

Here below, you are looking at the side of the arrangement
I used today for making holes at an angle.

This is not to my liking, at all...
The whitish square you can see is the one into which
holes are being bored. The two dark triangular

sections are the holding jigs. The issue here is that
these jigs are not connected and as a reult the top
piece might slide up by the lateral pressure

from the vice... Well, it did not happen...

That is exactly why I am feeing very uneasy. In theory,
it should, and it did not. What it means is that
the piece did not slide up due to the friction.

In order to make constistent series of horizontal
hanging bars I need more than that...

My current thinking is that I should make a jig
which will hold my target piece in a very stable
position, reproducible position.

That means that I will need to fabricate a whole
one piece holding jig. That should not be that
difficult, with my milling machine.

All I need to do is to cut out a 90 degree corner
drench with my bit. I think I will do that tommorrow.
Actually, it should be easy...

パエ-リャ 229

2009-03-13 18:28:57 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Cantando bien?, leyendo bien?, comiendo bien?
Creo que si!

Es soleado, bien, pero no fue muy caluroso.
Este mini-temporada de lluvias se puede ir lejos, pero ...
Manya-na va a estar bien?

Vamos, no?

la polemica modelo Kate Moss

una travesia por una de las laderas del pico

en virtud de los acuerdos de colaboracion

el procedimiento se puso en marcha

la unida canina especializada en la busca de personas

en primer lugar NANINANI, y posteriormente

Quisiera algunos consejos!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, no?

That should not mean tearing up the whole thing
by the roots!

That is why srrong language is neccesary!

How would the average Englishman feel about NANINANI,

I just do not know!

What chance do we stand?

You cannot turn your back on!

It makes you think you are not wanted!

Cocnhi, todo esto es bastante para ahora, no?
Vaya con Dios!