

Looking at materials in a new perspective

2009-03-16 18:10:36 | Weblog
Conchita, as I stated at the onset I did not
do much in terms of fabrication. Coating,
of course, continued, but no image here.

The most important thing that happened today was
that I delivered my pieces to the new shop.
It was a beautiful shop, it really was!

Let us hope that they will sell well there...
If not, I will retrieve them and talk to other

What you see below is a piece of beech. I went to
a DIY shop on my way home and I found it there.
I got it for JPY 980.

Picturewise, it does not give you a feel for its
dimension, but it is large, large enough for
something like 10 toast placers, each selling at

JPY 1500, I think...So, not a bad deal in itself.

This next image is a blow... This cube in the middle is
one of the 12 pieces of the same size I bought for JPY 100.

However, each of those on either side set me back by
JPY 110! Can you top that!!! I only bought them out of curiosity.
Darker natural colours mean they will shine out, when coated.

Here is an assortment of other things I bought at JPY 100.
All of these come from China, or Vietnam, only God knows what
other places on earth they come from.

The point is that they are fairly precision made and
very affordable... Right now I am most interested in the
spheres, 6cm in diam, and solid!

I culd make them myself, but that would be extremely
time consuming. My gut feeling is that it would take
2 to 3 hours to fabricate a sphere of this size.

All this makes me think... If I can computerise
my milling machine I will be happily producing
at least some of these myself...

Until then, I will have to be content with
what I can outsource, not too bad, that...?

Spheres, sphres, spheres, what will they become?
Vessels?, likley, what else?

パエ-リャ 232

2009-03-16 18:09:58 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Hoy aqui, no podia hacer mucho...
Ha sido muy caliente. Estoy seguro de que
este clima continuara durante algun tiempo.

Ahora, vamos?

En el momento en que haya mas situaciones stresantes
en casa!

por haber hemos probado
(for having been tried)

por haber probado
(for having tested)

Son heces blandas como papilla!


El gatito saca mucha baba y espuma
de la pastilla!

Como hago para que mi gato vuelva a tener apetito!?

Contestame rapido por que se me muere mi gato!

los machos y las hembras

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

I would have liked to have do so!

I would not say it is as bad as that!

10P to get in, plus the charges on what you do!

I will give Heathlow a ring!

We are in for it!

Be happy with what you have got!

How long have you been away?

Conchita, this should suffice for today.
Vaya con Dios!