

Toast placers and the right pitch finding

2009-03-19 18:03:28 | Weblog
Coating with polyurethane and natural resin
is continuing. First, dark walnut chopstics, and
newly joined dinosours.

Killer whales experiencing their 2nd session with A.
You can see a saucer holder, too...

This is today's main achievement. There is a lot of story to
tell about this. I may come to that in some detail.

The one on the right has a pitch 5 per 100mm, and
I thought it not too good. Those other two have a pitch 7.

There was a dicovery today, even with pitch forming.
Instead of stating what it was, I will pose a question
to you as follows. See what you can come up with?

The toast placer width is very neary 100mm and
it differs from plate to plate, by up to 2mmm.
What it means immediately is that you cannot

fabricate a (groove) position indicating jig.
So, you have to deal with each plate manually.

Now, you want to create grooves, either evenly,
or unevenly (this is misleading), but keeping the regular order of
the grooves.

Here, "uneven" does not mean random, but a mixture of
different local pitches. You can understand what
I mean if you take a close look at the one

at the lower right...

The top opening width of each groove is a function
of the bit depth, typically 5 to 7 mm. Oh, by the way,
the one at the lower left is showing you the bottom

of the thing. Anyway, I use a line drwaing jig so that
the outermost line nearest to the toast placer edge
is always equidistant from them.

That means you are given so much distance between
opposite lines, and you are required to divide up
that distance evenly...

Not that easy!!! You arelly need an ingenuity
to do that!

As a matter of fact, this kind of question is
found almost everyday with my work. I find pleasure
in finding the solution and that simply keeps me going, I think...

Finding solutions to problems, yes, that has been
my life, and still is...

Anybody out there on whose shoulders I could cry!?

These are natural resin treated pieces. They are
very slow to dry even in the presence of our
happy sun...

This one, looking rahter like an hour glass
casing, is something I made out of curiosity.

I meant this for storing my small coffee spoon
that I use frequently. I will persist with something
like this for some time to come.

They are fairly easy to make and if they fetch
something like JPY 300, I will be happy, I think...

パエ-リャ 235

2009-03-19 18:03:10 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Creo que estas feliz con tu familia!

Sigue siendo muy caliente ahora…
Un poco ventoso, pero bastante agradable
por esta epoca del a-nyo. Espero sere manya-na fino, tambien.

Entonces, vamos?

en la Web mundial

en resumen


Hay gente que tiene miedo que el abuso de las cookies
nos pueda llevar a una perdidad de privacidad

No es un virus ni nada!


dounokouno, pero lo puedes eliminar si vas
a herramientas de tu internet explores!

Tienes que ir a herramientas para eliminar
historial de informacion!

dounokouno, y te va a abrir una ventana!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, OK?!

for convenience in remembering

in a particular run of the programme

a run time error

If you cannot call in, then call me up!

I got a bit hot!

in the heat of the high summer

dounokouno is so much a part of everyday life!

それって、やりすぎよ! 行き過ぎたのよ!
You have gone much too far!

Conchita, let us call it a day! and vaya con Dios!