

Ear piecers, pot placers, Chinese spoons

2009-03-08 18:22:08 | Weblog
Conchita, time flies...
The first pic here came about by accident,
but it really is a reminder.

That temprerature, that wind, those insects,
those voices all around, that sort of things, really...

Anyway, there was an outing by car and I had
little time for anything. So, I worked with cubes.

What follows below are my little containers
for ear pierces. I am dead certain that there are
a wide range of similar placers on the market.

These, however, are meant to be pretty obvious
what these are for, or are they?

One of these even got coated, as per below. What you see
around it are A coated (2nd time) butter knives and
corn flake spoons.

Naturally, a few questions arise here. Will they sell?
I think they will, depending on the price...
My gut feeling is that they should go for JPY1500,

at the least. The reason is emprical, really. I could
even offer them at JPY 300. However, in that case
they are unlikely to sell well...

Pricing is a funny thing, really...

The rest from the last lot are drying at the moment
in my bedroom, ready for tommorrow's C coating.

Here below, you are looking at three sets of
pot placers in parts. These will be connected
by bars.

Thoese at the far back are centre pieces with
4 holes, those on the righ with 2 holes and those
on the left with 3 holes.

My new milling machine is good! Far, far better than I thought!
It is much more powerfull, and no need to worry about
cutting depth at any one time, within a limit, of course.

Depth stopper mechanism is so obviously arranged and
I am greatly helped by it all! And, of course, the centre
finding jig I made recently, too.

I am mindful of the possibility of my jungle
workshop... more about that later

パエ-リャ 224

2009-03-08 18:21:37 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Hacia frio otra vez! No solo eso, parecia
como si se tratara de ir a la nieve
en cualquier momento!

Esto seguramente debe ser la inversion de septiembre!


los logros que les han hecho mercer el primo

los procesos antes desconocidos

al ser preguntado por la repurcusion practica

la simetria quebrada espontanea

los constituyentes fundamentales de la materia

en la fisica subatomica

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles?

How can we get through to him!?

Lock it away!

I will give it a try!

Many people go on about this...

It is awful you forget things!

Conchi, ya me voy. Take care!