

Chinese spoons, coniffer spoons

2009-03-07 17:56:31 | Weblog
Conchita, today I finished off with the current
lot of chopstics. Of course, there are minor
sandings to follow, but I should be OK.

No photos of those here...

C coating continued. I call it C, because the
identification label on the can says "C". It is
really, surface protection by polyurethane...

Naturally, it is a glossy coating as you can see below.
This is the result of second application. I have 3 more
sessions to go, at the end of the rsult of which you expect

to see wonders!

Forc-knives, too. They are looking better and better!

What is shown below is a combination, of A coating.
Spoons are made of coniffer. Sitting side by side are
broad leaf butter knives, from yesterday's.

Somebody I do not know is leaving for NY. Aparently,
she has been given one of my dinosour butter knives.

She also apparently declared that she would be proudly
showing off my butter knife!

Whatever..., I am pleased that my presents to the factory
are being useful...

I have a nagging thought, though... Have I ever made
an ultimate version of my spoons? I do not think so...

What do they look like? What should the look like?
Perhaps, allmighty spoons? I have got to think over this...

パエ-リャ 223

2009-03-07 17:56:06 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?

Era muy caliente hoy, no hay lluvia.
Primavera no debe estar demasiado lejos ...
Manya-na se espera lluvia, sin embargo.

Entonces, vamos?

No estoy preparada para eso!

a la hora de NANINANI

lo que pasa por algo importante

Tiene que haber un sistema que alientan a los jovenes!

en el mismo sentido

Eso me lleva a darme cuenta de que NANINANI!

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

Let me set your fears at rest!

What have you got for me?

He is doing no better, but no worse than NANINANI!

This is something we heard a lot about?!

Yes, we will be looking at that!

We will let you off the hook!

Conchi, enough for now?
Take care!