
SunSDR 2 configure DIGITAL

2019-03-31 10:40:00 | SDR
Some info from EW8AX for future reference.
Please note that he configure as below with Sun SDR 2 not Sun SDR2 Pro so configuration may different.
Some info from EW8AX for future reference.
Please note that he configure as below with Sun SDR 2 not Sun SDR2 Pro so configuration may different.

I don’t know what the problems may be here ... I haven’t come across it yet, but they say that people suffer and cannot adjust. Therefore, I will give my settings, entirely one more time and with comments, maybe this will help someone. So...


I have three groups of ports
The first is for controlling the cat, the second for CW, the third separately for turning on the TX on the transceiver. Why is that? Because not all the software is able to turn on the transceiver for transmission by cat. I had to make a crutch for the poor fellows.

For the numbers we need the first and third group. COM4 from the side of the transceiver, read ExpertDR2, COM8 - software.

I explain:

I hope this is a pretty obvious example. Those. In this configuration, OMNIRIG works, which is known as "there is life." Further, all the software is set up to use OMNIRIG.


The whole log already works through OmniRig, the main thing is not to forget to configure PTT!


Quite wonderful in his work through OMNIRIG and WSJT-X. We expose the settings, click TEST CAT, it will turn green. Then TEST PTT, it is redder and will turn on the transceiver for transmission. Didn't notice any problems with WSJT-X ...

JT65: (JT-65 HF Version

It's all bad, in a sense. This guy wants a separate port for the TX, and he needs to be given it. I don’t know what the author’s problems were, I don’t have them.

If you need, then you need. I use a pair of ports 2 and 9.

2 - from the side of ExpertSdr2, 9 - registered in the settings of JT-65 HF Version With the old transceiver, I used the HamRadioDeluxe option. Great program, but its time has passed ...


As I wrote examples I remembered ROS, updated the version and connected it. Works both through CAT, and through the indication of the COM port. Again, no problem :)

By analogy with these examples, you can probably configure something else, but I do not seem to use anything else ...: D

Ps. For gourmets:

In order that in a similar configuration with CAT, besides OMNIRIG, any other programs SIMULTANEOUSLY work, it is required to use "port sharing" or its analogues. What is it and how I have implemented, you can see there. Look for red text about splitter (!).

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Common-Sense Rules for Long PA Life

2019-03-27 10:57:00 | DX QSO

さて、とあるメーリングリストで紹介されていたVE7OJ/AB4OJ Adamによるパワーアンプを長持ちさせる為の当たり前のお約束事9箇条、参考に和訳しておきます















1. Do not tune your ATU (internal or external) at full output. Always reduce transmitter output to the minimum level required for accurate tuning*. Power can be increased to the desired level once the best match has been achieved.

2. Do not operate with a poor match (VSWR > 1.5). Apart from the risk of damage, the complex load presented to the PA will degrade the transmitter's IMD performance. This is not a kindness to your neighbours on the band.

3. Never cascade ATU's (internal autotuner and external manual or automatic tuner.) Cascading tuners can lead to component failure in the internal tuner, the low-pass filters and/or the PA stage.

4. Do not "sweep" the VFO whilst transmitting. This is not only in breach of radio regulations†; it can also cause component failure in the transmitter, especially if you sweep across an impedance "bump" in the antenna system or across a range boundary causing LPF selection relays to hot-switch.

5. When using an external amplifier, always connect and configure the ALC line to level the amplifier's output at its design rating. This is especially true of a solid-state amplifier.

6. Initial adjustments should always be performed with a 50-ohm resistive load at the transmitter output, to avoid radiating unwanted test signals.

7. When driving a grid-driven (grounded-cathode) tube amplifier with an untuned, swamped input circuit, place a 30 MHz low-pass filter in the coax between the exciter and amplifier. This will protect the exciter from damage in the event of a VHF parasitic oscillation in the amplifier. Solid-state exciters are especially vulnerable in this respect.

8. When driving a cathode-driven (grounded-grid) tube amplifier, ensure that the tuned input networks present a load with VSWR < 1.5:1 (if possible, but in any case < 2:1) to the exciter over each band in use. This will obviate the need for an ATU between the exciter output and amplifier input.Use of the exciter's autotuner to compensate for a grossly mis-tuned amplifier input network can generate dangerously high voltages and currents in the exciter's PA stage, LPF and autotuner, leading to catastrophic component failure.

9. When a solid-state exciter drives an older tube amplifier fitted with relatively slow open-frame T/R relays, the exciter is unterminated for a brief interval during the RX/TX transition. For this reason, the exciter's internal ATU should always be disabled when driving this type of amplifier. Any tuned input networks should be aligned to present a 50Ω load to the exciter at midband on each band. If the exciter has variable RF onset delay, this should be adjusted to allow for relay settling time. The best solution is to retrofit the amplifier with vacuum relays.

* The Quadra autotuner requires approx. 75W for correct tuning. A typical transceiver's autotuner will tune correctly with 5 ~ 10W. When using an external manual ATU, 10W is a safe starting point.

† when feeding an antenna
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Ailunce HS1

2019-03-19 01:24:00 | インドネシアアマチュア無線関係




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