Dear <森の番人> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 >
Thank you also this month. Time passes quickly!
It is already February ! It is start of spring in japan,
but it is still cold. How about Vancouver?
By the way, this theme is RV information
It's a very interesting theme! Your travel books often go to
mountains and lakes with a camper with children
I got the qualification of the second grade mechanic of a car
in my 20s. I was doing car inspection and repair
I did not handle camper cars
I recollect memories of oil-covered coveralls
Of course I often went to the sea and the mountains
with my family. Unfortunately it was a private car rather
than a camper.
Dreams, longing, moving houses, running houses.
large-sized bus luxury equipment RV cars
It would be nice to realize it sooner rather than
after retirement age!
バンクーバー郊外にあるTradexで、Early Bird RV Show
行って見るとキャンピング好きな多くの人でびっくり! 広大な陸続きのカナダ!
凄いですね! <森の番人> さんのRVの知識にもびっくりです!
良く解るように克明にランキング分けして解説 してありますので良く解ります!
素晴らしいです! キャンピングカーにするかトレーラタイプにするか
機能、性能、内装、運転し易いか、馬力等々 そして値段と、財布と相談して
選ぶのでしょうね! テラス付もいいですね!!
<森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。
Please say hello to your family
Let's meet again .Take care.
< 今 時 の 北 米 R V 情 報 > |
< 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >
「 寒空の It is already Vancouver in late February 」
「 綿帽子 RV show in the outskirts of Vancouver 」
「 晩冬の The place is a wide event center tradedex 」
「 寒 雀 It was a person far beyond expectations 」
「 冬木立 I think many people really like camping 」
「 外套の There are various kinds even if it says RV 」
「 冬深し RV is from extraordinary to very bad 」
「 枯芝の With engine or trailer type,broadly speaking 」
「 名の木枯る Camper with a wagon car for 3 people 」
「 冬帽子 5 or more people medium-sized camper 」
「 息白し Half Million class bus class motor house 」
「 手袋の It is a trailer type that pulls by other car 」
「 皮 衣 There is handy tent trailer for traveling 」
「 冬 霞 Lightweight trailer of mid size hard type 」
「 白熊の Lightweight, compact, use latest goods 」
「 暖房の Mid trailer and a large trailer like a bus 」
「 ストーブの It is large like a bus and has a terrace 」
「 重ね着の There is a type of loading on the truck bed 」
「 湯気立の Camper with small engine now.Wagon type 」
「 絨毯の For the moment I am enjoying tent camping 」
「 寒南天 I'm enjoying to go and see a little more RV 」
「 冬薔薇 The entrance was already in a large queue 」
「 冬雲の Little surprised at Canadian's camp lover 」
「 風冴ゆる There are many RV maniac for elderly people 」
「 冬の靄 Venue both right and left are full with RV 」