Dear <森の番人> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 >
Thank you also this month
It is early! It's already mid september!
It was almost autumn, but a typhoon came
The weather returned to midsummer again
The typhoon caused too much damage in various places
And the weather turned back to midsummer
Just morning and evening are cool
How about Vancouver? Has the summer vacation been over yet?
さて本題にはいります。 都合によりDay2-2からです。
カナダ東部5州、ドライブ旅行2018は今回で終了します。 ご了承下さい。
続きはまた機会がある時に! フェアモント・マノア・リシュルーホテルを
朝出発して, ラマルベの町を通り抜けてローラン川に行き,美しい景色を
山の上や川岸に立つ十字架を見ながら走る。 思い出が蘇るサンメシオン。
車中で思い出話に花が咲く。 ホエール・ウォッチングで知られている
タドゥサックを目指して, キャンピングトレーラを満載したフェリーで向う。
<森の番人>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。
Please say hello to your family
Let's meet again .Take care.
< カナダ東部5州、ドライブ旅行2018
Day2-2(ラ・マルベからタドゥサック・Tadoussacへ) > |
< 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >
「夏の朝 Leave the Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu Hotel at 10am 」
「夏 霞 Pass through the town of La Malbaie go Laurent River 」
「夏木立 Run while looking at the beautiful river and scenery 」
「夏河原 Buy sunscreen at La Malbaie drugstore on the way 」
「サングラス A cross on a hill that stands out well from a distance」
「万緑の An inconspicuous cross stands on the riverbank 」
「青芝の A church stands at the edge of such a small village 」
「草茂る Run alternately in the forest and along the river 」
「夏山路 Saint Laurent River is a very big river like the sea 」
「青葉山 A trip that runs overwhelmed by this large river 」
「鹿の子の Healed by the fresh air and scenery of the mountains 」
「夏山家 So many camping trailers are running on this road 」
「親 燕 I remember having a ferry ride with my husband 」
「蔦青葉 The our memories story goes on and on in the car 」
「鴛鴦涼しい Many small animal corpses are rolling on the road 」
「燕の子 There seems to be a lot of hedgehogs around here 」
「夏の鴨 I just wanted to watch the living hedgehog once 」
「夏 魚 There seems to be a lot of campsites around here 」
「川鱒の I came out along the Saint Laurent River of heavy fog」
「蜊蛄の It seems that the target ferry landing is approaching 」
「隠 蟹 The riverbed can be seen in the Atlantic ebb tide 」
「蝉涼し This tidal flat is very dirty and very smells terrible 」
「蟹の穴 We can see a whale watching cruise over there 」
「蟹の泡 The big sign says welcome in French and English 」
「夏の虫 It is known that whales come to this river and live 」
「みんみん蝉 Continue running while watching the foggy coast 」
「夏の蝶 There is a building that observes whales on the way 」
「黒蝿の The big Saguenay River has been seen on our way 」
「蝉の殻 To get to Tadoussac we have to cross over here 」
「川蜻蛉 Two ferries enter and exit from the ferry landing 」
「山雀の All cars get off from the ferry from the opposite bank 」
「糸蜻蛉 Next time a lot of camping trailer board the ferry 」
「蜻蛉の子 Many large cars have no inter-vehicle distance 」
「蒼蝿の Pass by ferry from the opposite bank in a foggy river 」
「青鷺の Quebec and the red flag are raised up prominently 」
「サングラス The Saguenay Fjord has looked hazed in front 」
「白シャツの The island on the opposite shore was soon visible 」
「汗拭う The town of Tadoussac was gradually seen a little 」
「炎昼の Soon I will arrive in a town known for whale watching 」
「半ズボン I can finally watch the long-awaited whale watching 」