

NYから1泊2日 週末ボストン 「 続 編 」

2020-02-20 23:45:33 | Weblog

Dear <ひでまる>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記 >

Thank you, continue .How are you!

20 days have passed in February!

It snowed for the first time this year

There was no snow in winter but it fell in spring

It was 3 degrees below zero for the first time this year

Such a year is unusual! I can't wait for a authentic spring


 ハーバード大学を後にしてMIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

に向う。MITが日本で早口言葉で有名なのですね! 私も早口言葉に


難しいですね! ハーバードとMITは提携しているのですね!






故郷を代表するラーメン屋、山頭火は長い行列! ボストンでも大人気

なのですね!! そしてトリニティ教会を見ながら本日の宿へ一旦帰り

早速ターゲットのクインシーマーケットまで行く。 冬は暮が早いですね!





     Let's take care of yourself !

     Please say hello to your wife

      Let's meet again 


            <  NYから1泊2日 ☆ 週末ボストン  >  


         <  上記アドレスをクリックして下さい  >

「冬最中             Leave Harvard for next destination MIT                       」

「風冴ゆる          It is famous as a quick language in Japan                    」

「風凍つる          The sign of the co-op is visible over there                   」

「冬の園             Goods same as Harvard are sold with MIT sign           」

「厳冬の             The two school co-ops seem to be partner                  」

「冬日差             Stunning school buildings is line the vast site              」

「枯庭の             Modern monuments are visible on the campus           」

「寒天の             The symbols Great Dome shines nice brightly              」

「冬青空             Take a selfie of memories here and end of MIT            」

「川凍る              After visited famous universities, go to the city            」

「冬川原             Charles River with blue sky and nice scenery                」

「氷面鏡             A scene that looks lovely like a masterpiece                 」

「寒 霞               Eventually I came to downtown Newbury Street          」

「綿帽子              There were many famous and familiar shops               」

「外套の              There were many retro and beautiful buildings            」

「手袋の              Ramen shop symbol our hometown, SANTOUKA         」

「マフラーの         Many people lined up even though it was cold            」

「息白し                Everyone is wear winter clothing for the cold              」

「着膨れの           America's leading supermarket, Trader Joe's               」

「ホットレモン        This supermarket is commonly called Trajo                 」

「冬日影               Boston limited eco bags were sold at Trajo                 」

「大鰤の               I wanted one in memorial because it was cheap          」

「本鱈の               I gave up because there were too many people           」

「暖房の               Then I casually enter the Boston Public Library            」

「冬日差し            Green stand lights line up and shine on the desk         」

「冬青空               Collaboration of stained glass and green light             」

「冬の庭               Statue standing on a lovely courtyard fountain            」

「鐘凍る                Go to inn while watching the Trinity Church                」

「暮早し                Today's inn is Found Hotel Boston Common               」

「冬の宵                It seems to renovated in a very beautiful room           」

「短日の                It is a quadruple room near Boston Common              」

「冬の夜の            The bathroom is one place so use it in order               」

「冬の星                It's 4,000 yen per night, so I'm very grateful                」

「月冴ゆる             Now take a break and start dinner and stroll               」

「夜半の冬            I will walk to the target Quincy Market at once            」