

シチリア旅行 ブダペストの夜景を満喫編 「 続 編 」

2020-03-13 23:45:48 | Weblog

Dear<biKKe3>  I am <ヤドカリ旅行記>  Thank you, continue

This month the weather changes almost daily!

It will be a warm day and a cold day alternately!

There are many windy days. Be careful not to catch a cold

I can't wait for the warm, cheerful spring

By the way,

the new coronavirus spreads all over the world and it is hard !

I hope it converges as soon as possible




行き来するボート。 そしてナイトクルーズのツアーを予約してある

国会議事堂へ。 日没に合わせ自由橋からスタートですね。 黄金に輝く

王宮の丘、真珠のように煌く鎖橋。 黄金の尖塔が春の夜空に輝く




沢山の素晴らしい写真を有難うございます。 寒い外のデッキで夢中で


    <biKKe3>さん。 ご案内よろしくお願いします


          Let's meet again. Take care

          Please say hello to your family

    <  ANA特典マイルで行くシチリア旅行 

      ①おまけのブダペストで夜景を満喫  >



    < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「春きざす         Equestrian statue of Hungary father St. Stephen           」

「春装の            Fisherman's bastion behind equestrian statue              」

「昼 霞              A spectacular view of the pest city from here              」

「春の川            Boats is moving to and from the superb Danube           」

「春時雨             The sky looks threatening and it began to rain              」

「春雨の             It was downpour so shelter at the fisherman's fort        」

「啓蟄の            Take the bus from the royal hill because it rained           」

「春セーター       Go to the meeting place decided by 17:30                      」

「春薄暮             Head to the National Diet Building that I booked tour   」

「暮れかぬる      A magnificent National Diet Building like a palace          」

「春の燭            The parliament of Diet member is also shining golden   」

「夕長し             The corridor is also decorated with nice ornaments        」

「名木の芽         This building was originally as National Diet Building     」

「春の山             This time I decided to return to Buda by subway            」

「山笑う              It's convenient to ride easily with a one-day ticket         」

「風光る             Great view National Diet Building seen from Buda          」

「春の雲             Beautiful Danube River and National Diet Building         」

「木の芽晴         Over all picture can be taken in a perfect portrait           」

「春の宵             I was satisfied so go back to the hotel by tram once      」

「朧 月              I bought dinner at the stalls near the tram station          」

「灯朧に             Have a quick dinner in the hotel room and go out         」

「春の闇             I'm going on a night cruise for today's main event         」

「春三日月          I go to the reserved ferry terminal at 8:15 pm                」

「鐘 朧               Just start at Liberty Bridge just in the sunset time        」

「春月夜             The royal hills appear to shine golden in the dark          」

「水温む             A chain bridge that shines like a wonderful pearl           」

「春の星            Matthias Church with golden spires in the night sky       」

「春の闇             Finally,the National Diet Building is visible ahead           」

「春北斗             Dyed in overwhelming golden glitter and dazzled          」

「春の夜の         It's the best highlight of night cruise in Budapest           」

「星 朧              Church of the two towers sparkling on the Danube        」

「朧夜の             Chain bridge and royal palace that glitter like pearl       」

「春月夜             Very satisfied night cruise with many photos taken        」

「朧月夜             The beauty of the night view took my breath away        」

「夜半の春          I took photos on the outside deck so it was cold           」