


2021-08-02 08:15:05 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記> How are you !   

I look forward to working with you this month as well 。

The fierce battle of the Olympics is continuing 。

       *Tokyo Olympics United by Emotion

The fierce battle and hot battle of the Tokyo Olympics continue 。

There are expected development and unexpected accidents 。 And there

will be an upset !! Tokyo Olympics in a state of emergency 。

Some people are well prepared, some are not well prepared, and some

teams ! It's no-audience Olympics, but the fierce battle will continue

until the end 。 The venue Japan is steadily winning medals ! Japan has

a lot of gold medals in particular. I'm very happy 。 There was also a

change of generations this time 。 It's a person who has worked hard to

become the top athlete they admire 。 Thank you for a long time Top

athletes who are retiring from active duty !You can touch the baton

to the next generation with confidence 。Thank you for your hard work.  

There are medals winners every day 。 Especially gold medals are

increasing day by day 。 Athletes are wonderful without losing the state

of emergency 。 I support you on TV !  By the way, the fourth state of

emergency has now been declared in Tokyo 。 The period is from July

11th to August 22nd 。 However, since the spread of infection does not

stop 。 Tokyo and Okinawa will be extended again。 And stste of

emergency declarations were issued in Saitama, Chiba, Kanagawa, and

Osaka prefectures 。 The period is from August 2nd to 31st 。 Currently,

it seems that the number of Delta variant is increasing 。 Viruses are

constantly changing, right !



ご了承ください。 さてテルメの時間なので水着に着替え水泳帽をつけて入る

とそこはプールのような大きな温泉ですね! 若者カップルから年配者まで沢

山いてロシアやドイツの人達もおられますね! ぬるま湯の温泉に浮き輪らし

き物が浮かんでいる 。 そして大学生のインストラクターがエアロビクスを始め

全員が1時間位水中 エアロビクスとは驚きですね。 喉が渇いたのでジュース

タイムですね!熱くなったり嫌されたり横になったりして 時間を費やして今度

は暗くて少し熱い洞窟サウナですね。 そこで3世代で来ているおばあちゃん

に出会い話が弾み和みましたね。 息子さんも孫さんとも話が弾み楽しかった

ですね!旅行の醍醐味ですよね。 同じ目的で来ているから直ぐに友達にな

れるのでしょうね! 一期一会の出会いでしょうか! 屋内プールから屋外

プールそして室内プールと露天風呂 。 そして夕日を見ながら黄昏の露天風

呂、やがて綺麗なお月さんを 見ながら極楽、極楽を満喫されましたね!!

テルメに来た甲斐がありましたね。 レストランの閉店までゆっくり寛いだので

外で食事ですね。 美しい月とイルミネーションを見ながら歩きレストランで食

事。 デザートもあり美味しく完食!! 美しい月に照らされて輝いているホテ

ルに帰り一番の高級ホテルで 一日を振り返りぐっすり眠られましたね!!


         大変お疲れさまでした 。

        <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


          Please say hello to your family

          Let's meet again .Take care.

  < 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【アバノテルメ編】 「後編」 >


     < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

「冬 館           There are also Russian and German people in Terme       」

「冬の暮          Many things like floating rings are floating in Terme       」

「日短し           Italian Terme is all lukewarm water wherever you go       」

「暮易し           College student instructor starts aerobics in Terme          」

「冬の空          It’s about an hour underwater aerobics for everyone        」

「ホットレモン    I'm thirsty so I took a break and had a juice time             」

「寒き夜の       There are also spas and saunas other than the pool         」

「ホットワイン    I spend time getting hot, healed, and laying down          」

「声冴ゆる        Then I went to a dark and a little hot cave sauna             」

「冬の夜の       I meet a grandma who is coming in 3 generations           」

「冴る夜の        The story bounced and I was completely relaxed             」

「夜半の冬        The son and grandson also very entertained me             」

「冬星座           I go from the dim indoor pool to the open-air pool        」

「寒 昴             I enjoyed the indoor pool and the open-air pool            」

「冬 茜            Open-air bath at twilight while watching the sunset        」

「冬夕焼           Then I was in paradise while watching the moon             」

「寒月の           I enjoyed the hot spring until 9 pm when it closed          」

「冬星の           The restaurant at this hotel was closed at 9 pm               」

「冬北斗           I'm going to eat outside because I'm very hungry           」

「外套の          I walk while looking the nice moon and illuminations      」

「オリオンの      I finally found a restaurant and ordered a pizza              」

「暖房の           I was very hungry so I ate a small amount of pizza          」

「冬帽子           There was also dessert and it was tasty finished              」

「寒北斗           I'm finally full and I can finally go back to the hotel        」

「荒星の           Hotel was shining illuminated with beautiful month        」

「寒月の            I stay at the best luxury hotel in Abano Terme                」

「星冴ゆる         Tomorrow I'm heading to Padua , Good night                」