

1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020 【ミラノさんぽ編】 後編

2021-11-05 23:06:06 | Weblog

Dear<cookie> I am <ヤドカリ旅行記> How are you !!

* This year's professional baseball 。 This year's professional baseball

has a very unusual phenomenon 。 The team that was the lowest in both

the Central League and the Pacific League last year won the league title.

Yakult won the championship for the first time in 6 years, Orix won the

championship for the first time in 25 years 。 Congratulations !

Congratulations ! Gekokujo ”an inverted social order" is frequently

reported in the news ! It's like a the law of the jungle from the Warring

States period ! The team that won the climax series will fight in the

Japan Series 。 And the winner will be the best in Japan 。 I'm looking

forward to it ! !

*Results of the 49th House of Representatives election 。

The House of Representatives election was voted on October 31st and

the winners were confirmed 。 The number of seats is 465 。 The single-

seat constituency has 289 seats and the proportional representation has

176 seats 。 As a result of the fierce battle between the ruling party and

the opposition 。 The ruling party has 293 seats 。 The opposition has

172 seats 。 Congratulations to all the winners ! The ruling party has

won ! However, the Liberal Democratic Party struggled a lot and the

number of seats decreased from the previous time 。 The opposition

party's joint struggle was not very effective and the number of seats

decreased 。 The Japan Restoration Party has made a big leap about

three times 。 However, even if the candidate loses in the single-seat

constituency, there are quite a few people who are revived as

proportional representatives 。 It's a wonderful system !!

* This year's Order of Culture 。

Nine people received the Order of Culture 。 Mr. Shigeo Nagashima,

nicknamed Mr., was awarded the Order of Culture 。 It's the first time in

the baseball world ! Congratulation !! Mr. Syukuro Manabe, who won

the Nobel Prize in Physics, was awarded the Order of Culture 。

Senior Researcher, Princeton University, USA 。 Research achievements

on climate change forecasting were highly evaluated 。

The Order of Culture was presented by His Majesty the Emperor at the

Imperial Palace on November 3rd 。 Congratulations to all the award

winners ! Six people attended 。 Three people were absent 。

* Person of Cultural Merit of the Year 。

21 Persons of Cultural Merit were awarded 。 Yuzo Kayama, who was

active in the movie "Wakadaisho" series, was also awarded Yuzo Kayama

is also a composer and singer, isn't he ! Congratulations to all the

award winners ! Person of Cultural Merit held an award ceremony at a

hotel in Tokyo on November 4th 。 14 people met with Their Majesties

the Emperor and Empress at the Imperial Palace in the afternoon 。

And His Majesty the Emperor congratulated the winners 。


< 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノさんぽ編】 > 後編

ご了承ください。 日常に戻ったミラノの町をメトロで移動して散歩する。

EATALY店やセレッティで買い物をしたり巨大な壁画アートを見学して, 大変満

足しましたね! そして、ランチタイムをとてもシンプルなフォカッチャにし、

ランチの後は再び町をぶらつき見学ですね。 かわいいカラフルなフラワー

ショップや、 老舗カフェMarchesi 1824 マルケージを見ながら ドゥオモ広場近

くまで来て、 広い回廊の映画館を見て回ってから、 デパートのリナ・センテで

買い物を楽しむ事が出来ましたね! 疲れたので地下カフェで一休みして栄

気をチャージですね!! 美しい夕日にまぶしく輝くドウオモ近くのファンキー

テーブルで 欲しかったランチョンマットを購入出来ましたね。 残念ながら、

もうすぐ友達と会う時間ですね。 ドゥオーモ広場に戻り、地下鉄に乗り無事に

待ち合わせ場所で友人と 合う事が出来ましたね! そして友人に子供向けの

絵本を探してもらい購入できましたね! 子供用の本は面白いし文章も分かり

易くて良いですよね!! 本日のディナーは”ふくろう”と言う日本食堂ですね。

スタッフは全員日本人で親切なカスタマーサービス。 タコの天ぷら、餃子の

グリル、フライドチキン。 そして夕食の最後は日本のおにぎり茶漬けですよ

ね!! ミラノ一人旅の一日が無地に終了しましたね!!

             大変お疲れさまでした 。

             <cookie>さん ご案内よろしくお願いします。


               Please say hello to your family

               Let's meet again .Take care.

            < 1か月間の北イタリア旅2019-2020【ミラノさんぽ編】 > 後編


   < 上記アドレスをクリックして下さい >

*追伸  昨年の12月から始まった北イタリア旅行! 早いものですね!今月

で丁度1年になりますね。 これ程の長編シリーズになるとは思っていません

でした! 日本に帰られてから旅行記を沢山の写真を掲載して書き上げて

下さって感謝いたします。 この旅行記はまだまだ続きますね!!

乞う、ご期待ですね!! 11月7日は立冬ですね!寒くなります、


「冬木立              The mural design is different for each promotion        」

「セーターの         I was very satisfied to looking the huge mural            」

「冬日影              And I made the lunch time a very simple focaccia        」

「寒牡丹              I am strolling around in the town again after lunch      」

「カトレアの         There is a cute colorful flower shop on the street         」

「防寒帽              There is a long-standing cafe, Marchesi 1824               」

「冬日差              I managed to get close to near Piazza del Duomo       」

「冬服の              I'm looking around the cinema in the wide corridor     」

「暖房の              I enjoy shopping at the department store Lina Sente    」

「毛衣の               I have time so I walk to every corner of the store         」

「絨毯の               I'm tired so I take a rest in the underground café         」

「ホットレモン        The chairs and tables are very nicely designed             」

「ストーブの          I am relaxing at the cafe and charged the energy        」

「着膨れの           I came to Galleria, tourist attraction shopping mall      」

「重ね着の           Today I just look around inside the shopping mall       」

「暮早し               The beautiful sunset shines brightly on the Duomo      」

「冬夕焼               Eventually I came to a funky table near Duomo           」

「日短し                I buy the cute table mat I wanted at a funky table       」

「オリオンの          It's a pity, but it's time to meet up with a friend           」

「冬の風               I return to Piazza del Duomo and take the metro         」

「冬の月              Luckily I meet my friend safely at the meeting place     」

「冬銀河             I am happy to have spent the day meaningful today     」

「寒北斗              I have a friend look for a picture book for children       」

「冬星座              I was able to buy a picture book that I could read        」

「寒 昴               Today's dinner is a Japanese restaurant called "Owl"    」

「星冴ゆる            The clerk is Japanese and kind to the customer           」

「冬座敷               Octopus tempura, grilled dumplings, fried chicken      」

「新海苔の            And at the end of the dinner is rice ball chazuke         」

「冬帽子               The customer base of the store is mostly Milanese      」

「冬の星               This is the end of my day traveling alone in Milan        」

