西尾治子 のブログ Blog Haruko Nishio:ジョルジュ・サンド George Sand



2015年07月31日 | 手帳・覚え書き
Wednesday 1st July
8.00-9.00am Breakfast (Julian Hodge Building, JHB Lounge)
9.00-11.00am PANEL SESSIONS FIVE (Main Building and Sir Martin Evans Building)
(A) Collective Identities and Representations in the French Banlieue
(Main Building, Council Chamber)
Diasporisation sociolinguistique et stratégies identitaires dans le contexte des banlieues
françaises précarisées
Marie-Madeleine Bertucci, Université de Cergy-Pontoise
Voix et identités collectives dans les récits de témoignage et des œuvres de fiction
représentant la banlieue
Christina Horvath, Oxford Brookes University
Quand les habitants des cités prennent la plume: banlieue, littérature et violence
Bruno Levasseur, Roehampton University
Hopes, Dreams and Growing Pains: Eric Rohmer, Cergy-Pontoise and the Politics
of State Planning
Edward Welch, University of Aberdeen
(B) Translating Cultures (6) Medieval Translation as Borderland: Language, Genre and Geography
(Main Building, Small Chemistry Lecture Theatre) Chair: Marianne Ailes, University of Bristol
Laurent de Premierfait’s Des cas des nobles hommes et femmes: Falling into Translation
James Simpson, University of Glasgow
The Marriages and Translations of the ‘Devil’s Daughters’ into Occitan and Anglo-Norman French
Catherine Léglu, University of Reading
Linguistic and Generic Borders in the Manuscripts of Walter de Bibbesworth's Tretiz
Thomas Hinton, University of Exeter
Prophetic Discourse and the Boundaries of the Text: Translating the Medieval Merlin Romances
in Old French and Franco-Italian
Laura Campbell-Chuhan, Durham University
(C) Translating Cultures (7) Translating the Public Intellectual
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/0.09)
Public Intellectuals as Cultural Translators: Secular Muslim Voices in Contemporary France
Nadia Kiwan, University of Aberdeen
De-coding chiffre in Gilles Deleuze’s (1990) Post-scriptum sur les sociétés de contrôle:
Translation, Normativity and Digital Culture
Samuel Matuszewski, University of Nottingham
Traduire la folie et le traumatisme: le cas d’En Bas/Down Below, de Leonora Carrington
Nathalie Segeral, University of Hawaii-Mānoa
(D) Mythmaking (5) C19th Myths
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C/0.07)
Egyptian Mythmaking with Émile Bernard
Dr. Colette Wilson, University of Westminster
Jean-Gaspard Deburau as Romantic Icon
Edward Nye, Lincoln College, Oxford
Napoleon’s Tragedy in the Creation of a Legend
Clare Siviter, University of Warwick
The Myth of Modernity: Space and Time in Zola's Nana and L'Assommoir
Kit Yee Wong, Birkbeck College, University of London
(E) Borders (3)
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.04)
Representing the European Space in Cosmographies and Maps, 1544 – 1575
Niall Oddy, Durham University
Au-delà des frontières: la coopération transfrontalière et les régions françaises
Silvia Sassano, Università di Pavia
Ida (1935) Revisited: Post-war Trauma and the Looming Threat of Fascism in Jean Renoir’s
Front Populaire Output
Barry Nevin, National University of Ireland, Galway
The banlieue in French Cinema of the 1930s
Keith Reader, University of Glasgow
(F) Mythmaking (6) C20th Myths
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
La genèse du mythe moderne: Savinio et les surréalistes
Rossella Maria Bondi, Oxford Brookes University
Resistance Myths: Sartre and Smokescreens
Edward Boothroyd, University of Birmingham
Mythmaking and Psychoanalysis: The case(s) of Françoise Dolto
Richard Bates, University of Nottingham
Katábasis and Myth Creation in Aimé Césaire’s Et les chiens se taisaient
Jason Allen, Merton College, Oxford
(G) Ports and Seafaring
(Main Building, Large Chemistry Lecture Theatre)
Urban Planning, Hydraulic Infrastructure and Monastic Politics in C11th Western France:
The Relocation of Maillezais Abbey
Mickey Abel, University of North Texas
Passer de l’ancienne France à la Nouvelle-France: une expérience maritime
audacieuse entreprise par un groupe de religieuses au XVIIème siècle
Vincent Gregoire, Berry College
No Place for a Lady: Fanny Loviot or the Wayfarer’s Progress
Gabrielle Parker, Middlesex University
From Hoverport to Super-Port: Calais during the Hovercraft Years
Jacob Paskins, Girton College, Cambridge
11.00-11.30am Tea / Coffee & Postgraduate Poster Session
(VJ Gallery, Main Building)
11.30-12.45pm Plenary Lecture Four (Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
Christie McDonald, Harvard University
12.45pm Lunch
(VJ Gallery, Main Building)
End of conference
2pm Optional guided visit to National Museum Cardiff for SFS delegates,
inc. C19th Impressionist collection
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