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2015年07月30日 | 手帳・覚え書き
Society for French Studies
56th Annual Conference

29 June-1 July 2015
Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd

Monday 29th June
11.00am- Conference registration for all delegates
(VJ Gallery, Main Building)
Residential delegates check into accommodation
(Colum Hall / Aberconway Hall)
12.00-1.00pm Session for postgraduate students
(Main Council Chamber, Main Building)

Writing an Academic CV
Mark Orme, University of Central Lancashire & Nina Parish,
University of Bath

12.30-1.30pm Buffet lunch for all delegates (VJ Gallery, Main Building)

1.30-2.45pm Presidential Welcome
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
Mairéad Hanrahan, University College London
Plenary Lecture One
Eric Méchoulan, Université de Montréal

2.45-3.15pm Tea / Coffee, inc. bara brith and Welsh cakes,
& Postgraduate Poster Session
(VJ Gallery, Main Building)

(Main Building and Sir Martin Evans Building)
(A) Translating Cultures (1) C19th Practices
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/0.09)
Two (and a Half) French Jekylls
Kate Ashley, Acadia University
Literary Encounters Fostered by the C.19th Francophone
Press Published in the United Kingdom
Valentina Gosetti, St Anne’s College, Oxford

Sand and Reynaud: Translating Science
Manon Mathias, University of Aberdeen

(B) Women’s Quiet Cultural Mediation, 1756-1954
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C/0.07)
Middlebrow Writings, Female Civic Engagement and the Making
of Bourgeois Culture
Alicia C. Montoya, Radboud University Nijmegen
Shopping or Collecting? Women’s Acquisition and Display of
Japanese Art in Fin-de-siècle France
Elizabeth Emery, Montclair State University
Sounding the Individual-Agent in Claude Cahun
Gayle Zachmann, University of Florida

(C) Mythmaking (1) Between Myth and History: Myth(making)
in the Medieval French Chronicle
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.04) Chair: Emma Campbell,
University of Warwick
‘Qui a peur du grand méchant loup?’ Rumours, Myths, and Urban
Legends in Le Journal du bourgeois de Paris: the Armagnacs, from
Distant Other to Assimilated French
Pauline Souleau, St Peter’s College, Oxford
‘Selonc l’estoire de Sessons’: Roman and Saxon Myth and History
in Nicholas Trevet’s Les Chronicles
Heather Pagan, Aberystwyth University
‘Le vaillant mareschal, le sage mareschal’: Chivalric Ideology and
Mythmaking in Le Livre des Fais du
Mareschal Bouciquaut
Katariina Nara-Zanotti, Aberystwyth University

(D) Adaptations of Form, Forms of Adaptation: Colonial and
Post-Colonial Contexts
(Main Building, Council Chamber) Chair: Claire Gorrara,
Cardiff University
Costuming Colonial Resistance: Translations and Transgressions
of Creole Dress
Charlotte Hammond, Cardiff University
Translation and Adaption in Nineteenth-Century Missionary
Esther Liu, Cardiff University
Adaptations of Genre in Francophone African Film
Rachael Langford, Cardiff University

(E) Eroticism (1) Sense and Sensibility
(Main Building, Small Chemistry Lecture Theatre)
‘Des plaisirs de la table passant à ceux de l’Amour’: Ingestion,
Digestion and Eroticism in La Grivoise du Temps (1747)
Catherine Ellis, Durham University
Sade and the Six Senses
Will McMorran, Queen Mary, University of London
Entre masque et miroir, chien et loup: la question de l’érotisme dans
L’Apollonide : souvenirs de la maison close (Bertrand Bonello, 2011)
Karine Chevalier, University of Roehampton

(F) Maths and Literature
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
Figuring Love in the Poetry of Jacques Roubaud
Thea Petrou, University College London
Visibility Graphs and Blindspots: The Mathematical Poetics
of Wajdi Mouawad’s Incendies (2003)
Catherine Khordoc, Carleton University
Sabine Macher, la poésie et ce qui compte
Elodie Laügt, University of St Andrews

(G) Borders (1) Narrative Identities across Borders
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/1.21)
The Travel Diary of Marie Bashkirtseff (1887)
Dr Sonia Wilson, University of Sydney
Ghosts of Africa: Anti-Travel Narratives and Photographic Denials
Matt Rushton, Carleton University, Ottawa
Emancipation through Subordination? Narrative Voice as Linguistic
Liberating Device in Sub-Saharan African Literature of French Expression
Jesse Welton, University of Melbourne
4.45pm-5.15pm Tea / Coffee & Postgraduate Poster Session
(VJ Gallery, Main Building)

5.15-6.30pm Plenary Lecture Two (Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
Peter Dayan, University of Edinburgh
7pm Wine Reception
Hosted by the Dept of French, Cardiff University, and University of
Wales Press (VJ Gallery, Main Building)
7.30pm Dinner (Aberdare Hall)
7pm-12am Full bar, inc. Welsh beers by Brains on draught
(Aberdare Hall)

Tuesday 30th June
8.00-9.00am Breakfast (Julian Hodge Building, JHB Lounge)
9.00-10.00am Annual General Meeting of the Society for French Studies
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
9.00-10.30am Postgraduate Poster Session
(VJ Gallery, Main Building)
10.00-10.30am Tea / Coffee & Postgraduate Poster Session
(VJ Gallery, Main Building)
(Main Building and Sir Martin Evans Building)

(A) Colour Values in Modern Narrative and Poetry
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/0.09) Chair: Susan Harrow, University
of Bristol
Portraits by the Artists as Young Men: Proust, Valéry, Colour
Adam Watt, University of Exeter
‘Le blanc souci de notre toile’: Writing on White from Mallarmé
to Hantaï
Eric Robertson, Royal Holloway, University of London
‘Et que faut-il penser / De ces pommes jaunes?’: White Snow and
Punctual Colour – Work in Yves Bonnefoy’s Début et fin de la neige
Emily McLaughlin, Queen’s College, Oxford
Colour, Desire and Destruction in Béatrice Bonhomme’s La Maison
Clémence O’Connor, University of Aberdeen

(B) Translating Cultures (2) French / English Translated Cultures
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C/0.07)
English ‘hibber-gibber’ and the ‘jargon of France’: Rabelaisian
Nonsense in Renaissance England
Hugh Roberts, University of Exeter
The First Translations and Adaptations of Molière in England:
Domestication or Foreignization?
Suzanne Jones, Keble College, Oxford
‘Un spectacle curieux?’ Seeing ‘Englishness’ in the Early C18th French
Emma Pauncefort, University College London
Translating Englishness Through Literature: Germaine de Staël and
Claire de Duras
Stacie Allan, University of Bristol

(C) Mining and Industry
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.04)
Vulcan’s Forge or Enlightenment Salon? The Industrial Landscape
in Enlightenment France
Rebecca Ford, University of Nottingham
Views of Industry in Wales in French C19th Travel Writing
Heather Williams, University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh and
Celtic Studies
Britain and the French Miners’ Strike of 1948
Gavin Bowd, University of St Andrews
‘Des anges passent’: Gilles Ortlieb’s Post-Industrial Meditations
Michael G. Kelly, University of Limerick

(D) Blood
(Main Building, Large Chemistry Lecture Theatre)
Blood and Cannibalist Desire: Surrealist Encounters with Anthropology
Xiaofan Amy Li, St Anne's College, Oxford
Le sang de l’ennemi: violences criminelles dans le Midi 1789-1802
Valérie Sottocasa, Université de Toulouse-2 – Jean-Jaurès
Naturalism in the Blood: Zola and the Idealist Renaissance
Claire White, Peterhouse, Cambridge
The Infrequent Appearance of Blood in Accounts of Secular Violence
in Late Medieval France
Michael Sizer, Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore

(E) Biography
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/1.21) Chair: John Parkin, University of Bristol
(Mis)appropriating Archival Lives: Ameur-Zaïmeche’s Les Chants de Mandrin
Michael Sheringham, All Souls College, Oxford
À la rencontre de la mère: Homère est morte d’Hélène Cixous et L’Album
multicolore de Louise Dupré
Elsa Laflamme, Collège Gérald-Godin, Canada / IMLR, University of London
Dying to be Told: Epitaph Fictions in Late Medieval France
Helen Swift, St Hilda’s College, Oxford
Deburau, histoire du théâtre à quatre sous de Jules Janin: biographie
fictionnelle d’un Pierrot
Ksenia Fesenko, Université Paris-VIII Vincennes-Saint-Denis

(F) Adaptation in (Trans)National Context
(Small Chemistry Lecture Theatre)
A Girl’s-Eye View on Les Misérables: Japanese Anime and Shōjo Cosette (2007)
Bradley Stephens, University of Bristol
A Very British Balzac: Eugénie Grandet and BBC Television
Andrew Watts, University of Birmingham
Paradoxical Spaces: Radio and the Nineteenth-Century Novel in Britain and France
Kate Griffiths, Cardiff University
Blind Reading: Adapting Zola for Radio
Dan Rebellato, Royal Holloway, University of London

(G) Battles and Conflict
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
Conflict, Myth and Identity in the Canso de la Crozada (1212-1219)
Fionnùala Sinclair, University of Edinburgh
Témoinages français de Waterloo
Jean-Marc Largeaud, Université de Tours
Parallel Universes and Battlefields? Rethinking the Asymmetries of History
through the Clichés of Waterloo, 1815
Mary Orr, University of Southampton
Hammer and Cycle: Working-Class Identity and the Anti-Fascist Struggle in
L’Humanité’s Coverage of the Tour de France, 1936-38
Martin Hurcombe, University of Bristol

(H) Translating Cultures (3) Translating the Medieval
(Main Building, Council Chamber)
Translating Petrarch in C19th France
Jennifer Rushworth, St John’s College, Oxford
A Double Betrayal: The Politics of Form in C14th French Versions of
the Story of Griselda (Dec. X,10)
Simone Ventura, Queen Mary University of London
Traduire la culture scientifique médiévale, ou de ‘l’altérité’ des termes
scientifiques médiévaux
Yela Schauwecker, Paris IV La Sorbonne

12.30-1.30pm Lunch (VJ Gallery)

(Main Building and Sir Martin Evans Building)

(A) Translating Cultures (4) Translating Orientalisms
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/0.09)
Creating ‘India’ for the Theatre in Hélène Cixous’s L’Indiade ou
l’Inde de leurs rêves
Martina Williams, University of Nottingham
Henri Cordier, French Sinology and the Translation of Asian Cultures
Ting Chang, University of Nottingham Title tbc
Margaret Topping, Queen’s University Belfast

(B) Language Variation and Change (1)
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C/0.07)
Indeterminately Vile: vilains and viles personnes in Charles Loyseau’s
Des Ordres (1610)
Jonathan Patterson, St Hugh’s College, Oxford
The Shifting Language of Landscape
Kolleen M. Guy, University of Texas at San Antonio
Les lexèmes de peur effroi et frayeur: deux cas conjoints d’attractions
paronymiques ?
Matthieu Pierens, Université Paris VII – Paris-Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cité

(C) On the Margins: French Studies in Australia
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.04) Chair: Tim Unwin, University of Bristol
Shifting Paradigms in 21st Century French Studies: From World Literature
in French to theTranslingual Turn
Jacqueline Dutton, University of Melbourne
Fighting on the Margins: Combat Sports in Francophone Literature from
Christopher Hogarth, University of South Australia
Confronting the Unspeakable: Rape Narrative from France and New
Natalie Edwards, University of Adelaide

(D) Borders (2) Medieval Borders, Books and Bodies
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01) Chair: Bill Burgwinkle, King’s College,
‘Veez cy vostre ymage’: Visual Conquest of the Human in Two Illustrated
Manuscripts of the Roman de toute chevalerie
Melissa Berrill, Emmanuel College, Cambridge
Sacred Bodies and Saintly Books: Written in Flesh, Written on Skin
Blake Gutt, King’s College, Cambridge
The Face as Mobile Border in 12th and 13th Century Narratives of Resemblance
Alice Hazard, King’s College London

(E) Postgraduate Flash Presentations
(Main Building, Small Chemistry Lecture Theatre) Chair: Kaya Davies Hayon

(F) Seeing the Unseen: Visual Representations of Migration
(Main Building, Council Chamber) Chair: Rachael Langford, Cardiff University
Tracing Trauma: Clandestine Migration in the Bande Dessinée
Catriona MacLeod, University of London Institute in Paris
‘Etrangères parmi nous’: Filming the Intersections of Migration, Femininity and Ageing
Kate Averis, University of London Institute in Paris
Exhibiting the 'Other': Visualising Immigrant Heritage in Paris Museums
Isabel Hollis, Queen's University Belfast

(G) Roland Barthes
(Main Building, Large Chemistry Lecture Theatre)
Reading Rituals and Barthes’s Readerly Communities
Henriette Korthals Altes, University of Oxford
Roland Barthes et l’art contemporain: une théorie de l’abstraction
Magali Nachtergael, Université Paris 13 – Sorbonne Paris Cité
Barthes and Historical Discourse
Katja Haustein, University of Kent
(H) Mythmaking (2) The Nature of Genius
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/1.21)
Science Vanquishing Myth or Myth Vanquishing Science in the Enlightenment and Beyond?
Newton, Voltaire, and Du Châtelet on Genius
Lindsay Wilson, Northern Arizona University
C19th nécrologies: Promising Poets and Past Conditional Mythmaking
Ben Williams, Syracuse University
Mythes et rites de l’écriture: l’écrivain-voyant dans l’écriture française contemporaine (Bouvier,
De la Roca, Demuth, Macé, Volodine, Ostende)
Bruno Sibona, Abersytwyth University
3.00-3.30 Tea / Coffee (VJ Gallery)

3.30-5pm PANEL SESSIONS FOUR (Main Building and Sir Martin Evans Building)
(A) Language Variation and Change (2)
(Main Building, Large Chemistry Lecture Theatre)
‘C’est jeuli, la Gasceugne!’: A Parisian Sound Change in Béarn, Southwestern France
Damian Mooney, Queen’s University Belfast
Dérégionalisation et normalisation du français écrit (14e-16esiècles):
que peut nous apprendre le corpus numérique?
Geoffrey Roger, University of London Institute in Paris
Variations ponctuantes
Jacques Dürrenmatt, Université de Paris IV La Sorbonne

(B) Death and Glory in Early Modern France
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/0.09) Chair: Russell Goulbourne, King’s College
London Glory and the Frustrated Death Wish in Corneille’s Horace
Joseph Harris, Royal Holloway, University of London
Immortalité or Circonstance? The Panthéon and the Problem of Revolutionary
Jessica Goodman, Clare College, Cambridge
Au dernier sang: Duel and Death in Late Eighteenth-Century Fiction
John Leigh, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge

(C) Contemporary French Poetic Practice: An Interdisciplinary Approach
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C/0.07) Chair: Michael G. Kelly, University of Limerick
Philippe Beck: Lyric Counterpoint
Emma Wagstaff, University of Birmingham
Le corps ou la face? Un problème dualiste de la poésie de Christophe Tarkos
Jeff Barda, Trinity College, Cambridge
Translating Contemporary French Poetry
Nina Parish, University of Bath

(D) Translating Cultures (5) (Post-)Colonial Cultures Translated
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.04)
Translating the Rhythms of Joseph Zobel’s Laghia de la mort
Lousie Hardwick, University of Birmingham
L’Étrange destin de Wangrin
Maria Rusanda Muresan, Queen’s University
‘Plus étrange que le paradis’: la production cinématographique mauricienne
Markus Arnold, Université de la Réunion

(E) Eroticism (2) Playing Out
(Sir Martin Evans Building, C-/1.01)
Court, Cabaret, Cabinet: The Poetry of François Maynard as Material Object
Adam Horsley, University of Nottingham
When I Was a Boy: Transgendered Narrative in Isaac de Benserade’s Iphis et Iante
Matthew Yost, Boston University
France’s ‘phénomène macho’ and the Eroticism of Gay Liberation, 1975-82
Dan Callwood, Queen Mary University of London

(F) Mythmaking (3): Women Writers and Authorial Identity in Medieval and Early
Modern France
(Main Building, Small Chemistry Lecture Theatre)
Chair: Miranda Griffin, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge
Why Early Modern Women Writers Might Exist After All: Louise Labé, Hélisenne de Crenne,
and the Mythmaking of Female Authorship
Chimène Bateman, New College, Oxford
Materiality, and the Myth of the Book: Hélisenne de Crenne’s Angoysses douloureuses
Pollie Bromilow, University of Liverpool
Marie de France, Myth and ‘Lais Making’
Sophie Marnette, Balliol College, Oxford

(G) Visualising the Liberation of France: Photography, Memory and History
(Main Building, Council Chamber)
Myth and Memory: Visual Narratives of the Liberation of Paris 1944
Hanna Diamond, Cardiff University
Myth and Memory: Visualising the Liberation of Normandy 1944
Claire Gorrara, Cardiff University
Hilary Roberts, Imperial War Museum

(H) Mythmaking (4): The Myth(s) of Michel Houellebecq
(Sir Martin Evans Building, E/1.21) Chair: Gavin Bowd, University of St Andrews
Houellebecq’s France and Mythic (De)Constructions: A Semiotic Analysis of
Cultural Identity in La Carte et le territoire
Françoise Campbell, University of Melbourne
The ‘Rebranding’ of Michel Houellebecq: Persona, Authorial Presence and
Narrative Voice
Russell Williams, University of London Institute in Paris
Crowd-Sourced Literature: Contemporary Modes of Intertextuality in the Novels
of Michel Houellebecq
Ashley Scott-Harris, Queen’s University Belfast

5.30-6.45pm Plenary Lecture Three (Music Building Concert Hall)
Mireille Calle-Gruber, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris III

7.00pm Wine reception (Music Building foyer)

8.00pm Conference Dinner
(Aberdare Hall)
Followed by the R.H. Gapper Charitable Trust Awards (Book Prize, Graduate Essay,
Undergraduate Essay) and the award of the Malcolm Bowie Prize.
10.00pm Disco and full bar
(Aberdare Hall)

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