Troublesome Slang (PART 1 OF 3)


How did you enjoy
the Family Day holiday?
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2014 6:03:57 PM
Pacific Standard Time
Hi Diane,
How are you doing?
We don't have many sunny days lately.
Tsk, tsk, tsk ... that's not nice, eh?
But, I guess, some couples might be enjoying this rainy season.

How did you enjoy the Family Day holiday?
Did you meet your sister Summer?
Her name is quite amazing and amusing!
I've never heard of Summer as somebody's first name in my whole life!
Anyway, I read books for a whole day.
For a whole day?
What a monotonous way to sepend a holidy!---you might think.

By the way, Diane, I read a "24 hours" article about Madonna on January 20.
It reads:

Madonna apologizes for Instagram slur.
Madonna has issued an apology following the public backlash over her use of a racial slur in an post.
The pop star was bombarded with messages of outrage after posting a picture of her son Rocco sparring in a boxing ring on Friday with the caption,
"No one messes with Dirty Soap! Mama said knock you out! #disn**ga."
The Material Girl singer deleted the caption on Saturday, and later took to her page to post a statement of apology.
She writes, "I am sorry if I offended anyone with my use of the N word on Instagram.
It was not meant as a racial slur. I am not a racist.
There's no way to defend the use of the word.
It was all about intention... It was used as a term of endearment toward my son who is white. I appreciate that it's a provocative word and I apologize if it gave people the wrong impression. Forgive me."
Diane, my question is "What is disn**ga"?
I've never heard the word in my whole life.
I tried to look it up on the Net, but to no avail.
You might know it.
Please tell me about it.
Is it so bad?

You can find a couple of Net articles on the above subject by clicking the following links:
1) Madonna News 1
2) Madonna News 2
In any case, I've just written an article about e-reading.
What about e-reading?---you may ask...
Well... to find it out, please click the following link:

■"Love @ e-reading"
I hope you'll enjoy the above article!
Your smiling Bohemian, Kato
with a lot of love


Subj:Don't use bad words!

Date: Tuesday, 11 Feb 2014 19:13:09
Pacific Standard Time
Hi Kato,
Nice to hear from you.
Well ... everyone seemed happy that Christie Clark gave us this special holiday called "Family Day."

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Of course, for me, every day is a holiday!
Nuisance to have the VPL closed though, true?
I do have a brother who lives in North Vancouver, but no cousins or anything, which is sad.
Well..., I've adopted all my friends as family (including you, kiddo).
My boyfriend says I'm part of his family, so it's something.
I expect it made you miss your mum and your siblings as well.
But we're not alone, that's for sure.
The West End has more singles than any other part of the city, so we're definitely not alone.
By the way, I hadn't heard about this Madonna episode and I've never heard of disnxxga.
But I expect, breaking it down, it means dis(this)nxxga(nigger).
This "nigger," which IS a yucky thing to say about black people who do not like the word, preferring to be called black.
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Sometimes they call themselves this, but for white people to call them this name it is insulting.
Sort of like gay fellows call each other fags and stuff, but it would not be appropriate for a straight person to call them this.
... hope this helps.

I'm looking forward to more daylight.
It gets dark so SOON.
Well, it's coming.
... hope you enjoyed your Family Day reading, kiddo.

Love, Diane
(To be followed)