God is Near!(PART 1 OF 3)


Kato, do you believe in God?

Diane, how come you ask me such an eternal question?
Am I offending you by any chance, Kato?
No, you're not. But they say, don't talk about politics and religion if you get along well with your neighbors.
So, you mind my quetioning about God, don't you?
No, Diane, not at all.
But you seem to avoid answering my question.
Well..., tell you the truth, Diane, I believe in many gods.
I'm talking about God, Kato,---not many gods.
I know, but I enjoy Christmas. I attend the funeral directed by a Buddhist priest as well as marriage ceremonies directed by a Shinto priest. I also cerebrate the New Year's Day at a Shinto shrine. Therefore, I'd say, I'm multi-religeous.
So, you believe in many gods, don't you?
Yes and no.
What do you mean by that?
I don't think I really believe in a particular god, but I admit that people believe in their own god. Believing in a god isn't a bad thing at all.

Kato, I don't think you're quite serious.
Believe me, Diane, I'm dead serious.
Are you sure? In any road, how come you've brought up today's relideous theme---"God is Near!"
A good question, Diane... Last night, I happened to read a short story written by James Herriot.
Oh... what kind of story is that?
It goes like this...
God is Near!


"You know, Mr. Herriot, it will be my turn next."

"What do you mean?"
"Well, tonight Ben has gone and I'm going to be the next one. I just know it."


"Oh, nonsense! You're feeling a bit low, that's all. We all do when something like this happens."

"I'm not afraid. I know there's something better waiting for me. I've never had any doubts. But I have only one fear."
"What is it, Miss Stubbs?"
"It's the dogs and cats, Mr. Herriot. I'm afraid I might never see them when I'm gone which worries me so. You see, I know I'll be reunited with my parents and brothers, but ... but ..."
"Well, why not with your animals?"
"That's just it. They say animals have no souls."
"Who says?"
"Oh, I've read it and I know a lot of religious people believe it."
"Well, I don't believe it. If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. You've nothing to worry about there."
"Oh, I hope you're right. Sometimes I lie at night thinking about it."
"I know I'm right, Miss Stubbs, and don't you argue with me. They teach us vets all about animals' souls."
"I'm sorry to bore you with this and I'm not going to talk about it again. But before you go, I want you to be absolutely honest with me. I don't want reassurance from you--just the truth. I know you are very young but please tell me. What are your beliefs? Will my animals go with me?"
"Miss Stubbs, I'm afraid I'm a bit foggy about all this. But I'm absolutely certain of one thing. Wherever you are going, they are going too."
"Thank you, Mr. Herriot, I know you are being honest with me. That is what you really believe, isn't it?"
"I do believe it. With all my heart I believe it."

Author Profile: James Herriot
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Oh, Kato, this is a nice and lovely story.

I know you love this story. That's why I've decided to talk about "God is Near!" today.
So, Miss Stubbs believes in God, doesn't she?
Yes, of course, she does. Miss Stubbs was bed-ridden. Hanging from the old brass gas bracket on the wall above her head is the following strip of cardboard about eight inches long with plain lettering:


So, Kato, James Herriot is your favorite writer, isn't he?

You're telling me, Diane. I love his short pooch stories.
(To be followed)