「日本国の不徳だ! 日本国に徳が足りないのた」
仏界の 須陀但 、神界の須陀但
須陀但 ・斯陀含ともに、神界の霊界にもいるわけです。つまり霊界は、神界と仏界に分かれているのです。
勝五郎さんの霊視を深く進めていきますと、彼は神界に縁のある方であり、前掲書にも書きましたように、そ の前生は藤蔵さんですが、さらにその前々生辺りまでさかのぼりますと、神界において相当に位の高かった人の、生まれ変わりだったように思われます。さらに詳しく理解するには、時間をかけて霊視をしていくしかありませ んが、現在の時点ではっきりと言えることは、勝五郎さんの前々々生は神界の須陀おんになられたお方です。そし て、藤蔵さんが亡くなった時に、スーツと道案内してくれたおじいさんというのは、神界の方なのです。要するに、一種の神にまで到達したお方です。
つまり、勝五郎氏‐―今度は敢えて、「さん」ではなく「氏」と言いますが-を道案内したおじいさんとは、勝五郎氏の守護神なのです。仏界の方は守護霊、神界の方は守護神というように、わたくしは区別してお呼びし ておりますが、その老人は守護神です。
このような霊視の結果、成仏法を修さなくても、神界の方々のお力に導かれてサイの広場を飛び越え、須陀逼 の世界へ入るというケースが、今までに日本で起きていたことが、はっきりとしました。ただし、神界の神々の お力で須陀おんや斯陀含になれたとしても、阿那含、ましてや阿羅漢にまで到達するには、どうしてもお釈迦さまの成仏法が必要です。ニルヴァーナヘ到達させることができるのは、成仏法しかありません。しかし、須陀おん・ 斯陀含にまでは、神界に縁のある方々ならば、守護神のお力でなることができます。それが最近になって、よう やく分かりました。
"It's an immorality of Japan! There is not enough virtue in Japan."
I will arrive at a place called. So where does the lack of virtue come from?・
There are various causes, but I see one of the major causes because many families have forgotten the ancestors' virtues and have no ancestor memorial service at all.
Buddha's Suda sake, Shinkai's Suda Tan
〒Agune is invited by an Ise Jingu-related organization to offer "Ise Jingu 61st Ceremony of the Year-end Shrine, Both Gods and Buddhas Oshiba Lanterns"
It will be fired near the sanctuary. This is the first time since Ise Jingu Shrine began and everyone involved was surprised.
I am most surprised at myself.
this is,
"In order to rebuild Japan and save it, the powers of the French world must be adopted, and the two worlds of God and Buddha must work together."
I think that it may be the result of the thoughts of the gods of Ise.
Japan is a Shinto nation, so we need the power of the gods. However, there are things that the gods alone cannot do
There is. What is it?・
It is a Buddhist law. There is no Buddhist law in the Shinto world that both the living and the dead can be completely Buddhized and purified spiritually. What
However, the country of Japan cannot be reconstructed without the two laws of Buddhism and the power of the gods of the deity. The last minute
So I have come. That is why this time, the Aze sect, the only religious group in the world who holds the Buddhist law, says, "Ise Shrine
I think that the request for the service for the 61st ceremony of the year of the shrine, the celebration of the Shinto shrine and the Osamu Oshiba god of both gods and Buddha was received. Invitations are by humans
However, it was the gods who gave their thoughts. And the Buddhist law and the power of the gods, which are only passed on to Adanshu
Together, we will build a peaceful and prosperous 21st century Japan. That is exactly what this "Ise Shrine 61st Ceremony
It has the greatest significance of the sword of the God, Buddha Ichi Ao Oshiba Soke Tamasu.
Even in the spirit world, people who have a relationship with the Buddhist world and people who have a relationship with the Shinto world are separate in the process of becoming a Buddha.
Take the road. And at the end, it will reach Nirvana. "Who are you reincarnated in my life?"
The Kawa Shuppansha) has a section called "Katsugoro's Reincarnation." I often get questions about it.
"Why did Katsugoro-san become suda irrigation? -In Japan, the Buddhist law is only passed on to Agune.
Despite this, why was Katsugoro-san, who appeared before the appearance of Aguro, become a Sudani? "
Like so.
I was asked, but I couldn't answer. Various documents written about Katsugoro
When I look at it, I can't help but judge that it was Sudoku. However, when I received the above question, I
"Yes, I have to find out."
Though I was busy, I kept on spiritually for a long time. From that conclusion, Katsugoro-san was alive
Moreover, it has been made a Sudden by the guardian deity of the gods. He is not related to the Buddhist world, but to the Shinto world.
Both Suda and Suda are in the spirit world of the Shinto world. In other words, the spirit world is divided into the god world and the Buddha world.
Japan is a god country. Therefore, we must help the gods. I wonder why it
Then, when I make a spiritual vision, as mentioned above, the spirit world is divided into the sacred world and the Buddhist world, and the person who is related to the sacred world is the spirit of the sacred world.
People who have a relationship with the world of Buddha enter the spiritual world of the world of Buddha. There is no example in foreign countries, only in Japan. There, sun
I have no choice but to consider the peculiarity of the existence of God in books.
Since the members of the Agō sect practice Buddhism, they enter the spirit world as Sudagaki after death. At that time, two
It is divided into In other words, a person who has a relationship with the Shinkai goes to the spiritual world of the Shinkai as the Sukai of the Shinkai and
Enters the spiritual world of the Buddhist world as a Sudagaki of the Buddhist world. In that way, even if we call it Sudan Pan at a glance,
There are two types of Sudoku.
"Isn't it strange that the same name is used in both the world of Buddha and the world of Shinto?"
Some would say. However, the names and the like are provisional and temporary, and the contents of both are the same. The boundaries in the spirit world are the same.
A case where the power of the guardian deity becomes Sudoku
If we go deeper into the spiritual vision of Mr. Katsugoro, he is closely related to the Shinto world, and as I wrote in the previous article, his predecessor was Mr. Fujikura, but further before that. As far back as the birthplace, the
It seems that he was reborn. In order to understand in more detail, there is no choice but to take a spiritual view over time, but what is clear at this point is that Katsugoro-san's pre-previous livelihood becomes a suicidal warrior of the Shinto world. It is the person who was given. Then, when Fujikura-san died, the grandfather who guided him in the suit and the directions was from the Shinto world. Take
The person who has reached a kind of god.
In other words, the grandfather who guided Mr. Katsugoro-this time, I say "Mr." instead of "Mr."
It is the guardian deity of Mr. Kachigoro. The old man is the guardian god, although I call them differently, such as the guardian spirit in the Buddha world and the guardian god in the Shinkai world.
As a result of such a spiritual vision, even if the Buddhist law is not practiced, there are cases in Japan where people are led by the power of the gods to jump over Sai Square and enter the world of Sudaya. It was clear what was happening. However, even if the gods of the gods helped to become Suda and Saru, to reach Arana, let alone Arkan, the Buddha
The French law is required. Only Buddhist law can reach Nirvana. However, up to and including Suda and Suda, anyone with a relationship in the world of God can become the guardian deity. Recently, I finally understand.
As such, Japan is a special country, and it is not possible to save this country completely by the power of the French world. Of the gods of the world
Without help and help, we cannot save this country completely. However, it is the gods' will that most religions believe that Rihatsu Buddhism will now carry out the service of Oshiba Lanterns with the invitation of Ise.
The gods
"You still need the power of the French world!"
If you thought, or the Buddha of the French world,
"We need the power of the gods to save Japan!"
I naturally reached the conclusion that I thought it was, or both.
The boss of the company that has been preparing the Ise's land for repair came to the greeting earlier. And
“The construction is completely underway. There will be no hindrance to the festival on the day. Please be assured.”
Please report it.
“The only thing left is the weather.”
It was added, but I agree with you. However, the people at the boundaries of the world of God and Buddhism must
Protect all of us and do our best for world peace, peace of Japan and prosperity of many people.
It will be the weather.
Also, the members of the Agō sect were very devoted to Gomaki Kanshin. As a result, we have received reports of happy numbers that all dojos have exceeded the target number of vows. This "Ise Jingu Shrine 61st Ceremony of the Imperial Palace, Shinto and Buddhist deity
"Goma-sai" is a sacred ritual that gives great merit as a memorial service for our ancestors.