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未来社会があるとすれば  If there is a future society

2022-12-04 19:14:44 | pc


ヒトの知能が倍増し、人類の知的水準が現在の二倍ないし三倍になったら、世界はどのように 変わるであろうか? おそらく、人類は、いまかかえているあらゆる問題を、すべて解決してし まうであろう。



殺し合い、奪い合い、憎み合い、傷つけ合い そして地球上に急速にひろがりつつある 有害物質。それらはどこに原因があるのであろうか? わかりきったことである。 それは、ヒトが愚かなためである。


生理学者シャルル・リシェは、愚かなヒト、ホモ・スツルッスと名をつけた。ノーベル賞受賞 者のリシェは、その著、「人間―この愚かなるもの」の序文で、 人類のかずかずの愚行をつぎ つぎとあげ、実にあきれかえったおろかな動物であるとして、超人類と呼びたいところだ 上級の形容詞はがまんして、人類ぐらいでかんべんしておこうと書いている。

たしかに、この二つの面がある。 賢い知恵ある面と、愚かで弱い面と、二つの面が ひとつにまざり合ってい






ピエンスは全く影をひそめ、ホモスツルチッシムスがそれは次第にエスカレートしてゆく。 科学と技ヒトの力を無限に拡大したが、同時に、ヒトの殺戮と搾取と憎悪と闘争をも無限に増大させた



この地上に展開する恐るべき大愚行は、なによりもまず人類の短 いま、人類に必要なものは、科学でもなければ技術でもない。 革命で

でもない。 人種闘争でもなければ階級闘争でもない。 そんなものはなんの


Ultra technology for remodeling humans

How would the world change if human intelligence were doubled and the level of human intelligence doubled or tripled? Then he will go.

No, rather than that, wouldn't a society with a completely new structure emerge?

Let's take a look at the problems facing humanity today.

Killing each other, competing for each other, hating each other, hurting each other, and harmful substances that are rapidly spreading over the earth. Where do they come from? It's because humans are stupid.

Anthropologist Linnaeus categorized human beings and gave them the scientific name of 'wise humans'.

Physiologist Charles Richet named the stupid human Homo stulus. In the preface to his book, Man - This Foolish One, the Nobel laureate Richet lists all the follies of mankind, one after another, and describes them as truly disgusting and silly animals. I would like to call it that, but I put up with advanced adjectives and write about human beings.

There are certainly two sides to this. The wise and wise side, and the stupid and weak side, he has two sides in one.

Looking around us,

It's rampant like a monster.

Tightly Homo sapiens go extinct.

kill each other, scramble, hate each other, hurt each other,

It means that the living creatures that have been created are human beings.

Piens completely disappears, and Homostrucissimus gradually escalates. Science and technology have infinitely expanded human power, but at the same time, infinitely increased human slaughter, exploitation, hatred and struggle.

What do humans need most right now?

It is a high degree of intelligence.

The terrible folly that unfolds on this earth is first and foremost that humankind needs neither science nor technology in its short time. in revolution

not. It is neither a racial struggle nor a class struggle. what is that

If not, it will soon cause Homo sapiens.











If there is a future society



It is helpless.
It doesn't enhance intelligence, it just spreads knowledge.
Education enhances intelligence itself by simply expanding the knowledge that the person originally has.
I will not do it. Technology that enhances intelligence is not the ability to teach and remember things, but the ability to remember them.
It must be a system that enhances the power itself. An idiot is an idiot no matter how much he educates. fool
Education is completely powerless. There must be special skills to be clever with idiots.



It's just a brake that tries to discourage the thoughts of the intelligent people with a conscience, and has no power or skill to improve their intelligence. Even if you call the name of God by chanting the title, chanting the title, and calling the name of God, you will get peace of mind, comfort, and belief, but your intelligence will not increase. .. The special field of religion will disappear in the future society with the highest evolution and development of intelligence.



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文明  1  ガイア思想   3  Civilization 1 Gaia Thought 3

2022-12-04 18:56:36 | pc


古代の諸文化の最も偉大な中心地、エジプト、メソポタミア、ペルシャ、中国、南イタリ ア、ギリシアなどが今では後進国であり、かつては未開で無知と迷信に明け暮れ、原始的な技術 しかもたなかったような野蛮人の居住地、イングランド、スカンジナヴィア、ドイツ、アメリ カ、さらにはロシアのシベリアの大草原地帯などが、今では偉大な先進工業国となっているとい うことは歴史の皮肉である。 これらの場合に見られる歴史の教訓は、科学と技術の進化の競争で とり残されたものは、ますますおくれてしまうということである。 これらの後進国が犯した失敗 は、科学と技術に適応できなかったという失敗であった。





気候変動 経済活動のなかで温室効果ガスが増え過ぎてしまい、地球全体の気温が上昇している現象のこと。また、地球温暖化によって大雨を引き起こしたり海面上昇による熱波や干ばつも引き起こされている。
大気汚染 工場の煙や車の排気ガスなどの有害物質によって空気が汚染される現象のこと。大気汚染によって引き起こる光化学スモッグやPM2.5は人間や動物の体に大きな悪影響を及ぼす。
水質汚染 人間が廃棄したゴミや生活排水、石油などによって海や川の水質が汚染されている問題のこと。海洋生物の生態系バランスが崩れたり、生き物の生命を脅かしたりする原因になっている。近年はマイクロプラスチック問題も課題とされており、世界的にプラスチックゴミを減らす動きが出ている。
森林減少 水質汚染による土壌汚染や土地開発・商業利用のための森林伐採によって、森林が劣化や縮小する現象のこと。森林減少によって野生動物を絶滅の危機に追い込んでいる。さらに、森林が減少することで空気中の二酸化炭素が吸収されず、地球温暖化に追い討ちをかける。
生態系破壊 まとまった地域で相互依存を保っている地域へ外来種を侵入させたり過剰な捕獲をしたりすることで食物連鎖に異常をきたし、生態系に変化が起きる現象のこと。生態系破壊によって絶滅危惧種とされている生物は、日本だけでも3,732種(1)と言われている。









  • ジェームズ・ラブロック(著)
  • 工作舎より1984年10月に出版





  • ジェームズ・ラブロック(著)
  • 工作舎より1989年10月に出版





  • 田坂広志・秋本勇巳・森山茂・ジェームズ・ラブロック ・龍村仁(著)
  • 生産性出版より1998年7月に出版





  • ジェームズ・ラブロック(著)
  • 産調出版より2003年8月に出版





  • ジェームズ・ラブロック(著)
  • 中央公論新社より2006年7月に出版





  • ジェームズ・ラブロック(著)
  • NHK出版より2020年4月に出版










The greatest centers of ancient cultures, such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, China, Southern Italy, and Greece, are now backward nations, once savage, ignorant and superstitious, with primitive technology. It is an irony of history that such barbarian settlements, England, Scandinavia, Germany, America, and even the Siberian steppes of Russia, are now great industrialized nations. be. The lesson of history in these cases is that in the race of evolution of science and technology, those left behind are increasingly lagging behind. The mistake these underdeveloped countries made was the failure to adapt to science and technology.

In the same way, we are making sure that we understand each other.”


Environmental problems caused by the development of human civilization


Climate change A phenomenon in which the global temperature rises due to the excessive increase of greenhouse gases in economic activities. In addition, global warming is causing heavy rains, and rising sea levels are causing heat waves and droughts.
Air Pollution A phenomenon in which the air is polluted by harmful substances such as factory smoke and car exhaust fumes. Photochemical smog and PM2.5 caused by air pollution have great adverse effects on human and animal bodies.
Water Pollution The problem of water pollution in seas and rivers due to garbage, domestic wastewater, and petroleum discarded by humans. It is causing the ecological balance of marine organisms to collapse and threatens the lives of living things. In recent years, the problem of microplastics has also become an issue, and there is a worldwide movement to reduce plastic waste.
Deforestation A phenomenon in which forests deteriorate or shrink due to soil contamination caused by water pollution and deforestation for land development and commercial use. Deforestation is pushing wildlife to the brink of extinction. Furthermore, deforestation does not absorb carbon dioxide from the air, adding to global warming.
Ecosystem destruction A phenomenon in which the invasion of alien species into an interdependent area or excessive capture causes an abnormality in the food chain and changes in the ecosystem. In Japan alone, 3,732 species(1) are said to be endangered species due to ecosystem destruction.

The environmental problems that are considered to be problems in the world affect each other. For example, in order to stop ecosystem destruction, we must solve all of air pollution, water pollution, and deforestation.

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement are examples of international approaches to environmental issues.

(1) Announcement of Ministry of the Environment Red List 2019|Ministry of the Environment

Papers and books on Gaia theory in Japanese

For those who want to deepen their understanding of Gaia theory, I will introduce papers and books that can be read in Japanese.

Earth Biosphere - Science of Gaia


James Lovelock (Author)
Published by Kosakusha in October 1984

The basic concept of Gaia theory is written.

At the beginning of the original release, James Lovelock was treated as a maverick, but in the 1990s, the number of supporters has increased. Recommended for those who want to know the origin of the Gaia theory.

Age of Gaia - Evolution of Earth's Biosphere


James Lovelock (Author)
Published by Kosakusha in October 1989

From "Earth Biosphere - Science of Gaia", it is a content that allows you to read deeper considerations about Gaia theory.

Along the history of the earth, the Gaia theory has been verified. The postscript by Jun Hoshikawa is also a highlight.

Thoughts of Gaia: Opening up the future of the earth, humans, and society


Hiroshi Tasaka, Yumi Akimoto, Shigeru Moriyama, James Lovelock, Hitoshi Tatsumura (Author)
Published in July 1998 by Productivity Publishing

This is a book that summarizes the contents of the symposium held in November 1997 when James Lovelock was invited to Japan.

You can see how each of the Japanese experts understands the Gaia theory. Through dialogue, you will deepen your understanding of Gaia theory.

Gaia - Earth is alive


James Lovelock (Author)
Published by Sancho Publishing in August 2003

This is an encyclopedia that James Lovelock scientifically diagnosed the earth, which he described as "sick".

The content of difficult science is also carefully explained with illustrations. It has been recognized by many academic societies and has been designated as a required book for environmental science in the UK and Ireland.

Gaia's Revenge


James Lovelock (Author)
Published by Chuokoron Shinsha in July 2006

It is a book written about how the earth damaged by humans can be regenerated.

The cause of the frequent abnormal weather around the world is due to "Gaia's Revenge", and it sounds a minor injury to the environmental destruction done by humans. Regarding electro-power generation, James Lovelock's opinion is also given.

Novasen: <Superintelligence> Renews the Earth


James Lovelock (Author)
Published by NHK Publishing in April 2020

James Lovelock, the founder of the Gaia theory, was published to coincide with his 100th birthday.

It is written about the new era "Novasen" where AI exceeding human intelligence has appeared. Based on the Gaia theory, this is a book that considers the decline and future possibilities of human beings from the grand perspective of the history of the earth.

lastly. The importance of each person caring for the earth

The Gaia theory is the theory that the earth is a self-regulating life form. It is true that humans have had a negative impact on the global environment throughout history, but we can change the future.

It is not too late to listen to the voices of the sea creatures screaming due to marine pollution and the voices of the endangered creatures, and to create a sustainable earth.

Isn't it important for each and every one of us to make ethical choices and leave a planet that can coexist with other life forms to the next generation? It can be said that the Gaia theory is a theory that gives us an opportunity to think about such things.

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2022年12月4日 今日の運命

2022-12-04 09:24:44 | 運命学

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12月04日 (日曜)





躍動の週  命の日











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