ヒトの知能が倍増し、人類の知的水準が現在の二倍ないし三倍になったら、世界はどのように 変わるであろうか? おそらく、人類は、いまかかえているあらゆる問題を、すべて解決してし まうであろう。
殺し合い、奪い合い、憎み合い、傷つけ合い そして地球上に急速にひろがりつつある 有害物質。それらはどこに原因があるのであろうか? わかりきったことである。 それは、ヒトが愚かなためである。
生理学者シャルル・リシェは、愚かなヒト、ホモ・スツルッスと名をつけた。ノーベル賞受賞 者のリシェは、その著、「人間―この愚かなるもの」の序文で、 人類のかずかずの愚行をつぎ つぎとあげ、実にあきれかえったおろかな動物であるとして、超人類と呼びたいところだ 上級の形容詞はがまんして、人類ぐらいでかんべんしておこうと書いている。
たしかに、この二つの面がある。 賢い知恵ある面と、愚かで弱い面と、二つの面が ひとつにまざり合ってい
ピエンスは全く影をひそめ、ホモスツルチッシムスがそれは次第にエスカレートしてゆく。 科学と技ヒトの力を無限に拡大したが、同時に、ヒトの殺戮と搾取と憎悪と闘争をも無限に増大させた
この地上に展開する恐るべき大愚行は、なによりもまず人類の短 いま、人類に必要なものは、科学でもなければ技術でもない。 革命で
でもない。 人種闘争でもなければ階級闘争でもない。 そんなものはなんの
Ultra technology for remodeling humans
How would the world change if human intelligence were doubled and the level of human intelligence doubled or tripled? Then he will go.
No, rather than that, wouldn't a society with a completely new structure emerge?
Let's take a look at the problems facing humanity today.
Killing each other, competing for each other, hating each other, hurting each other, and harmful substances that are rapidly spreading over the earth. Where do they come from? It's because humans are stupid.
Anthropologist Linnaeus categorized human beings and gave them the scientific name of 'wise humans'.
Physiologist Charles Richet named the stupid human Homo stulus. In the preface to his book, Man - This Foolish One, the Nobel laureate Richet lists all the follies of mankind, one after another, and describes them as truly disgusting and silly animals. I would like to call it that, but I put up with advanced adjectives and write about human beings.
There are certainly two sides to this. The wise and wise side, and the stupid and weak side, he has two sides in one.
Looking around us,
It's rampant like a monster.
Tightly Homo sapiens go extinct.
kill each other, scramble, hate each other, hurt each other,
It means that the living creatures that have been created are human beings.
Piens completely disappears, and Homostrucissimus gradually escalates. Science and technology have infinitely expanded human power, but at the same time, infinitely increased human slaughter, exploitation, hatred and struggle.
What do humans need most right now?
It is a high degree of intelligence.
The terrible folly that unfolds on this earth is first and foremost that humankind needs neither science nor technology in its short time. in revolution
not. It is neither a racial struggle nor a class struggle. what is that
If not, it will soon cause Homo sapiens.
If there is a future society
It is helpless.
It doesn't enhance intelligence, it just spreads knowledge.
Education enhances intelligence itself by simply expanding the knowledge that the person originally has.
I will not do it. Technology that enhances intelligence is not the ability to teach and remember things, but the ability to remember them.
It must be a system that enhances the power itself. An idiot is an idiot no matter how much he educates. fool
Education is completely powerless. There must be special skills to be clever with idiots.
It's just a brake that tries to discourage the thoughts of the intelligent people with a conscience, and has no power or skill to improve their intelligence. Even if you call the name of God by chanting the title, chanting the title, and calling the name of God, you will get peace of mind, comfort, and belief, but your intelligence will not increase. .. The special field of religion will disappear in the future society with the highest evolution and development of intelligence.