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幸せな来世への道: 準胝尊の助けと選択肢

2024-03-22 18:52:23 | タブレットPC

 2. 「準胝尊真言の力: 幸福な人生への鍵」

3. 「準胝尊の救い: 現世と来世での福徳と選択肢」












よい来世を迎える方法は瞑想法だけではない。ほかにも、いくつか方法があ るのでご紹介する。

輪廻転生瞑想法とともに、ぜひこれらの方法もあわせて実践することをお勧 めする。




わたくしは、「輪廻転生瞑想法」を発表するにあたり、「阿含経」をはじめとす るいろいろな経典や文献を調べ、また霊視もおこない、輪廻転生についての研 究をおこなった。


Chakras and Mindfulness: The Quest for Happiness and Enlightenment"



ということに気づいたのである。 準胝尊とは、阿含宗の本尊である真正仏舎利尊(仏舎利とは釈尊の御遺骨であ り、古来、生ける釈迦として尊崇される。「真正」とわざわざ銘打つの世に仏舎利と称されているもののほとんどは、蝋石の類であり、正真正銘の仏舎利はじつに稀 だからである)の変化身で、準胝観音のことであるが、この観音さまは如来とし ての尊格を持たれており、準胝如来としてお祀りすることもある。

何度もいっているように、人間は死ねばそれで終わりではない。肉体が滅び 魂魄は残り、それがつぎの世に生まれ変わっていく。しかも、一度生まれ 変わればそれで終わりなのではなく、車の輪が廻るように何度も何度も生と死 くり返す。それで輪廻転生とよぶわけである。

ただし、かならずしも再び人間に生まれ変われるという保証はなく、生きて いるときの業しだいでは、馬や牛や豚などの家畜に生まれたり、犬や猫に生ま れ変わることもありうる。

どうせ生まれ変わるのならば、やはり人間に生まれ変わるのがよいと思うの が当然であろう。

では、ただ人間に生まれ変われたならば、果たしてそれだけで満足であろう か?

やはり、人として生まれ変わるのであれば、来世はできるだけ幸福な人間と して生まれていきたい、と思うはずである。

前述のように、その願いをかなえてくださるのが、準胝尊なのである。 それ は阿含宗の信徒が毎日読誦している、「準胝観音経」に記されている。短いお経 であるから、まず全経文を読んでみよう。




いつさいもろもろ だいなんよ

「準胝功徳聚。寂静にして心常に誦すれば一切諸諸の大難能く是の人を侵す こと無し。天上及び人間福を受くること仏の姫くしの意味にはば定



も わ せいがんだいひ







が「人がよい境界へ転生するように助けてくださる仏さま」であることの文証 なのである。


さきほどものべたように、準尊は如意宝珠、つまり真正仏舎利尊の変化身 である。この尊は絶大な神通力を誇る二大龍王を眷属としてしたがえており、 この尊を心から信じて、心静かにそのご真言を読誦する者をあらゆる大難から 守り、悪因縁を解脱させ、さらにはあらゆる福徳を授けてくださる。

しかし、とくにすばらしいのは、さきにあげた「二世の願」を持つことであ る。 二世とは現世と来世のことである。 準尊は現世と来世にわたってわたく したちを救う、という誓願を持っておられるのである。

わたくしはこれまで、「二世の願」とは現世で人々を因縁解脱 (成仏) に導 現世だけで完全に解脱できなかった人は来世で因縁解脱を成就させるとい 誓願であると単純に考えていた。しかし、もっと深い意味があると思いい たったのである。



なく、よい境界の人間として来世へ生まれていく、という意味も含まれていた のである。


つまり、準胝尊の信仰には、つぎの三種類の選択肢があるわけである。 まず第一の選択肢は、「現世において最高の福徳を得て、さらにこの世におい 完全に解脱を得て仏になる」というものである。


第二の選択肢は、「もう二度と生まれ変わりたくないと願う人は、死後に涅槃 (ニルヴァーナ)に入り、完全に生死輪廻の流れを絶つ」というものである。

最後の第三の選択肢は、「来世もよい境界に生まれ変わって幸福な人生を享受 したいと願う人は、その願いどおりの来世を迎えることができる」というもの である。



来世はいまよりももっと幸運な人間に生まれて、幸福を享受したいという人 は第三の選択肢を選べばよろしい。また、もう輪廻転生などイヤだ 人生なん こりごりだという人は第二の選択肢を選べばよいだろう。 どれを選んでも よいわけだからすばらしいのである。


万が一にでも、死後に心細いことが起きたならば、すぐに準胝尊真言を唱え なさい。 準如来は現世と来世の二世にわたって成仏へ導いてくださる仏さま であるから、死後の世界でもかならず救ってくださる。

そのためには、生きているいまから準胝尊真言行をおこなうことが大切であ る。 準尊真言は如意宝珠(文字どおり「意の如く宝を生み出す珠」。古来インドで は、この世界のどこかに、 如意宝珠があると信じられてきた。釈尊滅後、仏舎利を祀 り、祈りを込めたところ、つぎつぎと生じる霊験に、人々は仏陀の御遺骨こそ、と信ずるようになったのである)そのものである。

これほどの宝物を活かしていないように思う。 この宝物を活か しいときだけではなく、常日ごろからご真言をお唱えすることが肝 である。

準尊真言行を実践する人は、絶対に災難に遭わず、かならず運がよくな る。わたくしは自分の体験から断言できる。 わたくしは事業に失敗して自殺を 図ったとき、「準胝観音経」と準胝尊真言が収録された小経本を授かり、命を救 われた。それ以来、わたくしは必死の思いで朝と晩のそれぞれに真言を一千遍 以上は唱えて、運命を転換したわけである。

わたくしは準胝如来へのご恩返しとして、準胝尊真言の読誦を人々に勧めて きた。これによって、多くの人が危難から救われている。皆さんも一心に準 尊真言を唱えなさい。その準胝尊真言とは、

「ノウバ・サッタナン・サンミャクサンボダクチナン・タニャタ・オン・シャ レイ・シュレイ・ジュンテイ・ソワカ」

わたくしと同じくらいの熱意を込めて、一日に一千遍ぐらい唱えなさい。 か ならず奇蹟は起き、運命の歯車は大きく変わってくるのである。


Meditation is not the only way to have a good afterlife. There are several other methods that I will introduce below.

We recommend that you practice these methods together with the reincarnation meditation method.

Receive the help of a junior priest

In announcing the ``Rinne Tensei Meditation Method,'' I investigated his various scriptures and documents, including the ``Agon Sutra,'' and conducted spiritual observations to conduct research on rinne tensei.

And in the process,

``Junifuson is a Buddha who helps us to reincarnate into good boundaries.''

That's what I realized. Junteison is the principal image of the Agon sect of Buddhism. Most of them are of the type Rouseki, and genuine Buddha relics are extremely rare), and it refers to Juntei Kannon. It is sometimes worshiped as the Buddha of Death.

As I have said many times, when a person dies, it is not the end. When the body perishes, the soul remains and is reborn in the next world. What's more, once you're reborn, it's not the end. Life and death repeat over and over like the wheels of a car. That is why it is called reincarnation.

However, there is no guarantee that he will be reborn as a human again, and depending on the work he did when he was alive, he could be reborn as a domestic animal such as a horse, cow, or pig, or reborn as a dog or cat.

It's natural for him to think that if he was going to be reborn anyway, it would be better to be reborn as a human.

So, if you were simply reborn as a human, would that be enough?

After all, if he were to be reborn as a human being, he would want to be born as a happy human being as much as possible in his next life.

As mentioned above, the person who makes that wish come true is Jun Fuson. This is written in the ``Junkei Kannon Sutra,'' which is recited every day by members of the Agon sect. Since it is a short sutra, let's read the entire text first.

Junte Ikudokuju


Kokoro Tsunezu

When is everything important?

"Supreme meritorious virtue. If you recite it quietly and with all your heart, you will not be able to invade this person without any great difficulty.It is certain in the meaning of the Buddha's princess comb that she receives heavenly and human blessings.



mowa seigandaihi


So you won't get unequal. If I were to fulfill my vow and great sorrow, I would become the second generation.


Fall into delusion and sin, and do not return to true wisdom and abandon great sorrow."

There is a part in this that says, ``Fulfilling the wishes of the second generation,'' and this is exactly what the second generation's wish is.


This is proof that the Buddha is a ``Buddha who helps people to reincarnate into good boundaries.''


As mentioned earlier, the quasi-venerable deity is the Nyoi Hoju, that is, the incarnation of the true Buddha's relics. This deity has two great dragon kings as vassals who boast tremendous supernatural power, and those who believe in this deity from the bottom of their hearts and quietly recite its mantras are protected from all kinds of calamities, liberated from evil karma, and furthermore, they are protected from all kinds of troubles. Bestow blessings.

However, what is especially wonderful is to have the ``wishes of the second generation'' mentioned earlier. Nisei means the present life and the next life. The Junson has a vow to save us both in this life and the next.

Until now, I have simply thought that the "second generation's wish" is a vow to guide people to liberation from karma (becoming a Buddha) in this world, and to help those who were not completely liberated from karma in the next life achieve liberation from karma. was. However, he thought there was a deeper meaning, so he did just that.

In other words, salvation in the next life does not just mean achieving liberation from one's fate in the next life.

Three types of selection

It also had the meaning of being born into the next life as a person with good boundaries.

I realized this clearly this time.

In other words, there are the following three options for the faith of a quasi-feeson. The first option is to "acquire the greatest blessings in this world, and then attain complete enlightenment in this world and become a Buddha."


The second option is that those who do not want to be reincarnated again should enter Nirvana after death and completely cut off the cycle of birth and death.

The third and final option is, ``People who wish to be reborn in the next life on a good boundary and enjoy a happy life will be able to meet their wishes in the next life.''

I think everyone should choose one of them. Choose after the death

Because it is too late to do so.

Those who want to be born into a more fortunate person in the next life and enjoy happiness should choose the third option. Also, if you don't want to reincarnate anymore and find life boring, you should choose the second option. Whichever he chooses is fine, which is great.

Mantra of salvation for two generations

In the unlikely event that something unsettling happens after death, he should immediately recite the mantra of ``Jibeison.'' Since the quasi-Nyorai is a Buddha who guides us to Buddhahood in the two lives of this life and the next, he will surely save us in the world after death.

To achieve this, it is important to practice the Mantra of Juseison from the moment you are alive. The quasi-son mantra is the Nyoi Hoju (literally, “a jewel that creates treasure as one wishes”. In ancient India, it was believed that there was a Nyoi Hoju somewhere in this world. As a result of the miraculous experiences that occurred one after another, people came to believe that it was the remains of the Buddha.)

I feel like we're not making the most of this treasure. It is important to recite this mantra not only when making use of this treasure, but also on a daily basis.

Those who practice the quasi-sonson mantra will never encounter misfortune and will always have good luck. I can confirm this from my own experience. When I tried to commit suicide after failing in business, he saved my life by giving me a book of small sutras that contained the ``Junpo Guanyin Sutra'' and the Junposon Mantra. Since then, I have desperately recited the mantra more than 1,000 times each morning and evening, and have changed my destiny.

In return for my kindness to the Tathagata, I encouraged people to recite the Mantra of the Tathagata. This has saved many people from danger. Everyone, please recite the quasi-son mantra with all your heart. The quasi-teison mantra is

“Nouba sattanan sammyaksambodakchinan tanyata onsha lei shrei juntei sowaka.”

Recite it about 1,000 times a day with as much enthusiasm as I do. Without him, a miracle will occur, and the gears of destiny will change dramatically.

This refers to suicide, homicide, accidental death, etc.



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2024-03-22 12:30:22 | タブレットPC













2 スヴァジスターナーチャクラ



3 マニピューラーチャクラ




4 アナハターチャクラ




5 ヴィシュダー・チャクラ







6 アジナー・チャクラ



 このチヤクラは、また、命令のチヤクラ、願望成就のチヤクラ、自在力のチヤクラともいわれ、熟達すると、自然に命令してこれを自在に動かし、自由に支配ナることができるようになる。すなわち、八種の自在力をそなえるようになる。八種の自在力とは、前にも述べたように、山身体を極限まで小さくして、岩などを自由に通り抜ける力 即からだを大空にいっぱいになるほど大きくする力 即蓮の糸や綿くずよりも軽くなる力 ㈲望みのままに、月にでも指をふれることができる力 即自分の意志するままに、どんなことがらでも実現できる力 ㈲世界を創造し、支配する力 閉万物を自分の意のままに従わせる力 ㈲大地のように身を重くすることのできる力、あるいは、自分の意欲の対象を必ず手に入れることのできる力、の八種である。

7 サハスララーチャクラ

 頭のなかの光明Murdhajyotioといわれるチヤクラである。Brahma randhra梵の座、梵の裂け目という頭蓋骨の接合するところの真下に位置する。梵の座、梵の裂け目とは、梵すなわち聖なるもの、と一体になる場所という意味である。







I have looked at the chakras from the perspective of modern medicine and physiology as endocrine glands. So how does Buddhism think about and explain the chakras?

1. Muladhara Chakra

Your physical strength will constantly increase, and you will have three to five times more energy than an average person. You will be able to stay up all night for three or four days without any problems. You will be immune to all illnesses and will become healthy. Those who were weak will have all their weaknesses cured. When you concentrate on this chakra, even a dying sick person will kick the floor and get up. Both men and women will become 10 years younger than their actual age. In exchange, you will have strong characteristics and reproductive power, so we will also teach you how to transform this energy into the energy of intelligence called Ojas.

2. Svajisthana Chakra

If you concentrate your energy on this chakra, you will be full of energy, brave, and able to demonstrate positive and bold action. Fearless, unconfused, and unwavering in their faith, they do not flinch from any difficulties. They demonstrate superhuman strength that transcends life and death.

3. Manipura Chakra

The Yoga Sutra states that "By controlling the navel ring, one can know the internal tissues of the body." This chakra is the one. Knowing the internal tissues of the body does not mean that one can only know, but that one can freely control the tissues of the body. Not only can one control one's own body, but also the bodies of others, which allows one to instantly heal people's illnesses.

This chakra belongs to the "samana energy" of the five energies, so as it says, "If one overcomes samana energy, one can emit flames from one's body," by controlling this chakra one can emit fire energy. The fire of telekinetic goma is produced using this chakra and the Vishuddha chakra. The Kundalini Esoteric Book states, "When you enter a state of concentration and close your eyes, you can see a yellowish white flame rising from this chakra like steam. Also, when you walk down the road, you can see the same color flames surrounding your waist and abdomen. Sometimes it looks like a thin smoke or mist." This chakra changes the reproductive energy that has been strengthened by the Muladhara Chakra into a different substance. In the same way, this chakra breaks down or changes into a different substance any poison or toxin that enters the body. Therefore, with the power of this chakra, poisons such as PCB and DDT can be rendered harmless.

When you can clearly produce flames, you begin to have the power to change material elements and turn them into different substances.

4. Anahata Chakra

The power of telepathy appears, and you can understand the minds of others as if you were holding them in your hands, and at the same time, you gain the power to freely manipulate their minds. Next, you will be able to communicate with the higher mind of the invisible (expressed as the Holy Spirit, Divine Spirit, or Leading Spirit). You will be able to hear things that are incomprehensible or incomprehensible to you by assimilating them into the superior mind, the energy of wisdom, which is filled with heaven and earth. In other words, even if a person's body is destroyed, the energy of the mind that the person possessed remains in this space, so if you can use this chakra to achieve the same vibration as that of the mind, then everything that the mind possessed, including consciousness and intelligence, will assimilate with you and become your own. In that sense, when you become fully proficient in this chakra, the path to communication with the spiritual world (fourth dimension) will be opened.








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