"[0009] HTPMC substrates coated with the conductive, carbon-based barrier coatings disclosed herein may be used in a wide variety of long-duration, high-temperature, and high-flow-rate environments, such as in aircraft, spacecraft, watercraft, and other craft, engine nacelles, inlet ducts, blown-flaps, exhaust-washed structures, areas near heat-generating equipment such as Auxiliary Power Units (APUs), warm-structure components for high-performance supersonic, hypersonic, and space re-entry vehicle structures, and also with propulsion systems such as power-generation turbines, automobile and other vehicle engines, engine nacelles and inlet ducts, alternative-energy applications, and related technologies. The disclosed carbon-based barrier coatings for HTPMC substrates may also be incorporated as an atomic-oxygen barrier for space applications."
"[0001] The present invention is directed to a mixed metal oxide support for an exhaust gas purifying catalyst and methods for its use. More particularly, provided are titania-doped zirconia supports for a platinum group metals (PGMs). Specifically, titania-zirconia supports with optional additions of promoters, such as lanthana, or stabilizers, support rhodium for providing excellent three-way conversion (TWC) catalytic activity at low temperatures (for example below 350° C. or below 400° C.)."
本発明は、排ガス浄化触媒のための混合金属酸化物支持体及びその使用方法に関する。更に詳細には、白金族金属(PGM)のための、チタニアがドープされたジルコニア支持体が提供される。具体的には、ランタナなどの助触媒、又は安定剤を任意に添加したチタニア−ジルコニア支持体は、低温(例えば、350°C未満又は400°C未満)で優れた三元変換(TWC:Three Way Conversion)触媒活性をもたらすロジウムを担持する。
"[0002] The present invention relates to a steam power plant with cooling tower and flue gas purification plant and with a wastewater treatment plant for process wastewater and in particular for recovering process water. The invention furthermore relates to a method for operating a steam power plant with cooling tower and flue gas purification plant."
[0001] 本発明は、冷却塔と、排ガス浄化プラントと、特に処理水を回収するための処理廃水のための廃水処理プラントとを備える蒸気発電所に関するものである。本発明はさらに冷却塔と排ガス浄化プラントとを備える蒸気発電所を作動させるための方法に関するものである。
"[0002] To reduce emissions in passenger vehicles equipped with Otto engines, 3-way catalytic converters, which convert exhaust gas to a sufficient degree only if the λ air-fuel ratio is adjusted with high precision, are routinely used as exhaust gas purification systems. For this purpose, the λ air-fuel ratio is measured with the aid of an exhaust-gas sensor situated upstream from the exhaust-gas purification system. The oxygen storage capacity of such an exhaust-gas purification system is utilized for receiving oxygen in lean phases and for releasing it again in rich phases. This allows a conversion of oxidizable pollutant gas components of the exhaust gas. An exhaust-gas sensor postconnected to the exhaust gas purification system monitors the oxygen storage capacity of the exhaust gas purification system. The oxygen storage capacity must be monitored within the framework of the on-board diagnosis (OBD), since it represents a measure of the conversion ability of the exhaust gas purification system."
[0003] ガソリンエンジンを備える乗用車でエミッションを削減するために、通常、三元触媒装置が排ガス清浄化設備として利用されるが、このような三元触媒装置が十分に排ガスを変換するのは、空燃比λが高い精度で調整される場合に限られる。この目的のために、排ガス清浄化設備に前置された排ガスプローブによって、空燃比λが測定される。このような種類の排ガス清浄化設備の酸素の吸蔵能力は、リーン段階で酸素を受容してリッチ段階で再び放出するために活用される。それにより、排ガスの酸化可能な有害ガス成分を変換できるようにすることが実現される。排ガス清浄化設備に後置された排ガスプローブが、排ガス清浄化設備の酸素吸蔵能力を監視する役目を果たす。酸素吸蔵能力は、排ガス清浄化設備の変換能力を表す目安となるので、オンボード診断(OBD)の枠内で監視されなくてはならない。
"[0002] Exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine, such as an automobile engine, contains nitrogen oxides (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrocarbons (HC). Thus, this exhaust gas is released into the atmosphere after having been purified by an exhaust gas purifying catalyst that oxidizes CO and HC and reduces NOX. A typical known example of an exhaust gas purifying catalyst is a three-way catalyst in which a precious metal such as platinum (Pt), rhodium (Rh) or palladium (Pd) is supported on a porous metal oxide carrier such as γ-alumina."
[0002] 自動車エンジン等の内燃機関からの排ガス中は、窒素酸化物(NOx)、一酸化炭素(CO)、炭化水素(HC)等を含む。したがって、CO及びHCを酸化し、かつNOxを還元する排ガス浄化用触媒によって浄化した後で、これらの排ガスを大気中に放出している。排ガス浄化用触媒の代表的なものとしては、白金(Pt)、ロジウム(Rh)、パラジウム(Pd)等の貴金属を、γ−アルミナ等の多孔質金属酸化物担体に担持させた三元触媒が知られている。
US2018243728(JP, Toyota)
"[0002] Conventionally, as catalysts for purification of exhaust gas mounted on automobiles and the like, three-way catalysts, oxidation catalysts, NOx storage reduction-type catalysts, and the like have been developed to remove harmful components such as harmful gases (hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx)) contained in exhaust gas. In addition, with the recent increased environmental consciousness, regulations of exhaust gas emitted from automobiles and the like have been tightened further. With these tightened regulations, improvements of these catalysts are being advanced."
[0002] 従来から、自動車等に搭載される排ガス浄化用触媒として、排気ガス中に含まれる有害ガス(炭化水素(HC)、一酸化炭素(CO)、窒素酸化物(NOx))等の有害成分を浄化するために、三元触媒や酸化触媒、NOx吸蔵還元型触媒等が開発されている。そして、近年の環境意識の高まりから、自動車等から排出される排ガス規制がより一層強化されており、それに伴いこれら触媒の改良が進められている。
US2017266644(JP, Nissan)
"[0003] To reduce a burden on the environment, exhaust gas purification catalysts in which a noble metal such as platinum (Pt) is supported by a metal oxide support such as aluminum oxide (Al2O3) have been widely used for removing harmful substances contained in exhaust gas of internal combustion engines of vehicles such as hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx).
[0004] In recent years, emission of non-methane organic gas (NMOG) has been strictly regulated among hydrocarbons (HC).
[0005] To meet the regulation, an exhaust gas purification device is generally installed in an exhaust system of an internal combustion engine for removing harmful substances in the exhaust gas."
[0002] 従来、環境に対する負荷を低減するため、車両の内燃機関から排出される排ガス中に含まれる炭化水素(HC)、一酸化炭素(CO)、窒素酸化物(NOx)などの有害物質を除去する、アルミニウム酸化物(Al 2 O 3 )等の金属酸化物担体に白金(Pt)等の貴金属を担持した排ガス浄化用触媒が広く利用されている。
US2018264445(JP, Mitsubishi Chem)
"[0294] A catalyst of the present embodiment including a CON zeolite of the present embodiment is effective as a selective reduction catalyst for NOx such as an automobile exhaust gas purification catalyst for removing nitrogen oxides by bringing it into contact with a nitrogen oxide-containing exhaust gas."
[0209] 本実施形態のCON型ゼオライトを含む本実施形態の触媒は、窒素酸化物を含む排ガスを接触させて窒素酸化物を浄化する自動車排気浄化触媒等のNOxの選択的還元触媒として有効である。
"[0028] In the exhaust pipe 62, an air-fuel ratio sensor 63 and a catalyst converter 64 are provided in order from the upstream side. The air-fuel ratio sensor 63 detects oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas flowing through the exhaust pipe 62. The catalyst converter 64 has a three-way catalyst and purifies (*?)a hydrocarbon, a carbon monoxide, and a nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gas."
[0019] 排気管62には、空燃比センサ63及び触媒コンバータ64が上流側から順次設けられる。空燃比センサ63は、排気管62内を流れる排気中の酸素濃度を検出する。触媒コンバータ64は、三元触媒を有しており、排気中の炭化水素、一酸化炭素、窒素酸化物を浄化する。
US2016115039(JP, University of Tokyo)
"[0159] Use of a Transition Metal-Containing Zeolite as a Catalyst for Nitrogen Oxide Purification
[0160] The “zeolite” obtained in accordance with the production method of the present invention can be used as a catalyst for nitrogen oxide purification, through incorporation of a transition metal into the “zeolite”.
[0161] A catalyst that comprises the transition metal-containing zeolite resulting from incorporating a transition metal into the “zeolite” obtained in the present invention is effective as a catalyst for purifying nitrogen oxides, by coming into contact with exhaust gas that comprises nitrogen oxides. The exhaust gas may comprise components other than nitrogen oxides, for instance hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur oxides and water. Known reducing agents such as hydrocarbons and nitrogen-comprising compounds such as ammonia, urea or the like may be used concomitantly. Specifically, the catalyst for nitrogen oxide purification of the present invention allows purifying(*?)nitrogen oxides comprised in a wide variety of exhaust gas types, emitted for instance from various kinds of diesel engines, boilers and gas turbines in diesel automobiles, gasoline automobiles, stationary power generators, ships, agricultural machinery, construction machinery, motorcycles and aircraft."
[0092] <遷移金属含有ゼオライトの窒素酸化物浄化用触媒としての利用>
US2016107636(JP, Toyota)
"[0048] Hereinafter, a second embodiment of the invention will be described with reference to FIGS. 6 and 7. The second embodiment is identical to the first embodiment except for the control that is carried out by the ECU 30. FIG. 1 is referred to with regard to a physical configuration of the vehicle 1. In this embodiment, the ECU 30 reduces the distribution of the engine torque with respect to the required torque as in the first embodiment and performs a rich spike for purifying(*?)the nitrogen oxide occluded in the NOx catalyst 16 while the lean combustion mode is carried out."
US2019201875(JP, Cataler)
"[0011] The exhaust gas purification catalyst disclosed here is an exhaust gas purification catalyst disposed in the exhaust pipe of an internal combustion engine to purify(*?)nitrogen oxides contained in exhaust gas discharged from the internal combustion engine, and comprises a silver alumina catalyst containing at least alumina as a catalyst and silver supported on this alumina."
US2017178205(JP, Mitsubishi Plastics)
"[0155] A catalyst containing a transition-metal-containing zeolite according to the present invention is effective as selectively reductive catalyst of NOx such as an automobile exhaust-gas purification catalyst for removing nitrogen oxides by contact with an exhaust gas containing nitrogen oxides. The exhaust gas may contain components other than nitrogen oxides, such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur oxides, and/or water. A known reducing agent, for example, hydrocarbon, or a nitrogen-containing compound, such as ammonia or urea, may be used. An exhaust gas treatment catalyst according to the present invention can remove nitrogen oxides contained in a wide variety of exhaust gases emitted from diesel cars, gasoline cars, and various diesel engines, boilers, and gas turbines for use in stationary power generation, ships, agricultural machinery, construction equipment, two-wheeled vehicles, and aircrafts, for example."
[0140] 本発明の遷移金属含有ゼオライトを含む触媒は、窒素酸化物を含む排ガスを接触させて窒素酸化物を浄化する自動車排気浄化触媒等のNOxの選択的還元触媒として有効である。該排ガスには窒素酸化物以外の成分が含まれていてもよく、例えば炭化水素、一酸化炭素、二酸化炭素、水素、窒素、酸素、硫黄酸化物、水が含まれていてもよい。また、炭化水素、アンモニア、尿素等の窒素含有化合物等の公知の還元剤を使用しても良い。具体的には、本発明の排ガス処理用触媒により、ディーゼル自動車、ガソリン自動車、定置発電・船舶・農業機械・建設機械・二輪車・航空機用の各種ディーゼルエンジン、ボイラー、ガスタービン等から排出される多種多様の排ガスに含まれる窒素酸化物を浄化することができる。
"International Published Patent Application WO 97/17532 discloses a method and device for purifying the exhaust gas from an engine, and in particular, describes a method and device for purifying NOx in the exhaust gas. In one embodiment, the publication describes a device that has a three way catalyst upstream of, and on the same carrier as a NOx occluding and reducing catalyst. Downstream of the NOx occluding and reducing (NOx-OR) catalyst is a NH3 adsorbing and oxidation (NH3-AO) catalyst. To prevent any NH3 breakthrough, the device is also equipped with a NH3 purifying catalyst downstream of the NH3-AO catalyst. The air/fuel ratio of the cylinders of the engine are alternately and repeatedly rendered lean and rich to thereby render the exhaust gas air/fuel ratio, alternately and repeatedly rich and lean."