[0067] FIGS. 6B-D are graphs showing the results of XPS analysis for specific orbital peaks of the various elements.
FIG. 6B demonstrates that the Zn 2 p orbital peak has been positively shifted from what would be expected for purely elemental Zn, meaning that the zinc has undergone oxidation.
図6Bは、Zn 2p軌道ピークが純粋に元素Znに対して予想されることから正にシフトしていることを実証し、亜鉛が酸化を受けたことを意味している。
FIG. 6C demonstrates that the Si 2p orbital peak has not shifted from its expected value in the +4 oxidation state.
図6Cは、Si 2p軌道ピークが+4酸化状態においてその予想される値からシフトしていないことを実証している。
FIG. 6D demonstrates that the O 1s orbital peak exhibits some negative broadening suggesting that some of the oxygen is being reduced.
図6Dは、O 1s軌道ピークがいくらかの負の広がりを示していることを実証し、酸素の一部が還元されていることを示唆している。
In sum, it is shown that zinc is being oxidized, silicon is not being reduced, and there is evidence that some oxygen is being reduced.
Thus, without being bound by any particular theory of explanation, it is believed that zinc is bound to oxygen at the thermal oxide interface, possibly through covalent bonding, and that this forms the structure of the self-formed barrier.
[0075] The prepared carbon dots were characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (US-Vis) in a 1 cm cell using a Shimadzu UV-2600 spectrometer, or equivalent.
調製されたカーボンドットを、Shimadzu UV-2600分光器または同等のものを使用して、紫外-可視分光法(US-Vis)により1cmセル内で特性決定した。
The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrum was recorded on a Perkin Elmer Frontier, or equivalent, using the solid powder of carbon dots.
カーボンドットの固体粉末を使用して、Perkin Elmer Frontierまたは同等のものでフーリエ変換赤外(FTIR)スペクトルを記録した。
Fluorescent emission spectra of the carbon dots were measured in aqueous solution by a Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3, or equivalent, with a slit width of 5 nm for both excitation and emission.
Horiba Jobin Yvon Fluorolog-3または同等のものにより、励起及び発光の両方に対して5nmのスリット幅を用いてカーボンドットの蛍光発光スペクトルを水溶液中で測定した。
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was performed using a Perkin-Elmer PHI 560 ESCA system, or equivalent, with a double-pass cylindrical mirror analyzer operated at 225 W and 12.5 KV using a Mg Kα anode and a photon energy of hυ=1253.6 eV.
Perkin-Elmer PHI 560 ESCAシステムまたは同等のものを使用し、225W及び12.5KVで動作する複光路方式円筒鏡型分析器により、Mg Kαアノード及びhυ=1253.6eVの光子エネルギーを用いて、X線光電子分光法(XPS)を行った。
Core levels of the carbon 1s orbitals and oxygen 1s orbitals were scanned and intensities were normalized according to their respective atomic sensitivity factors.
Microscopic images of carbon dots were obtained on an Agilent 5420 atomic force microscope, or equivalent, using a tapping mode and a JEOL 1200X TEM.
Agilent 5420原子間力顕微鏡または同等のものでタッピングモードを使用して、及びJEOL 1200X TEMで、カーボンドットの顕微鏡画像を得た。
FIG. 14 are high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectra of the Si 2p orbital from silica coated 4 mm×2 mm 316L stainless steel plates coated with A type I antigen covalently bound in approximately 0%, 10%, and 20% of the surface functionalization, according to one embodiment of the present invention.
FIGS. 2 through 5 show the Carbon 1s (C1s) photoelectron region of the XPS spectra of a sample material prepared according to the invention.