経営技法を究める: システム, デザイン, データ,機械学習



2014-05-23 03:50:13 | 日記

Visiting another country is to get inspiration for new ideas. Now a thought of overseas planning is meditating, in particular to Singapore.

Everyday meditating is an effective way to create ideas. Absolutely, the combination between writing and thinking is needed.


2014-05-23 01:37:45 | 日記
Strategic developments for technological industries make the economic growth in own country. However, multinational companies are more there, and then meaning of the economic growth is difficult, and it has complexity.

In the divergent situations of global business, MOT will be made the necessary more and more. In particular, the electronic industry is high competitive, and rapid changes have been continuing. Advanced management of technology is a key driver for the situation.

Ability of Statistics

2014-05-23 00:30:42 | 日記
Statistical methods are used in business processes, and the skill-up of business statistics/analytics is necessary for a business person, where “skill-up” means improving of individual ability.

Moreover, professions of Business Analytics are necessary in many companies, and educational systems for the professional discipline will be growing up more.

Indeed, the graduate courses for Business Analytics are offered from high-level business schools, and the professions of analytical methodologies are spreading in global business circumstances. The discipline of statistics is making the important more and more.

Making effort is beautiful.

Management Methods for Innovation

2014-05-22 08:08:19 | 日記
Properties of divergence and incoherence mean making the difficulty for considerations of business plans. However these complexities are offering opportunities to innovate on business processes. Methodologies based on Systems Approaches and Data Analytics are used as tools for producing the innovation activities.

Advanced disciplines based on the methodologies are constructed on Management, and courses combined of Engineering and Business educational systems prove the effective of the disciplines.

Making effort is beautiful.


2014-05-22 03:52:22 | 日記

Manufacturing methods concerned with KANBAN make significance to develop productivity. Exactly, additional states with QC are needed.

Engineering and Management for Systems

2014-05-21 07:49:31 | 日記
Developing fields of research and education related to Engineering Systems and Management make the importance for the growth of economics. Recently, activities of spreading the disciplines are performed at global connecting situations.

Professions of the fields have opportunities to create advanced businesses, and to change the world.

Making effort is beautiful.


2014-05-21 03:55:54 | 日記

Data Science is an affluent area for feasible innovation results. The analytic procedures discern thoughts for precocious predictions.

In the sight of skill, Industrial Engineering contains Management. MBA or like that is an advanced discipline for a PE.

Business of Businesses

2014-05-20 07:46:24 | 日記
Activities of the maintenance for industrial equipment take indispensable situations. The market around the maintenance is discerned as one of growth businesses.

However the human resource for the maintenance business is an essential problem. Because the actual field works for the maintenance seek mechanics with proficiency and professions as the maintenance engineering.

The maintenance business involves other fields of businesses. Indeed, developments of education systems for engineering fields are significant issues, particularly the maintenance activities are related to the issues.


2014-05-20 03:49:56 | 日記

Keeping skillful technics for management science is effective to create knowledge in business. Indeed, MTAH is the fundamental thought.

Knowledge Spread for Entrepreneurs

2014-05-20 01:00:38 | 日記
Consultation activities to entrepreneurs make opportunities for efficient results in regional (local) business works.

The activities for regional development perform miracles for whole economic growth in a country.
Therefore fundamental education works have possible results for the miracles. These are not only for developing countries, but also for advanced countries.

In particular, MBA courses for the regional development studies based on local universities ate expected as leading facilities.