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画家のツブヤキ 054 コンテメンド14-10、 ConteMendo14-10

2014年04月16日 10時33分15秒 | 画家のツブヤキ

なんだか自分の作品だけ繰り返しブログすると重苦しくなってくる。 少々気分転換に今回の展覧会でのパートナーの作品をアップロードすることにした。

レイトンビルに迫った山火事のときは余りに煙くて太平洋岸に非難した。 裏の岡を平らにして畑にしたときのことやパイロット・ライセンスを手にしてセスナ150で空から我が家を眺めたり、古い小さな船を手に入れて太平洋にサーモンを釣りに行ったときのことなど、思い出とストーリーがいっぱいの楽しい絵が多い。

Sonoko’s works
My works occupy the gallery’s front room and half of back room, and my partner’s cover the rest half of back room. I do all planning, organizing, promoting and setting up the show, but most of the time she steal the show with her paintings.

The fantasy world that she paints has a story to tell, easy to understand with vivid color. It seems that kids and women like her stuff. I like the CDF wild fire fighting, one time it did come close to Laytonville and got so smoky that we had to drive out to the coast. My neighbor Bill’s grand son works for CDF.

After Homer’s big cat D6 flatten the hump in our back yard, we made the kanpyow garden with my John-Deer 770. I found out that farming is a hard work and a lot of knowledge is required to be able to succeed, I wasn’t made for that.

1993 after I got my pilot license, first person I took up in Cessna 150, N2421J from Ukiah Air Port (UKI) was Sonoko.

My neighbor Bill was my guru for fishing and hunting, he taught us the fun of salmon fishing in the Pacific just off from Fort Bragg. So I got an old boat of my own and you know how it is in the Ocean with a small boat. Swells and waves are like a big sea water wall, it’s a totally exciting environment.

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