

パエ-リャ 242

2009-03-26 17:43:03 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Tu familia, bien? Mucho sol de primavera, no?!

Llovio en un momento hoy, y ha sido frio, muy ...
Luego mas tarde se convirtio en sol.
Debe ser soleada manya-na, tambien!

Entonces, vamos para tu viaje al Machupichu!

Yo me llevo siempre las culpas!

Me llevo un dia hacer este guiso!

Ella lo nego!

Las aerolineas estan cortando cada vez mas rutas!

con antelacion

con dos horas de antelacion

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

If it comes to the worst

Raise your hands in surrender!

undergrowth to provide cover

He was somewhere near to my left, within
touching distance!

He got to his feet

A voice called after him...

Conchita, enough for now, no?
Take care and vaya con Dios!

Panda patterned dinosours butter knives

2009-03-25 17:59:23 | Weblog
Conchita, today I did nothing but dinosours, hence
not a variety of images, I am afraid...

With today's first image two of them here are after
A coating once, looking good, I think. With further
9 coatings they will be looking even better.

Here below is thelot I worked on today. In fact, I do
not have any more to work on. I havce not counted the
total number, but I suspect I have more than 65...

Some of these will be treated for bonding overnight.
Actually, I now know that the duration of tight clumping
for these pieces does not need to exceed a few hours.

That will help a lot...I only have a limited number of
clumps and turn around wil be better from now on.

These are some more dinosours, left in the workshop. They
are more or less coating ready.

I know that I will have to work on these, too, but
at the moment I am being too busy for these...

My gut-feeling for the sale opportunity at the
department store is as follows.

I will be finishing with dinosours by close of the day
after tommorrow. They will get coated immediately.

Then, I will be spending another two days, working on
the toast beds. That will take me up to the end of this month.

I should have my products ready for the department store
by 20th April. Today being today, in theory I will have
just less than 10 days starting at the 1st of April.

This is of course in view of the time required for coating.

What can I do in 10 days? My guess is that I will be
working on "My chopstics" sets for about 3 to 4 days.
I will be ordering magnets this evening for them.

So, the rest of the days I have will be perhaps given
to propellers and baby spoons. That will be about it,
I think...

パエ-リャ 241

2009-03-25 17:59:00 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Aqui, prevision del tiempo fue exactamente
la derecha para hoy. Comenzo nublado y despues
vino la lluvia, seguido por una breve soleado hechizo.

Entonces, vamos?

la concordancia entre la forma y
la reproducida

incluso si dounokouno

una especie de decodificador


dounokouno, que la empresa achaca a una huelga y
a la falta de personel

Se lo llevaron al cine!

Eso me lleva a pensar que dounokouno!

Ella me lleva dos a-nyos!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

He killed in a fit of rage!

How high do you want it to be?

He was shot at point blank range!

I should think so...

Take these out and leave the rest to grown on!

I dread to think dounokouno!

There is no love lost between them!

Enough, no? Vaya con Dios!

Panda looking dinosour butter knives

2009-03-24 18:19:07 | Weblog
Virtually all of my time today was taken up by the
new dinosour butter knives. Two of the for-runners were
in fact coated, no image here, but I was very impressed...

These will be far, far better and attractive, for sale,
hopefully. Anyway, the first image today is about
slicing out the side bands from an irregular shaped

material, as seen below.

Since the blades are of dark walnut I need something
white and I chose birch. This irregular shaped
material is very tricky to slice through for

obvious reasons.

After a struggle I now have probably more than enough
for the 60 odd inner blades. If not, I will slice out more
with a new piece, which must be lying about somewehre...

Here below, the result of yesterday's mat coating.

There are some old generation dinosours, mostly
hidden from view. These will be delivered to
shops very soon.

Here below, today's output, or just about. Side bands
are seen at the bottom. 10 pairs have been bonded and
they will be workd on tommorrow.

Here below, a new batch of polyurethane has arrived.
To be noted here is the one in the middle, a big can.

This is polyurethane enough, but not exactly
of food safe type. I will be using this for
things like brush hangers and sauce pan beds.

The rest are all food safe tyep and set me back by a lot of money.
Typically, I consume one can of each colour every week.

What this means is that what I gain in terms of selling
my pieces is lost in the cost of these consumable.

I am not supporting my family with the gain I get
from my work and all I spend money on is these
consumable, thanking for allowing me to carry on doing

what I do best at the moment. No wonder my pieces
sell well...

パエ-リャ 240

2009-03-24 18:18:46 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Ha sido un dia tranquilo, con vientos frios
y sol ocasional. Aqui esta la primavera
en mi jardin! Ha llegado la primavera

en mexico tambien?

Entonces, vamos?


Cuando iba disfrazado para el atraco


Se le ha incantado una pistola falsa y un spray
de defensa

Transformar nuestros suenyos
en imagenes de television


es lo que esperan poder lograr en
el futuro

Recrear en imagenes el contenido del suenyo

人に(個人に)ある形を見させる (make somebody see something)
Hacer observar una forma a un individuo

Reconstruirla en la pantella

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui!

It is not for me to influence poeple!

You will get hooked on it if you keep on
taking drugs!

It just happnes that dounokouno!

We might just touch on it later!

It does not matter where you travel out from!

It does not matter where you come from!

dounokouno is only part of the story!

Conchita, enough for now? Take care and vaya con Dios!

Running costs, dinosour butter knives

2009-03-23 17:59:45 | Weblog
Although I did not need to take my wife to her
regular gathering I still wasted ? a lot of time
by having had to go out by car for things...

One outcome of that is the following photo. These
wooden planks were cut out for me for a small charge.
Actually, it was JPY 100, all counted.

I am not exactly sure how it works. I expected a lot more
that just that... Anyway, the whole thing set me back by
about JPY 5500, and there are more outside this view.

My gut feeling is that I will be able to come up
with about 30 toast holders in the end. It is an investment,
and the whole thing should fetch me 5 to 6 times.

Here below, you are looking at panda dinosours on way
to completion. You have seen different starting configurations.
Here is my next experiment. The pace between the legs

have been sawed out. Will it make it any easier?
I am not sure, but I will try.

These bewlo are from yesterday's. These are all pandas. That is
to say that when coated and completed there will be a sharp
contrast seen in the pieces...

Here below, an older generation butter knives are
seen. They are now matted, ready for delivery,
along with a few others. I am also very pleased about

these chopstics. At one stage I feared that they may not
come out as I wanted them to do, but they all look
OK. That means that I have contained the problem

forseen at the outset of coating...

You may laugh at this below. It is not deliberrate.
It is just that I placed the shpere on my toat thing.
No particular reason whatsoever.

I think this combination is good. When coated properly
it will be looking even nicer! The only issue here is
what the hell the combination might be for!

Here below, I am adding more lighting in my workshop.
I have been wanting to do this for such a long time now...
The bulb is eco enogh and these parts are now assmbled for use.

All this makes me think. What I gained a few days ago, part
of which is escaping from me... for newly ordered coating
materials, newly purchased and cut wood planks...

Bulbs and all those that go with it, it all costs money.
Could this be the norm? I am no longer sure...

パエ-リャ 239

2009-03-23 17:59:20 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?

Se ha nublado, pero hoy suficientemente caliente.
Manya-na estara bien tambien. Estoy muy seguro de que
la primavera ha llegado por fin aqui!

Ahora, vamos?

para que pueda alcanzerse un nuevo accuerdo

dounokouno, como hacia daredare


El arrestado se disfrazaba para ocultar su identidad

para amendrarlas por su complexion


Un agente reconocio por la calle a un individuo
que respondia a su descripcion

Conchita, bastante, no?
Ahora vamos ingles!

I make it 10!

That makes it seven!

I cannot take any more of this!

She keeps coming back for it!

caring for your pets

I was talking the other day to somebody...

I stand to be corrected!

Conchita, that makes it OK for today, no?
Vaya con Dios!

Panda like dinosours

2009-03-22 17:46:21 | Weblog
Conchita, coating continued with the rice servers and
the dinosours. They will go mat one of these days together
with those walnut chopstics. No phot carried here.

It has been a funny day, really... I took my wife to
the nursery, to start with, then concentrated on my
panda looking dinosours.

These seen below are only about 25% of them to be
fabricated for the department store. The space between
leggs were sawed out. I am not too sure if this is the

right decision... I will see...

These two panda looking dinosours are for-runners and
they were simply curved out between the legs. It did not
take such a long time, and that is why I am still

in two (or even three) minds about the right procedure
for mas making these dinosours. Oh, yes, the one in the middle
is a spatula for decorating large cakes.

The blade length is 12cm, decided upon after consulting
many pages on the web... I am not particular serious
about these.

It is just that I seem to have thin pieces of wood,
about which I could not think of any significant
use. About the only way to do something was to make

use of their thin profile, that is the only reason...

Here below, you have panda looking dinosours in the making.
The space hidden by the side bars is void, as I cut out
the space with a jigsaw.

These side bands will be sanded out, revealing the inner void,
and hopefully, making it a lot easier to form the curvature.

By the way, I delivered a few of these old dinosours to
A's only two days ago. One was sold today. Those at
C's have been sold out.

I am beginning to think that panda looking dinosours
will sell even better. Will they?

パエ-リャ 238

2009-03-22 17:45:52 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Ahora vamos inmediatamente?

un ambicioso proyecto

la lucha contra el calentamiento global

la necesidad de que Estadons Unidos tome las riendas

Es alentador escuchar que DOUNOKOUNO!

Voy a ejercer presion!

todos los paises participantes en la conferencia

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

You just keep saying "Do not worry"!

You could avoid half the trouble!

She has never been given the opportunity!

I will not say anymore! This is not the right moment!

We will discuss it the next time around?

We will perhaps discuss it next time?

I was strongly advised against DOUNOKOUNO!

Conchita, that should suffice for now?
Take care and cheers for your tortillas!