

Panda looking dinosours, brush hangers

2009-03-21 17:56:26 | Weblog
Conchita, this image just below is showing you the
extra materials I got from a furnitur factory.

They are all dark walnut. In fact, the president of the
company asked me to represnt his company with my pieces
at a department store in the region. I had to comply

with his request. It may turn out be THE occasion...

Here above, my decision with the spheres is that
I will turn them into salt and pepper things. See
the nut and bolt? I will use them for sealing the

bottom of the enclosure. I will cut the tube into
slices and use each for bonding the nut, with the whole
assembly in turn bonded to the bottom of the sphere.

The white thing is a 60 mm hole saw I bought years ago
for cutting out metal discs up to 5mm thick. I need
this hole saw in order to make a jig for holding

the spheres with my vise while making a large diamtre
hole down the centre of spheres.

Here above, this is my attmept to fabricate dinosour
butter knives, looking like pandas. Do I call them
panda dinosours? Anyway, the idea here is that unlike

previous dinosour butter knives there will be a sharper
contrast, just like my earlier killer whale things...

Here, this is an initial experiment with birch side
bands. I am not too sure about their dry relative
density. You only need to experiment to find out

thebalancing effects!

Some more of the spheres I bought today, just indicating
my seriousness!

Here above, completed brush hangers. These will be
taken to shops for sale immediately. Price tag?
It will be up to the shop owners, but I will be

insisting on a minimum of JPY 2750. I know that similar
jigs are sold for over JPY 5000.

Going back to the salt and pepper things I will be
carrying a schematic about the design, tommorrow?

Ideally, I need a decicating something solid to go inside
the bore. Powder things are not ideal...
Mind you, commercially available counterparts

do not have such a mechanism! Only mine!

パエ-リャ 237

2009-03-21 17:56:07 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Feliz, yo creo!

Ha sido una vez mas calido. Un poco de
viento, sin embargo. No estoy seguro de si
este tiempo se mantenga durante cualquier periodo de tiempo ...

Ahora vamos?

el tramo final de la cumbre

una ola de inversiones


este mecanismo beneficiara tanto a las naciones
ricas como a las pobres

para alcanzar estas metas

Necesitamos el liderazgo de la Union Europea!

las decisiones que se estan tomado en Brussels

Conchi, desde aqui vamos ingles!

How long have you been away!?

I have got a major decision to make by the morning!

Can you imagine what it is going to look like!?

alcoholic beverages

Any drinks? Oh, no!, I cannot face it after last night!

Seriously, why don't you!?

It is only recently that I realised that NANINANI!

Conchi, enough for now? Vaya con Dios!

Fundamental components and building blocks

2009-03-20 17:51:39 | Weblog
I have had a very busy day today. First, I continued with
my coating of chopstics and a few other items.

Then came a friend from Sli Lanka, after such a
long time of not seeing each other. In addition,
I had to make a quick dash to my local contacts.

More to follow on one of the leads that came about
as a result, for days to come, I think...

Anyway, my renewed attempt at the toast placer
was popular with my local contacts. These other
objects here are here for no particular reason.

It is just that I take comfort and somehow gain stability
of mind just by looking at them on and off...

I do know why, I think. They are all elements of the
universe we live in. Spheres, tubes, even pillars and
triangular blocks.

The latter two are obviously not of the fundamental
kind, as they are more of the designoid, but pretty
much fundamental to everyday living...

Anyway, the schematic immediately below. This is a conceptual
schematic showing you how void in a wooden block is
formed. The line in red is the absolute bottom of

the void making, secured by an external stopping
mechanism. Steps are shown of boring to different
depths. You are free to choose the intervening depths.

The schematic just above is more indicative of the problem
I am facing at the moment.

The idea is this. You want to make a large area void
in a block. You also want the bottom edges to be

So, you start off with a smaller diamter round headed
bit, and that is easy. However, these small diameter
bits are inefficient to remove the mass inside

the loop created by the traversing of he small diamter bit.

You need a much larger diamter bit, and tha is where
alignment problem sneeks in... Can you allign the outermost
end of the larger diameter bit exactly to

centre of the smaller diametr bit? How can you do that?

I do not really know the solution to this problem...
Suffice, perhaps, to say that that is why my work is

Issues to be understood, issues to be solved, that kind of thing...

パエ-リャ 236

2009-03-20 17:51:14 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Bien? Creo que si!

Estaba lloviendo muy duro en la manya-na,
pero se fue y tuvimos sol agradable.
Ha sido muy calida a pesar de las previsiones!

Ahora entonces, vamos?


Cuando la (窓) abra pones en eliminar cookies y listo!

el cookie, lo que hace es guardar tu contrase-nya!

Puedes enrtar a la pagina sin poner
tu contrase-nya!

para vencer el calentamiento global

para superar la crisis financiara internacional

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles!

You have been waiting much too long!

I will be your substitute!

Get your hand back from it!

to meet others with similar interests

Everybody wants a dream fulfilled!

You can carry it through with determination1


As I look around, do you notice NANINANI?

Conchita, enough for today, no?
Vaya con Dios!

Toast placers and the right pitch finding

2009-03-19 18:03:28 | Weblog
Coating with polyurethane and natural resin
is continuing. First, dark walnut chopstics, and
newly joined dinosours.

Killer whales experiencing their 2nd session with A.
You can see a saucer holder, too...

This is today's main achievement. There is a lot of story to
tell about this. I may come to that in some detail.

The one on the right has a pitch 5 per 100mm, and
I thought it not too good. Those other two have a pitch 7.

There was a dicovery today, even with pitch forming.
Instead of stating what it was, I will pose a question
to you as follows. See what you can come up with?

The toast placer width is very neary 100mm and
it differs from plate to plate, by up to 2mmm.
What it means immediately is that you cannot

fabricate a (groove) position indicating jig.
So, you have to deal with each plate manually.

Now, you want to create grooves, either evenly,
or unevenly (this is misleading), but keeping the regular order of
the grooves.

Here, "uneven" does not mean random, but a mixture of
different local pitches. You can understand what
I mean if you take a close look at the one

at the lower right...

The top opening width of each groove is a function
of the bit depth, typically 5 to 7 mm. Oh, by the way,
the one at the lower left is showing you the bottom

of the thing. Anyway, I use a line drwaing jig so that
the outermost line nearest to the toast placer edge
is always equidistant from them.

That means you are given so much distance between
opposite lines, and you are required to divide up
that distance evenly...

Not that easy!!! You arelly need an ingenuity
to do that!

As a matter of fact, this kind of question is
found almost everyday with my work. I find pleasure
in finding the solution and that simply keeps me going, I think...

Finding solutions to problems, yes, that has been
my life, and still is...

Anybody out there on whose shoulders I could cry!?

These are natural resin treated pieces. They are
very slow to dry even in the presence of our
happy sun...

This one, looking rahter like an hour glass
casing, is something I made out of curiosity.

I meant this for storing my small coffee spoon
that I use frequently. I will persist with something
like this for some time to come.

They are fairly easy to make and if they fetch
something like JPY 300, I will be happy, I think...

パエ-リャ 235

2009-03-19 18:03:10 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Creo que estas feliz con tu familia!

Sigue siendo muy caliente ahora…
Un poco ventoso, pero bastante agradable
por esta epoca del a-nyo. Espero sere manya-na fino, tambien.

Entonces, vamos?

en la Web mundial

en resumen


Hay gente que tiene miedo que el abuso de las cookies
nos pueda llevar a una perdidad de privacidad

No es un virus ni nada!


dounokouno, pero lo puedes eliminar si vas
a herramientas de tu internet explores!

Tienes que ir a herramientas para eliminar
historial de informacion!

dounokouno, y te va a abrir una ventana!

Conchi, aqui vamos ingles, OK?!

for convenience in remembering

in a particular run of the programme

a run time error

If you cannot call in, then call me up!

I got a bit hot!

in the heat of the high summer

dounokouno is so much a part of everyday life!

それって、やりすぎよ! 行き過ぎたのよ!
You have gone much too far!

Conchita, let us call it a day! and vaya con Dios!

Killer whale handlers, pillar stabilising jigs

2009-03-18 17:39:58 | Weblog
Conchita, I cannot say today was good...,
but on reflection it may have been, unsure...

Anyway, the top of the page image here is
indicating rice handlers got coated for the first time.
There is a for-runner, yes.

I am now calling them killer whales. They look like
them, do they not?

Here below, I am being silly. I am trying to cut a large
piece into the sizes that I want, first by my table saw,
then like here by my bandsaw.

I could have paid JPY 50 times two to have two long cuts made
at the DIY shop where I bought the original piece...
Next time, I will!

Do you remember the schematic below? There, I was trying to
come up with a jig in order to stabilise my soft iron
pieces for endmill cutting.

Fruther down, I am trying to do the same with wood.
The objective here is to stabilise a wooden circular
pillar of 30mm diam. and 30mm high in order

to make a cavity down the pillar.

First thing you need to do is to make a hole with
the same diamter, and then cut the whole thing down
in the middle to make a gap for lateral compression

by the vise.

Here, the mini pillar is in place and you may just
about be able to see the linear cut down the length.

The cut line looking whitish all across.

Here below, you can see the hollowed mini pillar.
It is a mini cup, of course, and what it is useful for
only God knows...

Tow more things you are looking at with this
image. One is the result of my failed attempt
to make a toast placer. One of the tips simply

broke and I stopped any further work there.

The tip that broke is at the forward end on the right.
This made me think, though... quite a lot, in fact.
Tip strength depends on the groove depth and the tip

width. So, that will give a clue to improved designs.
I have perforation in mind, too. Anyway, the other one
seen on the right is a kind of spatula.

My instinctive feeling is that this may be good
for cake making.

Here, you are looking at the same set from a
different angle. Oh, yes, the square thing is actually
the bottom of the toast placer to be.

Here, I was trying to make a wide area dent. All trying to see
how efficient my newly aquired milling machine is.

You can see a small square island in the middle.

The island is there for no particular purpose.
I am happy that my machine can happily handle this size
without overheating problem.

There are a few minor things with respect to the
choice of bits to use. There was a new small discovery,

I will talk about it later on. Basically, it is
about fixing the bits t suit your objective.
Suffice to say that I found a free-fall method!

パエ-リャ 234

2009-03-18 17:39:28 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como estas?
Creo que todo es OK!

Ha sido muy caliente el dia de hoy.
Deseo que este tipo de clima se continue...
Muy bueno para mi trabajo de revestimiento!

Entonces, vamos?

algo que hasta ahora nunca habian hecho

tomar medidas para reducir sus emisiones
de dioxido carbono

por primera vez se vinculan los objetivos

con el esfuerzo en los paises

la contrase-nya

la reduccion de las emisiiones de
entre un 25% y un 40%

Que son las Cookies?!

Es la palabra que se usa para
unos trozos de infromacion!

Conchi, vamos ingles aqui!

I want to sell up all this and start all over again!

Jane, mum wants you!

Do not take it too hard!

He never speaks a wrod to the extent of
being rude!

Well, that certainly is a point of view!

She has the quicknes of mind!

It is quite shocking the way things go on!

Conchita, this should suffice for today.
Take care!

Working with metals, disc fabrication

2009-03-17 17:49:29 | Weblog
This morning, I had go back to the new shop for a
minor trouble. That is under control, though.

Coating continued, of course, but apart from that
my time was spent on minor? things. The first picture
below is indicating that my brush hangers are now

coated, with natural resin. Handwasher was also
treated in the same way. I was thinking about this coating
last night. My gut feeling is that I shuld go

for polyurethane, of a different kind. I will look further
into this possibility. The main reason is that
natural resin needs a lot of drying and cure time.

What is seen below are members of saucer placers,
bought at a 100 yen shop. Main frames were grooved,
edges rounded, and sanded overall, ready for

polyurethane coating. I will need to assemble them this evening.

Here below, my rice handlers are also ready for

Here, I am back to my spheres again. What do I make of them,
sort of thing...

I am toying with a wild idea... You see cubes, right?
They were looking just like these spheres, i.e.,

If I coat these spheres with my clear polyurethane
they will be looking brownish, and shiny until
I mat them.

I am putting a simple question to myself.
What is wrong with nice and shiny brown spheres?
A voice at my back is mumbling...

What are they meant for? Wha are they useful for?

I am also mumbling, "just for holding them for the
sake of it, what is wrong with that?" Am I going mad?

Anyway, I have now decided that with my 'My chopstics"
I will use magnets, strong magnets. In fact, I will be
using magnets for my eventual tongs, too.

One practical issue here is this. Of course, I will
be using disk magnets. However, having two of the same
magnet does not add to doubling the power.

Only 10 % increase is the most you can get, and they are
very, very expensive. So, I need counterpart soft iron

They do not sell these and I will have to produce them
myself. Above schematic is indicating practical issues.

B is showing that my endmill is trying to make the top
surface flat. It is sitting in a cavity for stability.
Jugged top is showing you the result of using

my metal bandsaw, exagerrated (sorry, mis-spelling)
, of course, with a soft iron metal bar.

I need a stable cavity to smoothe out the top and C
is indicating how it might be done.

First, I need a slab of alminium piece, and make a hole
in it, with the diam. I want and depth, of course.
Then, I need to saw it into halves.

Cut halves can now be pressurerised by the vise,
fixing the disc to be in a stable posture (hopefully...).

Actually, I may go for direct milling on the soft iron
bar, fixed with the vise. That may be easier and less
time consuming. It remains to be seen...

パエ-リャ 233

2009-03-17 17:49:09 | Weblog
Conchita, muy buenas tardes y como te va?
Feliz? Creo que si!

Ha sido muy caliente el dia de hoy.
Hubo un fuerte viento, sin embargo ...
Se preve que sera aun mas caliente que hoy en dia!

Entonces, vamos?

de forma aleatoria

fuera de temporada estival


dounokouno, siendo estos factores favorables
para dounokouno2!

(with these factors being useful for ...)

a partir de la plena madurez sexual

en la cumbre

en concreto

El comienza a dar resultados!

Aqui voy ingles!

You have to judge for yourself!

We look upon it as NANINANI!

How do they work out?

How did they work it out?

If you have only one child dependent on you

You have got nothing to worry about!

It is something you are putting to me out
of the blue!

Conchita, ya me voy... Vaya con Dios!